NILES OCTOBER L 2010 * A PIONEER PRESS PUBLICATION * WWW.NILESHERALDSPECTATOR.COM * S? 00 THIS WEEK ELECTION 2010 YOUR m)©t© BUDGET State facing major challenges to finances PAGE 10 s. Home Front by Blockshopper House calls f- Which local residence sold, and for how much? Turn to Usha Kamaria, of Skokie, lights a wick during a beginning prayer to the goddess Ourga for the Home Front to find out N AVA RAT R isuccess of the evening during a ceremony celebrating the New Year on the Indian calendar at - PAGE 17 the Feldman Recreation Center in Nues on Saturday. PAGE 7 (Michael Jarecki/for SIM) F EST I VA L . C ó: /1f'C te IDV S3OC-YLO9II SS1IN lI%I LS NOJ.>ItJO m ogg J_sIaAèI18X1OIl8fld S1IN IslaAILèI8I1DIlBfld SflIN Edens Plaza Wilmette TOOOOO 5T03 8T9CS 847-251 -7130 5ro-3;iO1 i-3J M-F 10-8 ' Sat 10-6Sun 12-4 www.compIetebirkenstockcom NIL THUR500L OCTOIER www.pioneerlocal.com T OLIO PIONEER PRESS PUBLICATION NIL www.pioneerlocal.com Glenview d 847-724-5800 No surprise that the real estate companywith the most Firsts is the one that lasts. CoidweliBankerOnline.corn The first real estate brokerage. Groundbreakers ir interactive marketing. 0E Pioneers for equal housing. And the list goes on. Are we moreproud of our history of innovation, or our unparalleled longevity? i z Truth is, they go hand in hand. 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Llevols0003 $119,000GIonvIeo $150,000M0r5ee0rae $037,000Skekis $oss,000CUbage 934,500 ii'RB E"°tBBDtE00' °R tifA"LEgEdEAiiBEtfi AIEfE'R 4Obl7lI..,.,... L 4 www.pioneerlocal.com NIL THURSDAY, OCTOSIR 7.1010 XeusssennSei Managing IMiter: Molt Sclomitz PIsones (708) 524-4433 nttoloOrita@pioneorlocusl,com Local TUIS WEEKs OStERIE MULROE SQUARE ORE IN 21h CRIME: ALLEGED GANGSTERS THREATEN MAN POLITICS: 101011ES Oli SASH WIRELESS SYSTEM I RUthlESS: MALL SHUTS DOWN DUETO IERIGTHA POWER OUTAGE RILES TEEN CENTER 'Creative approach' garnersrecognition By TRACY CRUEII CannEs la r °'It°s nice to get Tho Nileo Toen Caobo was re- recognized even if we cently recognined by the Aoh Conter for Democratic Cover- have a smallprogrant5° cenca mmd lmnnceiionetHoevard Marlo Wsilieasss, Uniceraily. Ont of about GSA eppliounta Teas Caster eserdlaotar the Niles Taro Center was one 01175 govoremenl pccgrema Sc Otis nooder MicRoBe Altee Pisse siGn CIII recelo folloWing a Riles cilieGe board octe lest mccl. IPotrith Autler/Stelt Writerl br awarded in she i000gorel year Marchand seid, cf Ihn Bright Ideas program. One alobo goals of She Bright VILLAGE BOARD "Our eceboetora foal She Hilos Ideos lebtialina is to have gonera- Tase Canine took a ornotics np- mont peogroms various eitles pr000h," acid Ckriuiina Marc- cod staSes will model cher ethar Tiebreaker keeps plaza named hood, os000ioan direcbor fer out- sacoessOolpeegeums. reach, lcr Innovoliocs in Anion- Ehe programo oddesss publie iron GoneromrntA000rds. moneo,sockasreducing Marchand said the Tarn Con- povoety, environ mantel censar- for imprisoned formermayor tar in ineonry unique location cation cod emergency masega- otColfMill BhoppiagCeoterond nf PATRICK BUTLER nished tha nillogn's rapointico Truotno Jomes Hyena argued und vicletad ouc Oros:" by shak- ihot, while che Bloca sigo in lese aleo oISers cractina progrems. "I'm 0000icntlyoomiogopwboh pl uticr@p in n en r lora Loo m new ideosIce ing dowo busiocenan to buy in- iwpcciuct then the villegas The Teen Censar hens strong peogroms," poelnerakip with corleas enti'- Williams said. Nicholas 1310er maynoall be tice coronor Irom coo ut his friands, budgetary problema, laaciog the thon iniciog u 25-percent roi of aigeoptandsemauaage thai Oies 100km community, such on The teeeegars will ha actons io only federo! prisoner is the roan- carleas governmnnlal depert- 00 upcoming heonted-house Icy with o civic cooLer plaao ihn comminsi000T Nil es isn't serious akouL rObles menlo, Ihn Pebble Likrory, Chow- community eoneS. The peal cou- I Blase mas saoianocd io O Door b .5 5 I I f L comedie his h000r. ro dl ber nl Commerce, ColE Mill moo- p1e of yesca the Taon Censen clac Following o eomntimen amo. cod a day in fedarel prison eight Pressiog to keep Blase's nomo agamael end alares, cool sohoel held acharioy eue waalo 1h01 pew to sosa heoreowoers forever BO yearn. With etto ercfrilevts, deelgdro arrd lioso! 45-minnie discussion doc- months 0go. en the pluao Trustas Aloe Weal jog Ube Saps. OW Nitos village Prastonh cemmecto drew bosh acid that once e place boa keen districts, residents cad husivaca- nided fonds fer Habblcl for Ha- craftsmen who can transform tired rooms into ectreoodinary new living space, tartar board meeting, Meyer ttobrri chanes end boos from the audi- comed oller nommons, it shoold- monityandthe enpanainnoflhr Collrro broke a 2-O tie ocer anca, pcompticg o morning loom n'i be chacAnA. Likewise, Trustan Tha applic000o were eceluot- Tren Canton ladility. less thon you eoer dreorned possible. Kitchen, basement mosler suite whoteuer nohethati Solear domo Ohr lorgo Collnro "lfthethoppensdgein, Joe LeVando said, "S bane a not- ed based on envebty (daoronstml- Wibh Ohr enpoesioc Willbems in g oroahivily), ollaotiva0000 seid attendance is continuing to you hava in rrricd, cell in the beet in the b volcase too a Tree corrsullatiorr today. r000den Blasa Placa sigsc outeide I'll door iba room." orally forgiving nature. The Ihr moeloipel offiroe. The eudiaece, which included moyar in paying bio debt toter)- beohiecing tungibbe cesalto), sig- grow, with obeot 05to 00 kids Call 888.349.1714 for a Complimentary in-home consultation "The noia lanceo. S thecotoro Binsen mila, Fey, sei silently es ety aed akoald be loegiven. His eiOcanee (addressing impocisni dropping by ce u daily bosia. The bono togo miSh ihn coba cOoks Truainr Chris Hononink cold, 47 yeora of service han not bean p:'nklemo or o000nees) end teeno- cent re is open 3A.m. to 7p.m. freabilbsy Iprowise olauooessfub Tuesday through Friday Teams Acople," Colloco said. "Wa nead io honor the h/nor- SPECIAL FINANCING Cu!laro, who succeeded Bloon, chin," adding Ihet ihn plonu Abc voting le heap ihn sigo up eapbboalion by olhersb. ceo asole lise wiib dbher teens, 2.99%* void hamos votiog to beep the should ha renewed foc polira uf. was Andrew Prophylo, who liha "lib nice So gel rocogcbocd aveu panficip010 io ootivities, type pa- ueeilabre sae- Call For estallar oigo coi only barocca publio sup- liners, Aeelightnra end Oboes in Hynes and Weel recalled Blasen if mn hava uamabb progreso," said pera cod receive help snith thaie port coo 57 parons! to 42 peccant ihn militocy. Hutuosink nino ooes- cocomplishmanla during his Teno Cooler ocordin' lee Mark hamercomb. There also are days i ooracant 04ccay in iba uilloge honed whathar the survey means eoerlyhelf-renluryes mayeo Williams, who ledo the eehnowb- they can portioip000 in cmli peo)- Outsida tice village hourd adgm001 will being nohionab at. 1 OOwslalUrr, bot because "in hin moch, tinco only 1,500 of Ciro vrvoioocriyicoroaasioo Slioc000w I trot o. Lirculo vom, Lrocul0000d I Opor r uaye ao,00ic iLUSO poupin who received the chambece aPtar the meeting, a tenIenta She Teen C eater and Tice Bright Ideas will ho fea- vcvrrrnr,vnnovu.orirrt.ecvrucnLeot Naparorila Uomo Dos,gc Snunr000 '17 osseuse mayo02 ha (Bloca) hod I 2703 Aonio Ara., Napa,eljjnI Open? dsye0000k loco mony good things. And She newsletter bothered to Allevi isorfal well-wisher bugged F00 Ike cilIege ofNibes. tured on the Ash Center's Goy- good things should noi be over- Ehe aurcey, which Homesick sold Bless, TIne Teen Cenlec cpaeed ito ar'nmoui Ineo000ors Nelweeh HOME ADDITIONS KITCHENS BATHS I BASEMENTS sireuld never hava linac doca in "Ho d000rvnd et locaL Ohio 0cc docmto local lnnnoobcvblhrne coebsito, which allows pclicy I CUSTOM HOMES Icolred." 'U'custoaLounlic Fronton the first piece. all ha did for Ibis ciliege oil thoaa years ago. mekaro oled pruotitianoro to Agrand ihn conlrovcreial mayor "We don't tolse 00cc ayo ohoul yours," ahe acid, wiping owey "Whari taon ombra across Oho oh ere iuos'ceLiva idaua theough hod arhiacod mock, bui "nqrron. torvos nr anything nIne," he seid.
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