mm PC SOCCER FORUM ON WOMAN RANKED 11th. SEXUALITY TO TAKE IN NATION PLACE NEXT WEEK See Story Page 12 See Story On Page 10 VOL. X X X V III NO. 11_________________ PROVIDENCE COLLEGE, PROVIDENCE, R.I.___________________ N O VEM BER 10, 1983 Congressional News Friars Club To Assess Their Role At PC by Kathy Bisegna lion with or jurisdiction over the Friars Club, both organizations Rev. Phillip Smith, O.P. open­ will work for the enhancement of ed the November 7, Student Con­ student involvement at Pro­ gress meeting with a prayer and a vidence College. In the spirit of short talk. this cooperation, these student During his talk Fr. Smith groups seek to foster the goals of wanted to commend students for PC and the best interests o f the their support of last week’s students. “ President’s Forum on Culture In other business, Rev. John A. and Values" which featured Gary McMahon, O.P., sent a letter to Wills. He said that the success of the Student Congress to thank the forum is leading the way for them for naming the 'Person of another such presentation in the the Year' award in his honor. In spring. his letter, Fr. McMahon said that The Student Congress - BOP - finding the proper words to thank Friars Club Wheelchair Race is Congress was difficult. McMahon slated for Sunday, November 20. said that he was "flabbergasted by The race will run from the Rhode such an honor.” Island State House to Colonel’s Lifestyles committee chairper­ Corner and is to benefit Meeting son Tracey Lynch, announced the Street School. Members of Con­ audio-visual center, located in gress will be out to recruit pledges Meagher Hall, will be open on during the next week. Saturdays and Sundays during During the new business por­ finals. Next semester, the center tion of the meeting Joseph Cor- will be open on certain weekends radino and Patrick Conley that fall around Civ exams. Per­ presented a resolution on behalf manent weekend hours may start of John Kennedy, president of the next year. Brown Senior Heads Seminar Friars Club. The resolution was in Congress President Patrick answer to the recent criticism Conley announced that the which the club has received from members of Congress met with some members of the student Rev. John Peterson regarding the body. It calls for the Friars Club, issue of student organization con­ Safeguarding Against Rape together with their moderator, to trol of funds. It was decided that assess and evaluate the character club allocations derived from the “ Rape happens to one out of She especially warned PC “ off- ficult to deal with because we and commitment of the service student activity fee will still be four women,” says Martha Beb- campusers” to be aware when don’t talk about it in society.” organization to Providence Col­ remitted through the Treasurer’s inger. This is a startling figure they leave their apartment at night Everyone is a potential victim lege. Office by way of a voucher which supports the fact that “ rape and go to upper campus. and sadly enough almost anyone The basis of this resolution system. Any profits made by stu­ is the fastest growing violent crime Most do not think it can happen could be that potential assailant. results from the recent attempts dent clubs on their own will be in the U.S.A., and it’s the least to them, but Ms. Bebinger added “ 97 percent of rapists tested for by Congress to revise and held in a separate account by the reported." that “one in every three women insanity are found to be of normal reorganize the clubs which they particular club treasurers. Conley On Wednesday evening, Nov. will be sexually assaulted." behavior with high levels of ag­ reside over. When presented expressed approval of this com­ 2, Martha Bebinger attempted to Present a confident exterior to gressiveness." before Congress, the resolution promise. make the PC campus more aware the outside world. Your best 1. Do not leave yourself un­ passed with 32 people for and six During class reports, Mike Con­ of the potential dangers that lurk defense comes from within protected in situations that might absentions. nolly, class of '84 president, an­ in our own community. yourself. As a final note on this make yourself vulnerable. Following the meeting, the nounced that “Senior Happy Ms. Bebinger is a senior at subject, I have included a poem 2. Stick to your instincts. Friars Club and the Student Con- Hour at the Rat" last Friday was a Brown University and is a that was in a pamphlet that Ms. 3. Think before you open your gress issued a joint statement. success, and that the winner of the volunteer for the Rhode Island Bebinger handed out. She ac­ The Friars Club, having class limo raffle was Ralph Fisco. Rape Crisis Center. This organiza­ curately stated, “ Rape is most dif- * See Rape observed division among the stu­ Class of '85 president John Col- tion provides a 24 hour hotline for Continued on page 8 dent body with regard to an antoni reported that everything is rape victims and gives support for understanding of the nature and running smoothly for Junior Ring them. role of the Friars Club, and a Weekend, which starts on Thurs­ A hospital examination, police 1984: Is It Really Here? misinterpretation of several day, November 10. He stated that interrogation, and a case trial are unrelated events, has determined Diane Sanfilippo and the entire available if the victim should that it should look into the cause committee deserve tremendous choose these options. Gary Wills Comments of this misunderstanding. On the praise for the outstanding job that The film shown at the lecture recommendation of Student Con­ they have done during the past presented many questions and gress, the official voice of student year. refuted common myths pertaining At President’s Forum concerns. The Friars, together The class of '87 will be offering to a rape situation. For example, with their moderator Father a tuck-in service on campus on who are the potential victims? by Jude Brearton Walter J. Heath, O.P. will December 4 and 8 and off campus What situations constitute size is an illusion of genuine size", evaluate and assess the character on December 6. Orders for this vulnerability to rape? What clues Historian and journalist Gary Wills commented, “but we accept and committment of the organiza­ may be placed on November 29 can persons look for that suggest Wills delivered an extremely the deceit and buy it anyway.” tion. and 30. The service consists of a danger? thought provoking and almost ad- This deceit, he added, “ is em­ This academic year has seen an member of Congress going to a “Of most rapes under the age monitive lecture, Nov. 3, on phasized by the degradation of overwhelming degree o f coopera­ student’s room, tucking them in, of 18, 67 percent of the victims Culture and Values. language and how this degrada­ tion between the Congress, the reading them a bed time story and knew or were acquainted with Wills, a professor at Nor­ tion makes people accept the lies Friars, the Board o f Program­ giving them a lollipop. Class of their assailant,” points out Ms. thwestern University in Chicago, or accusations." mers, and the other student '87 officers and representatives Bebinger. Illinois, began inauspiciously by In 1984 this was obvious in the organizations. Despite the fact have further details about the ser- She emphasized that people are directing the attention of the - repeated doctrines such as “ War that the Congress has no connec­ most vulnerable in places where many listeners to a box of “ Ban” is Peace; Peace is War.” In our they feel the most safe. Most deodorant. Using the deodorant world, “ because we are part of would not think they would be as a convincing model, he laid the that deceit,” Wills argued, “ this raped two blocks from, or even in, foundation for his lecture. By degradation is subtler only WDOM Gains GM establishing the fact that the Victor Johnson; Joe Sprague; their home. because we are so accustomed to A change of leadership has According to Ms. Bebinger, “ Ban” product is a product of it.” John Mealy; Jim Giamo and Steve “ most rapes do happen inside, our own culture and a reflection taken place at WDOM, the Pro­ MacDonald. He clearly illustrated this, poin vidence College radio station. and 60 percent are near the of our beliefs, Wills raised some ting to various advertisements and Kristine Struminski was named “ I feel that I have a lot of good home.” disturbing questions. ideas, not necessarily new ones,” He first pointed out that the television commercials and their General Manager of the station Struminski emphasized, “ but Ms. Bebinger emphasized that, “ingenuity for finding new areas this past week after the former “ the ability to dominate is the large size of the “ Ban” container good ones." would discourage most of fear” . “We live in a culture,” GM, Frank Bagli was forced to One of the main objectives of number one reason for rape, not he sardonically remarked, where resign for personal reasons. nudity, nor sex, but the victim shoplifters, indicating a “univer­ the new General Manager is pro­ sal statement of distrust.” one is “ afraid of foot odor, Struminski brings a long list of motions. There are plans in the who looks the easiest to over­ mouth odor and other such credentials to her new post. This come." This sense of suspicion was an phobias.” In what previous past year she was named Director works for the printing of station A stranger can perceive a lot integral part of George Orwell’s T-shirts and buttons.
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