Philip's Handy Atlas of the Counties of Ireland

Philip's Handy Atlas of the Counties of Ireland

I « HANDY VOLUMES FOR TOURISTS. PHILIPS' HANDY ATLAS OF THE COUNTIES OF ENGLAND, a Series of Forty-three Maps, showing the Physical Features, Towns, Villages, Railways, Roads, &c. ; with a Railway Map of England ; forming- a useful Guide for the Angler, Sportsman, or Tourist. New Edition, with Consulting Index. Crown 8vo, neatly bound in cloth, 3s. 6d. PHILIPS' HANDY ATLAS OF NORTH AND SOUTH WALES, a Series of Sixteen Maps, with Consulting Index. Crown 8vo, neatly bound iu cloth, 2s. Gd. PHILIPS' HANDY ATLAS OF THE COUNTIES OF SCOTLAND. a Series of Thirty-two Maps, showing the Roads, Railways, Country Seats, Parishes, Rivers and Lakes, &c, &c. ; accompanied by a Railway Map of Scotland and a Consulting Index ; forming a useful Guide for the Angler, Sportsman, or Tourist. The Maps drawn and engraved by John Baktholomkw, F.R G.S. Crown 8vo, neatly bound in cloth, 3s. 6d. PHILIPS' HANDY ATLAS OF THE COUNTIES OF IRELAND, a Series of Thirty-three Maps, showing the Roads, Railways, Country Seats, Parishes, Rivers, Lakes, &c. ; accompanied by a Railway Map of Ireland and a Consulting Index. The Maps drawn and en- graved by John Bartholomew, F.R. G.S. , and edited by P. W. Joyce, LL.D. Crown 8vo, neatly bound in cloth, 3s. Gd. GEORGE PHILIP & SON, Publisheks, London and Livekpool. : PHILIPS* HANDY ATLAS OF THE Counties of Ireland CONSTRUCTED BT JOHN BARTHOLOMEW, F.R.G.S. REVISED BT P. W. JOYCE, LL.D., M.R.I. A. WITH CONSULTING INDEX. LONDON GEORGE PHILIP & SON, 32, FLEET STREET, LIVERPOOL: CAXTON BUILDINGS, SOUTH JOHN STREET, AND 49 & 51. SOUTH CASTLE STREET. 1884. CONSENTS. No. of No. of Map. Map. IRELAND (Key Map) I LIMERICK . l8 ANTRIM . 2 LONDONDERRY • 19 ARMAGH • 3 LONGFORD . 20 CARLOW • 4 LOUTH . 21 CAVAN . • 5 MAYO . 22 CLARE • . \j MEATH • 23 CORK . 7 MONAGHAN . • 24 DONEGAL . 8 queen's COUNTY • 25 DOWN . Q ROSCOMMON . 26 DUBLIN . IO SLIGO • 27 FERMANAGH . II TIPPERARY . 28 GALWAY . 12 TYRONE . 29 KERRY • 13 WATERFORD • 3° KILDARE • 14 WEST MEATH • 3i KILKENNY • 15 WEXFORD • KING'S COUNTY . 16 32 LEITRIM . • 17 WICKLOW • 33 CONSULTING INDEX. 2935 T I I Ill I DON <fe LIVERPOOL. 1 G A L lyTA Y Jb Black HeadJ^ Aran ^ lid skmaam 1 Island s /alulsleer AiUenanharragh O'Brien's Tt cn/Ts oryx L o_a^ COUNTY OF Hags H<ladl^ C L A R E English Milei 6 i z a * s e 7 a » to theatre**** fUtilwa vs "f- Road* **^£Zm Canals u Kaionies Aus BURREN Fretifh Cati Revised Iit I'. y. JOYCE. LUi M hl A. $ream P*l Jfa z Carroty^ miff, -ijnimihij Fcu-t ih v /»' *9 It* LO N DEpA LA J Foofuufh p f Shod Labaslt TuJJ^Pt GEORGE PHILIP 4 3' 1 » I I GF.ORSt HH1LIP & i iKDOK & LCVERFOOi. 1 corxTY or H D ONE GAL English MiUs Boss, MaltnitMirf Hfatli Matin M. Matin Baj tun. i v s .ioi,as y>^- ^° ? *n\ 4 ! l\>olftU3 EC A h DON aw^Mv , C LongituA. Wrst \H' of Cr. r.v.nwi'. F PHILIP A 3C CK &. LIVERPOOL. L GEORGE PHILIP & SO IB; 5D01I & LIVERPOOL Caherl. GA I VTA V I Xorth Sound (Ol'NTY OF G ALWAY English Miles rn < j < n i tiiit itn HsuUrays *Y Hoods -<7~ Canals - ... B«ro*ies tk-s TIAQUIN fUriaad by F. W JUVCK. LL.D, M.RXA. 6F.0ROE PHJIAP A 8C i i I 4 GEORGE PHILIP L0N30H" & LIVERPOOL GEORGE PHILIP fcaaSTDQS 4 LIVERPOOL. I I I .ONDOU k. LF/ERPOOL. COUNTY OF M E ATH English Miles 6 1 Z 3 Railways Roads Canals Baronies thus R A T A T H RevUedty pw JOYCE, LLD; 34E1A. ^^^ffipffillia GEOKOE PHILIP & S' j 0ND01T &. LIVERPOOL. &E0ROE PHILiP S LOIIDCK &. LIVERPOOL. - OEORGK PKILIP S NDON &, LIVERPOOL OEQROE PHILIP A 30 hour jo1 C E A N C COUNTY or A WATERFORD V English Miles d 2 x 3 + 3 6 7 8 § 2*0 Railways ^'"i JjaacU** «C7~ Canals Baronies thus G A U LT I E R E Revised bv ¥.~W JOYCE, LLD; M.B.IA JUBOIT & LIVERPOOL. SEORGE PHILIP A SC STDCQT Jt-XIVERPOOL. INDEX. , , , ,, , , ,, , , INDEX. Note.—The letters and numbers after the names correspond with those in the borders of the map, and indicate the square in which the name will be found. ABBERT. ANNACLONE. Abbert & Galway E 2 Aghada, Cork G 3 Aherlow R., Tipperary B 4 R , Abbey, Tipperary D Aghade Br. & Lodge, Carlow C ^ Ahnagurra Ho., Limeiick G 3 Abbey, The, Donegal C Aghadoe, Kerry D 2 Ahoghill, Antrim C 3 Abbey Cott. Callow C Aghadoe Ho., Cork H 3 Aille R., Clare D 1 Abbey I. Kerry B 3 Aghadolgan, Antrim D 5 Aille R., Mayo C Abbeydorney, Kerry C 1 Aghadowey, Londonderry F 2 Aillenasharragh, Clare D 2 Abbeyfeale, Limerick B Aghadowey R., Londonderry E * Air Hill, Wicklow D 3 *J Abbeylara, Longford E ~_ Aghadown, Cork C 4 Akeragh L Kerry C 1 Abbeyleix, Sta. & H. Queen's Co. C 3 Aghafln Ho., Monaghan A 2 Akiboon L., Donegal D 2 Abbeylough Br., Kildare B 2 Aghagallon, Antrim D 5 Aleckafin Bri., Kildare B 1 Abbeyshrule, Longford D 3 Aghagoogy, King's Co. C Aleck More L., Donegal B 3 Abbeyside, Waterford I> 3 Aghagower, Mayo C 2 Aliggan L., Galway B 2 " Abbeytown, Mayo D 1 Aghagreagh, Up. & Lo., Longford D Alina L., Armagh C 4 Abbeytown Sta,, Roscommon D 4 Aghalee, Antrim D 5 Alistragh Ho., Armagh B Abbeyview, Down E 3 Aghaioo Ch., Tyrone G 4 Alia, Londonderry B 3 Abbeyview Cott., Wicklow D 3 Aghamarta Cas., Cork F 3 Allaghaun R., Limerick B 3 Abbey Ville, Limerick E 2 Aghamore, Fermanagh F 3 Allen Dale, Wicklow A 3 Abbeyville, Sligo F 3 Aghamore, Mayo E Allen, Hill of, Kildare B 2 Abbey Ville, Wexford B 4 Aghamore, Roscommon E 3 Allen Lough, Leitrim C 3 Abbeville, Cork F 3 Aghamore Ho., Leitrim D 5 Allenstown Ho., Meath C 2 Abbeville Ho., Dublin E 3 Aghanloo, Londonderry D 2 Allick L., Mayo D 1 Abbeville He., Tipperary B 1 Aghanvilla, King's Co. G 2 Allow River, Cork E 2 Abbotstown Ho., Dublin C 4 Agharra, Longford D 3 Allua Lake, Cork D 3 Abington, Limerick G 2 Aghatruhan Br., Wicklow E 3 Almondstown, Louth C 3 Abington Ho., Dublin F 6 Agliavannagh Barks., Wicklow C 3 Altaconey R., Mayo C 1 Acanon L., Cavan G 3 Aghavea Ch. Fermanagh F 3 Altadush, Donegal D 3 Acartan L., Donegal C Aghavilly Lo. ( Down B 5 Altafort, Down C 3 Acaun Br. Carlo w D 1 Aghavrin, Cork E 3 Altahullion, Londonderry C 3 Achill Island & Hd. Mayo A Aghaward, Roscommon E 2 Altamh-a Ho., Cork E 2 Achill Sound, Mayo B Aghaweel, Donegal E Altamullan, Tyrone B 2 Achillbeg L, Mayo A AgherL., Donegal C Altan L., Donegal C 2 Achonry & Ho., Sligo E 3 Aghern, Cork G 2 Alta Villa, Limerick D 2 Aclare, Sligo C 3 Agherpallis, Meath D 4 Alta Villa, Queen's Co. B 3 Aclare Br., Cailow C Aghery L., Down C 3 Altbeagh Cott., Cavan F 3 Aclare Cott., Meath E 1 Arhinree Bri., Carlow D Altidore Ho., Wicklow E 2 Aclare Ho., Heath E Aghla, Donegal C 3 Altimont Ho., Carlow C 2 Acleery L., Donegal B 3 Aghlem Bri., Donegal C 4 Altmore, Donegal D 2 Acrow L., Clare E 3 Aghliae Br., Carlow B Altmore R. Tyrone G 3 Acton, Armagh D 3 AgkniacartCas. & Pry.Queeu'sCo. B 4 Altmover, Londonderry C 3 Acurry L., Cavan G 3 Aglimore, Longford E 2 Altnadua Ho., Down D 4 Adamslown & Gh., Wexford B 3 Aghnagarron.Lo.SUp., Longford D Altnapaste, Donegal D 3 Adamstown Ho., Meath D 3 Aghnahoe Ho. Tyrone G 4 Altore L., Galway E 2 Adanny L., Leitrim B 1 Aghnamallaght, Roscommon D 3 Aluirg L., Donegal C Adare Sta. & ManorHo .Limerick E Aghnameadle Cas. Tipperary C 2 America, Galway C 2 Adeel L., West Meath F 2 Aghnaskea Bri., Longford B Amiens Sta. Dublin D 4 Adelphi, Clare F 2 Aghory Ho., Armagh D Anagloy Cross, Louth A 3 Adoon L., Leitrim E 4 Aghowle Ch. Wicklow B 4 Analla L. West Meath F 2 Adrigole Br., Cork B 3 Agivey & R., Londonderry F Ananima L, Donegal B 3 Adrigole Har., Cork B 3 Aglish, Clare F Anascaul, Kerry B 2 Adrunikilla, Galway E 2 Aglish, Cork E 3 Anaserd, Galway A 2 Affane Ho., Wateifoal C 3 Aglish, Kilkenny C :> Anavema, Louth C 1 Agangarrive Hill, Antrim D 2 Aglish, Waterford B 3 Anderson's Town, Antrim F 5 Aganive L., Donegal D 2 Agnews Hill, Antrim F 3 Anglesborough, Limerick H 3 Aganny L., Leitrim B 1 Ahabeg Ho., Limerick F Anglesey Mt., Louth C 1 Agar Br., Kildare B Ahafona, Kerry C j Anketell Grove, Monaghan C 2 Agency, The, Armagh D 3 Ahaphuca, Limeiick G 3 Anlore, Monaghan B 2 Aghaboe, Queen's Co. B 3 Ahare Ho., Wexford E 1 Ann Grove, King's Co. C 4 Aghabog Ch., Monaghan B 3 Aharney Ho., Queen's Co. C 4 Anna L., Donegal C 3 Aghabrack, Tyrone E 1 Ahascragh, Galway G Anna Carter Br. Wicklow D Aghabulloge, Cork E 3 Ahaun, Galway F Annacarriga, Clare I 2 Aghacashel Ho., Leitrim D 3 Ahaunboy, Cork C 4 Annacarty, Tipperary 15 Aghacashlatm R., Leitrim D 3 Aherla, Cork E 3 Annaclone, Down B , , , , , , , , , ANNACLOY. INDEX. AUGHILS. Aimacloy & R., Down E Ardagh, Longford C 3 Arney R. & Bri. Fermanagh D 3 ™ Annacolty, Limerick F Ardagh Barony, Longford D Aroideen River, Cork E 4 Armadale, Down D Ardagh Ho., Longford C 2 Arra & Owney Barony, Tipperary A 2 Annadale, Leitrim D Ardagheena, Galway E 2 Arra Mts., Tipperary A 2 Annadorn, Down E * Ardakillin L., Roscommon D 3 Arra R.

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