Reunion 2013 Lessons for Young Children Ages 3–5 Reunion 2013: Live Christ’s Peace Lessons for Young Children Ages 3–5 CONTENTS © 2012 Community of Christ We Follow Jesus . .3 Unless otherwise noted, all Bible quotations contained We are Community of Christ! We follow Jesus herein are from the New Revised Standard Version with others in communities of joy, hope, love, (NRSV) Bible, copyright 1989, by the Division of Chris- and peace. tian Education of the National Council of Churches of Christ in the USA. Used by permission. All rights We Are Peacemakers . .7 reserved. We are Community of Christ! We are peacemak- ers who share the peace of Jesus Christ in our words and actions everywhere. We Are Part of the Sacred Story . .12 We are Community of Christ! We value the sa- cred story and listen for God every day. We Care for Creation . .16 We are Community of Christ! We make good choices in caring for creation so we can all live peaceably together. We Receive and Share . .21 We are Community of Christ! We receive God’s love and gifts and share them with others. We Belong . .25 We are Community of Christ! We belong to and love all people just as God does. We Share in Poetry . .29 INTRODUCTION The purpose of this course is for children ages 3–5 to learn These lessons also include stanzas from “We Share in Po- who we are as Community of Christ. Specifi cally, children etry” a rhyming poem that helps young children more will answer the question, “Who Are We?” by exploring fully understand who we are as Community of Christ. how we follow Jesus, how we are peacemakers, how we Find the poem in its entirety at the end of the lessons. are part of the sacred story, how we share shalom, how we receive and share, and how we belong. Tips for 3-year-olds This course includes six lessons based on the We Share If your group consists of mostly 3-year-olds, allow more picture book, written by Monica Bradford, illustrated by free playtime at the beginning and end of each session. Sue Cornelison, and produced by Community of Christ. In the Engage section of each lesson, consider using the The hardbound book and a digital version are available recommended We Share pictures and poem but not the through Herald Publishing House. Bible story. Introduction—2 LESSON 1 We Follow Jesus Focus • CC—A Shalom Bug Puppet (for each child): two Who are we? We are Community of Christ! We matching buttons; about six balls of crumpled follow Jesus Christ with others in communities newspaper, plastic shopping bags, or fi ber fi lling; one pipe cleaner for the antennae; fi ve pipe cleaners of joy, hope, love, and peace. for the legs; fi ve rubber bands; one light green sock, Focus Scripture green washcloth, or any other green fabric that can Luke 4:14–21 be shaped into a tube; craft glue; scissors; and sta- pler or needle and thread Objectives • Joy, Hope, Love, Peace Relay: two large sheets of THE LEARNERS WILL… butcher paper; markers, crayons, or pastels; mask- • experience Christ-like actions by playing ing tape “Follow the Leader.” • Optional: one pillow or mat for each child to sit on • hear Luke 4:14–21. • Optional: Downloadable MP3 fi le for “We Are • explore promoting communities of joy, Community of Christ” from www.CofChrist.org/ hope, love, and peace and Christ’s mission onlineresources/reunion through poetry and pictures. Resources Materials • We Share by Monica Bradford, illustrated by Sue • Scroll (for each child): two dowels, cello- Cornelison (Herald Publishing House, 2012, ISBN phane tape, one piece of paper. (Ahead of 9780830915224) time, make a small scroll for each child by • Bible (NRSV) or Lectionary Story Bible, Year C by taping paper to two dowels and rolling each Ralph Milton, illustrated by Margaret Kyle (Wood side inward. On each scroll, write the words Lake Publishing, 2009, ISBN 9781551455761), My name is ______ and I follow Jesus.) available from Herald Publishing House • Crayons, pastels, markers, or stickers to dec- • Optional: Downloadable MP3 fi le for “We Are orate scrolls Community of Christ” from www.CofChrist.org/ • A globe or map of the world onlineresources/reunion GATHER Activates background knowledge, prepares, and motivates for lesson Ahead of time, make a small scroll for each child by tap- Warmly greet each child and give each a scroll. Help or in- ing paper to two dowels and rolling each side inward. vite each child to fi ll in the blank on the scroll with his or On each scroll, write the words My name is ______ and I her name. Have them decorate their scrolls using crayons, follow Jesus. markers, or stickers as you greet other students. As a way We Follow Jesus—3 GATHER continued of introducing the kids to one another, take turns holding up each scroll and say, for example, “This is Angela and I HAVE DECIDED TO she follows Jesus!” FOLLOW JESUS Play a game of Follow the Leader with you as the leader. We have decided to follow Jesus; Begin with simple actions like reaching high or march- We have decided to follow Jesus; ing in place. Once everyone is engaged in the game, start We have decided to follow Jesus; portraying Christ-like actions—for example, giving a hug, No turning back, no turning back. picking up trash, serving food. As a community, we live like Jesus; Have the children join you in marching and singing the As a community, we live like Jesus; refrain and the adapted version of “I Have Decided to As a community, we live like Jesus; Follow Jesus.” No turning back, no turning back. Words: Adapted by Monica Bradford Tune: Folk melody from India ENGAGE Invites exploration and interaction Invite the children to sit in a circle for story time. Pro- • CC is asking, “Where am I? What am I doing? (CC is viding pillows or mats for children to sit on helps them in the top left corner of page 4, and seems to be feeling understand this is a time and place to listen to a story. and showing the joy, hope, love, and peace we share in Community of Christ.) • Who are all the people we see on this page? (We are seeing Community of Christ. Pretend to see people you know and love; for example, your spouse, parent, grandparent, brother, friend, neighbor, or member of your congregation. Ask the children who they see.) Display the illustration on pages 4–5 in the We Share pic- ture book or its digital version. Read aloud the following rhyming stanza: Hi! I’m CC—a shalom bug— Friend to all you girls and boys. We are Community of Christ, Display the illustration on pages 10–11, and read aloud Filled with peace, love, hope, and joy. the following rhyming stanza: After reading the stanza, discuss: We want to live like Jesus Christ. • Ask the children if they know who is talking? Who is His mission is our mission. CC? (CC is a shalom bug we will look for and listen Together in community, to each day.) We share his awesome vision. We Follow Jesus—4 After reading the stanza, discuss: Invite the children to get the scrolls they made during • CC is asking, “Where am I? What am I doing?” (CC the Gather section and bring them to the story circle. Ex- is on the bottom left corner of page 10. CC is jump- plain that Jesus Christ is the example of how to live God’s ing rope with two friends. Playing, exercising together, way. Throughout his life, Jesus showed what it meant to and taking turns are examples of living like Jesus.) share joy, hope, love, and peace with others. There is a • Where in the world might these people live? (It could Bible story that tells us more about the mission of Jesus. be in Africa or Haiti—point out those locations on a Read Luke 4:14–21 from the Bible or the Bible story “Je- globe or map; point out the location where you live.) sus Learns about His Job” on page 54 of Ralph Milton’s • What else is happening in this picture that is an exam- Lectionary Story Bible, Year C. Decide ahead of time when ple of living like Jesus? (sharing food, including people to stop the story and invite the children to open their of different ages and those who are in wheelchairs) scrolls and chant together, “I have decided to follow Je- • Our poem says, “We share Jesus’ awesome vision.” sus!” Have them roll up their scrolls until it is time to What is a vision? (an idea or hope that you can imag- chant together again.) Explain that it sounds like Jesus ine in your mind and work to make it real; when Jesus lived on Earth, he showed us a vision of how to live had an important job! Tell them how glad you are that in community) we have decided to follow Jesus. We can be his helpers! RESPOND Takes the learners from hearing to doing CC—A Shalom Bug Puppet Invite children to make their own CC puppet by following these direc- tions with you: 1. Stuff balls of newspaper, plastic shopping bags, or fi ber fi lling into a sack or fabric tube until it is full 2. Staple or sew shut the open end(s) of the tube 3. Wrap rubber bands in between each ball to form segments of the bug 4.
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