THE STUDENT VOICE OF THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS RIO GRANDE VALLEY MONDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 2020 WWW.UTRGVRIDER.COM VOL. 6 ISSUE 11 /UTRGVRIDER @UTRGVRIDER Cameron, Hidalgo among top 5 counties in state for COVID-19 deaths DO NOT FORGET TO VOTE ON NOV. 3! Page 4 Editorial cartoon Page 6 Athlete of the Week Roxanna Miranda and Elizabeth Mendoza/The Rider graphic Alejandra Yañez deaths, Hidalgo ranks at No. deal with diabetes, obesity you have the hospital system The Rider 2 with 1,676 deaths and Cam- rates in our area, it’s gonna without enough resources to Page 7 eron at No. 5 with 1,079 as of have a huge impact for some- be able to handle everything Almost 16% of Oct. 26. one who’s sick and dealing that’s coming at them, it’s COVID-19-related deaths in Asked why this is, Esmer- with those health issues.” very difficult,” Guajardo said. Texas come from Cameron alda Guajardo, the health Guajardo said that under- “You’re gonna have these and Hidalgo counties despite administrator for Cameron lying conditions led to more types of results coming out of making up only about 4.4% of County, replied, “If you’re serious problems in the Rio the pandemic.” the state population, accord- looking at COVID and how it Grande Valley. Cameron and Hidalgo ing to the Centers for Disease impacts a community, then “The underlying conditions counties make up 6.7% of Control and Prevention’s you’re looking at the under- just compounded the prob- Texas’ COVID-19 cases, ac- website. lying conditions and the cur- lem and, obviously, when you cording to covid.cdc.gov. Among the top five coun- rent situation that we’re deal- have that and then you don’t Students’ new hobbies ties in Texas for COVID-19 ing with. Obviously, when you have access to care and then See CASES, Page 2 and the representation that a particular comes to deciding who’s the next pres- state has in the United States Congress,” ident.” said Natasha Altema-McNeely, a politi- Most states have a winner-take-all cal science associate professor. system in which electors vote based The Electoral College consists of 538 on the state’s popular votes but there electors. To be elected, a candidate have been cases where electors vote must win at least 270 electoral votes. differently. These electors are known The numbers of electors per state is as “faithless electors.” In June, the U.S based on the state’s members in Con- Supreme Court in Chifalo v. Washing- gress: one elected for each member in ton unanimously ruled that electors the U.S. House of Representatives, plus would not be able to vote differently two senators. The District of Columbia than their state voters’ choice. is given three electors, according to the “Various states prior to this particu- National Archives. Texas has a total of lar decision had their own rules in the 38 electors. book to deal with what is called the Electors are generally chosen by the faithless electors,” said Altema-Mc- presidential candidate’s political party. Neely. “But now, the United States Su- “Most states, including Texas, Wash- preme Court said, basically, there will ington and D.C. pick their electors be no more faithless electors. Electors Jacqueline Wallace/The Rider Graphic during each political party’s conven- have to vote according to the projected tions at the state level,” said Alte- votes for their state.” ma-McNeely. “So Democratic Party offi- When former Secretary of State Hil- cials pick the electors for their party and lary Clinton won the popular vote but Professors explain the Republican Party officials, all at the lost the electoral vote to President Don- state level, pick their electors through ald J. Trump during the 2016 presiden- similar processes. tial election, there was much contro- Historically, electors vote for a presi- versy about the Electoral College. The Electoral College dential candidate based on their state’s argument was that the Electoral Col- “The Founding Fathers, when they Fernanda Figueroa popular vote. lege was not representative of what the were creating the Constitution and de- The Rider “They are the ultimate deciders,” said majority of people in the United States termining what the executive [branch] Established by the Founding Fathers political science Associate Professor wanted. would look like … determined some- in the Constitution, the Electoral Col- Richard T. Longoria. “Each state gets a “It’s disproportionate,” said Longo- thing like the Electoral College would lege is a body of people representing number of electors based on their repre- ria. “It’s already happened twice in be a nice balance to the popular vote, each state in the U.S. who vote for the sentative and senators, so this does help to pick the president in a way that is election of the president and vice pres- the smaller population states when it See COLLEGE, Page 2 ident. favorable based on the size of the state November 2, 2020 2 ON CAMPUS THE RIDER ANNOUNCEMENTS Today Board and Student Union. The first Thursday Day of the Dead talk 15 students who registered via VLink Super Smash Bros. Tourney Students can learn were contacted to pick up the materials The Student Union will host a Su- about the signif- and other students will receive an email per Smash Bros. Tournament at 7 The Rider is the official, icance of the Day with the list of the materials they need p.m. Students must create a Discord award-winning student news- of the Dead during for the event. account to participate. RSVP is avail- paper of the University of Texas a People Series discussion at noon Wednesday able on VLink. via Zoom. The event, hosted by the We love the ’90s! Friday Rio Grande Valley. A PDF copy Center for Diversity & Inclusion The University Library will host a People Series: Brené Brown of the newspaper can be accessed and DREAM Resource Center, is ’90s discussion from noon to 12:45 Students can learn about University of online at utrgvrider.com. Views designed for the UTRGV community p.m. via Zoom. RSVP is available on Houston social work Research Profes- to learn about influential people and VLink. sor Brené Brown’s work on vulner- presented are those of the writ- discuss the impact of their work. Regis- Ask the Career Center ability, courage, shame and em- ers and do not reflect those of tration is available on VLink. Students can discuss résumés, job pathy from 2 to 3:30 p.m. via Zoom. the newspaper or university. DIY Day of the Dead search strategies, internships, in- Brown is the author of five New York Students can participate in face paint- terviews, etc. with the Career Center Times bestsellers, including “Dare to EDITOR-IN-CHIEF ing, ceramic skull painting and staff from 2:30 to 3 p.m. every Lead.” RSVP is available on VLink. Jacqueline Peraza DIY Minnie Mouse concha ears Wednesday via Zoom. Register on --Compiled by Brigitte Ortiz ONLINE EDITOR from 4 to 7 p.m. via Zoom. The event Handshake or email careercenter@ Estefania Hernandez is hosted by the Campus Activities utrgv.edu. SOCIAL MEDIA EDITOR Danielle Perez COPY EDITORS Arisbeth Rodriguez POLICE REPORTS Avery Arizola The following are among the incidents reported to University Police between Oct. 19 and 25. CARTOONIST Oct. 19 individuals on surveillance cameras scene and deemed the building safe for Elizabeth Mendoza 5:20 p.m.: An climbing over the U.S. border fence reentry. SPORTS REPORTERS officer responded in the area of UTRGV Facilities. The 8:04 p.m.: UTRGV Police Karina Rodriguez to the UT Health U.S. Border Patrol was notified and Communications observed, via Ivan Palacios RGV Multispecialty subsequently took custody of four border cameras, three subjects jump SPANISH REPORTER Clinic in Edinburg in individuals who were found in the area. the U.S. border fence from the Paulina Longoria reference to a staff Two males and one female were from west side of Parking Lot B-1 on REPORTERS member reporting Honduras, and one male was from the Brownsville campus. Officers Sol Garcia his cash register Mexico. The other two individuals were were dispatched to the location to Omar E. Zapata was short $5. A report was filed for observed via cameras climbing back to locate the subjects. Upon arrival, U.S. Brigitte Ortiz documentation purposes. Mexico. Border Patrol agents detained all Alejandra Yañez Oct. 20 8:05 p.m.: A student reported the three subjects on the south side of the 12:33 a.m.: The U.S. Border Patrol rear left window of her vehicle was levee without incident. All Fernanda Figueroa requested assistance in locating five shattered while it was parked in three subjects claimed to be from Cuba. PHOTOGRAPHERS subjects who had crossed the U.S. Lot E-38 on the Edinburg campus. Oct. 24 Aaliyah Garza border fence and were in the fenced area The officer reviewed cameras and 2:14 a.m.: An officer observed a man Jacqueline Wallace of UTRGV Facilities on the Brownsville observed grounds employees working interfering with traffic and arguing Roxanna Miranda campus. The Border Patrol detained around the area with a weed trimmer on with another individual on ADVERTISING SALES all five subjects without incident. The Oct. 19. At this time, it is unknown what International Boulevard. Upon REPRESENTATIVES three males and two females were from caused the damage. approaching the individual, the Monica Llanas Mexico. Oct. 22 officer observed strong signs of Dorilee Saycocie 11:22 a.m.: A staff member reported 12:38 p.m.: An officer was intoxication.
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