lndiqn Overseos Bonk Regionol Office 20-21, Komqrojor Sqtoi, Kqncheepurom-631 501, Tomil Nodu P h o n e no.O44 -27 22 53 60, 27 2231 6 5,27 2231 3 l, 27 23481 1 Emqil I D [email protected] (Sole lhrough e-ouclion only) E.AUCTION SALE NOTICE l. Whereos M/s. hos borrowed monies from lndion Overseos Bonk,....... Bronch ogoinst the mortgoge of lhe immovoble properties more fully described in the schedule hereunder ond on upon clossificotion of the occount os NPA, lhe Bonk hos lssued o demond nollce under Seclion l3(2) of lhe SARFAES! Acl, 2O02 (Acf) on ---'----- colling upon lhe bonowers M/s.-- qnd lhe guoronlors ................, &.. to poy lhe omounl due lo lhe Bonk, being Rs. (menlion dues in words) os on----- (dote) poyoble logether with further interest of conlroctuol rotes ond rests olong with costs, chorges etc till dote of repoyment within 50 doys from the dote of receipt of the soid notice. 2. Whereos the bonowers & guorontors hoving foiled to poy the omounl dues in full to the Bonk os colled for in the soid demond notice, the Bonk hqs loken possession of lhe secured ossels more fully described in lhe schedule hereunder on -------- under Section 13 (4) of the Act with the right to sell the some in "As is where is" ond "As is whot is" bosis under Sectionl3(4) of the Act reod with Rules 8 &9 of the Security interest (Enforcemenl) Rules, 2002 for reolizotion of Bonk's dues. The dues to the bqnk os on the dole of toklng possession wos inlimoled os Rs. (menllon dues in words) os on----- (dote) poyoble together with further interest ot controctuol rotes ond rests olong with costs, chorges etc till dote of repoyment, ofter reckoning repoyments, if ony, since the dote mentioned in the demond'notice. 3. The dues of lhe borrower os on ---(dote of sole notice) works out lo Rs. (menllon dues in words) otler reckoning repqymenls, if ony, omounting lo Rs........ subsequent to the Bonk issuing demond notice. 4. The undersigned in exercise of the powers conferred under Sec l3(4) of the soid Act proposes to reolize the Bonk's dues by sole of the under mentioned properties. 5. SCHEDULE OF PROPERTY(IES) wilh boundories deloils:- lndian Overseas Bank REGIONAI OFFICE: 20,21 Kamarajar Street, Kancheepuram - 631501 T ob Ph: 2722 5360, 2722 3165, 2722 3131. Email lD; [email protected] Eaucllon S.le l{otlce to7 Sale of Secu?€d Assetr under Securltlz.tlon and nGconstructlon of Flnanclal Assct! and Enlorcemeilt of Securlty lnterert Act, 2002 read wlth provl3o to Rul.8(6) ot the Securlty lnterest (entorcenrent) Ruler 2002. a fl*frt5i4 rmbk lLcledrr Offis d E E PROPERTY TYPE: LANDD & BUILDINGD aclt^R PAxtqt| PtEarEa SilSuffi6 Alb.t p6n and pad d h! p.wny Enddng d bnd sd buHE m€Esudng an e[8il d tg$ er!, 6.E4 lG DIf,ESH KUllAR DIo, Sli.ssiyan a sq.n h N.nl. Old Sy. No.78/1 .nd 7813 a6 per Pffi No.1578, N.w Sy. No.7881, buldng BH 891 34140 3.M Mrs. Gr6n Hffi Apdln6 e003lL0?l W&. M.. KPrCG*r .q.n bdrlno No.20 ln kruu AsoE .t M.l2i, PaIpff &gE, huEffitu TX, asm Poprie SM. Utu8atd.S dd 021402000001230 , 28. GST Rrd, AdEsDakah, d 28. GST Rd. Adt ep*sr. #ihC in hc r d llr.Swihe Bondary O#Is Nd$ bla 30 ld xide REd, S@m bli 29..02.m20 Plo{ toBA00002t4 KadsFnm 6Gt3Ol . fsdE@6@l. H.r No.ig, E-t Hd No.t7 ed Wbsl bf tlo2l. rifth tE R.giffih Sub{irfii d plee pa.el n MIKM.Xn$M (LEte), Al lhat .od ot l.nd and building @pdded in S.No.l9E/48, meesudng an 6tuil d {0.30 24.00 2.4 ilrr\ARTHICK !Vo. K.Murugan, S/o. A@ 0.07 Contq d09 wi6 B![dlng 6e@. Slualcd d N0.180. &6Mth6 MllEE6. saldepet 96001121fl srr0. Taluk ed B@dd ff h Nolf| bf T.N.\bBdmlub's L$d. Sor$ by: Oeng6tmlsaHor Lond. aso 359702000005001 , rr*r M& Ed by: )(nCran Led, w6t by NtuElaFnis t nd. (Symbollc Po.uld) 31.12.m19 to8A0003597 a ctlEllG[tEr, ?h: 2ra26i]A I h. iE d FEd oI hnd rd hrrdq mryi€ . @ ffi d 759 tqt digbd in old T-S' h IW}UIJ No.53, &deF,e No.70ar1 sd 795R bg6th6r *ih a bddins m@ ihEr6d h ffi St .t, 8g Nen, ChrE4ft 16.70 25.4 z.il Uf, gl Sd SW ilrH, i*.Vto0ffi6 awmsuY Mdn Roed. Blg Ntu, Tffi bsdng h il0.7m, d ffih ho R.d3hu6 S60lruld oa JohHl ChgEbe 3d (e)[ Hr, asm 73585 90975 {P!sbrc)S1,b. CtgE.b6$u- 603001 Rogiffitld oi{nd of CfiorEdFt, sbndhg in h€ Mm6 of Mrvlddean. &mdd s h€ Ndlh 0352020000007000 , t{0.53. Krdl!@ ilm Rod, tlig 31.01.2020 bI Hd3. d Mrs.JeyrEmn, sffi qf HdE oa MiE.Sdw4, Erd by: lctEn Sftd, ftd b). 10840000352 il.06, Cnrtr+er ml &M SlEd (Snblc P6.Bldl ( GIIUXAIPCT PH'6' I''! H.MinJg4 pl dd EEd hdeg ld rd Uldi4 oa h FWty ftd.d 6l Ru S,tlo6-ItrB2,CId S.h 1 grbDkoid 27.72 2.r',O XiARULIlR^il I .li{aMfA A}D.Eh. Nd St{o.867/t82, Old S.ilo. ^l01i7fl , fl.&h ffi ca :61 3.75.q.n, Tdal Pf,nh @ ,l 77,50 6qJt ufih UD R6drtdio a.oo 862t. Me@II8n iftln Rod, ol Ctrcyyuryd Ragiffii@ o{Irid o, ChclBapatu in ut namc d AIMfir0Em, MeEpCilrn Msh 9{893682t0 PqrhE ti&-Alrlmgm, Nil S.No 0260020000005c5 I 867/182, Old S.No.867/1, Me.pakkam & Rod. MmmkEh \fla96 A Chunampd Padray0t wlttn he fololhg bowdand. Nffi b rE siE 26.12.2019 Maln R@d, a ol MrKupFu6.hy, EaEl to h6 ana of ME.Yemum. W.6l b th6 6ib ol MlElunelei, Sdth b hc Elb of 10840000260 k$PadruBtl. (sv&llc PoEtdon) ilrAlxlr 3trEEtrt?233395 Itr-PtlMMdtd At [Et ped &d FEI olLnd ol^Eo 2am {I wih hrildng Fe.rly iuEtrd d od S.ilolao, &.92 95.34 9.53 [rP.Um Id*rLWra X..PtMa 0@. t10.200, Pld Nql m. Gqt ,.ld S.No.1,(0ri2, Dd f,o200. Ptd No.l02. oori Sdri. hri krdE Negr[ KdrEio@ Vil4.. Klndi@ Tatuk d Di*ia Bmded6: Norlh by: Pbt ilo.lll. SiOr by: Gwi 63?/12 99709 Doa No.An, Hd M.lm, Gdni seH. SCd,mldhN8gE asm 131802000001266 I Sd5l. E8l by: Pld No.l01. W6l by: PH No.l03. (Synbdlc Po.t!..|d) X0n.dkupDam. Xmdk toam, KsdhuEm 06.02.2020 loBA000l3l6 502 Pd - 8S1 502 Al ht pad ffd pmd of hffi6 end gdnd al Odilur Village. Gry)rr TrluL KrdlepoEm Disid GUDWII{GI|EiIY, }lB ?/ltl050 Lt KRarElt S/o KlFUsrry, 79.79 7.9E ill!.UTHULA &rh 0dxo.1(5, b.6a Ohiyw mFid h Od SutuEy No.lgwal, Nd suMy ilo.lgg2tslAl^i b e .ffi ol59 ds sth !*lirg 43.11 VLoq OEyrw fk, h.a&E h.@ ffih h sln Rqi@ion Dtirid d Chry Sttdiq in tu Me ol i+.KRdEh asil 271902000000'1 88 , t0562 10E06 lOndwnD (O,@E), Sb. Kl#lsry Dd k.1tr, No.62, @iwr WW, Orry rL lffi4ru U 't2.11.2019 to8A0002749 Pan{.lldfr, Redik, (SFbolE Posslfil Al h pd ail pard d hds tu sih briHim lhcu ard rlBUdnO 6tu1 ol 699 ,,t !q.ft ol M OUDWltaCllERiYi PtE 27'61050 l&aP$mrwfil & @ryh.d h TS Nolut ilrt hrrdup e m.dig 450 edt h Oond Fld d$ 2m 4.i h Fl* 32.29 36.OO 3.60 tatlBUU io. rih Od oos No252D, ild 06r No65E5A0 Prtutkd Vmsnry St cl, AFwm Waoq E0562 r0806 Pafitu - PrsdndlcD TCrr( KsdEqff Dhtd4 fialn€ h hr mm d MES.EElfiy T.S asu 2?4902000000188 I Pld NG t, No.l5, P.dEikd rb.l3zl p.( Ed by: 5 % i cffim pasg. [S.ilo.t3zl pd, $rd qti $will l6nd LS.NG 12.',t1.2019 loBA0002719 Psun€dafrui Bld V6.reiry Shd. Ay.nFm, tSlul part (Syfl bollc P*sldl MGAL6tlhmi, Chnnei- m23 ,12, R4ffi6dckah Shd, Nd Pdngd#q Ctennei- 6m L Gt ouv ractlExffr ttu 2?il6t05o shd RMden AI thd pio d Frcd oI \bsl Lrnd bg#6 ffi &Hhg mssdrE d dot d 945 aq rd of go.Tffille bd M of !73 {n Md d hd, ryM oE gffifrhsm Stmy No-gm Fd, lleG No.372 3.24 32.40 3.24 X1XmUU Shd R.Mds, tro.3, Vc&sd Cdq, es f Fb Sudey M.gn3 Nd sfty No.gr3A siEt€d d No.s, Gudmddty Vaeg., tu asm E0552 10806 S/o. T Rethtum 603202. CbgdFtu Telul. bntueNEh BBhd wihin qbrlis dishd d Sodh Chami 8nd 27a90200000018E I Guduffdq, Pift m3202. 26.11.2019 No3, \rrddM cdmy, RcgtMon Sub RBglffitm Didld ol Guduffiry. BdndBd d lh N# by: R Krbhmn Lond, |OBA00027/t9 GudwahdErry, HD 603m2 souh by Kumusmy Ndcft$ bnd, Ed by: Rsdh€ Amd hd !d WH bla Red. (Synbolic Pos.slon) Al h d 6l ot hos 5I! buldhg !ffi md ll@fro .n ffi ol 534 q.ft ol M t] ff..Kudbya Krm, Fd F 'ni'l 25.9E 2G,.70 2.67 0dNolo/;lt, f StBr, dENd h CId RSJ'1o325?29 @t R,s.ilc3iE/r8, CC Noloso, Pe CA No.80lt32-63, ri pd I..IITHULA Pd.
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