22500 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 152, Pt. 17 December 5, 2006 developing and maintaining an effective Clerk DPU, member states and U.S. Members of 1996 he was the City of Calistoga’s Citizen of staff. She is responsible for the development Congress have been graciously invited to at- the Year. of a series of workshops to help train staff tend this symposium either as participants or Beyond his work as a police officer, Mr. around the State, with the first of these meet- observers. I hope that my colleagues will find Dick has been a model citizen for the City of ings scheduled to take place this coming time to attend this very important event in Tai- Calistoga, serving in numerous local volunteer March. Additionally, she participated in a legal pei and lend our encouragement and support capacities. He has been the Chairman of the taskforce mandated to revise confusing or out- to The Pacific Congressional Caucus. St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital Bike-a-thon and dated portions of California Code related to Mr. Speaker, I also commend the Union for served several terms as President of the the duties of County and Court Clerks. All of its goals, achievements, and initiations which Calistoga Police Officer’s Association. Dem- these activities greatly contribute to a higher include a training program on hazard mitiga- onstrating once again his commitment to the quality of governance throughout the State of tion on typhoon-related disasters held May 8– children of our community, he has for many California and represent a service to the peo- 12, 2006 in Taiwan. The DPU has also estab- years been the Cub Scout Master for the ple every bit as important as her work in lished a 2006 fellowship and scholarship pro- Silverado Chapter of the Boy Scouts of Amer- Sonoma County. gram providing funds for students from DPU ica. Mr. Speaker, I rise today with my colleague member states to attend universities in Tai- Mr. Speaker and colleagues, it is appro- Ms. WOOLSEY to congratulate Ms. Eeve Lewis wan. Another significant achievement for this priate at this time that we recognize the long on the occasion of her retirement after 35 young organization is an invitation to distin- and active career of Mr. Michael R. Dick, who years of service to Sonoma County, including guished women from member states to attend served his hometown of Calistoga as an offi- a remarkable 28 years of capably guiding her meetings in Taiwan to identify and address cer of the greatest distinction. I join the many office as, the elected County Clerk. She will gender issues and problems women face in members of his community in extending my leave behind the finest organization in the the Pacific region. The DPU has also invited appreciation for all of his hard work, and I State and a legion of admirers who valued the political experts to observe elections in Tai- wish him all the best in the future. insight and care with which she approached wan; and established the Pacific Center for her work. Disaster Reduction in Taipei. f f f SOUTHEAST ARIZONA LAND EX- TRIBUTE TO THE DEMOCRATIC HONORING MICHAEL REX DICK OF CHANGE AND CONSERVATION PACIFIC UNION CALISTOGA, CALIFORNIA ACT OF 2006 HON. JULIA CARSON HON. MIKE THOMPSON HON. RICK RENZI OF INDIANA OF CALIFORNIA OF ARIZONA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Tuesday, December 5, 2006 Tuesday, December 5, 2006 Tuesday, December 5, 2006 Ms. CARSON. Mr. Speaker, I salute the Mr. THOMPSON of California. Mr. Speaker, Mr. RENZI. Mr. Speaker, in regard to the Democratic Pacific Union which was formally I rise today in honor of Mr. Michael R. Dick three site visits that I have made to the mining inaugurated in Taipei, Taiwan on May 14, who is retiring as Police Chief of Calistoga. location and the recreation area, in regard to 2005, the 60th anniversary of the end of World Mr. Dick has been a member of the Calistoga the over 20 meetings that I have with former War II. Notable guests at the inaugural cere- Police Department for 31 years, during which president of Resolution Copper, their current mony included presidents of Taiwan, Costa time he has served Calistoga honorably and president, their lobbyists and employees, and Rica and Guatemala as well as vice presi- conscientiously in many roles. in regard to the over one dozen meetings with dents of Taiwan, Nicaragua and Palau. The As a graduate of Calistoga High School, Mr. the San Carlos Apaches, I re-introduce this re- goals of the Union are to integrate resources Dick grew up familiar with the area he eventu- fined legislation today. in the pan-Pacific region for joint development ally served. He studied at Napa Valley Col- I recognize that a portion of the land being and regional cooperation and to promote de- lege, where he worked for his Associate of conveyed to Resolution Copper in the vicinity mocracy, peace and prosperity among DPU Science Degree in Law Enforcement. His con- of the Oak Flat Campground is used by the member democracies. stant residence in and around Calistoga has Apache people for traditional acorn gathering Since May of 2005, the Union has estab- made Mike especially well attuned to the and other cultural purposes. My staff and I lished a Secretariat, published its first quar- needs of his community. Throughout his ca- have discussed this matter with Resolution terly, planned West Pacific regional meetings, reer he has made an extra effort to encourage Copper on several occasions, and Resolution formed a Pacific economic advisory group, young people from Calistoga to follow his path has assured us that upon conveyance of the and initiated the Pacific Congressional Caucus by becoming cadets with the police force. land to them, the company will make every ef- project. The project seeks to bring congres- Mr. Dick became an Officer on the force in fort to allow such traditional uses to continue. sional and parliamentary members of DPU to- 1975. He has earned a reputation as a thor- As much of the land in question lies imme- gether to promote exchange and cooperation ough officer whose tenacity and initiative diately adjacent to Arizona Highway 60, Reso- among lawmakers throughout DPU member helped him obtain convictions in tough inves- lution Copper believes that it is unlikely the countries. The Taiwan Chapter of the Pacific tigations. Beyond his conventional duties as bulk of the area in question will be significantly Congressional Caucus was inaugurated on an officer, he served for many years as the disturbed by exploration or mining activities in May 20, 2006 and convened by the Speaker Juvenile Officer and liaison to the schools of the foreseeable future. of Taiwan’s Legislature Yuan. Calistoga. His connections to the community In addition, Resolution has assured me that My commendations also to the Taiwan served him well in this regard, and he devel- they will establish job training and employment Chapter of the Pacific Congressional Caucus. oped numerous local programs targeting drug- opportunities for potential Apache employees. The Chapter will sponsor a symposium on use prevention and children’s safety. For all of As such, it is with great hope that I introduce congressional reforms December 8–10, 2006, his hard work, Mr. Dick has 3 times been rec- this legislation for the future prosperity of the in Taipei, Taiwan. Legislative members of the ognized as Police Officer of the Year, and in region. VerDate Sep 11 2014 14:53 May 19, 2017 Jkt 049102 PO 00000 Frm 00240 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 9920 E:\FDSYS\BOUNDRECORD\BR05DE06.DAT BR05DE06 ejoyner on DSK30MW082PROD with BOUND RECORD.
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