Spring 2006 J ESUS VS J EZ EBEL THE SEXUAL SEDUCTION OF AMERICA WELCOME TO AMERICA’S SEXUAL ORGY. by Charles Crismier III THE CULTURAL GOSPEL believed and practiced “I will not blot out his name from the book of IN THIS ISSUE evangelistically from coast to coast and exported life” (Rev. 3:5, Rev. 21:27). abroad on the wings of democracy is promiscuous sex, the ultimate expression of godless prosperity. The fol- To the church in Thyatira was written: 10 POWER POINTS lowing portrait reveals how the salacious serpent has “I know thy works, and charity, and service, How to live pure in an “R” rated sexually seduced the world’s only nation which boldly and faith... Notwithstanding I have a few things culture. Page 4 professed to be “UNDER GOD.” It is JESUS vs. JE- against you because you suffer that woman ZEBEL... and JEZEBEL is winning. Jezebel, which calleth herself a prophetess, to SEX AND THE DE- teach and seduce my servants to commit forni- “Spirit of Prophecy” cation....” As a nation that desires to continue STRUCTION OF ROME to claim being “UNDER GOD,” we in America HE EZEBEL ONNECTION Find out how sexual license de- T J C must listen carefully to Jesus’ warning, a warn- stroyed Israel’s liberty. Page 4 The “Revelation of Jesus Christ” (Rev. ing particularly to those who profess to be his 1:1) describes the testimony of Jesus, the Savior followers. IF YOU WERE GOD... of the world, Lord of Nations and the Church, How would you respond to a sex- as “the spirit of prophecy” (Rev. 19:10). His ERE IS ESUS ARNING obsessed nation that claims to be prophetic revelation through the pen of the H J ’ W ... “Under God”? Page 5 Apostle John portrays seven churches reflective “I gave her (Jezebel) space to repent of perhaps of the “then-time” church but generally her fornication; and she repented not. Behold I WHAT MUST PASTORS deemed to foretell various characteristics of the will cast her into a bed, and them that commit DO? end-time church. It provides a vivid descrip- adultery with her into great tribulation, except Practice, preach, present, and tion of how the church, professed followers of they repent of their deeds. And I will kill her promote. More... Page 7 Christ, are living out their alleged faith as the children with death, and all the churches shall world enters its final convulsive moments im- know that I am He which searcheth the hearts: ISRAEL TOUR mediately preceding Christ’s Second Coming. and I will give every one of you according to Imagine weeping in the Garden of Each of the seven de- your works” (Rev. 2:21-23). Gethsemane or repenting on the scribed churches reveal aspects Mount of Olives, hearing of the of how Satan, the “god of this MERICA S EXUAL RGY prophetic events ushering in our world,” wages war against believ- A ’ S O Lord’s soon return. Page 6 ers, using the power of culture to Sex sells! America, this nation conform professing Christians “Under God,” has sold her soul from !! WARNING TO PARENTS !! to his diabolical will. Some fall pulpit to pew to the lust of the flesh. away, losing their “first love.” Reveling in unprecedented prosper- Porn on the Pod. Others, while not outright deny- ity as with ancient Rome, we have The burgeoning porn business in mod- ing the faith, are caught up in abandoned all restraint of the faith of ern Babylon is now targeting America’s children via the widely popular iPod. compromise, pursuing prosper- our fathers and have given ourselves ity, fornicating with the ways of Charles Crismier III wholesale to the unfettered market of The CEO of several “adult entertain- Founder, “Save America” ment” companies said, “We’re calling the world. Others have become our hyper-titillated feelings. We have this ‘Porn on the Pod’.” virtually dead, and many are so lukewarm that convinced ourselves that homosexuality is our Warning – iPods will soon escort porn God says He will vomit them up (Rev. 3:16). real problem, whereas the blatant abuse of men into our classrooms, bedrooms, sancu- Five times Jesus warns them to “repent.” God’s with men is merely the natural progression of aries, libraries... everywhere. blessing, purposes and promises are given only unrestrained sexual passion throughout soci- to those who “overcome,” ultimately so that ety. !! WARNING TO PARENTS !! Recent polls reveal that 40% of the overwhelming capitulation of Ameri- tion to “the god of good feelings” and the professing “Christian” women intention- can pastors, politicians, para-church lead- unfettered pursuit of personal peace and ally seek out porn on the Internet as do ers and people to the seduction of Jezebel, prosperity, all of which became “official” approximately 60% of professing “Chris- declared, “The Bible may have warned that cultural doctrine by the 1990’s. like the denizens of Sodom and Gomorrah, Divorce flourished in the new those who ‘give themselves over to fornica- “feelings over faith” of the 1970’s. Psy- tion’ will suffer ‘the vengeance of eternal chology became the “religious” authority. “Will ye commit adultery... fire.’ Yet for most Americans, adult pre- By the 1980’s, the divorce mill was in full and come and stand before marital sex has become the ‘sin’ they not production across America. The church, only wink at but quietly endorse.” Hence, which had formerly served as the warn- me in this house, which is it should be no surprise that cohabitation ing lighthouse of the nation, provided no called by my name, and has increased 1000% since 1960. restraint. Denominations obeyed the cul- Adultery, likewise, has become tural mandate in lock step to the drumbeat say, ‘We are delivered to do normalized from pulpit to pew. TIME of sexual freedom. all these abominations’?” wrote of “Our Cheating Hearts.” Adul- Convictions previously ensconced tery among women is increasing faster for centuries fell like dominoes. And if – Jerimiah 7:10 than among men, “an unintended conse- we are going to permit divorce, it was ra- quence of the women’s movement.” Only tionalized, we should permit remarriage 50% now say adultery is wrong because even if the spouse is living, because, af- tian” men. Among our pastors, 37% it is immoral. Among our pastors, 20% ter all, God wants me happy, doesn’t he? admit to struggling with Internet porn. admit to an affair while in the ministry. Feelings had become lord. The pursuit of Since 1991, hard-core video rentals have So pervasive is the problem that we now holiness was replaced by the wholesale increased 500% each year. In 1997, U.S. seek to justify this massive lustful orgy by pursuit of happiness, and now America is News declared, “America is by far the claiming, “INFIDELITY - It May Be In neither happy nor holy. world’s leading producer of porn, churn- our Genes” (TIME, Aug 15, 1994). NEWS- Jezebel has raised her banner ing out hard-core videos at 150 new titles WEEK’s cover Sept 30, 1996, revealed our of victory over Jesus. “Her minions are per week.” That number has increased national effort at rationalizing sin with the gloating.” The once soldiers of Jesus have exponentially. We were once known for headline, “ADULTERY - A New Debate defected en masse to her camp. They exporting the gospel of Christ. Today we About the Oldest Sin.” masquerade as double agents, pretending are known worldwide for the “gospel” of It is little wonder there is a “cri- to follow Jesus but crusading for Jezebel. sexual promiscuity. sis of confidence” in marriage. And no- Jesus said, “Thou shalt not commit adul- Fornication - sex outside of mar- where is that crisis greater than among the riage - has exploded, and not just among American black community. Dr. Julian our teens. According to U.S. News, among Hare, Director of a San Francisco Black “Be not deceived: neither adults, “Premarital Sex is the Sin Ameri- Think Tank, was quoted in the anniver- cans Wink At.” Over 50% of adults believe sary edition of EBONY, Nov. 2003, “The fornicators... nor adulterers, premarital sex is “not wrong.” American black family has crumbled more in the last nor effeminate, nor abusers teens agree with their “Baby-Boomer,” 30 years than it did in the entire 14 de- of themselves with mankind “Baby-Buster” parents and grandparents. cades since slavery.” In 1970, just 33% of Among high-schoolers, 50% admit to hav- black women age 20-29 were unmarried. (practicing homosexuals)... ing sexual intercourse. By age 19, 70% By 1992, that number exploded to 70%. shall inherit the Kingdom of have had oral sex, following their forni- Today, 40 years after the Civil Rights Act cating 42nd president who claimed oral sex ensured civil liberty, sexual license now God” was not “sex.” Christianity Today, Feb reigns supreme, resulting in a 70% illegiti- – I Corinthians 6:9-10 2005, declared America’s universities have macy rate, and 85% of black children liv- become “Dorm Brothels.” Among our ing in homes without fathers. teens, 24% consider anal sex to be “absti- nent” behavior. Yet the greater problem is tery,” that “whosoever looketh... to lust... ODOM S DULTERY ACTORY not with our youth but with adults. S ’ A F hath committed adultery... in his heart” U.S. News attempted to discuss the (Matt. 5:27-32). Jezebel said, “It’s OK. explosion of adult premarital sex with the When I first began practicing law You have to meet your needs. After all, celebrated author of the Book of Virtues in 1975, California’s “no-fault” divorce you dare not deny your feelings.” Jesus as with several “Christian” evangelical had put down roots which began to spread had said, “What therefore God hath joined conservative leaders but they all declined.
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