ill !U I I Ik 1 n I I r 1 f fh P TJ. S. WEATHER BUREAU, March 24. Last 24 Hours' Rainfall, trace. SUGAR. 96 Degree Test Centrifugals, 3.92c. Per Ton, $78.40. Temperature, Max. 75; Min. 64. strong Weather, trades. 88 Analysis Beets, 10s. 4V2d. Per Ton, $33.80. InI - hi.ijSHED JULY 2, 185U. I. HONOLULU, HAWAII TERRITORY, THURSDAY, MARCH 25, 1909. IlILD TURN BOARD SALT LAKE ELKS LIQUOR n GREAT STORM RACING !Y VISIT IIS AMENDMENTS OF HEALTH ODER TO OVER A WIDE AREA Representative Now in Town Digest of the Changes Made I; COUNTY SUPERVISORS Sizing Up the Island in the Pending Attractions. Measure. OF WESTERN COUNTRY Honolulu may just as well get" busy Following is a digest cf the it' and prepare to receive a big herd of changes in the present liquor law as i Senate Considers the Shingle Outlines His Elks next winter, for a Salt Lake Elk contained in the amendments as pass- is down in Honolulu looking over the ed by the Senate: Tornado at Dallas, Blizzard at Denver and an pastures and sizing up the situation to Section 4. The amendment, in de- New Measure to Reg- Position Kaniho make a on report his return in about fining the powers of the Board of Li- Atmospheric Turmoil at Chicago The a month from now. Frank T. Elec- Collins, cense Commissioners, leaves out in two ulate General Calls Guardsmen Tin of Salt Lake City, an Elk and a promi- places the words "discretion," thus Japanese Deny Spy Stories. nent man of Zion, arrived here last restricting the board in the use of its in li- week on a pleasure discretion granting and refusing tions. Soldiers. trip and inciden- censes. The amended section also tally to investigate the prospeets for eliminates the following phrase, "sub- a big excursion. ject only to the limitations and direc- (Associated Press Cablegrams.) if "The Salt Lake Elks are a buneh of tions in this act contained," and sub- .Hi the provisions and The deliberations of the Territorial mighty good fellows," said Mr. Collins j stitutes "subject to DALLAS, Texas, March 25. Twelve people have been killed and many Yesterday's session in the House was directions in this act contained." At Senate did not produee anything beyond marked by a vehement attack on the yesterday, and tney take trips here the end of the first paragraph the injured and great damage has been done in the country districts by a tornado. the Chillingworth home rule resolution part of Kaniho against the two bills and there almost every year. The last words "except as herein provided" DENVER, Colorado, March 25. A great snowstorm is raging. The city has vesterday that was apart from the ordi- dealing with the militia, in the course time they went over to Los Angeles, are added. These changes to quite a been cnt off from communication and hundreds of telegraph and telephone nary routine work and that was distin- of which he Gen- about 800 people making the trip. Now restrict attacked Adjutant degree the power the Board of Li- pcles are down. The fire alarm system is destroyed, there is great damage Coelho they want to do something bigger and of to guished by its briefness. Even eral Jones as a lobbyist and referred cense Commissioners. failed to enliven the proceedings by a have practically decided that a trip to trees in parks and traffic is suspended. to the soldiers of the National Guard Section 9. License Fees. i few legislative Honolulu will be just the thing. CHICAGO, March 21. A severe storm prevails throughout the West and handsprings which the of Hawaii as tin soldiers in whom he Wholesale License Fee The whole- is a very large ill statesman from Maui ean generally be had no great confidence, and by the "There matter about sale license fee is reduced for all South. Wires are down and reports are meager, but great damage is believed it- transportation to and from relied upon to produce when there is an declaration of Shingle as to what he the Islands, plaees on the Islands, except Hono- to have been suffered in Texas. til be- which will have to be solved first, how- lulu and Hilo, from $1000 (one thou- evident danger of the proceedings considered the proper thing to do in ever. We want to ascertain whether sand dollars) to $500 (five hundred coming dull. extending the power of the counties. we can get accommodations dollars). '' The for a big afternoon session was occupied Shingle went to the limit in what In defining the quantities of liquor OIL FUEL FOR WARSHIPS crowd on one of the regular passenger by. a consideration of the new election he favored. He wanted not only to to be sold under the wholesale license Bill 121, boats, or whether we will have to char- amount is raised from bottle law, Senate in committee give the counties the right to levy the "one ter a steamer. We want to know "one-hal- f Woods being in or flask" to dozen reputed Oil-burni- of the whole, Palmer taxes and issue bonds, but he desired whether it will be possible for us to MARE ISLAND, March 25. experiments have been ordered the McCarthy as quarts, or one dozen reputed pints of chair. Senator acted also to turn over to the various boards get return transportation to the Coast bottled beer or wine, nor less than one continued. It is believed that a test trip of an warship will ba the interpreter of the bill, it being con- just when we want to go. all of supervisors ill matters ia connec- That li reputed quart if bottled goods other cade to Honolulu. sidered section by section. very important. thanvwine or beer." This is an im- tion with sanitation and health, quar- He explained the beginning that "The arranging of side trips around provement in the way of preventing ii antine, ja'ls and hospitals, waterworks the islands, I find, will be easy of ac- the bill did not make any ehanges of wholesalers to sell very small quanti- DEMOCRATS AND THE TARIFF and sewers and the question of food complishment. I think the Utah Elks ties, as it is reported some are now eonaequeriee in the prevailing election and their friends who make this trip inspection. Shingle even suggested doing. laws and that the inclusion of a provis- will be delighted. Several hundred Fee license fee turning over care of lepers Saloon License The ion for a great register was the most the and people will come if it is finally decided for saloons is reduced from $750 WASHINGTON, March 25. Champ Clark, Democratic leader of the House, radical method of addition contem- their children to ihe counties, to go ahead with the proposition. but this (seven , hundred and fifty dollars) to replied to Representative Payne yesterday in a five hour speech, opposing the plated. met with a very emphatic- - negati" "Honolulu has two very good friends' '$25 tw.v'R'Shdred and fifty dollars) A proposed ehange in method in Messrs. Calvin and Bancroft, the Republican tariff proposals. v.'. the of from the other embers. in the following towns: Kahului, "Wai-luk- "plaeing tile names of candidates upon The same menrber outlined the pl5n two railroad men who were down here Kohala, Ewa Mr. Burley, Oregon Lahaina, Lihue, and the ballot ealled forth critieism from on foot to combine the offices of the recently, and the Waialua. This is accomplished by W. O. Smith who said he Short line official who, understand, Senator that Laud Commissioner and the Surveyor I changing the wording from that in the JAPANESE NOT SPIES to com- was here a few years ago." thought the alterations tended General and pointed out a way in present law. Instead of the present plication. Secretarv Wood of the Promotion i which the Organic Act could be got provision making the license fee $750 "Can you find anything more confus- around in the combination. Committee is taking up the excursion election with Mr. Collins, and the local for all "premises located wholly or in TOKIO, March 25. The government has issued an official denial ing than the present laws!" Douthitt entered a very emphatic matter five that McCarthy. He added that Elks of Lodge No. 616 will be asked part within a radius of miles from as government. asked Senator against putting cost of third-clas- s postof-fice,- Japanese residents in the United States act" spies for the rarest the the of a first, second or " ten per cent of the ballots were thrown pld in maintenance of the Queen's Hos- to take up the matter entertainment out at last election because voters should the excursion be decided upon. the amendment reads: "For sa- the pital upon the county of Honolulu, as loon premises $250, exeept in the fol- were led astray by the confusing regu- suggested by Bice. Douthitt stated lations and methods of the present law. lowing named districts, where the fee JAPANESE "DIET ADJOURNS that the institution was one used for HAWftlTWTHE for this class of license shall be $750: To Inspect Fortifications. the benefit of the whole Territory and In the district of Hilo and in the dis- AH the members of the Senate were not simply for the people of Oahu. trict of Honolulu." TOXIO, March 25. The Diet has adjourned after a session barren of results. in attendance when the upper house Among the other amazing things Hotel License Fee This is reduced ' ..
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