.■ I. lATURDi,!, OCTOEPRI^ MU T W B L V l ' Manchester Evening Herald pointed a Grand Juror by tba Maoily rhnidy end coattniwil cool Selectman "at their organization Donate Blood toBiglit and Tuesday: canaidenble About Meeting Held Heard AlohgMain Street meeting last Tuesday.^ f o f and drixcle alona canal to- Now wa. think someone gave niaht and early TwMtey momlaf. Oil Stuart a wrong steer on that one. Eor Christmas SCtariMM of M^erMit'Shea Post, On Cemetery! And Some of Manchester*$ Side Streetsf Too Ha couldn’t possibly have wanted i ITaUrans 5^ Forflgn War* will a poaiUon that la about as import­ ant aa a post-hole above the VOL. LXIV., NO. 7 (Oloaalaed A dvertM sg an Page 18) : Bitot In n'otHly tomorrow tvonlnc Youngsters, not yet teen-agsrs„|,wlth this sto^ as one Red Cross * Suggests MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1944 (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE THREE CENIB « t 7 o^olbclt at the Holmea Punoral Sf. B iiilgefs Group and. of course, not old enough to pect. Everything“ Pete and^ Betty ground. He couldn’t possibly, have from Berlin did was right out in Inveatlgatefl the duties and the re­ Next Unit Visit Be for F ^ r t to pay their reapocto to Gives Report on W ork; go into taverns do like the Italian Z * o Mason a member o f Uio Poat. "grinders " that are served in some the open before the eyes of the muneration o ( a Grand Juror in That Purpose. Appeals for Support. of the beer palaces. In case you Saturday matinee audience" at the MancheStei;. Because there just RAF Round Up Pro-German Greeks Private Parroll M. Webb t t M don’t know what a ’’grinder” is. Bushnell Memorial last week-end. aren't any such things. A Justice World Presented Bigelow street la now stationed at we ll try to tell you. It's practlc- Pete was one of the three men of Peace can pick up a little busi­ The next visit of the Mobllb A meetinp of the Board of Com* Port Lewis, WasWngton. He Is .illy a small loaf Of bread cut in the audience who chose to sell ness, but.a Grand Juror—he just Unit of the Red Cross Blood Donor MONDAY, OCTOBER 9 Yanks Pinch Escape their undershirts to the mad auc­ doesn’t rate even a certificate of ... taking Ml clffbt weens course In missioners of St, Bridget’s Ceme­ lengthwise and fllled with slices Service, on Octbber 27, will give : eagkworing thcve. tery Association was held recently of salami, cheese, (when you can tioneer in the "Sons of Fun” gag service, a diploma, a badge-*why tomatoes, o r; show playing at the Hartford site eve^ Manchester donor the op­ Incomplete Plan not even- a "B" gasoline ration In the church hall. A report of the get it) hot peppers IN THE SOUTHWEST SECTION tomato sauce, and lettuce. For the last three days of last week card. portunity to send a very special association's Onancea was given ■ ■ the life of us we don’t know how And Pete a'hd his girl friend, Betty Grand Jurors are hanxovers— Christmas gift to some service by Miss Helen A. Maloney, the fi­ youngsters can qet their little feom Berlin, even if she was un­ • not in the accepted sense— but man—-a gift that may mean more AH Streets West of Main S tr^ t From the Center South FOR YOUR NEW nancial secretary.^ mouths around a comer of the married, were the winners in the To Live in Peace they are a remnant of the old sandwich to g e t’•h bite. But they contest in which the female of the to him than any other he could Thomas F. Morlarty, the presi­ species had an Opportunity to tear town government before there waa possibly receive. It will also be and South of Center and West Center Streets. dent of the association,' reviewed manage. an established town court. In the possible to make that g ift in hon­ ___ __ :r AND Well, since the youngsters can t a shirt off a man's back. the work done during the summer, Betty, however, went a little small towns where there is no es- or of one of Manchester’s men or Roosevelt Asserts Task and outlined the additional labor go into the taverns to get a tabllsh^fcourt Grand Jurors act women in uniform if the donor so fai-ther than the other two dlsUlI Try Banker required, due In part to damage "grinder" they usually rap the aa prp^cutora before Justices of desires. Of Designing Future Now OLD/W ORK entries in that she not only got caused by the recent hurricane, as window and pot up one Anger or th^'Peacc and since Manchester October 27 will be the last op­ two depending on how many they Pete’a undershirt off, but she also many graves sank. has a town court with a prosecu­ portunity to donate blood in Man­ Security ‘Well Begun’ S e « want. The bartendera all know ruined his dress shirt, ripping it off . Get Additional >lamea tor and assistant prosecutor chester until January 26. since the For Giving what the kids mean and they take him rather than take the time to By Dumbarton Oaks Multiplied Blows of lai In an effort to Increase the Unit is not coming here in Novem­ the "grlndera” to the door and unbutton it like the other contest­ named by the judge there just Yankees Push Willkie Is Victim ntbmbership list to secure addi­ ber or Becember. Somehow that hand them out collecting the IS ants. isn’t anything left for the Grand Investors, Attention! Conferees; Major Ob­ Army Threatening 20 William Kanehl tional contributions, the officers Jurors to do. two months’ skip makes it even Nazis Gold O f Heart Trouble cents charged for one. Betty, K bur memory serves us more than uauaUy ImporUnt that jective of Warfare. General Contractor have visited the cemetery study­ W e have It on very good au­ ^orth Toward Mile-Wide Breach' To- ing old monuments and markers, We’ve heard plenty of talk about correctly, waa rewarded aith 82 the quota be filled, even more than thority that the present local Realizes 5% or 6% on Your Investment 519 Center St. Tel. 7773 and spent hours stud^ng records people having too much money for and a bottle of wine for her efforts filled, this month. , ward Cologne and D o* Grand Jurors would gladly resign Washington, Oct. 9.— (/P)— Former Governor of and tracing old families, with the ibeir own g o ^ and children espec­ at pleasing the audience. Pete, not Jt ia hoped that many new don­ Goo'd, Sound First Mortgages for SaU sfildorf; Garrison Bo result that additional names have ially, but what we heard and aaw only got his 83 in payment fo r his to give Stuart a place on the ors, members of the families or in­ A detailed .but Incomplete Bank of Italy Pleads fi^ogna Again been added, some of the third and the other day tops them all. Undershirt but also a new under­ panel. timate friends o f some of Man­ On the Following Properties: plan for maintaining peace by lieVffd Reduced tc fourthgenerations. A youngster went to a tavern shirt, a bottle of wine and the chester’s sons and daughtcra in ! Innocent of Turning door, rapped on the glass and put' bottle of Lydia Plnkham’s that force was presented to the Generous Response The other day when automobiles uniform, will register with the 5-Room Hqnse— 10 acres 6-Room Duplex — im­ Advance Nearly 2 Miles 1,500; Last Ditch SS up one finger. 'The bartender originally waa given to Betty and world today by the United Over 120 Tons of Gold THORA E. were carrying voters to the polls Blood Donor committee to , give The people of St. Bridget’s later traded by tha ipad auctioneer cleared land — 2 bams— provements — 3 acres of church have responded generously, brought one "gflndler’’ to the door someone chanced to remark that blood in honor, of them. The com­ States, Britain, China and To Gel Wilhin 10 Guardj to Hold City. for the bottle of wine She took off chicken coop and work land. $2,800 mortgage, the collection for one Sunday In and handed It to the tot— only ha had parked hia car on the street mittee particularly requests that, Russia, and President Roose­ Rome, Oct. 9.—(JF)— Vincenso about six or seven years of age. the stage. 6 % — 12-year payoff. Miles of Po Valley MALONEY August having been earmarked for that runs at the rear of the State when calling for an appointment, shop. $.3,000 mortgage, velt asserted the task of de­ Assollni, former governor of the Bulietia! the cemetery by Father Timmins, The youngster gave the 'bartender And lest we be accuaed o f fa­ Armory parallel to Main street. the donor state that he wishes to 6 % — 12-year payoff. Communicationfi Oty. a 25 cent piece and turned away. voring one of our own staff we also give in the name of a member of 9-Room House— 16 acres signing the future security of tank of Italy, went on trial for London, Oct. 9.— <;P)— U though many In the pariah who This driver started to name ■ the the world “haa been well begun.” The tavern owner called "Walt for must report that Luke Philllpa waa the forces if that is the ease.
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