1 ANNUAL PROGRESS REPORT (April 2018-March 2019) APR SUMMARY 1. Training Programmes Total Clientele No. of Courses Male Female participants Farmers & farm women 65 831 207 1038 Rural youths 6 54 39 93 Extension functionaries 4 12 62 74 Sponsored Training 8 134 34 168 Total 83 1031 342 1373 2. Frontline demonstrations Enterprise No. of Farmers Area (ha) Units/Animals Oilseeds 10 3 0 Pulses 15 6 0 Cereals 35 14 0 Vegetables 30 6 0 Total 90 29 0 Other enterprises 35 - 3 Total 35 0 3 Grand Total 125 29 3 3. Technology Assessment & Refinement No. of Technology Category No. of Trials No. of Farmers Assessed & Refined Technology Assessed Crops 4 27 27 Various enterprises 2 10 10 Total 6 37 37 Technology Refined - - - Grand Total 6 37 37 4. Extension Programmes Category No. of Programmes Total Participants Extension activities 299 8946 Other extension activities 63 Mass coverage Total 362 8946 ICAR – KVK Thiruvannamalai Annual Report 2018-19 2 5. Mobile Advisory Services Type of Messages Name of Live Marke- Aware- Other Message Type Crop Weather Total KVK stock ting ness enterprise Thiruvanna Text only 10 - 2 2 9 - 23 malai Total Messages 10 - 2 2 9 - 23 Total farmers 102155 - 11538 188 126911 - 240792 Benefitted 6. Seed & Planting Material Production Quintal/Number Value Rs. Seed (q) 53.80 270081.00 Planting material (No.) 2929 140860.00 Bio-Products (kg) 7012.25 205860.00 Livestock Production (No.) 285 19285.00 7. Soil, water & plant Analysis Samples No. of Beneficiaries Value Rs. Soil 204 3200.00 Total 204 3200.00 8. HRD and Publications Sr. Category Number No. 1 Workshops 3 2 Meetings 12 3 Trainings for KVK officials 9 4 Book published 4 5 Extension folder 2 6 Award & recognition 6 ICAR – KVK Thiruvannamalai Annual Report 2018-19 3 DETAIL REPORT OF ANNUAL PROGRESS REPORT 2018-19 1. GENERAL INFORMATION ABOUT THE KVK 1.1. Name and address of KVK with phone, fax and e-mail Telephone Address E mail Office FAX ICAR - Krishi Vigyan Kendra Kilnelli village, Chithathur post, Vembakkam Taluk, +91 6384093303 - [email protected] Thiruvannamalai District, Tamil Nadu. Pin code : 604 410 1.2 . Name and address of host organization with phone, fax and e-mail Telephone Address E mail Office FAX Tamil Nadu Board of Rural Development , nd No:24, II floor, 044- 044-24361319 [email protected] Crescent park street, 24360234 T.Nagar, Chennai-17. Pin code : 600 017 1.3. Name of the Senior Scientist and Head with phone & mobile No. Telephone / Contact Name Residence Mobile Email Mr.N.Rameshraja - 9943727419 [email protected] 1.4. Year of sanction : 1991 ICAR – KVK Thiruvannamalai Annual Report 2018-19 4 1.5. Staff Position (as on 31st March, 2019) Category Present Sl. Name of the Pay Scale Date of Permanent (SC/ST/ Sanctioned post Designation Discipline basic No. incumbent (Rs.) joining /Temporary OBC/ (Rs.) Others) 1 Senior Scientist and Head - Senior Scientist and Head Vacant Subject Matter 2 Mr.N.Rameshraja SMS (Horticulture) Horticulture 15600-39100 25940/- 04.07.2003 Permanent OBC Specialist Subject Matter SMS (Home 3 Mrs.T.Margaret Home Science 15600-39100 25940/- 04.07.2003 Permanent OBC Specialist Science) Subject Matter SMS (Plant 4 Mr.P.Narayanan Pathology 15600-39100 17550/- 08.01.2014 Permanent OBC Specialist Protection) Subject Matter SMS (Animal 5 Vacant Vacant Specialist Science) Subject Matter SMS (Agricultural 6 Mr.V.Suresh Agrl. Extension 15600-39100 17550/- 20.01.2014 Permanent OBC Specialist Extension) Subject Matter 7 Mr.P.Rajesh SMS (Agronomy) Agronomy 15600-39100 17550/- 20.01.2014 Permanent OBC Specialist Programme 8 - PA (Lab technician) Vacant Assistant Computer Programme 9 Mr.O.Sekar - 9300-34800 21360/- 01.09.1997 Permanent - Programmer Assistant (Computer) Programme 10 Farm Manager - Assistant (Farm Vacant Manager) Accountant / 11 Mrs.M.Viji Assistant - 9300-34800 22320/- 01.02.1993 Permanent OBC Superintendent Jr. Stenographer 12 Stenographer Mrs.A.K.Geetha - 5200-20200 13740/- 01.10.1997 Permanent OBC Grade III 13 Driver Mr.S.Janarthanan Driver (Jeep) - 5200-20200 11360/- 01.09.1993 Permanent OBC 14 Driver Mr.T.Selvaraj Driver (Tractor) - 5200-20200 11200/- 01.01.1996 Permanent OBC 15 Supporting staff Mr.T.Varadhan Supporting staff - 5200-20200 9800/- 01.02.1994 Permanent OBC 16 Supporting staff Mr.G.Selvam Supporting staff - 5200-20200 9800/- 01.07.1995 Permanent OBC ICAR – KVK Thiruvannamalai Annual Report 2018-19 5 2. DETAILS OF DISTRICT (2018-19) 2.0. Operational jurisdiction of KVKs 1. Name of the District : Thiruvannamalai, Tamil Nadu 2. Geographical Position : North Latitude Between : 11 ° 55 ’ and 13 ° 15 ’ N East Longitude Between : 78 °20 ’ and 79 °50 ’ E 3. Total Geographical area : 6188 Sq. Km 4. District Headquarters name : Thiruvannamalai 5. No. Taluk details : 11 6. No. of Block : 18 7. No. of Village panchayats : 860 9. No. of Revenue villages : 1062 10. Taluk and block wise village details of the district No. of No. of S. Name of Blocks Name of the taluk Taluk HQ Village Revenue No covered Panchayat villages Thiruvannamalai 69 84 1 Thiruvannamalai Thiruvannamalai Thurinjapuram 47 60 2 Kilpennathur Keelpennathur Keelpennathur 45 63 3 Thandarampattu Thandarampattu Thandarampattu 47 62 Chengam 44 61 4 Chengam Chengam Pudupalayam 37 43 5 Kalasapakkam Kalasapakkam Kalasapakkam 45 49 Polur 40 56 6 Polur Polur Jamunamarathur 11 38 7 Chetpet Chetpet Chetpet 49 63 Arani 38 28 8 Arni Arani West Arani 37 26 Vandavasi 61 71 9 Vandavasi Vandavasi Thellar 61 69 Peranamallur 57 67 Cheyyar 53 70 10 Cheyyar Cheyyar Anakavur 55 61 11 Vembakkam Vembakkam Vembakkam 64 91 Total 860 1062 ICAR – KVK Thiruvannamalai Annual Report 2018-19 6 2.1 Major farming systems/enterprises (based on the analysis made by the KVK) S. No Farming system/enterprise 1 Irrigated : Paddy – Paddy-Paddy 2 Irrigated : Paddy-Groundnut - Vegetables 3 Rainfed : Groundnut-Pulses 4 Irrigated : Vegetable-Vegetables 2.2 Description of Agro-climatic Zone & major agro ecological situations (based on soil and topography) S. No Agro-climatic Zone Characteristics The Mean average temperature is 28.62 oC. Hot during 1 North Eastern Zone, Vellore summer (35 - 37 oC). Cool during winder periods ( 24 - 26 oC). The temperature regime is hyper thermic. Agro ecological situation : 2 Eastern ghats - (TN uplands) Hot semi arid eco region with red loamy soils. and Deccan plateau 2.3 Soil types Sl.No. Soil type Characteristics Area(ha) The texture varies from sand to clay and the majority being 1 Red Loam loam. Porous and friable structure, absence of lime free from 78256 carbonates. Red sandy Contain enough clay materials, dominated by sand particles, 2 63160 loam having visible particles and having very gritty structure. Consist of mixture of sand clay and decaying organic matter 3 Black Loamy 18793 having high nutritive value. 2.4. Area, Production and Productivity of major crops cultivated in the district for 2018-19 Season : Kharif, Rabi and Summer Production S. No Crop Area (ha) Productivity (kg/ha) (‘000’tonnes) 1 Paddy 161709 641.34 3966 2 Cumbu 6084 12.46 2048 3 Cholam 688 0.79 1146 4 Ragi 4838 10.98 2269 5 Samai 6092 11.56 1897 6 Maize 2107 15.10 7166 7 Blackgram 21858 13.57 621 8 Greengram 629 0.43 689 9 Redgram 1172 1.04 888 10 Groundnut 63862 110.61 1732 11 Gingelly 2131 1.48 695 12 Coconut 493 3148.30 6386 (nuts) 13 Sugarcane 20073 1726.28 86 ton/ha. 14 Turmeric 346 0.70 2025 15 Tapioca 1530 64570.6 42203 ICAR – KVK Thiruvannamalai Annual Report 2018-19 7 16 Cotton 587 0.27 364 (Lmt) 17 Tomato 717 9354.7 13047 18 Brinjal 991 10236.0 10329 19 Bhendi 653 4290.2 6570 20 Chillies 1057 0.90 856 21 Banana 2533 83.63 33016 22 Mango 405 2217.0 5474 23 Onion 21 0.17 7960 24 Others 14251 - - Total Cropped area (ha) 314827 - - 2.5. Weather data Temperature 0 C Relative Month Rainfall (mm) Maximum Minimum Humidity (%) April 2.91 36.41 24.67 61.40 May 20.8 37.20 29.10 61.60 June 59.32 33.60 27.00 60.50 July 74.13 32.75 27.10 62.10 August 40.67 33.60 27.90 58.40 September 150.7 32.50 27.30 60.20 October 141.3 32.40 26.30 58.80 November 188.2 29.70 22.70 59.30 December 24.30 27.80 21.10 62.70 January 0.08 33.80 24.20 59.70 February 0.42 40.10 23.40 58.40 March 0.00 41.30 28.00 60.60 Total 702.83 37.20 29.10 61.60 2.6. Production and productivity of livestock, Poultry, Fisheries etc. in the district Category Population Production Productivity Cattle Crossbred 520565 505260 6.86 Indigenous Buffalo 74741 104355 4.30 Sheep Crossbred 260611 424140 - Indigenous Goats 227509 341440 - Pigs Crossbred 10782 17200 - Indigenous Rabbits 89 - - Poultry Hens Desi Improved 483712 8834000 - Ducks Turkey and others Domestic dogs 19373 - - ICAR – KVK Thiruvannamalai Annual Report 2018-19 8 2.7 Details of Adopted Villages (2018-19) Major crops Sl. Taluk/ Name of the Name of the Year of Identified Thrust & Major problem identified No. mandal block village adoption Areas enterprises KVK adopted villages Cultivation of old varieties, lack of awareness on season specific varieties, High infestation of pest &diseases BPH, Stem borer, Tungro, BLB and Blast, Varietal evaluation, High incidence of pest and disease, Yield Integrated Crop Vembakkam, Vembakkam, Ariyur reduction. Lack of knowledge on value addition. Management, 1 Arni, Arni, Sathuperipalayam, 2016-17 Paddy Lack of adoption of improved varieties, low Integrated Pest and Vandavasi Vandavasi Maruthadu yield, lack of awareness on IPDM, Severe Disease Management, infestation of Brown plant hopper, Blast, Drudgery reduction, BLB, stem borer, leaf folder and Tungro, Value addition.
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