WARD: Broadheath 90138/FUL/16 DEPARTURE: No Residential development comprising 42 new apartments in two, three storey apartment blocks with the main vehicular/pedestrian access from Hartington Road including formation of additional new vehicular access and associated ancillary works following demolition of existing buildings on site. Land At The Corner Of Manchester Road And Hartington Road, Altrincham, WA14 5LU APPLICANT: M.C.I.Developments Limited, Southway Housing Trust (Manchester) limited and Mr A.M. Siddiqi AGENT: M.C.I.Developments Limited RECOMMENDATION: MINDED TO GRANT SUBJECT TO LEGAL AGREEMENT SITE The proposal site is located at the junction of Hartington Rd and Manchester Rd (A56), Broadheath measuring approximately 0.4ha in area with three vehicular accesses from Hartington Road. The site is understood to have a number of different uses comprising carpet storage, manufacturing of glazing units within an existing single storey warehouse building located to the eastern extremity of the site and a second storage building to the south side of the site. The western side of the site is used for the display and sale of pre-fabricated portable buildings with two large storage buildings located in this part of the site along with smaller display buildings/garages. The immediate context of the proposal site is predominantly residential development, with terraced properties to the north (Manchester Road), south-east (Churchill Road a no through road) and west of the site (opposite side of Manchester Road). A terraced block (two storey) to the south side of the site 206-214 Manchester Road includes two takeaways, a kitchen manufacturers premises and a car sales/repairs business which also occupies a building immediately to the south side of the site boundary. Residential apartments are believed to be located above a number of the commercial uses. To the east side of the site are a number of commercial uses including car sales/repairs and car hire businesses. The proposal site is unallocated within the Revised Unitary Development Plan Proposals Map and is identified as being within a Critical Drainage Area within Trafford Council’s Level 2 Hybrid Strategic Flood Risk Assessment. The site is also located within the Environment Agency Flood Zone Maps as a Flood Zone 1 area (lowest risk of flooding). Planning Committee - 13th July 2017 1 PROPOSAL This application includes the erection of two 3x storey apartment blocks following the demolition of the existing buildings on site with a total of 42 apartments proposed. Apartment Block 1 will be located towards the west side of the site adjacent to the A56 and will comprise a total of 27 apartments, 21 of which will be two bedroom and 6 will be one bedroom. Apartment block 2 will be located towards the northern side of the site adjacent to Hartington Road and will comprise a total of 15 two bedroom apartments. Two new vehicular accesses will be formed both from Hartington Road, one serving both apartment blocks the second will provide access to an area of car-parking to the front of Apartment Block 2. A pedestrian access will be provided to Churchill Road to the south-east side of the site. All the proposed new apartments will be managed by Southway Housing Trust and will be private market rented apartments. Value Added:- Amendments have been sought to improve the external appearance of the buildings and also the parking arrangements and general site arrangement. Neighbours and consultees have been reconsulted on the amended plans and supplementary supporting information and comments received reported within this report. The two apartment blocks would have a combined gross internal floor area of approximately 3138 sqm. DEVELOPMENT PLAN The Development Plan in Trafford, for the purposes of this application comprises: • The Trafford Core Strategy, adopted 25th January 2012; The Trafford Core Strategy is the first of Trafford’s Local Development Framework (LDF) development plan documents to be adopted by the Council; it partially supersedes the Revised Trafford Unitary Development Plan (UDP), see Appendix 5 of the Core Strategy. • The Revised Trafford Unitary Development Plan (UDP), adopted 19th June 2006; The majority of the policies contained in the Revised Trafford UDP were saved in either September 2007 or December 2008, in accordance with the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 until such time that they are superseded by policies within the (LDF). Appendix 5 of the Trafford Core Strategy provides details as to how the Revised UDP is being replaced by Trafford LDF. PRINCIPAL RELEVANT CORE STRATEGY POLICIES L1 – Land for New Homes L2 – Meeting Housing Needs L4 – Sustainable Transport and Accessibility Planning Committee - 13th July 2017 2 L5 – Climate Change L7 – Design L8 – Planning Obligations R2 – Natural Environment R3 – Green Infrastructure W1 - Economy PROPOSALS MAP NOTATION None PRINCIPAL RELEVANT REVISED UDP POLICIES/PROPOSALS H3 – Land Release for New Housing Development H4 – Release of Other Land for Development GREATER MANCHESTER SPATIAL FRAMEWORK The Greater Manchester Spatial Framework is a joint Development Plan Document being produced by each of the ten Greater Manchester districts and, once adopted, will be the overarching development plan for all ten districts, setting the framework for individual district local plans. The first consultation draft of the GMSF was published on 31 October 2016 with a further period of consultation likely in 2017 and adoption anticipated in 2018. NATIONAL PLANNING POLICY FRAMEWORK (NPPF) The DCLG published the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) on 27 March 2012. The NPPF will be referred to as appropriate in the report. NATIONAL PLANNING PRACTICE GUIDANCE (NPPG) DCLG published the National Planning Practice Guidance on 6 March 2014, which replaced a number of practice guidance documents. The NPPG will be referred to as appropriate in the report. RELEVANT PLANNING HISTORY 74226/FULL/2009 - Erection of retail foodstore (1162 sq. metres gross floorspace), new vehicle and pedestrian accesses, car parking and associated landscaping following demolition of existing buildings – Refused 23 October 2012 for two reasons: 1) The application failed the test for sequentially preferable sites and 2) The application failed to provide for safe pedestrian crossing provision at the junction of Manchester Road/Salisbury Road. Planning Committee - 13th July 2017 3 APPLICANT’S SUBMISSION The applicant has submitted the following reports and supplementary information in support of the application and these will be referred to within the Observations section of this report where relevant:- - Acoustic Report and Supplementary Statement - Air Quality Assessment and Supplementary Statement - Ecology Report (inc. tree/shrub survey) - Bat Survey - Land Contamination Report - Carbon Budget Statement - Affordable Housing Statement - Employment Land Assessment - Flood Risk Assessment - Statement of Community Involvement - Crime Impact Statement - Planning Statement - Design & Access Statement - Transport Statement and Addendum - Framework Travel Plan - Viability Appraisal CONSULTATIONS Pollution & Housing (Air Quality) – No objections in principle, appropriate condition to be attached to ensure control of dust associated with construction works. Pollution & Housing (Contaminated Land) – No objections in principle subject to inclusion of contaminated land condition. Pollution & Housing (Noise) – No objections in principle, subject to condition ensuring noise mitigation measures detailed in the applicant’s Acoustic Report are fully implemented within the development. Local Highway Authority (LHA) – No objections in principle subject to condition on gate design and details of cycle storage. United Utilities – No objections in principle, subject to inclusion of appropriate conditions in relation to drainage on separate systems for foul and surface water and a sustainable surface water drainage scheme. Greater Manchester Ecology Unit (GMEU) – No objection in principle, subject to inclusion of condition to ensure protection of any nesting birds; provision of bird boxes and inclusion of native planting within any landscaping scheme and also a general informative to check for presence of bats during any demolition works. Planning Committee - 13th July 2017 4 Lead Local Flood Authority (LLFA) – No objection in principle subject to the inclusion of appropriate drainage conditions. GMP Design for Security – No objection in principle subject to inclusion of appropriate condition to ensure development is carried out in accordance with the submitted crime impact statement. Trafford Council Public Health – No comments received at the time of report preparation. REPRESENTATIONS Neighbours:- Objections have been received from or on behalf of the occupiers of seven separate addresses. Grounds of objection as follows:- - The owners of Car Body Solutions (Churchill Road) concerned that construction dust/dirt would affect their work (vehicles covered in dust); bin store positioned opposite the business office building and smell will impact on staff and customers and concern that when complete new occupants will complain about noise from the business. - Nearby residents use the site to park cars, loss of this parking will result in residents parking on nearby streets adversely affecting the residents who live on these streets. Parking provision should be 120% for this site. - Parking spaces on Hartington Road sometimes taken up with untaxed vehicles from nearby car sales/repair
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