
SPECIAL APOllO EDITION THEATLANTIC.SUN VOL. X. NO. II EIGIIT PAGES F!.OlUOA ·ATLANTIC lTNlVER8.ITY, flOCA R/lTON. FLOnw... WEDN~DAY. NOV£MBER 26, \06. MISS FAU GROVER TO Ily I.OUIS F'1t~·zu. SUN Starr Wdl". Betore .. &'andl"lll ovatIOn In 'h" Unlveulty Tllea.re, M'A. Sand... Thorn... wu <:ho5<;>n MI.... STEP DOWN ,.AU ror ,080.70. S""dra. spo"".<'Id by A1ph" Ornl"...., PI, ealllt<! her ."'.rd, ''W''J><I"rrul and SGA President David Grover has an· .IJ....U no"".," noun"ed that due to his coming graduation Tbe dark_halnod bea..,y chO"'" '0 'll"lll .. _ In December ha will resign hJs office and by Donovan lor her 'llIe..' domon......Uon and .,,_ that pres<:>nt Ville-President KevJn MUler «Imp.nlOld he....1f on th" lII:ul<e•• Sand"" "Ill" will assume 'he presidency upon the res· l.'er 01 har aecon,pll""men'. '" hOpe It ..tI, Ignatlon. ,tva me mo•• opportunltl.... to Slnll: lor many Grover, a political science major, was ~Ie ... I can, for this I.. _ "I th" .,.,. lenIent<!. .. elected president last March In" race with Glenn Ring, Chuck Dodds, and Pete Engel­ Sandra'. rw>ner_up. _no nUt n>nnerup. son. Before his duties a:s preSident, Gro· La"ra ....h..y, ""d ..<:ond runner-up. MarLen" ver served as an associate and then chief Ro"ll'''on. [)oIl> J>Oonlelpan,s _To sponsoreod by til" DramaUe An.. Club. 1...".... "",rfonn8d .... justice for FAU's student CQurt. "Father William" nadine from All"" In Won_ Although serviaI' as president lor only <!lilian<! lor h". 'alen. pre_n.aU"n whll.. ~I.rl..... three quarters, Grover was able to meet ""I two 01 her 0"'" -o"C.. wllU" pl_ylnll"e 1"1­ many of the goals he set for himself upon .'. his election. Describing himself as "to­ Mary Florea of "'lp1'lO Gamma Delta and tally Involved" wHh FAU, Grover wassbleto lIan~y K~O<ly, __red by 0..... SllJm. PI, accompllsb mUCh. ChJef among Grover's ...r. .monlJ tI•••ml_ftnllllat... M.ry IJO"" a drives was "to build 8 rapport between ad_ " .... m.lIe ....a<llnc 01 "/l DeaUl 10 Ito..a·· U·Om ministration and students." To further this Romeo and Julie'...hll.. SIUIey n.......ed 111m" goal. he took an active part In the Univer_ of her _.or .Itll,... sity Governance Committee's rec:ommenda­ Other COn',,"'an'. we...., I)onna ... rml....ad. tlOn to set up an unlc"meral governanee __nn1 by Ute J.",lsh Stud.nl Union. and system. The proposed W11cameral legis­ s.epll...... Bea_1 fn>m Dorm III. IIoor 3 ""'" ••CIt lature l:s hoped to give students an eQUal fN'-rfOrmeod In...rp laUv.dlUl,,.''' .Iolla ut_, or PM Mu, WhO n.r I"" • ftod M~Ku..n ~m "'hll. (Contln..eod on P .... 4) pl.y1ne tho 10... tt.em. rn>m Rom"" and Juliet .... plano, J ..rt J ..vl., .""......nllnc th.. ~·AU Dade C ..n.... who _ "TIll. Lan<! I. Your Lan"", .nd Ollvl. M ....ln., aupr.or'edbylho Dorm COwell, who r ..ad 'wo o.llflnal _m. with a ,""~S«ln'.tlv.. all.... p.o,..,n••tlon. Ju<llfe" lor Iho ..vonl wer.., Taylor Graltl. H ..oId..nl 01 Ih.. GoI<la<1 Palm Fullv.l; Dr. DouII.. Ga'lIn. prol........r 01 PoUl\cal Science, "'<kollll~ Sn)"d<.or, Ol...,etor or l1nl"",u.i'y n ..la­ 'I<>n •. D.v.. G ........., p ....sld..n. of Ih.. S''''''''nl ao""mm..n., p.m S.hl"n, p .....ldoon. 01 'h.. In· 10. OoyanIUllonal Council (IOC) .nd F:d ~laI_ "..ok,.. Pruld,,'" of .h.. 1n,••_Fral...nl')" Cmm­ ell (IFC). P .....,nt 'or th.. cont..", th.. form..r ~lIu P/lU ltltl._~9 Ell""""". J ..vn MI.... J ..v- n.... r"..,.,""t.... h..r .x""rl""OIl. a. MI .. FAU 0JXl 1.1•• P<ll on .h.. "rown of M,oa FAUon the hud of h..r ""e~a""r. "I'1>e pl'Olfnm for 'he nllhl wu' .""nl.... IOIll a>m""tltlon, ,aI"n a>mpeU.lOn. b.lhl"ll It ....mpetIUc>n• ..,lec'lOn of ....ml_flnlll.llltS, In••r_ Oo~ .. Grov.. r. Pr..sid..n' of SGA vI..w .....0 per""nallty ...at••nd .h.. Iln.1 ..Iee­ tlOn 01 Mlu F/lU ..nd h.r 'wo runn.r_up.. Th.. Appollo 12 mOOn .h.., 11ft off 'n'''rvt.w and ""."",,&llly ,.s' const"''''' 01 ••el'> Sltml_nn.llMs· IUI_.' 10 s ....I••led QU.stlOn '" an h..rmetICa1ly ""aled ..nv.l~. MluT!>om.. <lU~"'1on <leal. _Itl> 1>0 ..... be.ek "Ulln«. ""''' of the ..... Mlu P/lU'.. 1.....rlt<J _'ss. Intramural En'ert.....m.nl waa provided by Mel Arnold APOLLO 12 >nd hIs combO. ",..",.r of cer......nI..s Bob L_ _ .... lo Ut" relaxeo ••mosph..r .. ol.". ~......mony Progress bl his Inprompt.. at>nIf". jOk.s, .nd lmpt!r_.­ 'Ions. 'flle F/lU Inl"'mural p........m Is I" lull MOON SHOT ..pt!.a'lo" with 'he compl..tlon 0' 'he r l.. football ll.mu. e co_ed voll.yball nlllh', d .. Ill'TOM DNIOR SUN IlOIf lo.......men'. TIle r"'VUlar 1_lbail "",.son ..nded wllh ..... Man"Ri"" Editor I.acu.s 51111 wlll>ou. IUIov.r_stl wlnn.r.1» L . w ••rrlv"" ..I .ne C_ ...rly Frld..y mornlnl, ..... ""y of t .... One, .h.. M.jo.a ~lImln.l"" Illph. Ta.. Om .. I..uneh. Our ".r wu atlll 0ra1n1J>1l .."""I Ihreo In~hu of _ter f m allowing GDI '0 ".."'...s Ih. tltl... Gol...,tled 'he the ..II nliiI>' rains ..... had drl~..n 'h.......... .....""n wtlll .. ""rfee' 5_0 r ..CO.d. In 1...ag". It did not .all. 100 lo"ll lor u. to It,,,,,,, our...lv"s I_I Im""rtanl. ......0. 'h~ Far",..rs der".'ed Delta Slllm.. PI W ....5I<ed Ih.. 1011 ,,,ker at one ..f th.. e.u,""w..y ' dl"ll 10 M ..rrll '0 forc•• pl..y ....ff for lIu, be,"'""" ,It" ._ laI..nd _'eh "'oy ...... SIIO..ld SO 10 g .. to ths P ...." .. C"" r, 0' Leonch I...m .. 'fll.. P.rmers IUId Dolt. SIll' SPIll 'h"lr Sit.. H .. IOld u.lhl 'hey wer.. bolh up on th.. ISland. bu' we couldn'l ...rlss with 0 ..11 .. SIll ,"Innlnll' Ihe fir... ll.m... I» I'" •up 'he'" nuu ..nd I .""lI' b"clt In ohO ..... "OIl ye" we ~anl" 1...acu. Thre... Dor"''' ~O_~ ."d 6_~ "I"" tI.... ThO Incid..nt m.<.Ie Us f....1 100'1. bu' we we......111 losl. fn for fir.... f.. ~' we _'. loS< .... many tim.." IU. <.I ..y I bfttl;.... wlll.Unll' for 10 A play-off I .. '0 d ..'orml"" 'h.. wlnn..u In 1> ..rrollt"" and ~h"'lJed spy... B.lor" we r ~hed .11" main pr .. l....ffU .... 'wo ....d 'hr... nn No""m""r 24. A Iftr"" s~, .. "'<' h m ......ll"" I rt <Iown fonr rlel"" .....ds, and aI- 'e"m pl.y....11 will 'hon det...ml.... Ih.. 0~..ra11 mo.' ,." Nt"''''' for ,."nt: th.. wronl w ..y On • onn way sl........ wlnnor ..!ler 'ho Th....kql~lng holld.y. Tho o~er­ wn..' m ..k..s Ih" 0 .... w.y st...,." ."Uon so bad Is 'h" fact 'hal f ..II wfnnar will r ..~elv.. fUtym...,,,.,,,,ln'S"'....rd,. h ..d motle a "U"Unt·' '0 gOl tn.., w..y. lbe M ....er Poln' T ....pI>y to 00 llh..n "t Ih" e.... A' .ny rat.. we llna1lyrea"lt"" .h.. pr..""Slto. wMre w. contlnu"" 01 'II.. yur, '0 SI>..ke up pOllee by asking them If w. could ~h ..n... cloth... In lh.. Th. winnor. 01 the Co-ell VOlleyba11 1<lllhl w..r .., Illpl>.. T ..o Om"... fl .... pi""" IUId thUly_ b.'h~';~ arrived .he PA "y.""'" ....''''un''''''I'''''.bu•• w..... boar<U"lI flv. "'U'"r ""tn's, Do.m 20_~. "'''''nd p'a".. fOr 'h.. ~ISC wh..r" 'h.. as' n""I.. would bo"rd 'h.. ~.... ",hl~h would and 'wen,y_n~e ""Ints; ..nd Dell. ce.ry III..m '0 th.. launel' ..r AfI"r malting ....... tM, 'h"s.. buses Slgm. P', Ihlrd pi.".....d ."'.n'y would r"'um 1><>f..r. l...n~1I 11m.. "'.. gol "be"rd. Wh..n w......~h"" ""In.... S,ONORA THOMAS _ new M,u FAU (Conlin.."" on " ..... 01) ..... s 'h. Ad.ntl,,8UII TH·ATLANTIC.sUN LETTERS MORATORIUM (:" 1 W.lkln.. To The Editor I W _ IlIUI, bel..... n 1<1_' ...- Utli tbor. -.. .. ..101."",.., .--=tltle • "_a1... c"'-"'''.01 EDITORIALS till. 11>....... but -.MItIe ... _ lor m,IIIU _ '0 1lO'rUdpe'... .- ••• blind lOI.lo_. '" ~ Hawk ,..-. bul boU..rtno; th.. tbo ............. __• De.... Edi...r Of .... ATLANTlC '"Stoop _ r Ho • _ "New Pen,.. SUN' ...clt p.l ourch _.dr"SWtotc G.D. LoUIe.'. " ItIe ..........~e1',. __ baI -... CIOm ......... In ObI A.t.I I" _ No__• 11th_IIlth.-.-· <II ....mOen r•• """".. ..'.'""In.-t I•• _,1\11 d'7...... It .... u"'17. to.... _ lfI..... me II>­ • m7-'1et'1OUa _ ..., .... thl' •..-<'.1.. Iell niOl do...l.... rnmp. "to>e<o A..... .....rt An..r <:I>IC1t1"" I.. II lh& Ne.. Yo.. IIl·"."Tbo <'llell. of ...001.....1>010· A_..~ P et>,..rt... ChUrch, I _ • boI.... " ..... n•• _ .. U_ .. I II.... '0 Arllnct-, WfW!r••10. 4O __r "Mareb ""'alit. ..... on_half ...mpO ,. 00••10" .... o"'''n..In"• ......k bJl • hOlt of other. lor W. mor"hod 1I..le_me, ..... r .... Irat_ "mo. ,_...,_Ib. J"IIlr" '0 boo e10.....lib my 'hOU"hll. WelkLoo: 0 .... "'" n. <Ie"'.rl"".... h_......"".r ~~'~:;I~·f~':.';'.it:;~::I~~':rf.::.~·:f from I..MIIe_nCO, Mo' I1.So T., :::::=:: Ut.
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