Plans Announced for Social Church Congress is to Meet in Service Conference Baltimore in April Second Annual Meeting to be Held at Time of Leaders of the Church to Gather in Southern Citÿ the National Conference of Social Work to Discuss Important Questions The plans for the Second National ■ jiiiiaiiaiiaiiiiiB iiB iiatiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiaiiiiiiiiiiiaiiiiiB M A iiiiiiiim iiaiiB H aiiB uaii The Church Congress is to hold its Conference of Social Service Workers of I CHRISTIANITY | annual meeting in Baltimore in April. the Episcopal Church are rapidly- near­ _ A Man’s Religion -a The Conferences open on Tuesday even­ ing completion. ing, April 25th, the subject for that This year, following the plan of last year, the conference meets immediately ? I wish in this series to develop ? evening being: “What are young people preceding the National Conference of | the quite obscure fact that Chris- | seeking in their apparent revolt from the | tianity is pre-eminently a man’s re- | Social Work, probably the greatest meet­ moral standards of an earlier day?” The | ligion: Its Founder and Associates * ing of trained social service workers in speakers on this subject are to be Mr^. the world. This conference will meet at = were virile men,—and such men: = Providence, R. I., from June 22 to 29. 1 Its Ministry is a challenge to red- § Augustus Trowbridge, Mrs. L. Freder­ Our conference meets in the little town | blooded men. Its message has a di- | ick Pease, Dr. Samuel Drury, rector of of Wickford, about 20 miles from Provi­ 5 rect bearing upon men in modern ? St. Paul’s School, Concord, and Rev. Ber­ | times. Its principles are the su- i dence on Narragansett Bay. Wickford is nard Iddings Bell, the president of St. one of the old and unspoiled towns of | preme test of strong men. Its priv- | a ileges and duties are consistent with i Stephen’s College. New England, with a church, dating back The following morning the subject of to 1700, complete even to the gallery = masculine dignity and honor. Its ■ Creedal Requirements and Church Re­ for the slaves. The little town promises 1 deepest spiritual * experiences are jjj suited to men’s personal needs.— “ union is to be discussed, the leader be­ to be a charming setting. The confer­ ing Bishop Fiske, others speaking being ence begins on Monday, June 19, and s Julius A. Schaad. Rev. Frank Gavin, Rev. Robert Johnson, ends on Thursday the 22d. The program iiuaiiiniiiaiiaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiBM BiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiM atiBi'BiiBiiiiiiiiiM ii'Butn* as drawn up will be as follows: and Rev. Ralph B. Pomeroy. That even­ ing Professor Easton is to lead in a Monday, June 19, at 3 in the after­ Wednesday, June 21— In the morning noon a reception, meetings of committees will come the Corporate Communion, discussion on the following topic: “The and of (those appointed to prepare pa­ Bishop Manning the celebrant. The dis­ Second Coming of Christ; the Signifi­ pers. In the evening Bishop Gailor, cussion of the morning will be a consid­ cance of Current Expectation.” Others Bishop Perry and Mr. Robert W. Kelso, eration of the program for the coming taking part in this discussion are Rev. John F. Carson, Rev. W. Cosby Bell, and president of the National Conference of year for diocese and parish. Careful Social Work, will say a word of welcome, plans are now being drawn up to make Rev. Floyd Tomkins. and there will be reports from commit­ this i discussion of effective and practical Thursday morning the subject of tees appointed last year. On Minimum help in getting social service into the “Psychoanalysis: It’s Value and Its Dan­ Standards for Church Institutions, Dean parishes of the Church. Wednesday aft­ gers,” is to be discussed, the leaders be­ Elliott White of Fon du Lac, the chair­ ernoon will be given up to special con­ ing Dr. Batten, Professor Jared Moore, man of the committee, composed of him­ ferences, City Missions, Prisoners’ Aid, Dr. Worcester, and Dr. William A. White. self, Rev. Augustine Elmendorf and Rev. Rural Work, and any other group who The evening session is to be devoted to L. E. Sunderland; on The Relation of wish to discuss some common problem. the labor problem of unemployment, the the Department and Diocese to the Prov­ On Wednesday evening there will be a Hon. William C. Redfield, Rev. Norman ince, Rev. Charles K. Gilbert. model Discussion Group. B. Nash, Rev. Samuel S. Marquis and Tuesday, June 20 —The morning will Thursday, June 22— The morning will Mr. William Hard being the speakers. be given to a consideration of Rural be given to the important question of Friday, the closing day, the morning Wbrk. The first paper on Rural Work the co-ordination of the various social session is given over to a discussion of will be as it is in practical operation, fol­ service activities of Church organizations, the Ministry and the problem of secur­ lowed by suggestions for co-operation Woman’s Auxiliary, the Girls’ Friendly, ing men for it. Dr. Charles Lewis Slat­ with the local community, the Grange, the Brotherhood, etc., first with one an­ tery, the general chairman of the Con­ etc., by a representative from the De­ other and second with secular and relig­ gress, is to lead the discussion; othefs partment of Agriculture of the Federal ious agencies^ speaking being Bishop Jett, Mr. Edwin Government, with a final paper on What The Program Committee has arranged W. Martin, and Rev. Henry W. Hobson. Must We Do to Develop Rural Work. to take over a hotel for the three days. The closing meeting that evening is set In the afternoon the question will be The charges will be $10 for meals and aside for a dismission on the subject of discussed as to the Contribution the lodging for the entire period beginning Prayer and the need of guidance of the Church has to Make to the Problems Monday afternoon and ending Thursday present revival. Professor Drown is the that Modern Industry Presents. The afternoon, with two people to a room. leader; others speaking being Rev. Laird speakers will be announced at a later Accommodations are limited and people W. Snell and Rev. William Austin Smith, date. are asked to make reservations at the editor of The Churchman. On Tuesday evening will be the prep­ earliest possible moment. It is necessary The Rev. Samuel M. Dourance, 316 aration for a Corporate Communion, the in making reservations to ask for a pay­ East 88th street, New York, is the sec­ Chaplain of the Conference, the Rt. Rev. ment of $5, which will be refunded if retary of the Congress, and all commu­ William T. Manning, D.D., Bishop of New reservations are withdrawn before June nications and requests for informal'""' York, making the address. 10. should be addressed to him. Copyright 2020. Archives of the Episcopal Church / DFMS. Permission required for reuse and publication. / 2 THE WITNESS GENERAL NEWS OF THE EPISCOPAL CHURCH Kansas Is Goinig of the entire meeting: “the desire for of time, bringing the total by that time Ahead faithful and intelligent service.” , to $600. This amount is intended to The Diocese of Kansas has just fin­ The Rev. Dr. Jeffreys of the Philadel­ make it possible for at least one candi­ ished what might be termed a “whirl­ phia City Missions, held discussion classes date to leave the parish every four years. wind week,” in keeping with the reputa­ on Tuesday from 4 to 5 p. m. and on This scholarship is intended to be an tion of Kansas, Wednesday from 10:45 a. m. to 12 noon, inducement which will enable young men, On Thursday, February 2, the Annual taking as his subjects “The Aim of the who, because of pecuniary circumstances Clerical Retreat for the Clergy of the Church” and “The Philosophy of Obedi­ have been unable to secure sufficient edu­ Diocese was opened with a meditation ence.” The mass meeting was held on cation to fit them for the priesthood, to at 8 p. m. in Grace Cathedral Chapel, Tuesday evening, the Right Rev. Hugh enter some seminary or institution where Topeka. The Rev. Henry W. Mizner, Burleson, D.D., Bishop of South Dakota, the proper training can be procured. rector of St. Stephen’s Church, St. Louis, preaching the sermon. At the conclusion conducted the retreat. It lasted through of the service, Bishop Darlington spoke Cleveland Rector Friday and closed with a celebration of briefly to the people and pronounced the Goes to Detroit the Holy Communion on Saturday morn­ benediction. Announcement has just been made of ing, February 4. This was also the open­ the acceptance by the Rev. Robert W. ing service for the meeting of the Bishop Healing Mission Woodroofe, rector of Emmanuel Church, and Council, which convened that day. in Washington , j Cleveland, of the vacant rectorale of St. The Bishop and Council spent most of A Preaching and Healing Mission was John’s Church, Detroit. Mr. Woodroofe the day in a conference over a $19,000 held at St. Mark’s Church, Washington, has been for the past ten years at Em­ Forward Program for the Diocese. A D. C., for eight days from February 12 manuel Church, Cleveland, having gone large map of the Diocese with Church to 19, by the Rev. Henry B. Wilson, di­ to that parish from several years’ serv­ towns, their population marks, was used rector of the Society of the Nazarene. ice in Philadelphia. in demonstration. This program calls for The Mission was planned by the former He will succeed the Rt. Rev.
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