' V •*: ■»* * .' MONDAY. JUNE 29,1942 iHatirltrBttt tu nttog g m tt £ The USO Sonds. a Bit qjTlome to Our Boys in Foreign Fields dieatar called for 2S mail but due Maaa Thla grdw must raport at Sr. A> A. tvdwlt and Samlly wa apand mcaCh of Jdly at Rotary Enters Another Dralt to enllatments and reflaariilcatjlon tha railroad at u:80 a. m. tom or­ ZZl IjMKmtTown Board of directors: John Oree- or married men who had row alaea thoy bo glvan raU- 300 USED TIRES South X^nme^ O nm . Aveipg^ Daily GtrenlatioB gan, Harry Hitching, Aldo Pagani, scheduled to report tha Uat was ragd and aubalstmca tlokota be­ A L L SIZES The Weathsr Jgtai DiSalvo, cf 24 Kmeraon Its 3rd Year Ehneat Bush, and officers. Group Leaves reduced. One man failed to report fo r e 41ino o f train \departure. Un­ Fke^nwMoiHhaf May. 1M8 atreet, proprietor of the State at the local draft office and hla der ner cirenmatandea should any VICTORY TIRE C O .' a t V .M . Weattm .Oaok Book Owmlttoo ot uio Taller Shop at 8 Blaaell atreet, la ^ Oommltteea: Program, Steve naipe waa turned'dver to local po^ in this gmup report at tha draft Dube, chairman; Richard Btefflns, 648 No. Mala SI,. Pheas 7.386 ■ocloty of tko *m M «l oonllned to a hoapital in New York' Service Oub Member* Contingent Goes to Hart* Uce headquartera. board office -» ckurcb win moot »t tho City after being atricken while on Ted Brown; Weekly Letter, Karl ‘ThoM who ara accapted fOr 'J > ' a e( Ms Anns . / tooltht ot 7:S0. R ia bopoA yueution. Mr. and Mra. DiSalvo ship Has Increased KeUer, chairman; Cheater Brun­ ford Today for Exams; army aervlce today will ba given eC-Olfenlatleaa awT momben o f both com.- went to New York a week ago on ner; dub Service, Jay Rand and automatic 14-day furloughs be­ IM wUl atfoo^ vacation and Mr., DiSalvo waa 25 Per Cent. other Committee Chairmen; Ro- 71 Leave Tomorrow. fore being sent to the reception Manchester—-A City oJ^iBage CHarn^^ V of tlM orkW ^tlon will alao taken aerloualy lU ahorUy after taryXlnformatlon, Leon 'Iborp, center at Fort -Devena, Masa The amleome at tWa apodal moot- Chairman; Dr. Enianuel Rabino- arrival. Mlaa ^ an cea OomoUo hai The Mancheirter Rotary dub en- A group of IS Selective Service accepted men will be Immediately, FEATURED FOR MANCHESTER, b)N N „ TUESDATk JUNE SO, 1942 (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE been in attendance at the tailor witx; Vocational Service, Richard regiatranta left the local draft assigned to the cnliate<L rfcaerve VOL.LXL,N0..2St shop during Mr. DiSalvo'a ab- te n ita third year thla week, aa Steffens, Chairman; Steve Dube, board office at 7:80 thia morning list. fetfmt—' Wotfara Omti^ No. 41 aence. "■ ' the newly elected offlcere take Ted Brown; Community Service, Tomorrow morning at 11 o'clock Mot tomorrow ovonlng ot their chalra on JUly 1. The local Arthur Ullng, Chairman; Sherwood bound for Hartford to undergo U. 71 of tb* local registrants accept­ TUESDAY AT «*dod[ at tho Eaat 8ida Mr. and Mra. Danny Shea o f service club haa enjoyed a 26 per Robb, Ernest Bush, Jay Rand; Fel- S. Army- phyaical examination for ed for-army service f»o weeks Gorman U-Boata O ff American Coast ,cj lowahlp, Melvin Hathaway. Chair­ Ocntor. A report of Woodland had aa their gueata the cent ihereaae in membenhlp alnce poeWble Induction into the armed ago will leavs tbs north end rail­ German Infantpy' oonventlod bo paat week, Mr. and Mra. Joaeph man; Rev. Thorsten Gustafson, El­ foreea. Today’s quota from Man- road station for Fort Devena, Fliers Attack Tanks ddogata, X n. Jen- K ortvdy and Miaa Betty Hort- ita organlution. more Hohenthal, O. Albert Pear­ vely, all of Allentown, Penna. The offlMra, board of dlreeton son; International Service, EmeaC „ndand committees for ththe clqb‘ ' year. Bush; Clasalflcatlon. Dr.. Bernard The United PoUah Socletiea of July 1, 1942, to July 1, 19*8, are Sheridan; Attendance, William On Kursk Sector jflftp ii Xuldoon ^ IW Maple Schieldge, diairman; Arthur Ben­ waa admitted ^to the Mancbeater at • meeting at the^ as follows: Double Green Sumps Given Away Poliah American club yeaterday Officers:, President, Sherwood J. son, Bei4<Mnln Eldredge, Dr. Bar­ In Egyptian Desert; Memorial l^ ltal Robb; vice president, Edward ney Wlchihai^; Induction of New Exceptional June raa later In tha day afternoon voted to ralae fimda for Membena ReY. Thorsten Gustaf­ W ith Cash Salea^,A|l D ay Tuesday to Bt. Franda hospl- the relief of Poliah aoldiera who Hutchison; secretary, Benjamin Cut Off by Reds Crehore; treasurer, Loula Marie; son. BaitfOrd. are Impriaoned and alao for PoUah iWugees. Ladies* Circular Knit laHldna who dealra to partlcl- More Than 200 Nasi Pass Fuka in M ia tho f M coBomunlon at Local realdenta are again re­ Fashion Fit W a y Czechs Mm*a ohordi, muat attend the minded that there wiU be no fur­ Towel Values Tanks Smashed in no of taUgloua Inatruction be- ther waate paper coUectlon by the Period of Two Days; Italian’ B(ffh Command condnctod eeery day, todud- Junior Chamber of Commerce and HALE'S SELF SERVE Hinder Nazi United States Army getnrday, from nlae to ten, ui the Mancheater Boy Scouta until Defenders Soon Qose Asserts l^toriaed Col­ Must Occupy tin church hall. X September. - Tht Origisal Is Ntw Englandl CHIFFON Forces Also Raid Wedge Before Tanks Trains Told umns 45 N^es East tered Tobruk as Bi ■ tfea Bwitaloa or Junior O ld Sergeant George Men and Axis Nations ranauta b a n a their aeoond M d Private Raymond Mere apent the ' Can Get into Battle. Of MatruhV British ish Indicate En< ‘ week at the camp on the week-end with their parenU Mr; ANP HEALTH MARKET RINGLESS and M n . Matthew Mens of North Armored U nits^ Path A t W ar End Thrust Eastward farm thla moraine. The Moscow, June SO.- Fountain Pens Blast o f the girla volunteered Main atreet. Declared Repi Vicinity of Fi ■ croupa from the Oen- TUESDAY SPECIALS Soviet forces on the K ursk Freight; 8(^ Soldiers ___ sr atreet and Wood- Aviation Cadet Fred C Kelab, front above Kharkov have Injured as Troop Several T h o u ^ n d Germany, Italy and Ja­ Fresh New at laat week an aon o f Mr. and Mra. Fred Kelih cut off CBnnaa' infantry a of SS Brownldi attended of 40 CUnton atreet, who haa been Double Green Stamps Given A w a y HOSIERY Train Hits Wreck, More Prisoners Tidt( pan Must Learn Who Units Bolster Defc atationed for aome time at the forces ^hlcnxpierced their ‘camp each day. Really Is Master; SanU AxA cat alrbaae baa been With Gash Sales All Day Tuesday lines in sevenu sectors and Rome (From Italian Broad­ chdr of St. John’a tranaferred to the ThunderUrd 3 Shades New York, June 30.—(Jf) —Oome Cairo, June 80.- more than 200 N azi tanks casts), June 30.— (/P)— Axis hould Delay Peace. ehniidt win hold a bingo Field, Phoenix, Aria. , have been smashed in two along with a Ckechlalovak patriot Heavy raids by augmc ■■eninr in the ehurch hall, 33 SPECIAL! Sizes iVj to MVf as he blowa up a Naxl freight train motorized columns have pass­ United States Army The Ambulance Tranaportation days, the Army publication Angeles, June SO—(F)—At Ootway atreet, at 7:80 p. m. Red star reported today la thb with fountain pens. ed Fuka, 45 miles east of Ma- Forces- on German-It Bat of paatiy .only, and tho unit of the Civilian Defenae Coun­ war’s iqd, “the first thing will be Special! flnt detailed account at tha maa- It’a deep midnight when a truh, in their drive toward tanks in the Egyptian dc public la invited. cil will hold an important meeting to occupK Germany, Japan and thla evening at headquarten of the Corn Cans 27c alVe new battle raging in that motorcycUat speeds up to tha lead­ Alexandria, the Italian high battle area and on bat unit at 29 Blaaell atreet. All mem- area. The frontline account said er of a group of Csech saboteurs commSnd said today. British Italy and om that these nations Tobruk werfi announced ben are requeated to be preaeat that Marahal Timoahenko'a de- In ths German-occupied land, and reaUy knowNrap Is msater.” Burt Otaay feadera closed in quickly behind armored units in the path of day as the British indie at 8 o'clock aharp. acoordlnih-to this account receiv­ The speakeiXwaa Dr. Henry A. the wedgea driven by the Naxia ed .here today by the American the Germanritalian deta(:h- that the enemy had tl fC pair ments were declared to have been Atkinson, aecrea^ for the Osr- r o o f in g The Vacation Bible claaa, which Cut Wax or Cut Green before supporting tanks could ba Friends of CXachoalovakla, hands Naxi rtiptlon material accompanying this picture deacrlbed these craft aa German submarines oper­ negle-endowed W oM AlUanca for eastward to the vicinity of meeta on PWadneaday evenlnga at brougbt up in. thia battle which him thla message: ating 6a -the United States coast. Light clothing worn by sailors indicates the boats are in southern repiilaed. Several thousand more 140 miles west of Alexandria perhaps represents the beglnalng prleonSra wid enormoua quantl- International FriemUilp Through 45 mllea aoutheast of a n d im m o 7:80 in the Robbina Room of Cen­ "Tomorrow at 4:10 a.
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