LAWS OF THE STATE OF ISRAEL VOL. 4 5710—1949/50 FROM 22nd CHESHVAN, 5710—14.11.49 TO 27th AV, 5710—10.8.50 Authorised Translation from the Hebrew, Prepared at the Ministry of Justice PUBLISHED BY THE GOVERNMENT PRINTER LAWS OF THE STATE OF ISRAEL VOL. 4 5710—1949/50 FROM 22nd CHESHVAN, 5710—14.11.49 TO 27th AV. 5710—10.8.50 Authorised Translation from the Hebrew, Prepared at the Ministry of Justice PUBLISHED BY THE GOVERNMENT PRINTER CONTENTS Laws ... ••• ... ... ... .... List of LawB in the Order.of Their Dates of Publication Alphabetical Index of Laws ... Effects on Earlier Legislation of Laws Enacted during the Year EXPLANATIONS I.R. {!ton Rishihi) The Official Gazette during the tenure of the Provisional Council of State., Reshumot The Official Gazette since the inception of the Knesset. Yalkut Ha-PiTsumim Sefer Ha-Chukkim The sections of Reshumot containing, respect ively, Government notices, principal legislation Kovetz .Ha-Takkanot subsidiary legislation, and Bills. Hatza'ot Chok P.G. (Palestine Gazette) The Official Gazette of the Mandatory Govern• ment of Palestine. LSI Laws of the State of Israel. MQL 1 EMERGENCY LAJSTD BEQUI8ETIOM (REGOLATIOST) LAW. CHAPTEB- ONE: GESEMMM Infeespicta- 1 "tffBe Off) |1׳UaUmiffi"' HUBcClIttutes !Ifliinyifl flfjff gmny fn^ffajgygiry flUT ttfEDKHIinE StBDElE flUffiy BrimiTilliitlrftflig"* TTTTJI Ott2&89r ftBitinffl^ ffiiyiflqfl ftBlKB Ifemnyffl JfilirjflE Mirny ]prTPH^ffllTTi off ttfiu© ffi£SBi0 ttfllffl 9£EftsB&0SO Of A ;aumtfl amy migB&ttn sn&torsstt car ©aarenmEiinft ina OC ©WOT• flanuffl <mr vsfter ״irweir mimdl ™wrfbwflW amny grantt off smcfia a bansHiiig or ״rairy,, TOMEBII is ffiacsi to *BM* 2aumaS ttBos ^mranft nnse off a ^w^Bs^-wnesmt, bnnsinesa ^״״״1^«״״ ifliTacttDinre^ Bwmtt (fimca jmrxft! ""ttsujiDE off ff^nfflffl ^|ftiTtwf-*y™*ffp^w a jo&niiidL in, wfottcfci a sttstft© off ^ig|nwff|H{yMn|*fy exists in (tfliffi Stale BDW \riurttone tuff a dedtaunkftuiam amalflr TO^t™ 9{[a)) ®f fr^f JLaw ami Admi- e ffSiniTOmmmnwwmtt: DUD&TP araraHinrjft <nwni]pefcanrft atrntifiDoritooes JSoc ttbe ponrpose off Competent%|׳ O aa&faoiitieaL " * _ :״* {b| Aon a^paiffijMimfflnitt amoaleir ttMs sgacfrngnm nnaiy be gemnHraH <inr se^brndtcd. (cj) IKottttDe ©ff ttb© appnmniftiinD₪iitt toff a (DaanffipEteoiitt aunttBamnitty sfeaM be gwafbUp^hgA in Meshvtmmtit, asndl ttfioas ajpflK&^ttinirjemtt SBBECBM EBEWE effifedt fmoxani ttlbe Jar off n^Diica&flon off 3. M A caiaimipcftffiantt aiiAntty sftatM matt; nnraikffi a Eanmafl, n^iuiiisottosiiia oifar car bomsing Bmma for cxefrise of .saws nm a tt&nm© <nff onafargaaiarjr ״omillfiar mimaler ftfiniis ]Law £bj A cioflnijpEftHHifti ronnttlnirfiiHifiy trffralHl EDcrit TwrmTbrfc QJ, BaunaJ zrssQQTjitxQEDttniBiEL ©mdtsr or bousing ositar nunurlffiar ttM$ !Jaw unifillsss Hoe is sntlB^efjl ttfiiaiit ttfiue EtM&Bnng off ttfine ©miilsgr is miccessary ffiarr ttB&e <fl^gmwwg off ttflrv^ a&taifte* BwrtMlic sfflonariitiy,, (tUno mnaimtananniDe t£. f^Tpp"^^ soipplttes osr fffflWfflnifrBa,ll jpmfiDllat ae(Brvii[EESn ftBug? aBusmr^ttoniBi <off ianDnDiuigiRiuiiitts our ttlue irefiiiisbiilliftaltioii of CTAFHMI TWO= BB^rasinriON OF LAND 4_ (a) A c«iiptottiX amnttEoninrfty HuH3iyn Buy off flauntul. Snocfiii ami mmtor ^&aim Que caHBol. a " reqassitioa jHKEEssesayinini diiff fiamidl inn ^WrD'tfyrft of whicli a Dsunnffl gtp^pnmtiiij mn^n (mnHlfflr Bnjiy bc£o& ^nro*^^,, so Rini"^ as ttBiie dunScr is inn Somcc,, he, asodl omJIy fius^, nnoay dwaciiDjp)^^ ose autw ttSne lbpin>fifln ssttBusir Bmunnsdlff <nr ftBmnwigli ©it&ifHrs,, as ID© nnsiy <flpT!TBw DQQ9D6E33a).irjr fl ur w^DQcSn ftBtig dunffiior was ffym^'pL 5. Tine aiasS tiBoe mmltea fflnanfaf ttlaeffB- a Daufflfil in^rgKjprtttTwnnt cun^cir as if far ftfinffl BamaflS BKBttl BD^HDI of Hand. ,!,niDto-timn* wBndiBiicr hj TinrttimE aiff anme <nrafeir cur aiff aBcsrearaD cnnlsara fa• a ftHraml mwJi^ (thiee _ffor ״ yearns. 1H?C(HHr'**Miil* Off Bawwi * &msse& Bqsr ttfioe Enneaaa'tt mm ftHne Uodl (C&rfirouini^ $BW ((14ittBn KovmrailtBesv and punSiillisIhiofi nrm S^ftrr fflmr€lkwll&$m K®. 22? of ttBoe 2nmdi• KHDIET^ SOT ([!ESsd Boronber 5J). p. 1; ttSois MDQ amdi am SSsp&anntttaiaiT iSSsDto wraie ipicsMtsbedt on Jfotea'of׳M C%(D>& IECOL US duff ttfiue nib BihrauHL, ^ttSn JTanssv £3^)))„ jn. H23L ^ IJEL 3E6. 2 off tte Wtih Hjmr. SZOHt ^S&stt Masv IMfl). Sn&pff^ I. 1; LSI voL f. .־ P7 S (b) Where land has been requisitioned under a land1 requisition order and-the' time of emergency expires, the order shall automatically expire six ,.months after the day of expiration of the time of emergency. CHAPTEB THREE: HOUSING Housing 7_ (a) A competent authority may, by order under his hand, order the occupier orders. of a house to surrender the house to the control of a person specified in the order, for residential purposes or for any other use, as may be prescribed in the order. Such an order shall be called a "housing order", and the person in whose favour it is made shall be called the "tenant". (b) Where a housing order has been made in respect of any house, the tenant, and only the tenant, inoy enter and occupy the house and use it for the purpose prescribed in the order. (c) A competent authority Bhall not make. a housing order, in respect of any house where the carrying into effect of the order will involve the displacement of the lawful occupier, unless he has, or is given, alternative housing. Tenant's 3. Where a housing order has been made in respect of a house to which the duties and 1 rights in Bent Bestrictions (Dwelling-Houses) Ordinance, 1940 ), applies (such a house respect of.a being hereinafter referred to as a "dwelling-house"), and the tenant is in occupa• dwelling- house. tion, then — (a) 'as from the day on which the tenant entered the dwelling-house and so . long as he is in occupation — (1) he shall pay the owner of the dwelling-house a rent equal to the standard rent within the meaning of the said Ordinance; (2) he and the owner of the dwelling-house shall abide by the conditions set out in the Schedule to this Law as if t'hey had bound themselves by contract to abide by them; ' (b) the provisions of section 8 of the said Ordinance Bhall apply to the dwelling- house with the following modifications and adaptations: (1) the word "tenant" shall be deemed to refer to a tenant within the meaning of this chapter; (2) the words "rent at the agreed rate as modified by this Ordinance", shall be deemed to refer to the standard.rent; (3) the words "the other conditions of the tenancy" shall be deemed to refer to the conditions set out in the Schedule to this Law; (4) subsection (3)' shall not apply; (c) the tenant may apply to a Bents Tribunal under the said Ordinance as if he were the lessee of the dwelling-house: Tenant's 9. Where a housing order has been made in respect of a house to which the duties and rights in Bent Bestrictions (Business Premises) Ordinance, 19412), applies (such a house respect of being hereinafter referred to as "business premises"), and the tenant is in occupa• business tion, then —. premises. (a) as from the day on which the tenant entered the business premises and so long as he is in occupation — (1) the tenant shall pay the owner of the business premises a rent equal to the maximum rent, as fixed under section 6(1) of the said Ordinance; (2) the tenant and the owner of the business premises shall abide by the 3) P.O. No. 1065 of the 20th December, 1940, Suppl. I, p. 289 (English Edition). 2) P.G. No. 1086 of the 31st March, 1941, Suppl. I, p. 19 (English Edition). 4 cmwtiftwma•sjfc'rootMinatha; Schedule1 to •this Law as'it they had bound.- <׳.•}. "'׳'.'' •>" * '•:''׳' ׳•' "-• i-׳themselves by'omtract I tor abide• by thenv; t • ^ (6) the provisions of section 4 of the said Ordinance shall apply to business premises with the'following modifications: and adaptations:''• ' •1> 0) the word -,,tenant"f shall' be• deemed to refer to a tenant within the ׳ '''' ' J,,,* ''׳ '•־ :' • meaning'of*this'chapter; •"^•V "'•-־-• (2) the words "notwithstanding that such tenant's contract "of tenancy ' '"' "',־' • 1 ' '''"'־'' /has exj^ired" shall be ignored;1 r' "'׳'•' (3) lhe' words" **any Verm of any agreement of tenancy1 in respect of such premtsea" shall be deemed to refer to any of the conditions set out in the "*" ־-''•'' ׳''׳''•׳' ;Schedole'to tfc&'Law ?• -i i ׳׳ •••• •׳׳״• •׳•• H ,: r -. ,. -,.! !• ! i,•. ..־ i i C-tt subsection (3) shall'not apply; ' . >• ' ' '• ־. • .»•. ,•׳'...'"'. •>:'. • 5.1» ! . : .׳ - . 1 (fe) tlto tenant may apply under the said Ordinance to a Rent Commissioner , as iff foe were the lessee of the business premises. '.״.׳;׳ u־ . .־ •<• • '• • .:** n •׳׳,׳•' .a;m<״ <II׳ ־;־t".•, •־' ״i• ! i Tenant's |_0_ Wfeema a! hwiisiiig'order has been made' in respect of a house other than a duties a^fflimg-Btitmsii/ inr'hrisinpss prpmispj;, nnd thp tpnant is in occupation, then, as from in respect of house the day mm which the tenant entered the house and so long as the order is in force — other than {a},.the tenant shall pay to the owner of the house an adequate rent at a rate a dwelling- house fixed by the competent authority by order under his hand; or business premises. t&J tita tenant and the owner of the house shall abide by the conditions set mailt m: (the Schedule !to this4 Law as if they had bound themselves ,by'contract •„ <׳. .to abide by them JJ_ Where a housing order has been made in respect of any house, and the tenant Voiding of has entexed the house, any contract made before the tenant's entry for the letting certain contracts. of (the house, to a person not in occupation shall be regarded as void and shall not serve,as a basia for a claim for compensation or for any other claim; however, such m peasam may chum, in the manner in which an ordinary civil debt is claimed, the iretatdl ,of any consideration paid by him.
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