In Nile Kinnick Fair Today Iowa. Grid Star Named to Post ~rm With Athletic Department IOWA-Fair today &Dd tomorrow: See Story on Pa,e ., Dol much ehance in temperatare. (AP) .. _I chal_ 10 V Q City'. Hornin., Ne",.paplJr enators , were FIVE CENTS IOWA CITY, IOWA SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1940 fte ..... It • ...- VOLUME XL NUMBER 288 fe ll tor I * a 1928 ct tcrm )-Ariz) . would ·termer ( must !y {D- ted for d that :e their *** *** '*** *** *** *** *** *** .e se n_ ouched "third ng the· Jbcom_ Rumania~s , King Carol Flees Into Exile Burke, I preSi- term. Part of Vncle Sam's 50 Destroyers • *** *** ***. ecalJed 18·Year·Old GERMAN AIR RAIDERS IN FIGHT OVER ENGLAND I Hitler's Raiders Make Mightiest ~d last utional Traded to England Arrive in C.anada dential Prince Mihai Repeated Air Attacks of War On : term, To Be Taken Over by New Owners tion of I third Takes Over AN EAST COAST CANADIAN :ieslroyers stood out in the har­ Pulse of the Island Fortress hear- PORT, Sept. 6 (AP)-A flotilla of bor in marked contrast to the ed his U.S , destroyers-part of the 50 more modern British and Cana­ Gennan Bombers Strike at London Dislricl8 ie, the Many Arr('st Follow over-age ships traded to Britain dian war craft nearby, and U.S, Throughout Rumania In for Allantlc bases-arrived here sailors on shore leave were seen Thu Far Untouched in the Battle; ey and 'equent [ron Guardist Victory today [rom Boston, took on skele- in Canadian streets for the Iirst Many Injured in Six Raids estion_ ____ ton British crews and disappeared time in a year. ce sub- BUCHARES'l', Rumania, Sept. for two hours in exercises to in- British crews are expecled to LONDON, Sept. 7, (Saturday) (AP)- HiUer's raiders ~arings. 6 (AP)- Killg Corol II, undone stl'uct their new operators. put out to sea with the ships ~lashed pitch-black London with a chain of blinding flares ~ce re- by hIs enemies ::!t last, was driven Just after the fl()tilJa dropped shortly on convoy and coastal !e, and and bombs last night and early today, carrying around the :ee had from the thl'one of Rumania to- anchor again in port, 0 Briti3h work, relieving more modern Bl'it­ clock their mightiest raids yet on the pulse of this island day and cast into a dull pension- liner anchored with additional ish craft for more arduous duties, fortress. [e told er's exile with the fading beauty, crewmen to man the U.S, craft. Capt. W. L. Murnay, deputy At 1 :01 a. m., today, the grateful, steady shriek of the read a Magd::! Lupescu. The 1,500-ton U,S, destroyer ch ief of the Canadian naval staet "all clear" ended the sixth raid since Friday morning. This lvor of His lS-year-old son, Prince Mi- leader Russell, commanded by Ad- said that the Canadian west const resolu- alarm lasted an hour and 28 minut . hai, took over the now empty title miral F. L. Reichmuth, superin- situation was being studied by the Three scream bombs were dropped ju t before the fifth f monarch- o sovereign only in tended the transfer. She was fully Imilted O 'tl d ptl chllrge and permanent defense board of Can- raid ended-and a whistling bomb herald d the pre ence name, I'uling by grace of Ru- al'me d Wile 1 s esident torpedoes, but ship officers called ada and the United States, inti­ of the enemy in the sixth alarm. mani a's tough old military dic- the transfer a "routine cruise" and mating lhllt those studi!!''; included Anti-aircraft guns blazed away at the Germans, nom i- tator, Gen ril l Ion Antonescu. Ir pub- Carol, who {or ten years had said U,S. sailors did not mall the possibilities of completing the German bombers struck at one of the London districts on. He made harsh, decisive use of the battle stations during the trip. long-contemplllted Alaska high - thus far untouched by the raiders, dl'opping high explosive ~ third- powers of a I'eal king to live down __Tonl_____'ght the 4- ___________________ stacked overage way fron1 Vancouver to Juneau._ and incendiary bombs. One bomb exploded neal' the en­ lte, in his youthful reputation as a man trance ()f an underground public shelter but none of the lenever several hundred occupant was injured. to lis- more fond of pnrties than politics, WI·IIIz.~e abdicated at dawn and crept out Wendell ~:t.-Attaclrs F. R. Fires from nazi incendiary bombs still burned brightly of the country aboard his yacht, in the London area when the raiders returned again at to which Madame Lupescu already - Bomber and· fighter planes ot a German air squad· I German caption .tate,s the plane. are engaged In 11 :33 p. m. (4:33 p. m. central standard time), just 22 min­ was understood to have Cled , On Over-Age D'estroyer. Trade ron are pIctured durIng a. rald over England. The a battle. Where they would go none utes after the fifth in the day's uccession of aU-clears. knew prccisely-perhaps to Egypt, . ------------------------------------~------------------------------------------- ---------------------- .There w re several casual· perhaps eventually to Switzerland Asserts That Act ties in th fifth raid. or the United States. He was giv­ In this attack, showers of en an allowance in English pounds Is 'Most Dictatorial' light and fire weI' loosed. worth' about $60,000 a year. Of A~y U. S. President It was a new bombing technique: The young prince invested im­ u. S. ,Britain Ask Japan to Respect a l'8ider would drop a triple flare mediately wilh the crown while ot three brilliont whHe lights old Antonescu took his hand amI RUSHVILLE, Ind., Sept, 6 (AP) strung together. While it was de~ intoned "Sire, :1 llrayel' tQ God to . cending, the plane would make t QU' · E h Ii d - Declal'inghe was speaking "with st eh · \\) your majesfy and me"-at quiet delibel'~ tiob," Wendell L. a us· . 0 In renc n 0- Ina otf to avoid th s archHghts lind once summoned his divorced Willkle asserted today lhe admin- then, when the flare was low mothel', Princess Helen, to come istration's agreement to trade 50 - enough to illumlnat the tariet, and \IIlllth over him. over-age destroyers for British air i would dive back over and re­ The Bucharest I'adio announced lease its bombs. thaI Helen had arrived by plane ~~c~at~~~a~l a~:so; a~;sp;~t~~e~oi~ Lightning Cause Japanese Ministers Seem Ready Sout1" Pacifi~ d Report French The anli-aircroli baUerles roor- from Dreliden, but this was not the history of the United States." Of Air Crash T R· USE Ii h S d Isles VnSltlte • ed back cea elessly. confirmed from other sources. In Speaking to a group of farm 0 eject ng stan W·ll S b t To Dresden, a member of her staff editors and radio commentators, Witnesses Say - • ., As V.S. Bases I U ml A number of streets in one said she had not been "in com­ the republican presidential nomi- residential area were bombed, munication" with Rumania dur­ nee said he was "leaving out of N R 1 U-nl'led States had no cause fo·r WASHINGTON Sept 6 (AP) ...Q s80'e Houses were demolished and set ing the day. account the advantage or .disad- WASHINGTON, Sept. 6 CAP)~ ewspapcr evea s ' . Troop Pa'" alarm over Indo-Chino and that - Defense oificials, it was dis- 0 aflame. There were casualties. A great tumult swept the streets vantage of the trade." -The possibility that lightning I Decision Made At closed authoritatively today, have Resi dents said the bombers set of Bucharest fol' hours. The "I say that," WiIlkie declared, f th P I Maj . Gen. Issaku Nishihara, WASHINGTON S t 6 (AP) of[ fires with incendiaries lind re­ shouting celebrations led by mem­ "because in the solution of all our caused the crash 0 e ennsy - Kouoye' Conference Japan's representative in Indo- decided that Costa Rica's Cocos , ep . - problems - farm, economic and vania Central airline plane in China, was authorized to negoti- island and France's Clipperton is- The United States and Great Brit- turned to drop high exploslv~s bers of the pro-nazi iron guard, upon areas already in flames. whose members, threatening revo­ national defense-it, does no good which 25 persons were killed last TOKYO, Sept. 6 (AP}- The key ate with the French colonial auth- land in the south Paci1ic are un- ain appeared tonight to have In t{le sixth raid, n new fire lution unless he yielded, had al­ to solve them if we solve them in Saturday near Lovettsvllle, Va" ministel'3 of Japan were repre- orities there coneerning "peace{ul suited as possible American naval taken parallel action In the far was seen to .flare up. most literally howled Carol from the manner of the dictators or if . sented tonight as having decided processes," ' bases, but that Ecuador's Gala­ east in formally asking Japan to in their solution we wave aside was suggested today b~ witnesses to reject the official stands of both (Authoritative Hanoi, Indo- pagos group might warrant some At limes, the tin hats of mid­ the throne. I respect the status quo In French town rooftop aircraft "spotters" Last year, arter the assassina­ out great constitutional and demo- at the opemng of hearmgs before jthe United States and Great Bt'it- China quarters reported to Hong- consideration as a defense site, could be seen for blocks away, In tion of his premier, Armand Cali­ cratic system.
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