TAXON 57 (4) • November 2008: 1347–1350 Rico & al. • Neotypification of Odontitella virgata … Neotypification of Odontitella virgata (Link) Rothm. and lectotypification of Macrosyringion longiflorum (Lam.) Rothm. (Scrophulariaceae s.l.) Enrique Rico1*, Luis Delgado1, María Santos-Vicente1 & Alberto Herrero2 1 Departamento de Botánica, Universidad de Salamanca, 37007 Salamanca, Spain. *[email protected] (author for correspondence) 2 Real Jardín Botánico, CSIC, Plaza de Murillo 2, 28014 Madrid, Spain Original material for the endemic Iberian species Odontitella virgata, initially described as Euphrasia linifolia sensu Brot., non L., does not exist. A specimen from Valorado’s herbarium (LISU) is chosen here as neotype for the name of the species now placed in the monotypic genus Odontitella. The same specimen is selected as neotype for Euphrasia tenuifolia Pers., basionym of Odontites tenuifolia (Pers.) G. Don, the correct name for these plants in Odontites. In addition, a lectotype is selected for the synonym Odontites aragonensis Willk. Macrosyringion longiflorum, the type of the generic name Macrosyringion, is lectotypified here by a specimen deposited in the Lamarck collections in Paris (P-LA), since that French botanist was the author of the basionym Euphrasia longiflora and not Vahl, to whom authorship has hitherto been generally attributed. KEYWORDS: Iberian Peninsula, lectotypification, Macrosyringion, neotypification, nomenclature, Odontitella, Odontites Montemór et alibi in Beira et Extr.” – Neotype (desig- INTRODUCTION nated here): no collector, date or locality indications, Odontitella Rothm. and Macrosyringion Rothm. are Valorado Herbarium (LISU 141446, photo!). two small genera split off from Odontites Ludw., accord- ≡ Euphrasia tenuifolia Pers., Syn. Pl. 2: 150. Nov 1806 ≡ ing to the proposal of Rothmaler (1943), on the basis of Odontites tenuifolius (Pers.) G. Don, Gen. Hist. 4: 611. corolla characters. This proposal was later confirmed by 1837–1838 (‘tenuifolia’) ≡ Lasiopera tenuifolia (Pers.) Bolliger & Wick (1990), mainly considering pollen orna- Hoffmanns. & Link, Fl. Portug. 1: 303. 1813–1820. mentation. This taxonomic treatment for these genera will Type citation: “Hab. in Lusitaniae dumetis glareo- also be followed in Flora iberica (Rico, in press). sis” – Neotype (designated here): no collector, date Odontitella is a monospecific genus and its single or locality indications, Valorado Herbarium (LISU species, Odontitella virgata (Link) Rothm. ( ≡ Euphrasia 141446, photo!). virgata Link), is endemic in the Iberian Peninsula, mainly = Odontites aragonensis Willk. in Rev. Bot. Bull. in the western area. Mens. 13: 359. 1895 ≡ Odontitella aragonense Macrosyringion includes only two species (Bolliger, (Willk.) Rothm. in Mitth. Thüring. Bot. Vereins 50: 1996) distributed in the Mediterranean Region: M. longi- 227. 1943 (‘aragonensis’). Type citation: “Hab. les florum (Lam.) Rothm., from the western Mediterranean, pelouses sèches et calcaires à Bronchalès, dans la and M. glutinosum (M. Bieb.) Rothm., from its eastern Sierra d’Albarracin” – Lectotype (designated here): part. [Teruel, CW Spain] “Aragon. australis ? Bronchales. Leg. Reverchon 1894” [Willkomm’s handwriting] (PRC 451032, photo!) In Flora Lusitanica, Brotero (1804: 185) described TYPIFICATION a species of Euphrasia from several localities in central Odontitella virgata (Link) Rothm. in Mitth. Thüring. Bot. Portugal which was doubtfully identified as E. linifolia L. Vereins 50: 227. 1943 ≡ Euphrasia virgata Link in This Linnaean name is a synonym of Odontites luteus Neues J. Bot. 1(3): 138. Jan 1806 (based on Euphrasia (L.) Clairv. (Bolliger, 1996: 100). However, the material linifolia sensu Brot., Fl. Lusit. 1: 185. 1804, non L., Sp. described by Brotero does not correspond to the latter Pl.: 604. 1753) ≡ Odontites virgatus (Link) Samp., Lista species because of the differences in anther characters Esp. Herb. Portug.: 114. 1913 (‘virgata’), nom. illeg., indicated in the description (“Antherae lanatae, non extra non Lange in Willk. & Lange, Prodr. Fl. Hispan. 2: 617. corollae labia exertae”); in addition, O. luteus is not pres- 1870. Type citation: “Hab. in dumetis glareosis siccis de ent in Portugal. Consequently, it is an incorrect interpreta- Caparica, et non longe a Conimbrica circa Catanhede, tion and corresponds to another species. 1347 Rico & al. • Neoypification of Odontitella virgata … TAXON 57 (4) • November 2008: 1347–1350 Several names have been applied to Euphrasia linifo- type, whether under the separate genus Odontitella, or, lia sensu Brot., non L. Two of these names were published following some classical taxonomic treatments, e.g., in 1806: E. virgata by Link (1806: 138) in January (Stafleu Flora Europaea (Webb & Camarasa, 1972: 267), under & Cowan, 1985: 319) and E. tenuifolia by Persoon (1806: Odontites s.l., given that E. tenuifolia is the basionym of 150) in November (Stafleu & Cowan, 1983: 183). Odontites tenuifolius, the correct name for the species in Euphrasia virgata and hence Odontitella virgata Odontites. are undoubtedly based on the name misunderstood by Two illustrations are available from which to choose a Brotero. As Link merely proposed a new name and made possible neotype for the names published by Link and Per- no further comments his name must be typified on Brot- soon. Both are quite complete and duly show the habit of ero’s original material if extant. Only a few of Brotero’s the plant: one is from Hoffmannsegg & Link (1813–1820, original plants are conserved and are at LISU and MO tab. 60, sub Lasiopera tenuifolia) and the other is from (Stafleu & Cowan, 1976: 357). No material, however, has Brotero himself (1827: tab. 124, sub Euphrasia tenuifolia). been found at LISU which can be associated with Euphra- However, both illustrate the inferior corolla lip incorrectly, sia linifolia, either in the list published by Coutinho (1916) with the sinus of separation of the lobes too deep, whereas or in enquiries made to Portuguese herbarium staff, and these sinus are shorter in Odontitella ; this character being no records of Euphrasia from Portugal were found in used to consider it as an independent genus. Therefore, MO’s herbarium database either. Nevertheless, Coutinho we have preferred to choose one of Valorado’s herbarium (1916: 352) cited material under this name deposited at specimens as neotype, LISU 141446. This includes a com- Valorado’s herbarium, which corresponds to three sheets plete flowering specimen. at LISU (141445, 141446, 141447). According to Coutinho Finally, we propose a lectotype for Odontites ara- (1916: 338), Valorado’s herbarium was revised by Brotero, gonensis, an additional name for this Iberian endemic. who sometimes added handwritten notes. However, this Willkomm (1895: 359) described this new species from is not the case for E. linifolia. Although these sheets show material from one of Reverchon’s exsiccates, which were handwriting, and one of them (LISU 141446) even has a distributed among many herbaria (Stafleu & Cowan, 1983: protologue indication [“Euphrasia linifolia ? (An Linn.?)”], 746), with the name given by the German botanist. Never- this is not in Brotero’s handwriting and there are no refer- theless, choice of the lectotype from among the material ences to localities or dates of collection. Therefore, it is not thus distributed has been easy because we have found a certain that Brotero actually received any of Valorado’s sheet that was undoubtedly used by Willkomm, since it material before 1804 to be used to describe this taxon, has a manuscript label written by the author. This speci- since the first letter between the two Portuguese botanists men is one of several sheets deposited at the Herbarium of was sent in October 1808 (Coutinho, 1916: 339). the Faculty of Natural Sciences of the Charles University Accordingly, it is necessary to choose a neotype be- of Prague (PRC), the city where Willkomm was working cause there is no material that can be identified as having at that time (Stafleu & Cowan, 1988: 336). been seen by Brotero and used to describe the species, that could be selected as a lectotype, following Art. 9.6 of the Macrosyringion longiflorum (Lam.) Rothm. in Mitth. ICBN (McNeill & al., 2006). Thüring. Bot. Vereins 50: 228. 1943 ≡ Euphrasia Concerning Euphrasia tenuifolia, Persoon included longiflora Lam., Encycl. 2: 401. 1788 ≡ Odontites Brotero’s misidentification in the protologue, as well as longiflorus (Lam.) G. Don, Gen. Hist. 4: 612. 8 Mar a short description very similar to that by the Portuguese 1837 – 8 Apr 1838 (‘longiflora’). Type citation: “Cette author and most probably based on it. Although unlikely, plante croît dans l’Espagne, & nous a été commu- it is possible that Persoon examined material belonging niquée par M. Vahl. (v.s.)” – Lectotype (designated to these plants himself, which might therefore be mate- here): [no date, or locality indicated], D. Vahl, Her- rial relevant for typification. We have asked for possible barium Lamarck (P-LA, microfiche!). original material from the herbaria lodging Persoon’s col- Macrosyringion longiflorum is the generitype (Roth- lections according to Stafleu & Cowan (1983: 178), but maler, 1943: 228). The authorship of the basionym, Euphra- have not been able to find any specimen associated with sia longiflora, has hitherto been erroneously attributed to the name Euphrasia tenuifolia. Assuming this is indeed Vahl (1794). However, in his Symbolae Botanicae (1794: the case, it is again necessary to select a neotype.
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