The Inventory of the Gerald Posner Collection #1684

The Inventory of the Gerald Posner Collection #1684

The Inventory of the Gerald Posner Collection #1684 Howard Gotlieb Archival Research Center Posner, Gerald #1684 3/29/05 Preliminary Listing I. Research Materials. Box 1 A. Re: HITLER=S CHILDREN: SONS AND DAUGHTERS OF LEADERS OF THE THIRD REICH TALK ABOUT THEMSELVES AND THEIR FATHERS; files may include printed material, manuscripts, photographs, notes, proofs, interview transcripts. 1. AAssorted Kids,@ includes printed material and manuscript notes. [F. 1] 2. ADagmar Complaint.@ 3. ADanitz.@ 4. ADrexel.@ 5. AGeneral.@ [F. 2] 6. AGoring.@ 7. ALarry=s Draft.@ 8. ANazi Letters Received.@ [F. 3] 9. ANazi Letters Sent.@ 10. ANiklas Frank.@ [F. 4] 11. APhotos.@ 12. ARolf Mengele.@ 13. ASaur.@ 14. ASaur@ (continued). [F. 5] 15. ASchacht.@ 16. AScheer.@ 17. AStauffenberg.@ 18. ATax Forms.@ 19. ATranslators.@ [F. 6] 20. AWolf.@ 21. AWolf Hen.@ 22. Untitled, re: Random House and Nazis; includes photographs. [F. 7] 23. Untitled, re: corrections for manuscript. [F. 8] 24. Untitled, re: photographs. [F. 9, E. 1] 25. Transcript of interview with unidentified Nazi prisoner. [F. 10] 26. Photocopies of personal records of Karl Haushofer, and Albrecht Haushofer; includes letter to GP, 7/12/90. 27. Miscellaneous articles re: Nazis. B. Re: KILLING THE DREAM: JAMES EARL RAY AND THE ASSASSINATION OF MARTIN LUTHER KING JR.; files may include printed material, correspondence, photographs, interview Posner, Gerald (3/29/05) transcripts.[Note: JER = James Earl Ray; MPD = Memphis Police Department; NYT = New York Times] Box 2 1. AAcknowledgments.@ [F. 1] 2. AAds.@ 3. AAG Report Post-Pub. News,@ includes sub-file: AAG Report.@ 4. AAG Talk With Huie.@ 5. AAliases,@ includes sub-files: a. ARaise Use of Canadian Aliases.@ b. AGalt.@ c. AGP Canada Research.@ d. ASneyd.@ e. ABridgeman.@ 6. AAlton Bank Robbery.@ [F. 2] 7. AAndrew Young.@ 8. AAnti-King Material,@ includes sub-file: AGeneral Rt. Wing.@ 9. AAppendix A to ORR Report.@ 10. AArmy Surveillance,@ includes sub-files: a. ATompkins.@ b. AGreshin et al.@ c. AGreen Berets.@ d. AYarborough.@ e. AMize.@ f. ASutherland.@ g. ALooking for Worley.@ 11. AArrest Warrant for Galt,@ includes sub-file: ARay Arrest Warrant.@ 12. AArticles.@ 13. AArticles (MRSC),@ includes sub-files: [F. 3] a. AJenny Ray.@ b. ARentro Hays.@ c. ALegal/ Books/ Review,@ includes Internet notes by reporters. 14. AAssorted,@ includes sub-files: a. ALivingston on >Innocent= Ray.@ b. ASoloman Jones Rap Sheet.@ 15. AAutopsy,@ 2 files, includes sub-file: AFrances Snow C/U.@ 16. ABilly Edison Army.@ 17. ABilly Kyles.@ 18. ABinoculars.@ 19. ABirmingham Public Library.@ 20. ABook Sources.@ 21. ABook Tour,@ includes sub-files: a. APromo Material.@ b. ATour Expenses.@ Posner, Gerald (3/29/05) c. AHayden Directory.@ 22. ABook Tour,@ includes sub-files: [F. 4] a. ANewsweek.@ b. AClippings.@ c. ADaily News.@ d. AFan Snail Mail.@ e. ALate Developments.@ 23. ABowles Acoustic Trumpet.@ 24. ABradley.@ 25. ABullet Angle.@ 26. ABundle.@ 27. ACanada and Mexico Chrono.@ [F. 5] 28. ACharles Stephens.@ 29. ACharlie Stephens.@ 30. ACharles Stephens- General.@ 31. AChastain,@ includes sub-file: AWayne Chastain per Jeff Cohn.@ 32. AClippings- Ray Trial,@ includes sub-files: a. ABio. Sketches of Trial Participants.@ b. ACB Hoax.@ 33. ACominfib - SCLC Volume X Index.@ 34. ACommunism and the Negro Movement.@ 35. AConspiracy (Gen.),@ includes sub-file: ARetro Hays.@ 36. AConspiracy Growth and Spec in Case.@ 37. ACPUSA - FBI - File Index - Volume XI.@ [F. 6] 38. ACrime Scene Photos.@ 39. ACross-examination Prep.@ 40. ACT Filings Assorted.@ 41. ACT Proceedings,@ includes sub-file: ALesar=s Pts to Appeal.@ 42. ADallas Police Photos.@ 43. ADave Perry.@ [F. 7] 44. ADepiction Release.@ 45. ADL Notes,@ includes sub-files: a. AMisc. Notes to be Filed.@ b. AJeff Cohen notes.@ 46. ADownie Army.@ 47. ADr. Pepper,@ includes sub-files: a. AMoral Charges.@ b. AEdison Lawsuit.@ c. ALane.@ d. AAfterward.@ 48. ADwyer Trial File.@ 49. ADwyer Witness File.@ 50. AEllsberg Army.@ [F. 8] Posner, Gerald (3/29/05) 51. AE-mail, @ includes sub-files: a. AGeneral.@ b. ALifton.@ c. ACampbell.@ d. AKen Herman.@ 52. AFOIA.@ 53. AEpisode Card Index,@ includes sub-files: a. AAtlanta - Return.@ b. AAtlanta - RH.@ c. AAtlanta - Miscellaneous.@ d. AAtlanta - Laundry.@ e. AAtlanta - Ev.@ f. AAutopsy.@ g. ABirmingham 1967.@ h. ABirmingham 1968.@ i. ABirmingham MOS.@ j. ABirmingham RH.@ k. ABirmingham Dance.@ l. ABirmingham Laundry.@ m. ABirmingham Safety Deposit Box.@ n. ABirmingham Mustang Ownership.@ o. ABirmingham Rifle.@ p. ACanip=s.@ q. AFilm Order.@ 54. AEscape and Orders.@ [F. 9] 55. AExtradition File DL,@ includes sub-file: AJER Extrad. File.@ Box 3 56. AFake CB Transmission.@ [F. 1] 57. AFatman.@ 58. AFBI Atlanta,@ includes sub-files: a. AGarner/Roominghouse.@ b. APrison Inmates.@ 59. AFBI Canada.@ 60. AFBI Chicago,@ includes sub-files: a. ASusan (Sister Donian).@ b. ARay Chicago - Illinois Background.@ c. AHuie - Chicago.@ d. AJerry Ray.@ 61. AFBI General Inves.@ 62. AFBI Copy Request.@ [F. 2] 63. AFBI Inventory Worksheets.@ [F. 3] 64. AFBI Inmates Kansas City / Drugs.@ 65. AFBI LA,@ includes sub-file: AStein, Charles - Psychotreatment and Plastic Surgery.@ Posner, Gerald (3/29/05) 66. AFBI Memphis Interviews,@ includes sub-files: a. ALorraine.@ b. ACanip=s.@ c. AFire Station.@ d. ARoominghouse.@ 67. AFBI Memphis Investigation.@ [F. 4] 68. AFBI New Orleans - Stein.@ 69. AFBI / Ray Hunt.@ 70. AFBI St. Louis,@ includes sub-files: a. ARay Background.@ b. AAssassination Investigation.@ 71. AFBI St. Louis,@ includes sub-files: a. ARay Father.@ b. APrison Inmates.@ c. ACarol Imposter (Sister).@ d. ARay Family.@ e. AJohn Ray.@ 72. AFBI Top Ten.@ [F. 5] 73. AFBI Wanted Poster.@ 74. AFBI War on King - General,@ includes sub-file: APost-Assassination.@ 75. AFellowships.@ 76. AField Offices Index / Summary.@ 77. AForeman / Ray Letters.@ 78. AFrameup Notes,@ includes sub-file: ANotes on Frameup.@ [F. 6] 79. AFrank Book,@ includes sub-file: ANotes on Frank Book.@ 80. AFrank Holloman.@ 81. AFranklin (Brother).@ 82. AFTAT Sources,@ includes sub-files: a. AKent, Courtney M. and Jerry.@ b. AShrubbery.@ c. AMcMillan Notes.@ d. AChapters 1-3.@ e. AChapters 4-6.@ f. AChapters 7-9.@ 83. AGalt in Atlanta,@ includes sub-file: AOther George Research.@ [F. 7] 84. AGalt in Birmingham,@ includes sub-files: a. ASafe Deposit Box.@ b. ADance Studio.@ c. ARoominghouse.@ d. AReplacement Driver=s License.@ 85. AGalt in N.O.,@ includes sub-file ADance Studio.@ [F. 8] Posner, Gerald (3/29/05) 86. AGalt in L.A.@ 87. AGalt-Stein Trip to N.O.@ [F. 9] 88. AGeneral Articles.@ 89. AGeneral Correspondence (Weisburg, Foreman, etc.).@ 90. AGeneral Seized FBI MLK Files.@ 91. AGenera Witnesses at Scene.@ 91. AGerold Frank.@ 92. AGood Summary.@ 93. AGrapevine Tavern.@ 94. AGresham Army.@ 95. AGuardian,@ includes sub-files: [F. 10] a. A1995/96 Guardian.@ b. A1997.@ c. A1998 / Submitted.@ 96. AGun / Bullet,@ includes sub-file: ARemington Info.@ [F. 11] 97. AGus Resso / JFK.@ 98. AHacker.@ 99. AHarold Sims- Army.@ 100. AHarvey Lohmeyer.@ 101. AHealth Club.@ 102. AHack - Oswald Paper.@ 103. AHoch - EOC Docs.@ [F. 12] Box 4 104. AHodges.@ [F. 1] 105. AHoover on Case.@ 106. AHoover on King.@ 107. AHQtrs - CIRM FBI Files, Vol. IX.@ 108. AHSCA Files - Gen.@ 109. AHSCA Index.@ 110. AHSCA Rpt.@ 111. AHSCA Report.@ [F. 2] 112. AHSCA / Reopening OPR Case.@ 113. AHSCA 1.@ [F. 3] 114. AHSCA 2.@ [F. 4] 115. AHSCA 3.@ 116. AHSCA 4.@ 117. AHSCA 5.@ 118. AHSCA 6.@ [F. 5] 119. AHSCA 7.@ [F. 6] 120. AHuie,@ 3 files. [F. 7] 121. AHunt for Assassin 1, General FBI/MPD.@ [F. 7-8] 122. AHunt for Assassin 2, FBI General.@ [F. 9] 123. AHunt for Ray.@ 124. AHunt for Ray - General / Int.@ Posner, Gerald (3/29/05) 125. AHypnosis.@ [F. 10] 126. AInteresting Letters: Chestain, Weisberg, C.A. Etc.@ 127. AInterviews.@ [F. 11] 128. AInvestigation of Paper Found in Ray=s Car.@ [F. 12] 129. AJames Lawson.@ 130. AJER / General.@ 131. AJerry.@ 132. AJerry Ray.@ [F. 13] 133. AJesse Curry.@ 134. AJoesten.@ 135. AJohn.@ 136. AJohn and Jerry.@ 137. AJohn and Larry Ray Stuff.@ 138. AJoseph Blackie Austin.@ 139. AJowers.@ 140. AJudge Joe Brown.@ [F. 14] 141. AJustice Task Force 1977.@ 142. AKeys/ Bone Exhibit.@ [F. 15] a. AWindow Sill.@ b. ALorraine Guestbook.@ 143. AKing and Politics.@ 144. AKing and Communism.@ 145. AKing Family,@ includes sub-file: AAndrew Young.@ 146. AKing Family.@ [F. 16] 147. AKing in LA.@ 148. AKing Research (Gen).@ 149. AKings Mothers Death.@ 150. AKKK.@ 151. AKoogle / Engineering.@ 152. AKTD Paperback,@ includes sub-file: AForeign Reviews.@ 153. AKTD Tour Info,@ includes sub-files: a. AAtlanta.@ b. ABoston.@ c. AChicago.@ d. ADetroit.@ e. ADallas.@ f. ALos Angeles.@ g. AMemphis.@ h. ASan Francisco.@ [F. 17] i. ASt. Louis,@ j. AWashington D.C.@ k. ANew York Based.@ l. AKTD Royalties.@ Posner, Gerald (3/29/05) 154. AL.A.@ 155. AL.A. Bartending.@ 156. AL.A. Correspondence and Money Order.@ 157. AL.A. Dance.@ 158. AL.A. New Orleans Connection.@ 159. AL.A. Phone Records.@ 160. AL.A. People or Places Visited.@ 161. AL.A. Police / Arrest 1949.@ 162. AL.A. Return.@ 163. AL.A. St. Francis.@ 164. ALaundry Mark Search.@ 165. ALaundry Trace.@ 166. ALBJ Library.@ 167. ALeads.@ 168. ALetters Love Ray.@ 169. ALiberto.@ 170. ALinks to JFK Case.@ 171. ALisbon.@ 172. ALocksmithing.@ 173. ALocksmithing Institute.@ 174. ALomax N.O. Ray.@ 175. ALondon Arrest.@ 176. ALondon.@ 177. ALondon Fitness,@ includes printed material. Box 5 178. AMartha Huie Articles.@ [F. 1] 179. AMary Weir.@ 180. AMax Ryan.@ 181. AMcFerrin@ (2 files). 183. AMcMillan/UNC,@ includes sub-file: ASummary Notes.@ 184. AMcMillan,@ includes sub-files: a. ABrushiny Mountain Escape.@ b. AJerry / John Crime Records.@ c. AMurder Scene Treatments.@ d. AWitnesses Circle Stephens and Greene.@ e. AJerry Tuner / Shooting.@ f. AVictoria Hotel Desc.@ g AJER 1967 Driving.@ h. AArrests / JER.@ i. AChecks.@ j. AJerry Phone Calls.@ k. AGood Misc.@ l. AHanes= Notes.@ m. ADemere Descrip / Courtram Descrip.@ [F. 2] Posner, Gerald (3/29/05) n. AMSP Descrip.@ o. AForeman on Cavett.@ p. AGeneral Chrono.@ q. AJudge Dwyer.@ r. AEarl Ray.@ s.

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