A Reluctant Author: Cardinal Pole and his 0 M a n u c r p t THOMAS F. MAYER This content downloaded from on Mon, 09 Jul 2018 00:55:10 UTC All use subject to http://about.jstor.org/terms Transactions of the American Philosophical Society Held at Philadelphia For Promoting Useful Knowledge Volume 89, Pt. 4 A Reluctant Author: Cardinal Pole and his Manuscripts THOMAS F. MAYER Augustana College American Philosophical Society Independence Square ( Philadelphia 1999 This content downloaded from on Mon, 09 Jul 2018 00:55:17 UTC All use subject to http://about.jstor.org/terms Copyright ? 1999 by the American Philosophical Society for its Transactions series. All rights reserved. Cover background photograph: page from Pole's De summo pontifice, Bibliotheque municipale de Douai, MS 922, vol. IV, p. 7. ISBN: 0-87169-894-3 US ISSN: 0065-9736 Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Mayer, Thomas F. (Thomas Frederick), 1951- A reluctant author: Cardinal Pole and his manuscripts / Thomas F. Mayer. p.cm. --(Transactions of the American Philosophical Society, ISSN 0065- 9736 ; v. 89, pt. 4) Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 0-87169-894-3 (pbk.) 1. Pole, Reginald, 1500-1558--Manuscripts--Catalogs. I. Title. II. Series. Z6616.P594 M39 1999 [DA317.8 .P6] 016.282'092--dc21 99- 048301 This content downloaded from on Mon, 09 Jul 2018 00:55:17 UTC All use subject to http://about.jstor.org/terms Contents Abbreviations ............................... iv Short Titles ................. .............. iv Introduction ................................. 1 Catalogue ................................... 42 Index ..................................... 112 iii This content downloaded from on Mon, 09 Jul 2018 00:55:17 UTC All use subject to http://about.jstor.org/terms Abbreviations Archives and Libraries ASAS Bergamo, Biblioteca Civica "Angelo Mai," Archivio Stella in Archivio Silvestri ACDFSO Archivio della Congregazione per la Dottrina della Fede, Sanctum officium ASV Archivio Segreto Vaticano ASVe Archivio di Stato, Venice BAV Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana BCQ Brescia, Biblioteca Civica "Queriniana" BNM Venice, Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana BNN Naples, Biblioteca Nazionale "Vittorio Emmanuele II" BPP Parma, Biblioteca Palatina CCCC Corpus Christi College, Cambridge, Parker Library LPL London, Lambeth Palace Library PBN Paris, Bibliotheque Nationale PRO London, Public Record Office Short Titles Beccadelli Ludovico Beccadelli, "Vita del cardinale Reginaldo Polo," in G. B. Morandi, ed., Monumenti di varia letter-atura, two vols. (Bologna: Istituto per le scienze, 1797-1804, 2, pp. 277-333. Bonelli Giuseppe Bonelli, "Un archivio privato del Cinque-cento: Le Carte Stella," Archivio storico Lombardo, 34 (1907): pp. 332-86. C. H. Cooper and Thompson Cooper, Athenae Cantabrigienses, two vols. (Cambridge: Deighton and Bell, 1858-61), 1, p. 185. De Frede Carlo De Frede, La restaurazione cattolica in Inghilterra sotto Maria Tudor nel carteggio di Girolamo Seripando (Naples: Libreria scientifica, 1971). iv This content downloaded from on Mon, 09 Jul 2018 00:55:17 UTC All use subject to http://about.jstor.org/terms Abbreviations CRP Thomas F. Mayer, ed., A Calendar of the Correspondence of Reginald Pole (forthcoming). CSPDom rev. C. S. Knighton, ed., Calendar of State Papers Mary I, revised edition (London: HMSO, 1998). CSPV Rawdon Brown, ed., Calendar of State Papers and Manuscripts, Relating to English Affairs in the Archives and Collections of Venice, nine vols. (London: Longman, et al., 1864-98). CT 1, Concilii Tridentini Actorum Pars Prima, ed. Stephan Ehses (Freiburg: Herder, 1904); 2, Diariorum Pars Secunda, ed. Sebastian Merkle (Freiburg: Herder, 1911); 8, Actorum Pars Quinta, ed. Stephan Ehses (Freiburg: Herder, 1919); 12, Diariorum Actorum Epistularum Tractatuum nova collectio (Freiburg: Herder, 1929). DBI A. M. Ghisalberti, ed, Dizionario biografico degli italiani (Rome: Istituto dell' Enciclopedia italiana, 1960-). Dodd Charles Dodd, pseudonym of Hugh Tootell, The Church History of England from the Year 1500 to the Year 1688, Chiefly with Regard to Catholicks, 1 (Brussels [but Wolver- hampton]: no publisher, 1737), pp. 479-80. ERP Angelo Maria Querini, ed., Epistolarum Reginaldi Poli, five vols. (Brescia: Rizzardi, 1744-57). Fragnito, "Censura" Gigliola Fragnito, "Aspetti della censura ecclesiastica nell' Europa della controriforma: l'edizione parigina delle opere di Gasparo Contarini," Rivista di storia e letteratura religiosa, 21 (1985), pp. 3-48. Freher Paulus Freher, Theatrum virorum eruditione singulari clarorum (Niirnberg: J. Hofmann, 1688), p. 30. Ghilini Girolamo Ghilini, Teatro d'huomini letterati (Venice: Guerigli, 1647), p. 204. Klaiber Wilbirgis Klaiber, Katholische Kontroverstheologen und Reformer des 16. Jahrhunderts. Ein Werkverzeichnis (Miinster: Aschendorff, 1978; Reformationsgeschichtliche Studien und Texten, 116). v This content downloaded from on Mon, 09 Jul 2018 00:55:17 UTC All use subject to http://about.jstor.org/terms Cardinal Pole and his Manuscripts L&P J. S. Brewer, James Gairdner and R. H. Brodie, eds., Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic of the Reign of Henry VIII, twenty-nine vols. (London: HMSO, 1862-1932). Lutz Heinrich Lutz, ed., Nuntiaturberichte aus Deutschland. Erste Abteilung 1533-1559, 15, Friedenslegation des Reginald Pole zu Kaiser Karl V und K6nig Heinrich II (1553-1556) (Tiibingen: Niemeyer, 1981). Nomenclator SRE Cardinalium (Tolosae [Toulouse? ]: Dominicum de la Case, 1614), p. 132. Mansi Giovanni Domenico Mansi, ed., Sacrorum conciliorum nova et amplissima collectio, fifty-four vols. (Florence: Antonio Zatta, 1759- 1927). Pagano-Ranieri Sergio M. Pagano and Concetta Ranieri, eds., Nuovi documenti su Vittoria Colonna e Reginald Pole (Vatican City: Archivio vaticano, 1989; Collectanea Archivi Vaticani, 24). Pitts John Pitts, De illustris Angliae scriptoribus in Relationum historicarum de rebus Anglicis, 1 (Paris: Rolin Thierry and Sebastian Cramory, 1619) , pp. 757-59. Possevino Antonio Possevino, Apparatus sacri, four vols. (Venice: Society of Jesus in Venice, 1606), 3, p. 123. Proc. Car. Giacomo Manzoni, ed., "II Processo Carnesecchi," Miscellanea di storia italiana, 10 (1870): 189-573. PM Massimo Firpo and Dario Marcatto, eds., Ilprocesso inquisitoriale del Cardinal Giovanni Morone, six vols. (Rome: Istituto italiano per la storia dell'eta moderna e contemporanea, 1981-95). Rocaberti Juan Tomas Rocaberti, Bibliotheca maxima pontificia, twenty- one vols. (Rome: Giovanni Francesco Buagni, 1698), 18. STCA. W. Pollard and G. R. Redgrave, eds., rev. W. A. Jackson and F. S. Ferguson and completed by K. F. Pantzer, A Short-Title Catalogue of Books Printed in England, Scotland and Ireland and ofEnglish Books Printed Abroad before the Year 1640, three vols. (London: The vi This content downloaded from on Mon, 09 Jul 2018 00:55:17 UTC All use subject to http://about.jstor.org/terms Abbreviations Bibliographical Society, 1976-91). Tanner Thomas Tanner, Bibliotheca britannico-hibernica: sive de scrip- toribus qui in Anglia, Scotia, et Hibernia ad saeculi XVII initium floruerunt (London: G. Bowyer, 1748; reprinted Tucson: Audax Press, 1963), pp. 602-3. Torrigio Francesco Maria Torrigio, De eminentissimis S.R.E. scriptoribus cardinalibus (Rome: Stefano Paolinio, 1641), pp. 46-47. Wood Anthony a Wood, Athenae oxonienses, ed. Philip Bliss, four vols. (London: F. C. and J. Rivington, et al., 1815; originally published in 1668), 1, cc. 292-3. vii This content downloaded from on Mon, 09 Jul 2018 00:55:17 UTC All use subject to http://about.jstor.org/terms Cardinal Pole and his Manuscripts Editorial symbols These apply either to the word immediately preceding or to everything following an asterisk in the line of text before the square brackets. ab. above ab. del. above deleted aft. after aft. del. after deleted bel. below del. deleted mar. in margin ov. over viii This content downloaded from on Mon, 09 Jul 2018 00:55:17 UTC All use subject to http://about.jstor.org/terms Introduction O ardinal Reginald Pole (1500-1558) left an abundance of manuscripts that have lacked an inventory and des- ription. This monograph is intended to remedy that lack and perhaps contribute to a critical edition of some of his major works, especially Pro ecclesiasticae unitatis defensione (De unitate), "Apologia ad Carolum Quintum," De summo pontifice, De sacramento, a more complete version of Discorso di pace, and, the most difficult text, "De reformatione ecclesiae." In order to grasp the importance of such a project, a sketch of Pole's career and the significance of these works is in order. Pole's Life and Works Cousin of Henry VIII, cardinal, nearly successful candidate for pope, Archbishop of Canterbury, cultural conduit and leader of both the English and Italian Reformations, Pole was one of the most important international figures of the mid-sixteenth century.1 As the first well-known anti-Machiavellian, he also plays a large part in the history of political thought. Pole's patronage of a generation of both English and Italian writers and his hand in directing the creation of a saintly Thomas More and John Fisher and their antitype the diabolical Henry VIII had a heavy impact on European historiography of the English Reformation. As grandsons of the duke of Clarence, Pole and his oldest brother Henry Lord Montague posed a Yorkist threat to the new 1 This summary is largely based
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