Center Street Historic District Design Standards ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The Logan Center Street Historic District Design Standards were produced with participation and input from the following individuals and committees: Steering Committee: Municipal Council: o George Daines o Holly Daines o Kristan Fjeldsted o Tom Jensen* o Jeff Gilbert o S. Eugene Needham o Heather Hall o Herm Olsen o Jonathan Jenkins o Jeannie Simmonds* o Gene Needham IV *Indicates participation on the Steering Committee o Chris Sands o Gary Saxton Logan City: o Evan Stoker o Mayor Craig Petersen o Katie Stoker o Michael DeSimone, Community Development o Russ Holley, Community Development Historic Preservation Commission (HPC): o Amber Pollan, Community Development o Viola Goodwin o Aaron Smith, Community Development o Tom Graham* o Debbie Zilles, Community Development o Amy Hochberg o Kirk Jensen, Economic Development o David Lewis* o Keith Mott IO Design Collaborative o Gary Olsen o Kristen Clifford o Christian Wilson o Shalae Larsen o Mark Morris Planning Commission: o Laura Bandara o David Butterfield o Susan Crook o Amanda Davis Adopted __________ o Dave Newman* o Tony Nielson o Eduardo Ortiz o Russ Price* o Sara Sinclair TABLE OF CONTENTS Background Chapter 1 Introduction 6 Chapter 2 Historic Overview of Logan 6 Chapter 3 The Value of Historic Preservation 8 3.1 Historic Significance 9 3.2 Benefits of Historic Preservation 9 3.3 Sustainability 10 Chapter 4 Four Treatments of Historic Properties 11 Chapter 5 Preservation Incentives 12 Chapter 6 The Design Standards 14 6.1 Purpose 14 6.2 How to Use 14 Chapter 7 The Historic Preservation Committee & Project Review 15 7.1 The Committee 15 7.2 Project Review 15 Design Standards Chapter 8 Residential 19 8.1 Residential Historic Overview 19 8.2 Building Materials & Finishes 20 8.3 Windows 23 8.4 Doors 25 8.5 Porches & Architectural Details 26 8.6 Roofs 27 8.7 Additions 28 8.8 Accessory Structures 30 8.9 General 31 8.10 Design for New Construction & Infill 36 TABLE OF CONTENTS cont. Design Standards cont. Chapter 9 Commercial 40 9.1 Commercial Historic Overview 40 9.2 Storefronts 41 9.3 Awnings & Canopies 42 9.4 Windows & Bulkheads 43 9.5 Doors & Entrances 44 9.6 Lighting 44 9.7 Rear Facades 45 9.8 Materials & Finishes 45 9.9 Architectural Details 48 9.10 Roofs 49 9.11 Additions 50 9.12 General 51 9.13 Design for New Construction & Infill 53 Chapter 10 Signs 55 10.1 Historic Signs 55 10.2 New Signs 56 Chapter 11 Demolition 57 Chapter 12 Relocation of Buildings 57 APPENDICES Appendix A Logan Historic Preservation Ordinance 59 Appendix B Logan Historic Designations 64 •Center Street National Historic District •Center Street Local Historic District •Individual National Register Historic District •Individual Local Historic Sites Appendix C Information & Resources 65 Appendix D Glossary of Terms 68 Appendix E Bibliography 71 Appendix I Glossary of Terms 76 Historic Logan Background Background 1 - INTRODUCTION 2 - HISTORIC OVERVIEW OF LOGAN Logan City has developed design standards for Residential The current city of Logan was one of five white settlements and Commercial buildings, sites, and signs located within in Cache Valley in 1859. Its strategic location and rich the Center Street Historic District. These standards water supply contributed to the city’s rapid growth function as a benchmark for the preservation and becoming a foremost center for business, education, treatment of historic properties and new construction within politics and religion. the historic district. Furthermore, the design standards In 1856, Brigham Young, President of the Church of Jesus provide a basis for making informed and consistent Christ of Latter Day Saints (Mormons), sent a small group decisions by the Logan City Historic Preservation of Mormon settlers to survey a fort site near the banks Committee and staff when reviewing applicable requests. of Logan River to harvest logs for future homes. Shortly Throughout this document, resource boxes are included thereafter, three acres of wheat were planted and farming in order to provide further assistance pertaining to the began in the area currently known as “The Island”. The discussed topic. Blue boxes highlight additional resources first two streets laid out were Main and Center Streets while yellow boxes provide useful tips and information. where many small log homes, viewed as temporary, were Hyperlinks are also provided so that digital users can built until the stability of family farms could be established. quickly access related websites and applicable city The original settlement was patterned after the Plat of ordinances. If a paper copy of this document is used, a Zion, a square-mile plot of land characterized by a grid complete list of additional resources and their full URL’s system of 132-foot wide streets; 10-acre square blocks; are located in the Appendix. The resource boxes are long, linear lots; and a center tier of wider blocks generally intended to provide supplemental information to help reserved for religious, public, and institutional buildings the user implement the design standards and perform a and uses. The initial layout of Logan included these successful rehabilitation project. Illustrations or photos are wide streets where rows of log houses faced each other, included throughout the document to an associated topic offering rear space for gardens, small orchards, pasture to further clarify the intent of a design standard. lands, and barns or other outbuildings. CENTER STREET HISTORIC DISTRICT DESIGN STANDARDS BACKGROUND 6 Logan Center Street Historic District In 1859, the settlement became known as Logan, named The most recent Reconnaissance Level Survey (RLS) after the early trapper Ephraim Logan. As a result of the of the Center Street Historic District, conducted in 2011, Utah War (1857-1858), the people of the territory were includes a useful timeline and explanation of the city’s left destitute with regard to clothing, food, and income. history. A copy of the RLS is available at the Department During this period, the Hezekiah Thatcher family and of Community Development office. A more detailed his son-in-law William B. Preston arrived in Utah from historic overview is included in both the Residential and California settling in Payson, Utah until drawn to Cache Commercial chapters of this document. Valley’s virgin land and abundance of water. In August 1859, Hezekiah’s sons also arrived in Cache Valley from California with wagon loads of merchandise. Their business acumen in the mercantile field contributed greatly to the material prosperity of the entire county and was a direct influence to the eventual thriving destiny of Logan. On 17 January 1866, the settlement officially became an incorporated city. The Historic District is made up of a wealth of significant structures built in the early 1900’s that exemplify the history and settlement of Logan. A wide variety of structures comprise the district, including commercial, residential, and institutional buildings. Approximately 535 buildings exist within the boundaries of the district, 399 (75%) of which are considered contributing structures. These unique architectural edifices stand as evidence of a bygone culture never to return and are significant not only for the City of Logan but also for the Back to Table of Contents entire State of Utah. CENTER STREET HISTORIC DISTRICT DESIGN STANDARDS BACKGROUND 7 3 -THE VALUE OF HISTORIC PRESERVATION The following communities that have Historic preservation plays a key role in the vitality and benefited from historic preservation: quality of life of a community by reducing negative environmental impacts and significantly contributing to •Spring City, Sanpete County, UT economic health. Rehabilitation of historic buildings can be a useful tool for economic development as it •Mt. Pleasant, Sanpete County, UT contributes to job growth, household income, and property value. Across the nation, the preservation of buildings •Westshire, West Valley City, UT and architecture has yielded strong community pride and identity. •25th Street, Ogden, UT •Jefferson Avenue, Ogden, UT •Park City, UT Defined by deep narrow lots, tree-lined streets, exposed canals, historic landmarks such as the Logan Temple, the Tabernacle, and the Center Street Historic District, Logan’s unique identity is what distinguishes it from surrounding communities. The Historic District of Logan is one of the “character builders” mentioned in the Logan General Plan. “A loss or significant modification of these character builders results in a degradation of the community’s quality and uniqueness” (Logan General Plan). The intent of preservation is to maintain the original More information on the history of Logan can be character of a historic structure to the greatest extent found at : possible. A structure’s character is composed of various historytogo.utah.gov/places/logan.html components, ranging from materials to unique architectural features. Preservation can succeed simply through regular maintenance of a structure. With routine maintenance, Historic resources offer a unique quality and rich a building and its materials and features, will continue to connection to a community’s past while providing context last for decades. Regular maintenance will help a property for its future. Community identity is in a constant struggle owner avoid expensive replacement costs. Consequently, of survival due to its competition with today’s fast-paced a basic principle of preservation is to “repair before and conventional form of urban development. Historic sites replace.” This promotes the retention and preservation of and buildings, specifically in the historic district, provide a building’s original, unique features with the strongest an understanding of the culture and lifestyle that existed integrity. When replacement of an aspect or feature is as the City has evolved. These resources define the unavoidable, it is important that the replacement be similar fabric of historic Logan and reflect the community’s past to the original in terms of material, form, size, and color.
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