Annu. Rev. Earth Planet. Sci. 2000. 28:419±75 Copyright q 2000 by Annual Reviews. All rights reserved NEW PERSPECTIVES ON ORBITALLY FORCED STRATIGRAPHY Linda A. Hinnov Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland 21218 Key Words Milankovitch theory, cyclic stratigraphy, Earth's orbital parameters Abstract This survey of the current status of research into Earth's orbitally forced paleoclimatic record summarizes recent developments in the theory of Earth's orbital parameters, and reviews how various techniques of data collection and analysis have fared in the search and recovery of orbital signals in ancient stratigraphy. The emerging signi®cance of the quasi-periodicity of Earth's orbital variations as a prin- cipal tool in the analysis of orbitally forced stratigraphy is discussed in detail. Five case studies are presented that illustrate new directions in research: (a) time series analysis of discontinuous strata; (b) measurement of ultra-high resolution stratigraphic signals; (c) new perspectives on the 100 kyr Pleistocene glaciation problem; (d) strati- graphic evidence for solar system resonance modes; and (e) evaluating Phanerozoic length of day from orbitally forced stratigraphy. 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 New Perspectives The study of how Earth's orbital parameters came to be recorded in ancient stra- tigraphy has recently moved into a new phase of scienti®c inquiry and discovery. Notable advances in celestial mechanics and in the analysis of stratigraphic data have given rise to new ways of solving old problems, and have uncovered new problems for the ®rst time. New tools have facilitated the recovery of extended, high-resolution orbital signals from stratigraphy. Advanced analytical techniques have now been fully incorporated into the ®eld. An updated theory of Earth's orbital parameters provides an accurate ephemeris for the past 16 million years, for precision correlation between Earth's orbital parameters and orbitally forced by University of British Columbia Library on 12/19/05. For personal use only. stratigraphy. Some orbital eccentricity modes can be used for orbital-stratal cal- ibrations to several hundred million years ago. Annu. Rev. Earth. Planet. Sci. 2000.28:419-475. Downloaded from arjournals.annualreviews.org These breakthroughs have transformed the study of orbitally forced stratigra- phy into an applied ®eld that addresses long-standing problems in disciplines as far-ranging as geochronology, geodynamics, and astrodynamics. Orbital signals provide the framework for a high-resolution orbital chronostratigraphy as far back 0084±6597/00/0515±0419$14.00 419 420 HINNOV as the Miocene (Berggren et al 1995, Hilgen et al 1999). The recognition of orbital frequencies in Mesozoic sections has led to the construction of high-resolution ``¯oating'' time scales for entire geologic epochs (e.g. Herbert et al 1995, Shack- leton et al 1999a). The state of Earth's dynamical ellipticity can be evaluated through geophysical modeling of high-®delity stratigraphy (e.g. Thomson 1991, Lourens et al 1996). Exploration of solar system resonance is now possible with the collection of multimillion year±long stratigraphic sequences extending into more remote geological times (Beaufort 1994, Lourens & Hilgen 1997, Shack- leton et al 1999b, Olsen & Kent 1999). These achievements, together with many others, form the vanguard of a new generation of studies that has outpaced the expectations of the scienti®c community. This paper reviews the current status of the theory of orbital variations and its application to estimating Earth's orbitally forced solar radiation (Section 2), and describes and applies new techniques for probing the geologic record for evidence of orbital signals (Section 3). Emphasis is placed on the nature of the orbital input, observations of stratigraphic output, and analytical tools that have been developed to link them. The ®ve case studies in Section 3 illustrate some of the pure and applied problems that have been addressed recently, and showcase exem- plary cyclic stratigraphy from the Cenozoic, Mesozoic, and Paleozoic eras. Sec- tion 3.1 discusses typical problems faced by researchers investigating ancient cyclic strata, and applies strategies that have been recently developed to handle these problems to the Jurassic Domaro Limestone. Section 3.2 explores the limits of stratigraphic sampling and orbital to sub-orbital signal imaging of bathyal carbonates from the Cretaceous Piobbico core. Section 3.3 describes the recent methodology shift from the analysis of orbital signals to the analysis of long- period modulations in orbital signals, and how this has shed new light on the origin of the Late Pleistocene 100 kyr glaciations. In Section 3.4, the theme of long-period modulations in Earth's obliquity and precession index is explored in the context of resonance modes between the orbits of Earth and Mars. Finally, Section 3.5 examines the still somewhat schematic subject of tidal dissipation in the Earth-Moon system and the geological evolution of Earth's precession rate k. 1.2 Recent Accomplishments 1.2.1 Developments in Orbital Theory During the late 1980s and throughout the 1990s, innovations in celestial mechanics revolutionized our understanding of the Solar System (for a historical account, see Peterson 1993). New compu- tational approaches to the general problem of secular planetary motion have led by University of British Columbia Library on 12/19/05. For personal use only. to new insights into the long-term evolution of the Solar System, and to the discovery of major interactions (``resonances'') among the planets and of a history Annu. Rev. Earth. Planet. Sci. 2000.28:419-475. Downloaded from arjournals.annualreviews.org of chaotic motions (e.g. Laskar 1988, 1989, 1990, 1992; Quinn et al 1991; Suss- mann & Wisdom 1992; Murray & Holman 1999). Astrogeodynamical factors, including a visco-elastic Earth, Earth-Moon interactions, and relativistic effects, are now all included in the new theory (Laskar et al 1993). Sensitivity experiments ORBITALLY FORCED STRATIGRAPHY 421 have supplied quantitative information on model time validity; this is important for understanding the theoretical limits for precision-calibration of orbitally forced stratigraphy through geologic time (Laskar 1999). Stratigraphers need to be aware of these new developments as they formulate hypothesis tests for their data; aspects of the updated theory that are most likely to pertain to orbitally forced stratigraphy are reviewed in Section 2.1. 1.2.2 Earth's Orbitally Forced Insolation At every point on Earth, the incoming solar radiation (insolation) varies at diurnal and annual time scales, and is weighted and modulated by Earth's orbital parameters (e.g. Berger et al 1993). Rubincam (1994) recast the classical insolation equation as a spherical harmonic expansion to facilitate the computation of insolation over any time scale at any geographical location. Orbital-scale variations in insolation take on different amplitudes and frequencies depending on geographical latitude, season, and time of day (Berger et al 1993). Some of these variations are relatively unexplored, yet are extremely important; these are reviewed in Section 2.2. With its passage through the atmosphere, insolation experiences heavy ``®ltering'' upon encoun- tering land-sea-ice variations in albedo and emissivity, along with global heat transport (e.g. North et al 1981). This, and the cascade of environmental responses that transforms this ®ltered insolation into stratigraphic signal, has been the sub- ject of dozens of studies (see summaries in Crowley & North 1991, Allen et al 1993, Bradley 1999, and references therein). 1.2.3 Orbitally Forced Stratigraphy Since the seminal study of the Late Pleis- tocene by Hays et al (1976), stratigraphers have been searching for evidence of orbitally forced climate throughout Earth's history. The sedimentological and stratigraphic literature of the 1980s and 1990s is ®lled with countless publications that conclude that orbital forcing was probably a principal mechanism in the accumulation of many thin-bedded (dm-m scale) cyclic stratigraphic formations of all geologic ages. These formations represent a wide variety of climatically sensitive (usually biogenic carbonate-rich) facies, indicating a broad range of responsive behaviors of sedimentary environments to orbitally forced climate. Although the majority of data are from marine-based strata, high-quality conti- nental records have now also been recovered: e.g. the 500 kyr-long Devil's Hole vein calcite series (Winograd et al 1992), the ca. 1.0 Myr-long Pleistocene pal- ynological series from former Lake BogotaÁ, Colombia (e.g. Hooghiemstra et al 1993) and Macedonia, Greece (Mommersteeg et al 1995), the 2.4 Myr-long Chi- nese loess records (e.g. Kukla et al 1990, Kukla & Cilek 1996), the 5 Myr-long by University of British Columbia Library on 12/19/05. For personal use only. Lake Baikal biogenic silica record (Williams et al 1997), the spectacular ca. 40 Myr-long Late Triassic±Early Jurassic Newark Basin series of eastern North Annu. Rev. Earth. Planet. Sci. 2000.28:419-475. Downloaded from arjournals.annualreviews.org America (Olsen 1997), and the Late Pleistocene ice cores from both poles (e.g. Jouzel et al 1987, Grootes et al 1993, Petit et al 1999) as well as from middle latitude continental interiors (e.g. Thompson et al 1997). Now, near-continuous coverage of orbitally forced stratigraphy is provided as far back as the Oligocene
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