M in it-E d The newspaper stories said Morris Coun­ ty, with an individual average income of $27,344 therefore, is the weathlest county in New Jersey. Don’t be fooled. Bergen’s indi­ vidual Income was $26,927. This might seem to give Morris the edge except for the fact there were 374,000 taxpayers In Bergen County as compared to 171,000 in Morris. And Somerset which finished third in the standing with an average individual income (Eommercial Iffeahcr of $26,000 had only 90,000 taxpayers. Simple multiplication will show that Bergen by far and SOUTIT BERGEN REVIEW l i the wealthiest county in New Jersey. The way the freeholders spend the money they Second-Class postage paid at Rutherford. N J 25C must have known this all the time. VOI.. 61 NO. 41 U S P S 1 25-820 THURSDAY. MAY 5. 1983 Published at 251 Ridge Rd . Lyndhurst Subscription $8 00 Published Weekly Recovery Committee Rejected South B ergenF ocal P oin t By Amy Divine minded that the Sika area Ridge Road and New York emment." He noted it was is under the discretion of Avenue. a very good budget within Mayor James M. Guida South Bergen will be the the committee and said: crats are so divided uled at a dinner in Pa ra­ was thwarted in his efforts the HMDC and that it was Stellato reported health guidelines permissible. focal point of the Novem­ ‘‘They think you can lead Hirkala may find that he mus but nature spoiled the to appoint a committee to that body which granted programs to be carried out Lee Pacifico said the ber general election, politi­ the ticket to victory will not be able to muster show by dropping the study the effects and the Sika permission to level during May at the Health small showing of citizens cal observers agreed to­ Job then said he would the support necessary to blizzard on the area. Job. feasibility of placing a re­ the hill so they could ex­ Center, beginning with the was “ disgusting" and that day The presence of accept the endorsement combat the margins Job is nevertheless, became a source recovery plant in pand their operations Lungmobile that week. the board is not strict former Sheriff Joseph F. and become a candidate expected to amass in the Republican and has played the Lyndhurst Public Works Commis­ Gagliardi. chairman of enough in its dealings with Job of Rutherford in the His petitions, already in South Bergen area. a m a j o r p a r t in Meadowlands area when sioner Pezzolla reported the Revenue and Finance the HMDC. election as a Republican circulation, were filed and Job's position as a Re­ Inganamort s strategy It three of the commissioners that work would soon begin Comittee referred to the John Russell said, candidate for the senate that put the official signa­ publican cam e about when was because of his close­ raised objections to his ap­ on major sanitation sewer very small turnout of "Some momentous de­ seat now held by City ture on the former he became disenchanted ness to the chairman that pointing citizens as well as repairs at Lake and New citizens at the public hear­ cisions must be made by Clerk Joseph Hirkala of Sheriff's candidacy with the national and state Job acceded to the ex­ only part of the board of York Avenues and that ing on the m unicipal the board and that all Passaic is the reason. Now the question is will policies of the Democrats ecutive committee's en­ commissioners to the com­ after an effort of three budget the preceding week should work together for While Wallington, with Job's candidacy help the Job began his political ca­ dorsement mittee. years, a traffic light will remarked, " I guess people the best interests of the Doris Mahalick running entire ticket to the extent reer as a Republican but At stake in the Novem­ be placed by the state at have lost interest in gov- township." Commissioners Evelyn for re-election to the Board believed or will it prove switched to the Democrat­ ber election is control of Pezzolla and Louis Stellato of Freeholders and Carl ineffective against the ic party after he and his the Board of F reeholders objected and Commission­ Letter To The Editor On Recovery Plant Hartmann, a candidate for strong drive Democrats brother. Surrogate Gill Freeholder Robert Pallot­ er Ronald Bogle took no re-election as county clerk, will produce Job. turned to the Demo­ Dear Editor, that Townships these to be handled? ta is seeking re-election stand on the mayor's ap­ is in the Democratic spot­ The Job supporters are crats and is believed to have a pointment of a committee I read the editorial of meadowlands has been These are just some of light it is Job s candidacy confident that Job is the A close friend of In­ strong chance of winning Monday, April 25 with taking in garbage for some the questions I would want Recently Stellato was that has aroused the most man who can offset the great interest and concern. thirty (30) years both from clearly answered. There is ganamort. Jo b played an On the state level. Gov told he alone could not ap­ debate strong Democratic charac­ active role in his friend's Kean is deeply interested While I agree with a great Bergen County with their als the problem of the point a committee when he Until last Tuesday night, ter of ihe South Bergen deal of what was said, landfill and the Viola land­ needs of jobs and potables candidacy for county com­ in the Bergen County situ­ wished to appoint a Board Job was not going to run. communities The feel that mittee At the county com­ ation. Should Jo b w'in the there are some points that fill. I, nor any of the pres­ in this period of recession of Health, but that he could In the morning he told the Hirkala. a senator for the I feel I must answer. ent Board of Com­ Tlie meadowlands offer a mittee meeting at which victory might well turn submit names of those he Leader that he had decided last 15 years, does not have The main theme was the missioners were responsi­ great opportunity for var­ the chairmanship was de­ control of the senate over wished to have on the to remain on the sidelines. the identification in the* cided Job campaigned vig­ disposal of garbage. It was ble for these mountains of ied industries, not includ­ to the Republicans board to the com­ But that night the Re­ South Bergen area and orously for Inganamort aptly pointed out that the garbage. I believe also ing Resource Recovery Republicans are trying missioners and the Board publican executive com­ that a strong run by Job and was credited with Bergen County Landfill, lo­ that the pollution to our and perhaps the H.M.D.C. to assay the effect intra- of Comissioners would ap­ mittee unanimously en­ can upset the veteran sen­ marshalling about 100 cated in Lyndhurst, should streams, the terrible party fights will have on point them. Pezzolla said should change its Master smells from leachate and dorsed the candidacy of ator votes for the victorious in caucus that she felt the be closed, (the garbage Plan for our area. the Democratic chances has reached a height of decay, the escaping of Job. John Inganamort, Passaic itself is a ques­ chairman entire board should be on over eighty (80) feet) but methane gas into the air I am willing to discuss the millionaire-chairman tion mark Normally Then Jo b announced he Lodi's mayor, Chris the Resource Recovery because there’s no other are problems that have any proposals that will of the Republican County Hirkala could expect to w ould b e c o m e a R e ­ Paci. has entered the race Plant Committee so “ all place to put the garbage been neglected and are benefit Bergen County and Committee, called Job, win by a wide margin publican again The big an­ as an independent seeking would know what was from the seventy (70) also dangerous to our en­ Lyndhurst. In the next few told him of the feelings of there but the citv Demo­ nouncement w as sched- the Democratic nomi­ going on . " nation for freeholder muncipalities in Bergen, it vironment. months, the Board and my­ The proposed meeting of will only be piled higher self plan to spend many April 28 was cancelled by As Mayor of the Town­ Former State Senator Tlie baler in North Arl­ ship of Lyndhurst I would hours with the H.M.D.C., the mayor. John Skevm has become a ington is taking in garbage be remiss if I did not look the B.C.U.A. and anyone Woman Fined For Guida reported he had candidate for his old post freom eleven (11) Pasaic into any avenue that would else who can offfr as­ sent a telegram that day to as an independent seeking County towns and may benefit our citizens'Itww sistance-™ ttie best plan Governor Thomas Kean the party nomination. have to take in more when stated that we would rath­ for all concerned. The deploring the “ intolerable Actions In Restaurant and if the Sussex landfill is er have a garbage in­ B.C.U.A. has informally Both candidacies in­ conditions" caused by the In Thursday 's session of Chybinski was with a party closed.
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