I 194Q ,I • I - Indian. Win Partly Cloudy Clevelllnd Holda Firet Place By IOWA-PanlT cloud)' and warmer ,---'s B4!iltlllJ BoIIUin I See SUir), on Pale 4. todaJ: tomorrow par1l,y cloud". 1~I L j 10 Ie a City', Mornin, New,paper Be FIVE CENTS IOWA CITY, IOWA SATURDAY, JUNE 22, 194{) VOLUME XL NUMBER 225 ---..: I blcy_ Hcet\se Iy lOCal amona it Waa :hlef 01 l were onsll/l_ d. Reg­ ured at m 2:30 , Chief It's*** Raid and Counter ***Raid, Now ** *** *** *** *** *** set for 'C tellded istribu.' Shower Explosives in Widespread Attack project by the rang of *** *** *** *** *** *** Vogt I, ttee in 15 Cents - Ontined daj's, it . --------------------------------~~--------~-- . France Told She Must Accept I'Peace, Preparedness' Nazis' Midnight-to-Dawn Raid Unconditionally or Reject Peace I Is Republican Slogan Greatest Since Start of Battle Four ,French Emissaries Remain in Steady • Third Bombing in Four Days Kills 3 Civilian RO'I'ALAIR FORCE Commuoicati~n With Government; Subcommittees N.Y. Police British Fighters Drive Off German Waves F R c E It~OR'tED sue.­ C!~~.ulIOMI\HG Continue Conferences Guard Against Amid Explo ion , Fir Of Tllesl INDUS­ IStudy Various I ~IALcmIiS Bridge Bombers LONDON, June 22 ( aturday)-(AP)-Wave after wave b I BULLETIN 1PI f p. of German bomber bia ted at Britain from the outhea l to LONDON, June 22 (AP)-A. Reuters (British news . at orm olnts 11u,:, '-.,.t..J1I,1"ktJ. p.l't;!.ss map shows sulfered most heavily in recent NEW YORK, June 21 ; (A'P)- the northeast in midnight-to-da\'.m raid today, howering how British and German air forces !Jerman air raids. In circle i:3 agency) dispatch from Istanbul : to~a y reported that six I , ---.:----. • Two . hundred patrolmen' .and down incendiary and high explo ive bomb. in the third and are bombing each other's indus­ the German industrial area on French tank~~s anchored · ~t that Turkl ~ port had b~~n b'a n s-ICo l1~roversy May ArIse detectives were p)a~~d 011 guard most wid~spr ad attack in four day , trial centers in savage air attack which British planes have inflicted \ ferred to Brttlsh owners.up and hlld hOlsted the BrILIS~ fJ:;tg- As to How ,Far Party ~:~r b~~~g~r~:~~ntt:endEa~"~7:!~ With dawn's grrival, the raider fl d th thr at of Briti h and counter-attack. The map damage . fighters, and the a larm that ent thou and to heller were shows the English area which has . IWin Give Allies Aid tonight 'IS a i'esult of two anony- lifted. By LOUIS P. LOCHNER . mous . telephone warning ; .that Three civilian were killed during th ail' raid on this COMPIEGNE FOREST, France; June 21 (AP}-A yes or PH!LA-OELPHIA, June 21 (AP) 1he stru~tures were to be bomb- , " d ' f -l'ne slogan "peace and prepar-I ed. country last nigbt and early today, the air mini try an­ General Smedley D. Butler, no ah~wer:_uncondlbonalJy and "?w-was emanded 0 edness" dominated republican Polrce were inclined to treat nounced, France tomght to the terms of a conqueror's peace dictated platform wri~ets ' today, 'with a the fi·cst · warning, re~~ved at Roaring across the coast for the third big atta k of the U. S. Marine Corps, Dies at 58 by Adolf Hitler in his hour of triumph: controversy obviously arising . as Bronx headqual·ters: as the W1)rk week, the nazis rent the early morning air with thund rou The four emissaries who hold the fate of the French in that 10, how far. th~ . pali~ declaratJ?n of a crank. "'owev~r, the guard explosions and started numerou fires which cast a crim on , '. ' . ' ,., should -go m endol'smg material was ordered after a second man, glow over the countryside, Fought Round . World answer remamed In steady telephone commUnicatIOn WIth assistance to the aUies. characterj~ed by police as ~ "very (The Britillh apparently repli d in kind with a raid on Arms Transfer ·their government. They conferr.ed for a second tim!::, too, Subcommittees, appoilltep to serious and very int~lligent," Berlin, where an alarm wa in eft ct for 36 minut and anti­ But Opposed War Gets Approval tonight with the representa-, ' --- dea~ with the' various platform called Brooklyn headquarters to aircraft guns around the capital fired at invading craft. No . " J D subJects met · throughOut the day, say: , bomb explosion were heard in Berlin.) Abroad for Americans bves of the Ger.man. f.uehr~,.., apanese raw including the group under the "r know that bombs are.' go- I n Senate V0 t e Whatever theIr reply, Hlt- chairmanship of AI! M. Landon ing to be placed on the brldges The bark of anti-aircraft gun , the chatt r of machine PHILADELPHIA, J u n e 21 Jer Jta,s ordered brought to Q " ___ . '*'1W:b' rudyln the pl'.oblem of tontgllL. 1 hav no!btne to do guns and the challenging whin of British fighter plane (AP)-M~jor Gen( af Smedley WASHINGTON, June 21 AP)- Berlin the long-enshrined rail- oser to ~lS f~reign alfalrs. It, Landon s~id, with it, but I know it is gOing made an ear- pUtting overtone to th sound of the raiding D. Butler, 58, who retired trom rhe senate approved tonight a way car where Germany discussed the thorny question to happen." planes and the intermittent thud of the exploding bomb . the U. S. marine corps after proposal to restrict the transfer' signed an armistice in sorrow in committed to it at length and - - ----- Air raid alarms hrilled with the approach of the first at­ of army and navy equipment to 1918 and offered one in victory Policy Shift To Meet would meet again tomorrow. tackers and the civilian population crouched in shelters while " , fighting half-way round the. other countries. today. From the other subcommlttees world and spent much of his the battle raged on. • The proposal, insertl!d without Along with the historic cal', New Events ill Europe, came word. that the platform Report Spain's One salvo of bigh explosive bombs struck a lumber yard Shirt latet' yearS urging that the nR­ dissent in a measure to ,expedite Hitler will take away the memor- British in Far East otherwise would closely conform tion keep its figh ting men home. naval shipbuilding, would require iill tablet that marked the spot, to the program submitted last in an undi closed eastern s Cabinet Meets area, shattering windows in died today in Naval hospital, that the chief of naval operations and the monument the Frencn set winter by the republican program or the army chief of staff must up with the graven legend: 'rOKYO, June 22 (Saturday) committee under the chairmanship Carol Decides the immediate vicinity and "Old Gimlet Eye"-the narrl'e certify that any equipment re- "Here, on Nov. 11, 1918, was (Al?)-Circles close to the gov- of Glenn Frank. shaking buildings as far as he got 'in the Mexican campaign leased is "surplus" and is not frustrated the criminal arrogance ernment indicated today Japan's Meanwhile, it was learned that Reorganization Under To Cast Lot .hree mile away. because he learned so much ot needed for the defense of the of the German imperial reich, policIes now are crystallized some party leadel's were urging New Foreign Mini ter Reports from the attacked areas the enemy - succumbed at 3 United States.. deteated by the free peoples which around a program calling fOl' Ithat the conventl?n adop~ two said that as soon as the ominous p. m. (CST) to a gall bladder Sponsored by Chairman Walsh it sought to enslave." " platforms, one brief, concise and Purpo e of Session With Germany drone oC the nazi craft became (D-Mass), of the senate naval Destroy Markers clOser relations With Germany pointed, and the other elaborat- audible, their motors we r e ~ ·S and liver ailment that had put committee, the amendment grew Slabs marking where the train and Italy, possibly direct actian, ing at some length on the points LISBON, June 21 (AP)-The drowned out by sp dy British him to bed a month ago. !'EST out of congressional criticism stood were ordered destroyed. in British-French possessions in I made in the shorte1' document. Spanish government is being re­ tightcr dartin, into the skies to Since he retired in 1931, with at Rumania To Follow the navy's release of 23 "mosquito Hitler personally decreed that the southern orient and a nega- The long platform, it was sugge t- organlzed, it was reported here the attack. 30 years service in the ma­ boats" for sale to the allies. the monument to Marshal Foch is tive attitude toward any Ameri- ed, would be based upon the tonigh t, with the cabinet in ses­ Fa ci t Plan Of The Germans attacked one rines, Butler took to the lecturc sion since early afternoon. in to be preserved undamaged, un- Frank report with few changes Party (ri,vernme nt northeastern locality relays for platform with the same sharp moved. CBn efforts toward rap proch- made. (The bal'e fact that the cabi­ more than two hours, droppIng tongue that had often brought IN Mediterranean Hitler demanded an end to all ment. Landon made it plain that be- net was meeting was reported in bombs. him into the public eye during Fre~ch B;: THE ASSOCIATED PRESS resistance; that the French give These quarters said Japan's c~use . of the uncertainty of the Madrid dispatches.) • • • UTY his miJitsTY and public serviJe.
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