A* Newspaper Devoted Complete New£9 Pictures To the Community Interest Presented Fairly, Clearly Full Local Coverage And Impartially Each Week VOL. XIV—NO. 40 FORDS, N. J., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1952 PRICE EIGHT CENTS Sweetness 2 Colonia Residents Complete Nursing Studies; Group Set To Receive Diplomas at Commencement TonightTo Discuss of E. Acts Prom Advertising Executive To Talk at Exercises - New Bank In Vocational School To Get Schools By CHARLES E. GREGORY PERTH AMBOY—Mrs. Geor- Fusco Says 25 Invited There are few material re- geen 'Pichalski of Anthers t Ave- To Talk Feasibility wards in my hectic life, but nue and Miss Ella Vagnozzi of At Session on Oct. 2 Bond Sale Is 216 Inman Avenue, tooth of Co- those, of the spirit come with lonia. will be graduated tonight unexpected frequency. For WOODBRIBG-E —The possibil- instance, I shall replenish to- from the Perth Amlboy General ity of establishing a new bank in night- on two hurried occa- Hospital School of Nursing at Woodbridge Township is being Less Than 20% of Voters Cast Parley Called exercises to be held at the Mid- proposed- to a group of local busi- sions some far recess in my 1 heart left vacant without dlesex County Girls Vocational nessmen's it was learned today. School in Woodbridge at 8:30 Steps have already been taken Ballot on $3,500,000 Bond IssueWith Architect warning because, I suppose, to organize a group to consider the need for another ibank, the WOODBRIDGE — Less than Although there was no open I was so ingenuous as to be- 20 per cent of the registered lieve that promises are ever Charles E. Gregory, president •financial requirements of such an opposition, to the referendum, Next Thursday endeavor, and the legal needs of voters of Woodbridge Township an estimated 1,000 scurrilous true. of the Hospital's Board of Gov- authorized the expenditure of postal cards which did not iden- ernors wall preside at the cere- State and Federal governments. WOODBRIDGE—The Board of * * * • * $3,500,000 for two schools Tues- tify the person or group which mony and. Dr. Max Geller, pres- Ralph L. Fusco, a Perth Amboy day. mailed them, were dropped into Education, moving quickly after First, I shall attend the ident of Weiss and Geller, New attorney, in an interview last the voters had given an over- MRS. GEOItGEEN PICHALSKI Thus, the Board of Education the post-office last Friday graduation of our School of York advertising agency, will MISS ELLA, VAGNOZZI night, disclosed the plan under- night. This anonymous cam- whelming consent to go ahead deliver the address to the grad- taken by a group he represents. now is empowered to borrow the with the school building program Nursing at the Perth Amboy money with which to construct paign evidently was entirely in- General Hospital, a"nd from uates. Mr..Fusco said that a move to effectual. at Tuesday's election, approved Greeting^, from the Medical a high school and an elementary two more measures necessary be- there go to a small dinner in Services at Sym^gue''Sunday? establish a bank here was begun school in the Inman Avenue Rumors that some members Staff to the new graduates who several years ago, when he adted fore actual construction can be- the Biltmore Hotel in New are seting out in their profes- section of Colonia. It is five of the Board of Education did gin at a special meeting held last is legal representative for the in- years since plans were made for not support the referendum York, there to whisper sional careers will be extended terested parties. This was tem- night. thank-you for a quarter-cen- by Dr. William London, presi- o the high school to replace-the could not be. verified. There has, porarily abandoned, he said, when present one wliich is so inade- however, been a- sharp division By a unanimous volte the board, tury of friendship to Emmet dent. Rabbi Max D. Davidson of WOODBRIDGE — Services Sunday night at 6 o'clock he left his practice to go back in in a resolution authorized the sale Temple Beth Mordecai, 'Perth quate as to require half the within the Board over the em- T. Drew, secretary of the New and Monday morning starting at. '8:30 and continuing the armed service. students to attend classes in the ployment of an architect, with of $3,500,000 in bonds needed to Jersey Board of Public Util- Amboy will- ask the invocation throughout the day, will mark the closing of the Jewish The attorney said that shortly construct the new high school and and; pronounce the benediction. morning-, and the remainder, in a majority finally voting to re- ity Commissioners. Out of High Holy Days at Adath Israel Synagogue, Rabbi Samuel afjber .he resumed practice several the afternoon. The vote on the tain the firm of Alexander Mer- the elementary school in Colonia, Diplomas will be presented to : months ago, he was again ap- and then set next Thursday, Oc- both, I will gain some modest Newberger announced. ':' v •":.-'. referendum was 4,613 to 855. chant and Son, New Brunswick. tober 2 at 7:30 o'clock for a meet- feeling of appreciation for the graduates by A. W. Eckert, proached on the possibility of The referendum was approved Commissioners Aaroe, Farley, hospital director, and Miss Ruth At the Yom Kippur service Sunday, night, the rabbi will forming a new bank. At this time ing- with Alexander Merchant of my stumbling approach to in every polling place in the Dunigan and Quadt opposed New Brunswick, the architect, and A. Mercer, director of nursing- preach a sermon, on "Forgiveness, he discussed the legal require- this decision which was voted meeting the requisites of a will present the school pins to a Jewish Concept," and Monday Township. In recent weeks, an J. H. Thayer Martin, the board's ments and possibility of obtaining by a bare majority—Commis- attorney, to go over the plans and self-respecting life. ... the girls. morning his topic will be ''In Memorial Lecturer a charter. It was then decided, he intensive campaign has been conducted by Victor C. Nicklas, sioners Finn, Neary, Van Ness, contract. * * * * Miss Barbara Gaudet, Class Their Footsteps." . added, to get the consensus of McElroy and Casey. Superintendent of Schools;. Dr. The bonds are to be made pay- For years, our -School of of 1954, will sing "Never Walk There also will be services Fri- public opinion and to determine Voting was heaviest in the tihe, availability of funds to cap- John P. Lozo, principal of the Inman Avenue area. In the Co- able at the' Woodbridge National Nursing was on the briaak of Alone".' and Miss Ida Shaw, day night at 7:30' and' Saturday high school; Harry I. Sechrist, Class of 1953 will sing "A Heart 'italize the project. lonia School poll, the referen- Bank and when the resolution morning at 9 ~A.M. ' high school faculty member, was read', Commissioner Winfield being jettisoned.' It was frus- That's Free." Music for the cer- Meeting October 2 dum was favored 395 to 44, and trated and disappointed up- The newly organized choir and a number of civic groups in the Colonia firehouse the Finn asked if there was any ob- emony will be provided by Mrs. A conference has been-set for jection, to giving- part of the busi- on all sides. Instructors were John A. Landt of Fords. which made its : first appearance under the leadership of the Cit- ayes carried the poll 500 to 39. October 2 in the Log Cabin here, izens' Council. Newspaper ad- ness to the Fords National Bank. impossible to find; stu- at Rosh ha-Bhanah services'last and between 25 and 30 residents In the Fords Firehouse ballot- dents—if they could be inter- weekend, will again take part in vertisements, a pamphlet pre- ing, which might have been Harold Van Ness explained that he of the Township have been in- pared by the Board of Educa- did not think it good policy to the religious activities here 'Sun- vited. At this meeting the group influenced by the position of ested in nursing as a career, tion, circulars and sound-trucks some Board members, the tally break up blocks. Andrew Aaroe, at all—preferred to attend Outline Activities day and Monday. At the Sundaj will discuss the feasibility of a president of the board, said, that evening service the choir will sing bank, which would- probably op- were employed to gain voter was close—103 to 101. other schools; the expenses 9 approval. he, too, thought (they- should go were mounting to the poin| "Kol Nidre" and several othei erate under a state charter; a (Continued on Page 6) to the Woodtoridge bank after he At- Lions Session selections. - location and whether sufficient had discussed the matter with where many felt we could no capital can be raised. - longer sustain the school. I This group was first organized 9 Mr. Martin. When taken to a vote WOODBRIOGE — Dr. John P. in May arnd after months of dili- Mr. Fusco said his plans call Don't Let Interest in Schools all the members agreed on the felt differently, and argued Loze, high school principal, who gent training made its initial ap- for "a bank to be a local institu- Woodbridge bank. for a reprieve. qnly last week proved Ins sales- pearance at the 'Synagogue last tion, to serve local people, and When the matter of meeting My long-suffering col- manship when" the local Kiwanis week. be funded toy local people." He with the architect was brought up lub voted unanimously to ap- In the choir, are Marcia Nf*w- stated that he had been ap- Stop Now, Bangert Plea to Public by Mr.
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