ISSN 0378-6978 Official Journal L 261 Volume 39 of the European Communities 15 October 1996 English edition Legislation Contents I Acts whose publication is obligatory Commission Regulation (EC) No 1967/96 of 9 October 1996 determining the amounts of the agricultural components and the additional duties applicable from 1 July to 31 December 1996 in the importation into the Community of goods covered by Council Regulation (EC) No 3448/93 from Switzerland 1 * Commission Regulation (EC) No 1968/96 of 14 October 1996 fixing the yields in olives and olive oils for the 1995/96 marketing year 13 Commission Regulation (EC) No 1969/96 of 14 October 1996 on the supply of vegetable oil as food aid 31 * Commission Regulation (EC) No 1970/96 of 14 October 1996 opening and laying down detailed rules for the management of a Community tariff quota for millet falling within CN code 1008 20 00 34 * Commission Regulation (EC) No 1971/96 of 14 October 1996 reducing the basic and buying-in prices for oranges, mandarins and Clementines for the 1996/97 marketing year as a result of the overrun in the intervention threshold for 1995/96 36 Commission Regulation (EC) No 1972/96 of 14 October 1996 establishing the standard import values for determining the entry price of certain fruit and vegetables 39 II Acts whose publication is not obligatory Commission 96/595/EC : Commission Decision of 30 September 1996 amending Commission Deci­ sion 93/402/EEC concerning animal health conditions and veterinary certifi­ cation for imports of fresh meat from South American Countries (') 41 (') Text with EEA relevance I Acts whose titles are printed in light type are those relating to day-to-day management of agricultural matters, and are generally valid for a limited period. EN The titles of all other Acts are printed in bold type and preceded by an asterisk. 15. 10 . 96 EN Official Journal of the European Communities No L 261 / 1 I (Acts whose publication is obligatory) COMMISSION REGULATION (EC) No 1967/96 of 9 October 1996 determining the amounts of the agricultural components and the additional duties applicable from 1 July to 31 December 1996 in the importation into the Community of goods covered by Council Regulation (EC) No 3448/93 from Switzerland THE COMMISSION OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES, HAS ADOPTED THIS REGULATION : Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Community, Article 1 Having regard to Council Regulation (EC) No 3448/93 of 6 December 1993 laying down the trade arrangements The Annexes to this Regulation lay down the agricultural applicable to certain goods resulting frorrf the processing components and the corresponding additional duties of agricultural products ('), and in particular Article 7 applicable from 1 July to 31 December 1996 to the thereof, importation of goods covered by Regulation (EC) No 3448/93 from Switzerland . Whereas Article 1 ( 1 ) of Council Regulation (EC) No 1903/96 of 27 September 1996 establishing certain measures concerning imports of processed agricultural Article 2 products from Switzerland in order to take account of the results of the Uruguay Round negotiations in the agricul­ This Regulation shall enter into force on the day of its tural sector (2), lays down the basic amounts taken into publication in the Official Journal of the European consideration in calculating the agricultural components Communities. and the additional duties applicable to the importation into the Community of goods originating in Switzerland, It shall apply from 1 July 1996 . This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States . Done at Brussels, 9 October 1996 . For the Commission Martin BANGEMANN Member of the Commission (') OJ No L 318 , 20 . 12. 1993 , p . 18 . (2) OJ No L 251 , 3 . 10 . 1996 , p. 1 . No L 261 /2 EN Official Journal of the European Communities 15 . 10 . 96 ANEXO I — BILAG I — ANHANG I — ΠΑΡΑΡΤΗΜΑ I — ANNEX I — ANNEXE I — ALLEGATO I — BIJLAGE I — ANEXO I — LUTE I — BILAGA I Elementos agrícolas (por 100 kilogramos de peso neto) aplicables , del 1 de julio al 31 de diciembre de 1996 inclusive, a la importación en la Comunidad procedente de Suiza Landbrugselementer (pr. 100 kg nettovægt), der skal anvendes ved indførsel fra Schweiz til Fællesskabet fra 1 . juli til og med 31 . december 1996 Agrarteilbeträge (für 100 kg Eigengewicht) bei der Einfuhr aus der Schweiz in die Gemeinschaft, anwendbar vom 1 . Juli bis einschließlich 31 . Dezember 1996 Γεωργικά στοιχεία (για 100 kg καΦαρού βάρους) που εφαρμόζονται από 1ης Ιουλίου μέχρι και 31 Δεκεμβρίου 1996 κατά την εισαγωγή στην Κοινότητα από την Ελβετία Agricultural components (per 100 kilograms net weight) to be levied from 1 July to 31 December 1996 inclusive, on importation into the Community from Switzerland Éléments agricoles (par 100 kilogrammes poids net) applicables, du 1 er juillet au 31 décembre 1996 inclus, à l'importation dans la Communauté en provenance de Suisse Elementi agricoli (per 100 kg peso netto) applicabili all'importazione nella Comunità in provenienza dalla Svizzera dal 1° luglio al 31 dicembre 1996 incluso Agrarische elementen (per 100 kg nettogewicht) bij invoer in de Gemeenschap vanuit Zwitserland, te heffen van 1 juli tot en met 31 december 1996 Elementos agrícolas (por 100 quilogramas de peso líquido) aplicaveis , de 1 de Julho a 31 de Dezembro de 1996 , inclusive , à importação na Comunidade proveniente da Suíça Sveitsistä yhteisöön tulevaan tuontiin 1 päivästä heinäkuuta 31 päivään joulukuuta 1996 sovellettavat maatalousosat ( 100 nettopainokilolta) Jordbruksbeståndsdelar (per 100 kg nettovikt) som skall tillämpas pa import från Schweiz till gemenskapen fr. o. m . den 1 juli t. o . m . den 31 december 1996 15 . 10 . 96 EN Official Journal of the European Communities No L 261 /3 PARTE 1 — DEL 1 — TEIL 1 — ΜΕΡΟΣ 1 — PART 1 — PARTIE 1 — PARTE 1 — DEEL 1 — PARTE 1 — OSA 1 — DEL 1 Código NC Código NC Código NC KN-kode KN-kode KN-kode KN-Code KN-Code KN-Code Κωδικός ΣΟ Κωδικός ΣΟ ecus/ ECU/ ecus/ECU/ Κωδικός ΣΟ ecus/ ECU/ CN code CN code CN code Ecu/ecu/ Ecu/ecu/ Ecu/ecu/ Code NC Code NC Code NC écus/ecua/ écus/ecua/ écus/ecua/ Codice NC Codice NC Codice NC 100 kg GN-code 100 kg GN-code GN-code 100 kg Código NC Código NC Código NC CN-koodi CN-koodi CN-koodi KN-nummer KN-nummer KN-nummer 0403 10 51 130,700 1806 90 50 o 1905 90 45 0 0403 10 53 179,300 1806 90 60 o 1905 90 55 o 0403 10 59 232,100 1806 90 70 o 1905 90 60 o 0403 10 91 17,000 1806 90 90 0 1905 90 90 o 0403 10 93 23,500 1901 10 00 0 2001 90 30 (') 11,040 0403 10 99 36,500 1901 20 00 0 2004 10 91 o 0403 90 71 130,700 1901 90 11 24,800 2004 90 10 (') 11,040 0403 90 73 179,300 1901 90 19 20,200 2005 20 10 o 0403 90 79 232,100 1901 90 99 o 2005 80 00 (') 11,040 0403 90 91 17,000 1902 11 00 25,331 2008 99 85 (') 11,040 0403 90 93 23,500 1902 19 10 25,331 2101 12 98 o 0403 90 99 36,500 1902 19 90 21,715 2101 20 98 0 0405 20 10 0 1902 20 91 6,219 2101 30 19 17,400 0405 20 30 o 1902 20 99 17,595 2101 30 99 31,198 0710 40 00 (') 11,040 1902 30 10 25,331 2102 10 31 0,000 071 1 90 30 (') 11,040 1902 30 90 10,011 2102 10 39 0,000 1704 10 11 31,152 1902 40 10 25,331 2105 00 10 25,400 1704 10 19 31,152 1902 40 90 10,011 2105 00 91 50,849 1704 10 91 35,366 1903 00 00 17,774 2105 00 99 72,370 1704 10 99 35,366 1904 10 10 23,515 2106 10 80 0 1 704 90 30 57,469 1904 10 30 63,239 2106 90 10 25,000 1704 90 51 0 1904 10 90 39,902 2106 90 98 0 1 704 90 55 o 1904 20 10 0 2202 90 91 15,775 1704 90 61 C) 1904 20 91 23,515 2202 90 95 15,561 1 704 90 65 0 1904 20 95 63,239 220 2 90 99 28,115 1704 90 71 o 1904 20 99 39,902 2905 43 00 144,000 1 704 90 75 o 1904 90 10 63,239 2905 44 1 1 18,989 1704 90 81 n 1904 90 90 26,392 2905 44 19 43,200 1 704 90 99 0 1905 10 00 17,828 2905 44 91 27,048 1806 10 20 28,800 1905 20 10 21,393 2905 44 99 61,440 1806 10 30 36,000 1905 20 30 28,645 3302 10 29 o 1806 10 90 48,000 1905 20 90 35,896 3505 10 10 20,866 1806 20 10 o 1905 30 11 o 3505 10 90 20,866 1806 20 30 n 1905 30 19 o 3505 20 10 5,299 1806 20 50 0 1905 30 30 n 3505 20 30 10,488 1806 20 70 o 1905 30 51 0 350 5 20 50 16,670 1806 20 80 0 1905 30 59 0 3505 20 90 20,866 1806 20 95 0 1905 30 91 0 3809 10 10 10,488 1806 31 00 0 1905 30 99 o 3809 10 30 14,573 1806 32 10 0 1905 40 10 0 3809 10 50 17,774 1806 32 90 (2) 1905 40 90 o 3809 10 90 20,866 1806 90 11 C) 1905 90 10 16,415 3824 60 1 1 18,989 1806 90 19 o 1905 90 20 71,098 3824 60 19 43,200 1806 90 31 0 1905 90 30 C) 3824 60 91 27,048 1806 90 39 0 1905 90 40 0 3824 60 99 61,440 f) Véase parte 2 / Se del 2 / Siehe Teil 2 / Bλέπε μέρος 2 / See Part 2 / Voir partie 2 / Vedi parte 2 / Zie deel 2 / Ver parte 2 / Katso osa 2 / Se del 2 .
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