RICE COOKER English E (FOR HOUSEHOLD USE) INSTRUCTION MANUAL Table of Contents Page RECIPES z Inner Pot ································· 2 z Safety Precautions ····················· 3 MODEL (1.0 L Type) z Names and Functions of Parts ········ 6 NJ-EV107H Before Use (1.8 L Type) z Points for Cooking by Rice Type ····· 8 NJ-EV187H z How to Cook Tasty Rice ················ 8 z How to Adjust the Current Time ······ 9 z If Power Cut Occurs ···················· 9 z Preparation ····························· 10 z Cooking White Rice/Japanese White Rice (QUICK) ·· 12 z Cooking Japanese Brown Rice ······ 14 z Cooking Various Kinds of Rice ······ 16 t)06;:6/ t464)* t45*$,:3*$& t.*9&% t$0/(&& How to Cook Rice t$0/(&&(1:7 ratio of rice to water) z Keeping Rice Warm ···················19 Made in Japan z Set the Finish Time ···················20 5*.&35*.&3 z Set the Finish Time in 2–12 Hours from Now ··21 &BTZSFTFSWBUJPO This appliance is designed for use in Hong Kong and Macau only and please do not use in any other countries. z Cleaning ································ 22 z When You Cannot Cook Rice Well ·· 25 z Before use, please read this Instruction Manual z Troubleshooting ······················· 28 Tips carefully to ensure proper and safety use. z Please make sure the date of purchase, retail z Specifications ·························· 34 store name and other items are correctly filled in the Warranty Card. z Please keep the Instruction Manual and Warranty z Recipes ································· 30 Card in a safe place. Recipes #FGPSF6TF Features 1 Cooking Tasty Rice with Charcoal-coated Thick Pot and Continuous Boiling z A highly thermal effi cient charcoal-coated thick pot effi ciently transfers heat to the rice to cook fl uffy rice. z $POUJOVPVTCPJMJOHUIBUDPOUJOVFTUPDPPLBUTUSPOHQPXFSXJUIPVUSFEVDJOHIFBUBGUFS SFBDIJOHUIFCPJMJOHQPJOUNBYJNJ[FTUIFnBWPSBOETXFFUOFTTPGSJDF 2 HOUZYUN Cooking P.16 z 4QFOEJOHNPSFUJNFPOQSFQBSBUJPOUIBOOPSNBMSJDFDPPLJOH +"1"/8)*5&t3&(6-"3 JODSFBTFTUIFXBUFSBCTPSQUJPOFGGFDUUPDPPLnVGmFSBOETXFFUFSSJDF Inner Pot Wash the pot with dishwashing liquid and a soft sponge, and then rinse it thoroughly. The coating on the bottom surface of the pot may be peeled off depending on conditions of use, but this does not affect its performance. z The pot surface is coated with fl uorine. z 8IFOXBTIJOHSJDF MBZBDMPUIVOEFSUIFJOOFSQPUUP %BNBHFUPUIFnVPSJOFDPBUJOHXJMMJODSFBTFUIFMJLFMJIPPEPG QSFWFOUEBNBHFUPUIFCPUUPN %BNBHFUPUIFCPUUPN QFFMJOHPGG1FOFUSBUJPOPGTBMUBOEWJOFHBSUISPVHIUIFnVPSJOF will not affect the performance and hygiene.) coating will increase the likelihood of erosion and rust. z Please purchase a new inner pot if any of the following &WFOJGUIFnVPSJOFSFTJOBOECBTFNBUFSJBMQFFMPGG applies. UIFQPU UIFSFXJMMCFOPFGGFDUPOQFSGPSNBODFBOE t3JDFTUJDLTPOUIFJOOFSQPU no harm to human health. t5IFJOOFSQPUIBTCFDPNFEFGPSNFE t5IFnVPSJOFDPBUJOHIBTCFFOEBNBHFE Please pay attention to the following points: z %POPUXBTISJDFPSESBJOUIF z %POPUVTFIBSEPCKFDUT FHBNFUBM water with a colander. SJDFTDPPQ XIJTL PSDSPDLFSZ z 8IFOQVUUJOHSJDFJOUIFJOOFS z %POPUXBTIEJTIFT TQPPOTPS QPU CFDBSFGVMUIBUBDPMBOEFSPS utensils inside the inner pot. the like does not come in contact z Fluorine Fluorine coating on %POPUVTFBEJTIXBTIFSPSEJTI coating may with the inner pot. dryer to clean the inner pot. UIFFEHFNBZCF CFEBNBHFE z %POPUUSZUPSFNPWFSJDF damaged z 8IFOTFBTPOJOHTBSFVTFE SJOTF grains stuck on the rice scoop immediately after use. CZQSFTTJOHUIFSJDFTDPPQBHBJOTUUIFFEHFPG $PPLJOHSJDFXJUIWJOFHBSPSTBMUPSNJYJOHSJDFXJUI the inner pot. WJOFHBSJOUIFJOOFSQPUNBZEBNBHFUIFnVPSJOFDPBUJOHPS ( cause corrosion and rust. ) z %POPUXBTIUIFJOOFSQPUXJUIBDMFBOTFS TDSVCCJOH CSVTI OZMPOTVSGBDFPGBDMFBOJOHTQPOHF PS cleaning sponge with nylon net. /ZMPOTVSGBDF 2 #FGPSF6TF Safety Precautions 5PQSFWFOUJOKVSZUPUIFVTFSBOEPUIFSQFSTPOTBOEEBNBHFUPQSPQFSUZ GPMMPXJOHQSFDBVUJPOTBSFEFTDSJCFE 5IFGPMMPXJOHDBUFHPSJFTEFTDSJCFIB[BSETDBVTFECZ NJTIBOEMJOHBOEUIFJSMFWFMT 5IFNFBOJOHTPGUIFHSBQIJDTZNCPMTBSFBTGPMMPXT *OEJDBUFTBIB[BSEDBVTFECZNJTIBOEMJOHUIBUNBZ /P /PXBUFS 1SPIJCJUFE WARNING SFTVMUJOEFBUIPSTFSJPVTJOKVSZ EJTBTTFNCMZ FYQPTVSF E *OEJDBUFTBIB[BSEDBVTFECZNJTIBOEMJOHUIBUNBZSFTVMUJOB /PXFU %POPU 0CTFSWF CAUTION NJOPSJOKVSZPSEBNBHFUPUIFIPNFBOEJUTDPOUFOUT hands touch instructions WARNING Do not disassemble, repair, Never open the lid or carry the or modify the appliance. appliance during rice cooking. %PJOHTPNBZDBVTFFMFDUSJDTIPDL mSF %PJOHTPNBZDBVTFBCVSOPSJOKVSZ JOKVSZ PSNBMGVODUJPO Before Use * Please consult with Mitsubishi Electric Do not use a damaged power Service Center regarding repairs. cord and plug or an outlet in This appliance is not intended for use by which the plug fits loosely. persons (including children) with reduced Do not allow a pin or dirt to physical, sensory or mental capabilities, adhere to the power plug or or lack of experience and knowledge, main unit plug. unless they have been given supervision or %PJOHTPNBZDBVTFFMFDUSJDTIPDL instruction concerning use of the appliance TIPSUDJSDVJU PSmSF by a person responsible for their safety. Do not damage the power cord. Children should be supervised to ensure 1VUUJOHBIFBWZPCKFDUPOUIFQPXFS that they do not play with the appliance. DPSE CFOEJOHJUXJUIFYDFTTJWFGPSDF %PJOHTPNBZDBVTFBCVSOGPSJOKVSZ CJOEJOHJUUPHFUIFS PSTUSFUDIJOHJUNBZ DBVTFEBNBHFUPJU SFTVMUJOHJOFMFDUSJD Do not put the appliance in water shock or fire. and do not pour water over it. z *GUIFQPXFSDPSEJTEBNBHFE JUNVTU CFSFQMBDFECZUIFNBOVGBDUVSFS JUT Avoid spillage on the unit connector. TFSWJDFBHFOUPSTJNJMBSMZRVBMJmFE %PJOHTPNBZDBVTFFMFDUSJDTIPDLPSTIPSUDJSDVJU QFSTPOTUPBWPJEIB[BSET Keep your face and hands Do not use anything that may away from the steam vent. block the hole on the heat sink. Do not touch the steam. Do not use the heat sink with *OQBSUJDVMBS LFFQJOGBOUTBXBZGSPNJU foreign objects attached on it. %PJOHTPNBZDBVTFFMFDUSJDTIPDLPSTIPSUDJSDVJU z Do not cook the rice with a plastic bag, wrap, aluminum foil, scum Do not insert or pull out the removing sheet, or drop lid in the pot. power plug and main unit z Do not cook the rice with ingredients that float on water, such as greens, plug with wet hands. in the pot (put them in after the rice %PJOHTPNBZDBVTFFMFDUSJDTIPDL is cooked). Blocking the hole Do not allow a child to use the on the heat sink causes the water and Hole appliance without supervision. DPOUFOUTUPCPJMPWFS Do not use the appliance in a which may result in a place where an infant can reach it. CVSO FMFDUSJDTIPDL PSJOKVSZ <Front> %PJOHTPNBZDBVTFBCVSO FMFDUSJDTIPDL PSJOKVSZ 3 #FGPSF6TF Safety Precautions (Cont.) WARNING Do not insert foreign objects Insert the power plug and such as a pin, wire, or any other main unit plugs fully. metallic object into the air inlet, Failing to do so may cause electric air outlet, or any other gap. TIPDLPSPWFSIFBUJOHSFTVlting in a fire. %PJOHTPNBZDBVTFFMFDUSJDTIPDLPSJOKVSZ. Adjust the amount of water to the Do not use the appliance for water level scale mark suitable purposes other than those for the rice type and menu. described in the instruction 5PQSFWFOUCPJMJOHPWFSPSJOKVSZ manual. Do not use for other types of Close the lid firmly until it clicks. cooking (steaming, etc.). 5PQSFWFOUBCVSOPSJOKVSZDBVTFECZ steam leaking or the opening of the lid. z Cooking other than rice z Cooking using baking soda * To ensure that the lid can be closed, remove z Cooking using a lot of oil rice grains or any other foreign object on z Cooking beans the top frame, hook, lid packing, and tank, z Cooking thick curry or stew sauce and between the main unit and lid. %PJOHTPNBZDBVTFUIFXBUFSBOE DPOUFOUTUPCPJMPWFS SFTVMUJOHJOB If the appliance is operating CVSO FMFDUSJDTIPDL PSJOKVSZ abnormally or fails, stop using it immediately. Use an independent 220V AC Failing to dPTPNBZDBVTFTNPLF power outlet rated at 10A or more. JHOJUJPO PSFMFDtric shock. 4IBSJOHBOPVUMFUXJUIPUIFSBQQMJBODFT z The power cord and plug are or using an outlet on a desk or any abnormally hot. GVSOJUVSFNBZDBVTFPWFSIFBUJOH z It smells like something is burning. resulting in ignition and fire. z Touching the appliance causes a * Use an independent extension cord rated at sensation like an electric shock. 10A or more. z The cooling fan stops rotating. z There is another abnormality or failure. Remove any dust from the power To prevent a failure or accident, pull plug and main unit plug. out the power plug and then inform "CVJMEup of dust may cause a fire. Mitsubishi Electric Service Center. CAUTION Do not touch the hot parts during Do not use any inner pot other cooking and immediately after use. than the supplied one. For example, the steam vent, the inner %PJOHTPNBZDBVTFPWFSIFBUJOHPSNBMGVODUJPO pot, heat sink, and the cartridge. %PJOHTPNBZDBVTFBCVSO Do not use any cord set other than the supplied one. Also, do not use Do not touch the hook button when the cord set for any other appliance. you carry the appliance around. %PJOHTPNBZDBVTFBOJHOJUJPO %PJOHTPNBZDBVTFUIFMJEUPPQFO SFTVMUJOHJOBCVSOPSJOKVSZ 4 CAUTION Do not use the appliance in Hold the power plug and main the following locations. unit plug when unplugging them. E z In an unstable location or on a non-heat %JTDPOOFDUJOHUIFQPXFSDPSEXIJMF resistant carpet. holding the cord may cause electric %PJOHTPNBZDBVTFBmSF TIPDL TIPSUDJSDVJU PSJHOJUJPO z In a place exposed to water or near an open fire or heating appliance. %PJOHTPNBZDBVTFFMFDUSJDTIPDL A medical pacemaker user is FMFDUSJDMFBLBHF PSmSF required to consult with a doctor z On an aluminum sheet or electric before using this appliance. carpet. %PJOHTPNBZDBVTFUIFBMVNJOVNTIFFU The operation
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