INDEX (Family surnames of value in genealogical research are printed in CAPITALS; names of places in italics Abell, John, to Humphry Marshall, ANTHONY, MICHAEL, 211 277 ANTHONY, SUSAN, 209 Aehey, Herman, 333 ANTHONY, THOMAS, 211 Achey, Jacob, 333 Antietam, Battle of, 31, 33, 39, 50 ; Adams, Charles Francis, 43 statistics of troops at, 48 Adams, John, 354 ; on advantages of Appleton, John, 73, 74 reprisals, 352 Archer, Capt. Thomas, 125 Adams, Robert, 293 Arent, Col. Baron, 239 Akin, James, engraver, 229; bio- Armistead, Gen. Lewis Addison, 4 graphical, 216 ARMSTRONG, GEORGE, 198, 199 ALBERT, MRS. JOHN SEAMAN, 298 ARMSTRONG, RACHEL, 198, 199 ALBRO, JOHN, 133 ARMSTRONG, THOMAS, 198, 199 Alden, John, 311 Asbury, Francis, 314 Alert, The, 365 Ashmead, Samuel, certificate of Oath Alexander, Gen., 44 of Allegiance of, 1777, 226 Alfred, The, 374 ASHTON, JANE, 300, 303 Allen, • • 343, 367 Assembly of Pennsylvania, 153-157 Allen, John, 348 ASSHETON, FRANCES, 295 ALLEN, MARTHA, 10, 13 ASSHETON, MARGARET, 296, 297 ALLEN, MARY, 10 ASSHETON, ROBERT, 295, 296, 297 ALLEN, NATHANIEL, 194, 195 ASSHETON, WILLIAM, 295 Allen, Nathaniel, Commissioner for Associated Militia Cavalry, 376 Colony of Pennsylvania, 127, 129 Audubon, James J., 335 ALLEN, NEHEMIAH, 194 Austin, Hon. James T., 135 ALLEN, PRISCILLA, 12, 13 Azilum, colony for French refugees, ALLEN, REBECCA BLACKFAN, 194 335, 336, 340 ALLEN, SAMUEL, 10 Allen, Sergeant Samuel, 376 Babson, Captain, 368 American Blues, 379 Bache, Benjamin Franklin, 382 American Magazine and Monthly BAILEY, ABIGAIL, 381 Chronicle for the British Colonies, BAILEY, FRANCIS, 381 edited by a "Society of Gentle- Baker, Maj. Chalklay S., 381 men," 343; printed by William Baker & Abell, to Humphry Marshall, Bradford, 343 ; poem signed Love- 272 lace published in 1758, 344; an- Balch, Thomas, 343 notated volume of, in British Mu- BALLIET, PAUL, 332 seum, 346, 347; verses in signed Baltimore, Lord, 128 F. H., 1758, 349 Bancroft, Dr., 356, 362 American Philosophical Society, ac- Bancroft, George, advice of, to Presi- count of, 286, 287 dent Buchanan, 90, 91 American Privateers in French Ports, BANKS, ISABELLA, 134 1776-1778, by Ruth Y. Johnston, Banks, Gen. Nathaniel Prentiss, 48, 352 49 American Revolution as a World War. BANKS, WILLIAM, 134 Correction, 192 Barclay, R., 278 Amherst, Gen. , 154 Barker, Charles R., The Gulph Mill Amity, The, 130 by, 168 Amory. Thomas, 120 BARNETT, 185 Anderson, Gen. Richard H., 44 BARRETT, ELIZABETH, 299 ANDREWS, THOMAS, 237 BARTHOLOMEW, HENRY, 250 Andros, Sir Edmund, 8 Bartholomew, John, 331 ANTHONY, ALBRO, 209 Bartolet, Daniel, 331 ANTHONY, ELIZABETH, 133, 209,BARTRAM, ANN, 383 210 BARTRAM, ELIZA, 383 ANTHONY, HENRIETTA, 211 Bartram, George, 284, 378, 379 ANTHONY, JOHN, 133 Bartram, John, 269, 273 ; garden of, Anthony, John, portrait of, by Gil- Kingsessing, 274 bert Stuart, 133; genealogical BARTRAM, JOHN, JR., 383 sketch of, 133 Bartram, William, 273 ANTHONY, JOSEPH, SR., 209, 210 Battell, Frank, 229 Anthony, Capt. Joseph, of Newport BAYARD, ELIZABETH, 133 and Phila., biographical, 208, 209 ; Bayard, Col. John, 381 portrait of, by Gilbert Stuart, 209 Bayard, Col. Stephen, 334 ANTHONY, JOSEPH, JR., 210, 211 BAYARD, WILLIAM, 133 Anthony, Joseph, Jr., gold and silver- Bayard, Mrs. William, Jr., portrait smith, 221; business card of, 210 ; of, by Gilbert Stuart, 133 ; genea- biographical, 210-212; mark on logical sketch, 133 silverware, 211 Bayshore, Jacob, 333 388 Index 389 Bazeley, Lieut. John, attacks Capt. Boileau, Sir J. P., 134 Johnston, 365 Boker, George H., poem on death of Beach, Capt. , 107 Gen. Philip Kearney, 30 Beamish, Nicholas, 198 Bommer, F. S., to Humphry Mar- Bear, John, 112 shall, 272 Beaumarchais, Caron de, 355 BOND, DR. PHINEAS, 283 Beauregard, Gen. Pierre G. T., sta- Bond, Thomas, to Humphry Marshall, tistics of Troops of, at first Battle 271 of Bull Run, 47 ; at Kernstown, 47 BOND, WILLIAMINA, 283 Beck, William, 250 Book Notices, 186-192, 384 BECKER, ELIZABETH, 241 Boone, Jeremiah, jeweller, business BECKER, PETER, 241 card of, 212, 213; mark on silver- Bedford Springs3 President Buchanan ware, 212 at, 63, 74 Bordeaux, American Privateers at, BEITELMAN, CATHERINE, 238 357 BENDER, LOUISA, 264 Boston, The, 368 Ben6t, Stephen Vincent, "John Boudinot, Elias, I., II., III., 327 Brown's Body" by, notice of, 186- Bowles, William, 134 191 BOWMAN, FRANCES M., 308 Benevolent Blues, 379 BOWMAN, LOUISE F., 308 Benezet, Anthony, 334 BOWMAN, SETH B.. 308 BENEZET, CATHERINE, 383 Boyer, Alexander, 356 Benezet, John S., 328 Bradford, William, printer of The BENEZET, SAMUEL, 383 American Magazine, 1757, 343, 344 Benezet, Samuel, 379 ; sketch of, 383 BRADSHAW, FRANCES, 295 Beninghove, Jacob, Jr., tobacconist, BRADSHAW, RACHEL, 103, 295. 321 216, 217 ; business card of, 217 BRADSHAW, RALPH, 103, 120, 295 Bennech, Simon, 333 BRADSHAW, RANDALL, 321 BENNER, ABSALOM. 240 BRADSHAW, REBECCA, 103, 104, Berrot, Franz Ludwig, 333 120, 193, 321 Bertolet, Jean, 331 BRADSHAW, SARA, 321 Bertolet, Peter, 331 Brandywine, Battle of, 179 Bertrand, I. A., to Humphry Mar- Bressingham, Samuel, to Humphry shall, 272 Marshall, 271 Betty, The, 360 Brest, American privateer at, 371 Bezellon, Peter, 332 Brickmakers in Philadelphia, Early, Bezer, John, Commissioner for Colony 1-27 of Pennsylvania, 127, 129 Brinton, Dr. John H., 36 BIDDLE, CLEMENT, 284 Brinton, Walter, 301 BIDDLE, MARY, 283, 284 Bristol Factor, The, 127, 129 Biddle, Owen, to Humphry Marshall, Britain, Lionel, 295 271 Broadhead, Col. Daniel, attacks the Bigelow, John, "Chancellorsville," by, Indians, 165 49 BROCKWAY, BECKWITH, 315 Bigler, Gov. William, James Bu- BROCKWAY, CHARLES, 315 chanan to, 86, 87 BROCKWAY, CORA, 315 Bilboa, 355 BROCKWAY, FRANK EUGENE, 315 BINGHAM, MARY, 133 Brockway, Frank Eugene, biographi- BINGHAM, WILLIAM, 133 cal note, 315 Bingham, William, portrait of, by Gil- BROCKWAY, MARIE, 315 bert Stuart, 133; genealogical Brooke, Benjamin, purchases the sketch, 133 Gulph Mill, 1795, 183 Binney, Capt., 379 Broughton, Thomas, 115 Bispham, George Tucker, 38 Brown, Gov. —, 73 Blackborne, Robert, Secretary of the Brown, Aaron V., 62 Admiralty, letters of Capt. Wil- Brown, Joseph, brickmaker, 13, 14 liam Crispin to, 106-108 Browne, John, 196 BLACKFAN, EDWARD, 193, 194 Browne, Peter Arrell, 380 Blackfan, Edward, fined at Horsham Bruckhauer, Capt. Adam, 253 assizes for absence from worship, Bruno, Dr. Felix, 334, 335 194; death of, 194 Buchanan, President James, Betrayal BLACKFAN, ELEANOR, 194 of Gov. Robert J. Walker of Kan- BLACKFAN, ELIZABETH C, 194 sas by, by George D. Harmon, 51- BLACKFAN, JOHN, 193 91; tenders Governorship of Kan- Blackfan, John, biographical note, 193 sas to Robert J. Walker, 53, 54; BLACKFAN, REBECCA, 193, 194, accused of being a traitor, 57-60 ; 296, 297 letters to, for and against policy Blackfan, Rebecca, arrives in Penn- of, in regard to Kansas, 57-91; to sylvania, 194; settles in Bucks Robert J. Walker, supporting him, County, 194 61, 62; opposition to Walker in BLACKFAN, WILLIAM, 194, 296, absence of, 62-67, 90; Robert B. 297 Floyd to, 63, 64, 67 ; compared to Blades, Mrs. and child, portrait of by Hamlet, 64, 65; Gen. Lewis Cass Gilbert Stuart, description of, 133 to, 66, 67; Robert Toombs to, 67, Blake, Capt. Benjamin, 112 68 ; F. W. Pickens to, 71, 73, 76 ; Blake, Admiral Robert, 103 letter of, to Cabinet, 73 ; reply of, BLAKELY, MARY, 380 to New England Clergymen, 77; Board of Trade, difficulties of William Gov. Walker to, 83 ; to Gov. Wal- Penn with, 142-147, 151 ker, 84 ; intrigue of Cabinet against, 390 Index 84, 85, 90; Gov. William Bigler to, Cass Gen. Lewis, Gov. Robert J. 86 ; Eobert Tyler to, 87 ; J. C. Van Walker to, 63; to President Bu- Dyke to, 87, 88 ; and Stephen A. chanan, 66, 67 ; to Gov. Robert J. Douglas, 88, 89 ; advice of George Walker, 68 Bancroft to, 90, 91 Casser, Paul, 328 Buckley, James, 199 CASTER (KOESTER), BARBARA, Buell, Gen. Don Carlos, 35-37 262 Bull Run, First and Second Battles Castner, Samuel, Jr., Obituary Notice of, 30 ; statistics of troops at, 47, of, 288 48 Center Engine House, Philadelphia, Bunker Hill, Battle of, described by 380 George Washington, 92, 93; sta- Center Haven, 115 tistics of killed and wounded at, Cessna, Jean, 333 92, 93 Chalkley, Thomas, 194 Burnside, Gen. Ambrose E., in com- Chambers, B., 23, 293 mand of Army of the Potomac, 32 ; Chancellorsville, Battle of, 32, 33, 49 at Battle of Fredericksburg, 32 Chapman, Henricus, 198 Burwell, W. WM Robert Toombs to, Charlotte, The, 361 59 Charters, William, 196 BUSTED, ANNA, 196, 197 Chartier, Martin, 332 BUSTEED, USLYE, 197 Chase, John, 321 Chauffault, , 371 Butcher, Michael, 297 Chester, Pa. Edward Kennison's Butler, Capt. Gregory, 115, 117-119 brickyard at, 4, 5 Butler, Thomas, 115 Chevalier, Pierre, 328 Chew, —, to Thomas Penn, 156 CADWALADER, GEORGE, 284 Chicamauga, Battle of, 50 CADWALADER, BRIG.-GEN. JOHN, Chief John Logan, 162, 163 283 Child, Cephas G., 225 CADWALADER, MARY, 283 Chippendale, Thomas, 213, 217 CADWALADER, CAPT. THOMAS, Christ Church erected, 1695, 7 283 Christian, Peter, 378 Cadwalader, Capt. Thomas, sketch of, Christophe Colomb, Catalan, Par Luis 283-286 Ulloa, notice of by Albert J. Ed- Cadwalader, Lieut. Thomas, 375, 377 munds, 186 CADWALADER, THOMAS C, 284 CHUDLEIGH, ELIZABETH. 122 CADWALADER, WILLIAMINA, 283 CHUDLEIGH, JANE, 120, 199 CAHALL, MRS. THOMAS. 298 CHUDLEIGH, JOAN, 122 Caler, Peter, 248 CHUDLEIGH, CAPT. JOHN, 120- Calhoun, John C, 77, 79-81 122, 199 Cameron, Simon, 314 Chudleigh, Capt. John, shipbuilder in Camp Floyd, Utah, 29 Ireland, 120, 121; descended from CAMPBELL, , 315 the Chudleighs of Devon, 121; Campbell, Capt., 381 Seizure of Kinsale Fort from the Campbell, Charles, clock and watch- Royalists, 121; at seizure of Ross maker, 221, 222 ; business card of Castle, with Gen. Ludlow, 121; removal to Germantown, 221 death of, 122 ; will of, 122; genea- CAMPBELL, CORA, 315 logical, 122 ; Chudleigh memorial in Cantrill, Joseph, 20 Church at Kinsale, 122 Cantrill, Richard, brickmaker, 20; CHUDLEIGH, JOHN (JR.), 122 grant of land to, 20 ; brick house CHUDLEIGH, THOMAS, 121, 122 to be built by, 20; warrant for Chudleigh, Thomas, 125, 200 brickyard, 21, 22 CHURCH, SUSAN, 309 Captain William Crispin, by M.
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