CA NO: GE/GUR- / NIT-14/2019-20 SERIAL PAGE NO………. APPENDIX ‘A’ TO NOTI CE OF TENDER ( NIT -14/2019 -20 ) 1 REFERENCE TO CONDITION 1. Name of Work : CERTAIN B/R REPAIR, CAMOUFLAGE PAINTING, INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL PLASTER REPAIR AND CERTAIN INTERNAL E/M WORKS ETC AT AF STN RAJOKRI UNDER AGE B/R (AF) RAJOKRI AND AGE E/M (AF) RAJOKRI OF GE (AF) GURGAON 2 REFERENCE TO CONDIT ION 2. (i) Estimated cost : 48.00 Lakhs(Approx) (ii) Tender Shall be based on : Tender is based on IAFW- 2249 & IAFW-1779-A with Sch ‘A’. (List of works and Prices). Rates are to be quoted by the tenderers. (iii)(a) Period of Completion : 08 (Eight ) Months (b)Approx date of handing over site : Within 15 days after acceptance of tender. 3 REFERENCE TO CONDITION 5. (i) Cost of Tender : Rs 500 /- in the shape of DD/Bankers cheque from any Scheduled Bank in favour of GE (AF) Gurgaon . (ii) Last date of Receipt of on-line applications : Refer critical dates shown below 4 REFERENCE TO CONDITION 6. (i) Date of issue of tender : Refer critical dates shown below (ii) Eligibility Criteria:- Class - ‘D’ Category - a(i ) (a) For MES Enlisted Contractors : Meeting enlistment criteria of MES with regard to having satisfactorily completed : requisite value works, annual turn over, working capital, fixed assets, no recovery outstanding in any Govt Deptt, security clearance etc. (b) For Other Contractors As per Annexure No 1. (iii) Amount of Earnest Money for Contractors : Rs 96000 /- in the shape of Call Deposit Receipt from any Scheduled Bank in favour not enlisted with MES of GE (AF) Gurgaon . BGB not acceptable. (iv) Office where drgs and other documents will : AGE B/R (AF) Rajokri be available for inspection AGE E/M (AF) Rajokri 5 REFERENCE TO CONDITION 7. Officer to be contacted for visit of site : AGE B/R (AF) Rajokri AGE E/M (AF) Rajokri 6 REFERENCE TO CONDITI ON 8. Date of receipt of Tender/on line bid : Refer critical dates shown below 7 CRITICAL DATES (i) Publishing date and time of tender : 11 Jul 2019 at 1830 hrs documents (ii) Starting date & time of tender documents : 11 Jul 2019 at 1830 hrs downloading (iii) Clarification start date & time : NA (iv) Clarification end date & time : NA (v) Pre-bid meeting date & time : NA (vi) Starting date and time of bid submission : 25 Jul 2019 at 1830 hrs (Cover No 1 & 2) (vii) Bid documents download end date & time : 02 Aug 2019 at 18 30 hrs (viii) Closing date and time of bid submission : 02 Aug 2019 at 1800 hrs (Cover No 1 & 2) (ix) Date and time of bid opening : 05 Aug 2019 at 1 200 hrs or subsequent days (Cover No 1) (x) Date and time of bid opening : Will be intimated online after completion of evaluation of tech bid/application (cover (Cover No 2) No 1) NOTES :- 1. The Contractors enlisted in one class below the ‘Eligibility Criteria’ given above may also apply & quote online bid. Accepting officer may consider such applications & online bids in the event of inadequate response from eligible class contractors. 2. For submission of e-tender, bidders are requested to get themselves registered with www.defproc.gov.in website alongwith class – II/III Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) issued by authorized CA under IT Act-2003. 3. If original DD/Bankers Cheque towards cost of tender is not received within 5(five) days of date of opening of technical bid, subject to satisfying other prequalifying criteria, the financial/price bid (cover No.2) shall be opened. The amount of cost of tender shall be recovered from any amount due to the MES enlisted contractor. 4. Contractors not enlisted with MES will be required to enclose necessary documents to prove their eligibility as given above including Affidavit for no recovery outstanding. 5. In case of rejection of application for opening of Fin/Price Bid under cover No.2, the applicant shall be refunded the cost of tender. However Contractor may appeal to next higher Engineer Authority i.e. CWE (AF) Gurgaon, Delhi Cnatt-10 for rejection of his application for opening of Fin/Price Bid under cover No.2 whose decision shall be final and binding. However Contractor shall not be entitled to any compensation what so ever for non opening of Fin/Price Bid under cover No.2. 6. The above details are also available on our NIC website www.defproc.gov.in at CPP portal . Full Notice of Tender IAFW-2162 & Enlistment Criteria is available in all office of MES and also on MES website i.e www.mes.gov.in . 7. Any change/ modification in the tender enquiry will be intimated through above mentioned website only. Bidders are therefore requested to visit our website regularly to keep themselves updated. Contd… CA NO: GE/GUR- / NIT-14/2019-20 SERIAL PAGE NO………. APPENDIX ‘A’ TO NOTICE OF TENDER (CONTD--) 8. Prescribed tender forms/documents with drawings will be downloaded by the tenderers form above website on submitting application alongwith the demand draft towards cost of tender from any scheduled Bank in favour of GE (AF) Gurgaon . The demand draft shall be non- refundable if the application for issue of tender is accepted tenderer is allowed to quote their rates and his bid is opened after scrutiny and selection. However, it shall be returned to the applicant Contractor in case the tenderer is not allowed to quote their rates and his bid is not opened. The applicant Contractor shall bear the cost of Bank charges for procuring and encasings the Bank Draft and shall have no claim what-so-ever on this account on Govt. 9. Invitation of application for on line bid/ tender do not constitute any guarantee for opening of online bid under cover No.2 of the applicant even of enlisted Contractors of appropriate class. Opening of bid/tender will be decided by the Accepting Officer based on interallia past track record, financial position and experience of similar works executed by the applicant Contractor. The Accepting Officer shall consider application received up to the date of opening of technical bid under cover No.1 alongwith requisite value DD/Banker’s cheque towards cost of tender and EMD (if applicable as required) in original for opening of Fin/Price Bid under cover No.2. The applicant Contractor will be informed regarding non issue of tender without reasons. The applicant Contractor, if he so, desires may appeal to the next higher Engineer authority with copy to the Accepting Officer. No appeal/representation shall be entertained in respect of applications as received alongwith DD/Banker’s cheque in original after due date of opening of Technical Bid under cover No.1 for opening of Fin/Price Bid under cover No.2. 10. The decision of the next higher Engineer authority shall be final. No applicant Contractor shall be entitled for any compensation whatsoever for rejection of his application. 11. The Accepting Officer reserves his right to accept a tender submitted by a public undertaking giving price preference over other tender (s) which may be lower, as are admissible under the Govt Policy. No. claim for any compensation or other wise shall be admissible from such tenderers whose tenders may be rejected on account of the said policy. 12 . The Contractor shall have provident fund code Number and if any sub contractor engaged should also have provident fund code Number. 13 . All the workers deployed by contractors or Sub Contractors are enrolled as members of provident fund and should be given the universal account number (UAN). 14 . The contractor shall have GST Registration Number and it will be one the criteria for qualifying in Technical Bid (Cover No.01) Tele(Civ):0124 22200251/2200250 Garrison Engineer (AF) Military Engineer Services Sohna Alwar Road Gurgaon -122001 8154/GE/Gur- / NIT-14/ / E8 11 Jul 2019 SIGNATURE OF CONTRACTOR (Raja Ram) JE(QS&C) Offg AGE (Contracts) DATED: -------------------------------- For Garrison Engineer Copy to :- 1 HQ CE (AF) WAC Palam, Delhi Cantt 23 GE Subroto Park Delhi Cantt-10 2 HQ CEDZ Delhi Cantt-10 24 The Manager, SBI, Mehrauli Raod, Gurgaon 3 HQ CE(R&D) Delhi 25 Head Post Office, Gurgaon 4 HQ CWE, New Delhi 26 E-2 Section (Internal) 5 HQ CWE, Delhi Cantt-10 27 E-5 Section (Internal) 6 HQ CWE (AF) Palam, Delhi Cantt-10 28 Notice Board (Internal) 7 HQ CWE (AF) Gurgaon-122001 29 Jacket of NIT 20 19 - 20 20 8 HQ CWE (P) Delhi Cantt-10 (i) AGE B/R (AF) Rajokri 9 HQ CWE (Utility) Delhi Cantt-10 (ii) AGE E/M (AF) Rajokri 10 HQ CWE (AF) TKD (iii) AGE B/R (AF) Gurgaon 11 GE South, Delhi Cantt-10 (iv) AGE E/M (AF) Gurgaon 12 GE E/M, Delhi Cantt-10 (v) AGE (AF) Ayanagar (vi) BSO(AF) Rajokri 13 GE South ( AF) Palam, Delhi Cantt-10 30 14 GE (U) Water Supply, Delhi Cantt-10 REGISTERED A/D FOR SER NO 30 TO 33 31 The Hony Secretary, MES Builders Association of India, Delhi Branch, 106 Kirti Deep, Nangal Raya, New Delhi -110046 15 GE R & D Lucknow Road, Delhi 32 The Hony Secretary, MES Builders Association of India, Main Branch, Flat No.807-808, 8 th Floor, Sahyog, 58, Nehru Place, New Delhi-110019 16 GE (AF) Tughlakabad 33 Association of MES Contractors (Regd) O-8 Kalpataru Commercial Complex, Sadar Bazar, Delhi Cantt-10 17 GE (East) Delhi Cantt-10 34 Head Office of Builders Association of India G-1/G-20, 7 th Floor, Commerce Centre, J.
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