The Clinton Independ ent. VOL. XXVI.—NO. 49. ST. JOHNS, MICH. THURSDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 1, 1892. WHOLE NO.—1350. QNYX H08IERV □—Henceforth, until further notice, —The Young Men's Democratic Club The finest stock of Tablets, School THE BEST evening services In the M. E. church will meet in their rooms next Tuesday Books and Slates is at, SCRIVEN’S OPERA HOUSE, Fildew ft Millman ’s. 8T. JOHNS MERCANTILE CO. will begin at 7 o ’clock. evening, at 7 o ’clock. A full attendance —jerry Dooling is erecting a large iB desired at this time. Wanted. Saturday Evening, Sept. 3. dwelling house on his lot corner of —Harry Fitzgerald, second son of J. THK ANNUAL PICNIC OK CLINTON A good girl to do general housework iu a small family. Call after Friday of Gold Filled Watches at Allison ’s. A Railroad and Mead streets. W. Fitzgerald .cashier of the State Bank, COUNTY PIONEERS. this week. Mus. R. C. Dexter , most complete line and at prices to suit —Chas. Wandel has the foundation fell from a swing one day last week and Cor. Stewart and McConnell Streets. A Whirlwind of Laughter! completed for a new dwelling house just fractured his collar bone. east of the main school building. —Geo. A. Steel, of this village, was A Largely Attended Meeting Despite the You can save money by buying your Chicago's Howling Success, Everything sold by Krepps, DeWitt Unfavorable Weather.—A Splendid Din ­ 8chool Books at Travis & Baker’s. ft Co., the jewelers, is fully guaranteed. —Those large and elegant crayons unanimously nominated for state sena­ now being given away at Stage's Studio, tor at the republican convention, at ner Enjoyed by All.—Interesting Literary New and second hand School Books “SIDE-TRACKED’’ HOME MATTERS. beat anything of the kind ever offered Alma, last week Thursday. Exercises. — They Stood Up Mild Were at, Fildew & Millman ’s. in town. —Republican county convention, to Counted. Dress Goods. in four acts , one lauoii and Democratic Caucus**. —The many friends of Harry Paine nominate a county ticket and a repre­ The pioneer picnic held in Trow ­ We have just opened an elegant line THREE INTERMISSIONS. The democrats in the several town ­ will be pleased to learn that he is now a sentative in the legislature, at the court bridge ’s grove, near Muskrat Lake, of Dress Goods, and shall be pleased to show them, if you wish to purchase or ---------:o :--------- ships will hold caucuses at the following full fledged railroad conductor, having house, next Wednesday, September 7. last Thursday, was well attended. named time aud place for the purpose not. They comprise plain and fancy received his promotion on Saturday — Hon. H. C. Hodge, at one time a Nearly everybody reported a good time, weaves iu the Domestic and Foreign FUNNIEST SHOW ON EARTH. of selecting their requisite number of last. resident of St. Johns, and now of Con­ fabrics. Please call and examine them. withthe exception of the shower, which Strong Plot. Great Cast. New and Original delegates, as given in the call on an­ —The prizes to be given the winners cord, Jackson county, this state, met came up just as everybody had begun John H icks . Specialties. New and Special Scenery other page, to attend the democratic direct from New York. Power ­ at the grand race meet of the St. Johns with an accident on the latter part of eating tbelr dinner. It was noticed Miss Carrie I. Turner, ful Mechanic Effect. nominating convention, to be held in wheelmen next Thursday, can be seen July last, while operating a binder on that those who had their dinner on the Teacher of Piano and Organ. Fall term the court room Thursday. September 22, in the show window of the St. Johns his farm, which resulted in the total commences September 0,1892. Special Positively the Funniest Railroad Scene ground made great base in gathering it attention to beginners. 1350-2 1892, at 11 o'clock : Mercantile Co. loss of one of his eyes. up. The following was the program : Ever Produced . HINOHAM—In the Democratic Club Room*, —Charles B. Giffels, of Victor, is out —All bicycle riders who are engaged 8t. Johns, Saturday, September 17, 1«92, at 2 First, singing by the DeWitt choir; All kinds of School Books 15—CAPABLE COMEDY PLAYERS-15 ravis aker s o ’clock P. M. of the race for nomination for county in the occupation of farming and who second, prayer by Rev. Mr. Norton, of At T & B ' . ---------:o :--------- clerk on the republican ticket, ami it is have never won a prize in a bicycle race, Bath. Then a paper by David Scott, of Free. Brevities. said he will throw his strength in favor can enter the special one mile race next DeWitt. Mr. John P. Ryan of the Julius King Lock your gates and don't get side-tracked —The gas is much better than it was, of W. A. Able. Thursday. Brize, a Whipple harrow, This was a history of the early pio­ Optical Co., will be at the jewelry store Saturday night. donated by the Whipple Harrow Co. — of C. S. Allison, St. Johns, on Saturday, and it was d —d —dim. —We understand that Dr. C. E. Knapp, neer days of DeWitt, and somewhat of September 3, and will test eyes free of —Krepps, DeWitt & Co. defy compe ­ of Maple llapids. has concluded to re­ Send in your names to L. D. Gibbs, St. Clinton county. Mr. Scott lias resided charge. If your eyes are troubling you Lumber of all kinds for sale cheap. tition in fine engraving, finest in town. move to St. Johns and occupy his new Johns. in DeWitt township 59 years. He has don ’t miss this opportunity. 1333:tf W. C. ft E. H. Lyon . dwelling house on the east side of the —The fall and winter terra of our —The Holton brick yard in this vil­ lived longer in Clinton county than any If you want big vulue in School Books, public schools will begin Monday next. court house square. lage is now offered for sale iu order to other man. He told of many hardships Money to Loan on Farm Lands. Tablets etc. go to Interest seven (7) per cent payable —Fildew ft Millman have an immense —Don ’t miss the bicycle race next settle the estate. This is a fine opening that would appall the hearts of the Fildew & Millman ’s, annually. No commissions charged. stock of School Hooks, Slates and Tab­ Thursday. Tickets may be had of the for a practical, careful business man ac­ younger ones to-day, if they had to en­ St. Johns and Fowler. Enquire of L. Grant , lets tins year. members of the Club and at the grand quainted with the business. During counter them. The largest line of School Books and 1283-tf. St. Johns, Mich. —M. Moritz, who has lived in St. stand. Reserved seat tickets will be the time that Mr. Holton operated the Mrs. Phoebe Grant Welter, of St. School Supplies at Travis & Baker's. Prices the lowest. Lawn Mowers. Johns a number of years, has moved to placed on sale next Monday, at Travis yard the demand for the product was Johns, then recited one of her poems, The most approved styles at bottom his fafm in Dallas township. & Baker’s. fully up to the supply, at fair prices.— entitled, “The Lost Jackson Boy, ” Notice. prices at Spaulding ft Co ’s. —An expert optician will be at C. S. —We notice that some of the state This would be no business venture, for which received much praise. Mrs. The Public are hereby warned against Allison ’s jewelry store on Saturday next papers are printing the initials of the thare is a steady growing demand for Welter's poems have been read and re­ taking any gravel from the town pit for The best of work at modest prices a aud will test eyes free of charge. democratic nominee of Commissioner of the output. cited at the different pioneer meetings private use.—Dated August 30,1892. the St. Johns Steam Laundry. M. D. O rms, —The next meeting of Pomona grange the State Land Office, Geo. F. and Geo. —Lewis Schlnrf, box 472, St. Johns, of this county for a number of years. Highway Commissioner, Bingham Township. A good, clean Bed for 25 cpnts at the has purchased the right to sell in this will be held on September 14, instead of L. It should be, in order to be correct, She has just completed a work of about Finest line of Stationery and Tablets Central House. the 1st, as previously announced. Geo. T. Shaffer. county, during the next year-aud-a-half, three or four hundred pages, entitled, in town at Travis & Baker s. Ice Cream Freezers. —Will If. Brunson is an aspirant for —A picked nine of this village played the most wonderful ice-cream freezer “Tragical. Historical and Memorial The best at SPAVLPING ft C</8. nomination to the office of prosecuting a game of ball with a nine at Muskrat yet invented and patented. It will pro ­ Poems of the Pioneers, ” w hich she will SinokH “ Pointers ” duce ice-cream of the finest quality in At Van Sickel ’s. 5 cents. For a Good 8q u a re Meal attorney on the republican ticket. Lake on Thursday of last week upon present to the public at no distant day. for 25 cents, go to the Central House, —Louis street has been scraped and the occasion of the farmers' picnic.
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