Queensland Parliamentary Debates [Hansard] Legislative Assembly TUESDAY, 7 SEPTEMBER 1965 Electronic reproduction of original hardcopy Address in Reply [7 SEPTEMBER] Questions 289 TUESDAY, 7 SEPTEMBER, 1965 Mr. SPEAKER (Hon. D. E. Nicholson, Murrumba) read prayers and took the chair at 11 a.m. CENTENARY OF LAYING OF FOUNDA- TION STONE OF PARLIAMENT HOUSE. Mr. SPEAKER: At 4 o'clock p.m. on Wednesday, 14 July, 1965, His Excellency the Administrator of the Government of the State, Sir Alan James Mansfield, K.C.M.G., unveiled a plaque to commemorate the centenary of the laying of the foundation stone of Parliament House. For record purposes I lay upon the table of the House a copy of the speeches delivered on that occasion, together with photographs of the plaque. Whereupon the paper and photographs were laid upon the table of the House. QUESTIONS NEW GOLF COURSE LEASE, TOWNSVILLE.­ Mr. Aikens, pursuant to notice, asked The Minister for Lands,- ( 1) In reply to Questions in this House, did he state that some months ago a large area of the Town Common at Townsville had been leased to a Golf Club for a very small rental? (2) Has his attention been drawn to an advertisement appearing in the Townsville Daily Bulletin of August 17, asking persons interested in the formation of a "Second Golf Club" in Townsville to attend a public meeting to be held in the Town Hall on September 14 next? (3) If so, will he consider alienating other large areas of Crown land on the assumption that some organisation or club will be formed in the future to assume the responsibility of such alienation? Answer:- ( 1 to 3) "In answer to the Honourable Member's Question, the situation, stripped of all colour which the Honourable Member has attempted to lend to this transaction, is simply that the negotiations for the proposed new golf course lease were carried out with my department by the North Queensland Golf Association. 290 Questions [ASSEMBLY] Questions That association is constituted by affiliated (2) Has the Government taken any clubs covering a wide area of northern action to ensure that the sugar mill and north-western Queensland. My crushes the 1965 crop and will make pay­ department has concluded that the pro­ ment to canegrowers for all cane supplied? posed lease should be held not by that association of clubs but by a particular Answers:- local club properly constituted to carry ( 1) "There was a hold-up in the pay­ out the developmental and improvement ment referred to for causes that I am conditions of the proposed lease. In our satisfied were warranted. The delay has experience we considered that it was pre­ since been overtaken." ferable and more desirable to have control localized in Townsville rather than in the (2) "The Government has joined in name of the association. We advised the discussions with a view to ensuring that the North Queensland Golf Association of mill in question will be able to complete our views and to comply with our wishes its crushing of the 1965 crop. I have the association has called the public meet­ reason to believe that this crushing will be ing referred to by the Honourable Member completed. The full details are not settled in order that interested citizens of Towns­ to the point at which a public statement ville may attend and participate in the can be made." proper constitution of the new club which will control and manage the new golf course. In spite of the inference con­ TRAFFIC BREACHES BY BRISBANE TAXI tained in the Honourable Member's Ques­ DRIVERS.-Mr. Davies for Mr. Graham, pur­ tion, I point out that a lease which contains suant to notice, asked The Minister for a condition that the land comprised therein Mines,- may be resumed without payment of com­ How many taxi drivers operating in the pensation on the giving of six months' City of Brisbane have been charged with notice, does not constitute an alienation. breaches of the Traffic Acts in the years In effect we are allowing a small part of 1963 and 1964 and in 1965 to date? a 9,000 acre reserve to be cleaned up and used by a body interested in healthy Answer:- outdoor sport until such time as the area "The numbers of charges of breaches is required for expansion of the city of of the Traffic Acts preferred at Brisbane Townsville. Furthermore, the calling of the against taxi drivers were:-In 1963, 593; special meeting is in conformity with in 1964, 790; in 1965 (to April 30), 270." departmental requirements and not on the basis of any assumption alleged by the Honourable Member." LICENSING AND PERMIT FEES PAID BY BRISBANE CITY COUNCIL.-Mr. Duggan, pur­ suant to notice, asked The Minister for TRANSPORT DRIVERS CONVICTED OF MAIN Transport,- ROADS BREACHES.-Mr. Duggan, pursuant to For the fiscal year ended June 30, 1965, notice, asked The Minister for Mines,- what was the total passenger service license (1) During the six months ended or permit fees paid by the Brisbane City July 31, 1965, how many transport drivers Council in respect of motor or service have been sentenced to terms of imprison­ omnibuses and trolley buses? ment for overloading breaches of the Main Roads Acts? Answer:- (2) How many of such transport opera­ "The present system of licensing and tors were (a) owner-drivers and (b) permit fees payable by the Brisbane City employee drivers? Council to the State Transport Depart­ ment was introduced by a Labor Govern­ (3) What was the maximum term of ment, and for the twelve months ended imprisonment imposed? June 30, 1957-the last year of Labor administration-was £32,141. No new Answers:- fees have been imposed by the present (1) "None." Government-in fact some have been reduced-but because of increased volume (2 and 3) "See answer to (1)." of revenue the volume of fees has corre­ spondingly increased to £45,568 for the twelve months ended June 30, 1965. How­ PAYMENTS TO GROWERS BY GIN GIN SUGAR ever, under the present Government, the MILL.-Mr. Davies for Mr. Byrne, pursuant Brisbane City Council now receives a to notice, asked The Treasurer,- proportion of the charges collected under ( 1) Did the Gin Gin sugar mill not "The Roads (Contribution to Maintenance) make payment to its suppliers of sugar Acts," and for the year ended June 30, cane on the due date, viz. August 20, 1965, 1965, the State paid the Brisbane City and, if not, has payment yet been made? Council £187,636." Questions [7 SEPTEMBER] Questions 291 MOTOR REGISTRATION FEES PAID BY Manual and a Motor Cycle Manual, both BRISBANE CITY COUNCIL.-Mr. Duggan, pur­ specially printed by the Police Department suant to notice, asked The Minister for for the guidance of members of the Police Mines,- Force in any duties they may have to perform in relation to motor vehicles, are For the fiscal year ended June 30, 1965, held at every police station in Queensland. what were the total registration fees paid Police, incidentally, for more than thirty by the Brisbane City Council in respect of years, have been appointed under the motor or service omnibuses? Main Roads Acts to examine vehicles prior to registration." Answer:­ "£17,140 4s." BRISBANE CITY COUNCIL POLICY ON RETENTION OF TRAMS.-Mr. Knox, pursuant "ON-THE-SPOT" TICKETS FOR TRAFFIC to notice, asked The Premier,- BREACHES.-Mr. Lloyd, pursuant to notice, In view of the decision of the Queens­ asked The Minister for Education,- land Central Executive of the Australian Labor Party to muzzle the elected alder­ ( 1) How many "On-the-spot" tickets men of the Brisbane City Council in regard have been issued in Brisbane for traffic to policy concerning the future of Brisbane breaches as at midnight on September 3, trams, what information has he received 1965? from the Brisbane City Council concerning (2) In how many cases have the accused this policy? If no information has been offenders (a) elected to go to Court and received from the Brisbane City Council, (b) not paid the fine? has any been received from the Queens­ land Central Executive of the Australian (3) Are police officers stationed at Labor Party? suburban and country stations who have been issued with these tickets (a) paid the Answer:- usual allowance for police officers on "I have received no intimation from traffic duty and (b) trained in the duties the Brisbane City Council on its policy on of policing traffic regulations and of the future of trams in Brisbane. Neither checking the mechanical efficiency of a have I had any communication from the motor vehicle? Queensland Central Executive of the Australian Labor Party." Answers:- (1) "1,992." NATIONAL SERVICE TRAINING CALL-UP.­ (2) "It is not possible at this juncture Mr. Newton, pursuant to notice, asked The to answer this question as the first period Premier,- of twenty-one days in which to pay the ( 1) What is the number of persons prescribed penalty expired at midnight on called up for National Service Training 6th instant and this period, of course, from all Government Departments as at applied only to notices issued 'On the spot' August 31, 1965? on August 16, 1965, the day the system (2) What is the number of apprentices commenced." called up for National Service Training in (3) "(a) Members of the Police Force this State, who have not completed their stationed at suburban and country stations apprenticeship indentures as at the same who have been issued with books of Traffic date? Offence Notices and who prior to the ( 3) What is being done by the Govern­ institution of this system, did not qualify ment to protect these persons' super­ for the traffic allowance are not being annuation, long service leave and other paid this allowance simply on the basis entitlements and their positions? that they have been issued with books of these new Traffic Offence Notices.
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