i NATIONAL MASTERS NEWS If ^ ^ The only national publication devoted exclusively to track &field and long distance running for men and women over age 30 fV. 87th Issue November, 1985 $130 - ^m. .- AT AGE 70, DAVIES WINS $4000 IN BIGGEST MASTERS PAYDAY EVER $27,500 Earned in Twin Cities Marathon CLARK, SCHLOSSER EACH WIN $4000 AS TOP MASTERS When the history of the 20th century running boom is written, scholars will likely include October 6, 1985 as one of the sport's milestones. For on that cold, crisp, autumn, Sunday morning, 70-year-o\d Clive Davies became the oldest runner in history to earn as much as $4000 for a few hours effort. He did it by running 26 miles, 385 yards from Minneapolis to St. Paul, Minnesota in a time of three hours, four minutes and 15 seconds — a time judged best, based on age and sex — of ail age-35- and-over finishers in the fourth annual Twin Cities Marathon, It didn't come easy. The mid-30- i degree temperatures forced the Tillamook, Oregon resident to stop every quarter mile for the last five miles to massage his aching legs. "The cold weather cramped me up," Davies said. "I'm not happy at all with my time." But he was happy with the $4000, ?;•> :• part of a total of $27,500 awarded to i' age-35-and-over runners in the age- :s| graded competition — the biggest pay day in Masters history. Davies' time of 3:04:15 was 14:38 4 under the "target time" for his 70-74 age group, which gave him a nearly- six-minute margin over Antonio Villanueva, 45, of Jalapa, Mexico. Villanueva won the second-place age- handicap award of $3500 with a time of 2:20:35, which was 8:50 under the -.t; r target time for his 45-49 age division. In his first marathon since turning 70 At the 12-mile point in the Twin Cities Marathon in Minnesota onOctober 6, Itwas still a four-way on August 7, Davies ran the fastest -• battle for thefirst-place Masters prize of$4000. England's David Clark, 41,(No. 36on thefar right) pulled away at 14 miles to win the age-40-and-over title in 2:18:56. Mexico's Antonio Villanueva, 45, time ever by a man over 70, breaking (No. 30 behind Clark's shoulder) was2nd in2:20:35 andwon $3500. Ireland's PatMurphy, 40, No. the mark of 3:07:26, set by the late 40)placed 3rd.West Germany's Guenter Mieike, 42,(No. 35)dropped back tofinish 9th. Monty Montgomery in California in --'i ,„ photo by Bruce Bispang 1977. Also winning $4000 were the first 3000 Masters "Keep Moving" men's and women's age-40-or-over In Governor's Cup finishers, David Clark, 41, of England, and Doris Schlosser, 41, of West Ger- • In what was described as "a red- September 29. The events were limited Continued on page 3 letter day for some 3,000 older to Masters age-4(>-or-over. athletes," Masters from all over- New The Governor's Cup is the highlight England and as far away as San Fran of "Keep Moving," a statewide walk New World and U.S. J! f ' cisco showed up to participate in the ing program designed by the Track & Field West Germany's Doris Schlosser, 41, won 2nd Annual Governor's Cup, which Massachusetts Executive Office of $4000 as the first woman, age-40-or^5ver, to consisted of a five-mile run, a three- Elder Affairs, under Governor Michael Age>Groap Records finish the Twin Cities Marathon in Minnesota on October6. Her time of 2:38:56 gave her a two- mile competitive walk, and a one-mile S. Dukakis' aegis, to encourage older — Page 17 minute edge over Idaho's Gabriele Andersen. fun walk, in Boston, Mass., on Continued on page 5 pfwto by Bruce Bispang page! National Masters News November, 1985 CONTENTS DEPARTMENTS TAC Officers 2 Letters to the Editor 2 WRITE ON! Gun Lap 6 Training Advice 7 Open Mouth 8 Profile - Ivor Welch • 9 Speaker's Corner 10 Mftttbttiil Masfm ***0. Box 25?2t N«yg, CA 914IM. Medical Log II The Foot Beat 12 d NRDC 13 NATIONAL T&F MEET see in NCAA competition with rigid walked into Indiana University Track & Field Report 14 The TAC National Masters T&F eligibility of the athlete in any par Stadium, the most impressive symbol WAVA Officers 15 II) ticular event. An effort has to be made Countdown to Melbourne; 15 Meet August 25th in Indianapolis was that this was to be "big time" competi Age Records 16 exceptional in many ways; the superb to check the eligibility of all relay tion was the huge, black Olympic-style New Age-Groupers 16 facility, meet organization and the members in TAC sanctioned cham electronic scoreboard blinking: Masters Scene 25 quality athletes competing made this a pionships; anything less is an admis "Welcome Masters 1985 TAC Na Schedule .26 remarkable competition. The meet was sion that Masters competition is simply tional Track & Field Championships." Track & Field Results 30 Long Distance Results 34 also exceptional in its haphazard super a participatory rather than a com I felt I'd arrived. This sandiotter was vision of who ran on which relays. petitive event. takin' his first cuts in Yankee Stadium. FEATURES It is particularly upsetting to put Richard Guido All the races were conducted U.S. 8K Championships 4 together a club relay, train months for Greater Rochester TC beautifully. Communication between Club. West Meet . .5 Fairport, New York officials and athletes was excellent. I U.S. 15K Race Walk ; 5 an event, go through several thousand TAC Convention 5 dollars of expense to arrive at the na was pleasantly surprised to see the LDR Winners Chart 13 tionals and find people putting FIRST-TIMER'S EXPERIENCE Masters spirit of inclusion and par Report from Britain. 16 together a relay team on the spot. I As a 38-year-old average road run ticipation, rather than exclusion and L.A. Patriots Meet... 16 . f r spoke to the meet director, Marshall ner, I had planned to spend the sum elitism, generously extended to foreign World T&F Records 17 mer of 1985 to improve upon my PR's '}\ American T&F Records 19 Goss, and relayed my concerns. He competitors. The starters, lap- T&F Record Forms r.22 told me that he had brought up the in the 5K (19:20) and lOK (39:54). But, counters, timers, etc. were conscien WAVA Affiliates 23 question to the National Masters Rules then, enter National Masters News. tious, considerate and good-humored Fifth Avenue Mile 23 Committee the day before. It was The spirit of Masters track, as express during what must have been, for them, Mythical Dual Meet 24 decided not to enforce the national ed in the News, was just what I was a very long weekend. The competitors Quadrangular Meet 24 masters rules on relays which says all looking for. Tough, fair, well- Nike25K 24 seemed tough, serious, intense and NorCal Senior Olympics 24 members of the relay be from the same organized competition, yes. But the dedicated to performing their best. 1985 15K Rankings 28 geographic club. real- emphasis seemed to be on par Afterwards, they were low-key, warm, Age-Record Updates .29 An effort has to be made by the Na ticipation — on doing one's individual sociable — like a "fam/y picnic." rt 5 tional TC officials and the meet of best — whether this resulted in winning So for the noiTuna\ cost ol TAC «! ENTRY FORMS/ RACE ficials to maintain the integrity of the or not. membership and low meet entry fee >1' ^ & PRODUCT INFO national meet and relays, in particular. So I entered my first Masters track ($8, less than many road races I've NMN Subscription Form 4 Masters competition deserves no less meet — the TAC Nationals in In 1 I TAC Convention Form 5 entered), a middle-of-the-pack jogger Track & Field Books 7 than the same kind of integrity that we dianapolis, in the 5000-meter run. As I had the privilege of running on a Masters Age-Record Book 9 superb track on a cool and clear sum- USA West Club il mer's evening under dazzling Track & Field News 12 National Masters Officers floodlights with some of the finest age- Pins from World Games 14 VI World Games Results 15 The Athletics Congress (TAC) T&F REGIONAL group athletes in the country. I had my TRACK & FIELD CHAIRMAN: NMN Display Ad Rates 26 REPRESENTATIVES: own personally assigned lap-counter, NIKE 36 Jerry Donley split times were announced every half- 1715 Alamo Ave. EAST: lap and my name appeared in big, Colorado Springs CO 80907 Haig Bohigian, 303/635-1264 225 Hunter Ave. bright, block letters on the scoreboard. NATIONAL MASTERS NEWS LONG DISTANCE CHAIRMAN: N. Tarrytown, N.Y. 10591 With all that, how could I help but set November, 1985 Bob Boal, 121 W. Sycamore Ave. (914) 631-1547 a new PR by over 30 seconds. Wake Forest, NC 27587 87th Issue SOUTHEAST: Dennis Martz 919/556-4323 Stewart Daniel West Bioomfield, Michigan TRACK & FIELD OUTDOOR RECORDS: Editon Al Sheahen 3357 N. Napoleon St. Pete Mundle, 4017 Via Marina #C-301 Associate Editor: Jerry Wojcik College Park GA 30337 Venice, CA 90291 AGE RECORDS (213) 823-8804 MIDWEST: Production In the September NMN, you show TRACK AND FIELD INDOOR RECORDS^ Wendell Miller American Publishing Co. women's age-group records as of AND INDOOR & OUTDOOR RANKINGS 351 Birkdale Ave.
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