JJi>S WITH THE DCWWNS GET OUlirTFORAiJH ^ B ad economy nr ^ Part four of " b e good for jun.r oil ■ sum m er series colleges like CI *31,2008indaj I $1.50 • W yourrsw I eetto^JI^J S David & GiSOLIATH ISU Shoot)ts for u p set over;r BSU. Dl \UlES-■Nlsw; SPORTS,D ZE .....— HaefclfeHey-cocom I MassajIged 2hueen at theifair Eif lay fair ISm ’t H Vendors sa^ood O provides g(or H visibility folucts ernoU; H tlieir prodi gh By Ben Botkin Times-News writor l.i'innions )in walkii)}; Mo and lack 'allsI Cdiiiuy look a break fnm a iD u n d t h c ’IWiii I'al down, ilif I I'air o n Saturday. free nias- W h ile -siiiiiiK d' iiiassiiginj; . iM ler c o iip k - I 1,'etnlor iiad sa g e s o n a fool ii niaciiinc thal a vc Jiinnini; on -SCI u p . erful. very' ) l.ennnoiis, Jll) walking ;t) lliis I'ei-ls id iravek-d MR. P a g e A2 T h e y w e re n ’t pla gcUiiiK inassagcs. •'il w a s w o n ile r relaxiii}?." said Mu I, "You g e l tire d Croil a ro u n d th e Fair. st> ! .. 1 ver>'gnud." i a n s I'red Falter had • Pleaso see FAIFt o Lin’s I d a h o± j r e a c t t le school, looks e o .« top, M kb«:haelll*cDi«ltl.l3,prt«thefainIlx Ateve, W ayns M l ,« teacher;lieratU>9^bool la Dietricb. Ofb:b Zack ricO aoM , 7, «Ula Zacb*!I fa!faUwr, T H >1*0 a tu c b e r a t the dos, Chdoky, a t tbelr homene IIIn netricb. Otfaer roem ben of4tbefaBDyrtc«id)rattkae«loft tli oftbebaOwar. ; S e n . J o h n M c C ala i s k a (;»>v, 1 new famil) ouiside lhe i Couple frifrom small IIIdaho townI (opens tHeiJir arms to a IWiii l alls V P p i c^•niial elec- stoiy by Damon Hunzeker I PholoiItos by Ashley Smith „IV, ByBcnBottIn TTlmes*News ""V* TImo-News writer i ^ v i o a i -V'vJ h A i)lc u ire o f S ietrich isn’tl’t Iknown for diversity oro r a larg e McCain ami Ala population-)n — just 200 p e o p le Uveve th ere. XV Sarali htliii sils J G O I’ te n i a t Ihe 'I Bul over 10 1perccnt ofits resident;n ts live D County Fair. o n e eth n ic a lly varic(ried hom e. With a presiden Palin Tim a n d S helly MMe cD aniel got m a rrie d all tin n y e a r years ago. She hadcl tlthree kids from a previt under way. fxriienifiii, marriage. He had twtwo. I-or m o st p e o p le , fiv the Hepuh- HM’alius niols lic a n lic k et is nt. But in 2000, they decii to :c. K o rn in would be sufncicnt. i n o w c o m - I also is a ad o p t a n d h av c n ’itquit qi since. pleic with o f llu- They now have 18 ad o p ted c h ild rc n an d over McCain's lIU). wlUMV total kids living at; h<home, ranging from age choicc of tj o u r n a l is m I'alin as his > at any given timc.Ai. And that’s not countingfig th e ru n n in g y exciicil." neighborhood fricntends wlio frequently stay over m a te . -------C le lla n d . and a girl who Timn NMcDaniel described as ' e'lW in l alls living h e re " — a s wellwe as 25 flsh, eight dogjDgs,two sld^MdlnMiliildrimbarckDdiwTutdar nlfM(W near tM r booM to Dietrkh.. TbTlw McDaaleli bave adopted 18 ic tk-niral IS vciy sur- frogs, and a bird. ChfldfHOmtlMjUm year*. To enter pboto repriota,^ |so to bttp*7/pUer;.pictopU.coaem^macknlley. J N ,P a g o A2 THIrIE MCDANII!EL FAMILY'SS STORY CO) NTINUES 0D N A 4 d e s , o n (e h e a r tt a n d o i l )W T w o In I e n , t wm i s u i c i d Itepublicans arc abnx7. wilh fX with thc story of the lii i whero the year-old stepsono n to th c d e n - h is th r o at ta a n n d p u U c d th e trig- B u t i t w a s n o t ju s t a n o rg a n especially u'iih I’al By Allen a Breed that had been twicc silen les. wiiere lor tist. Uut Grahaham made o ger. t h a t connectedc Graliam and in ihc Gem Siali-. ABaoclnted P ress writor b y su ic id e — a n d t h e w o r e fi'li; llie detour to tlie babackyard shed It wns AprilAj Fooi's Day, thc 3333-year-oId donor. Neariy Sandiioinl. Palin : tactly 13 years since a d c:c c t o d c a fte r th e tra n s p la n i, who'd lost che sam e hi i|). On nn overcasl sspring lliat he'd built, almost exact 13H7 graiiuaic man's suicide gave Grahcham married Cottle’s t\vice. R c p o n e rs a n d bloR ] morning in soulouthcast There, the• 69-ycar-oId another ma Universiiy of Idah Q sccond chancc at youngn g w id o w . waxed on obout “celli ileaili was Georgia, Sonny GnGraham picked up thc 12-gnugc Graham a s( she earned a | d A nnd c now Graham had memory" and whether lliers hearl drank som e cofTec andnd Ilicad- Hemington shes h o tg u n h e 'd life. d e g re e. lOn w a s l t r r y C o ttle , m a dJe e h e r a w id o w a g ain , orgon .somehow held a " ry l — Ih o cd out thc door for ananother taken on so manlOny quail- and That man "We’re all very c ended his life. Ass w o rd o f h is d e a th cide gene." I d a y in t h e fn m ily la n ddscaplnB sc dove-hunting tritrips, pointed When he i said Greicheii jo t h is h e a r t. s p r e;ad, a i thc Internet lit up Nonsense, thought Cot RT. P a g e A3 • business nnd to takece Ih is 9- lh e m u 7 -d e a t thi i e e r i ^ t s l d c o f G ra h a m g o t i chairwoman ofilic' 18 C o u n ty R e p u b lic C o m m iile e . "I w as ...............EIO Opinion......................................... Gl r 4 6 IIH II At "fouf Scrvteo airoctOi>.,........ E9 C fo ssw rt.................................. E ll Jumtil# ...................... p rise d ." ......... E12 Door fb b f .................................... Efl NoUofvWxId...............................C l Sports;............... ...................01 otallK Be ........... B l Fbmlly U(#................................... Fl Mov1«» ....................................... A5 Su|dO|hu...................................... E2 .........E6 Obltuartas................................... 85 Today In Hisiwy ......................... EO • ' P le a se s e c PAUN ' .1 1 1 1 UI .......Ei-14 Horoscopo................... ---------------- y — ^— r '■ ......... n e w i d o r heart sisicr. llie brain is v lenced conscience reskie^ voman love and loss are heart hean is jiisi a piini|). loggers As far as slie i' ellular cerned. Graham's il cr the less aboui her broib a "sui- than about Chery Zoitlc's Please see HEART .A,: H « h :7 1 Coolor. cloudy, rainy. Deti and INe a t m atfcvaD^xoni *• I Win FaOs, Idtho A2 Sunday, fc s n t 31.2008tt Mot\ RNE BRllEFttMG P a t ’s IP i c k s ... Pal%t Marcantonio PHOTOGGRAPHIC]MEMOIRY Three thirlings to go and dldotoday__^J gic Valley history as seeren through the lens of pf'photographers, then andd n o w ... • Sliirt (Kll y o u r mmorning o slon. the Damnn ToolsI Cluh the I\vin Palls\ills County I'air. --------- e a r m u a l L tb o r D a y celebrationci Who can resis.-sist road rage on w ith |):m c ;ik e s ;it t h e ni V ByOtDecember I’iipoiisf CUil) P;»iPancake starts at 3 p.m.1. al a the W'est the hig scale?lie? (lencral tick- 06, the Hrcakfasl fruiii U a.ia.m. to Magic Lake llecrc.:rcatlon Club ets arc S'S. restre se rv e d sr.. i m »«»)» itl Giacobhi Squiquare in wilh livcmiislcan:andabarhe- Hanunien Public Kftclunn. t( will kickick off cuc. Go norlh onor 1-75 and H ave your u rown pick you ScbotlOol wai your day ri^lu as yoiyou join turn on West MagIagic Iload. wiiril to sluirluire? Siim etliiiif’ compnpleted aod it) (III llic iiK uty L■Vl*nt^•nts dur- • Therell he thetli bang of tliai is iitiitiiiique u> Ihf arva ^ a laiige u celebra- ;ys cele- cars smashingench cm other at aiul llitil mtiy a y itikc iH'ople hy itiH lliL- WiiROU I5 a y s tion*II wat held liratiiiii.
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