`NOJOSHING'JOSHING' TheThe official NewsletterNewsletter of of the the St. St. Francis Francis Historical Historical Society Society 42354235 South Nicholson Avenue St.St. Francis, WisconsinWisconsin 5320753207 WinterWinter 1991 (414)(414) 481-2300481-2300 1990 - - 1991 1991 OFFICERS OFFICERS grandfather, JohnJohn Paulu, Paulu, a aSt. St. Francis Francis politician politician and and civic civic President .................................................................... Ron TessmerTessmer leaderleader inin hishis own own right. right. AndyAndy operatedoperated the the greenhouses greenhouses for for Vice President ..................................................... Diane JohnstonJohnston many yearsyears before before selling selling off off portions portions of of the the property property after after Recording Secretary ................................... Millie SchimelfenygSchimelfenyg building a grocery storestore on on a a part part of of the the land, land, which which he he Treasurer ................................................... Margaret SymkowskiSymkowski rentedrented outout andand then then sold, sold, according according to to a along-time long-time family family friend. That building is now known as SupremeSupreme Meats. Meats. BOARD OF DIRECTORS Andy lived in the Paulu househouse until until the the mid-1960s, mid-1960s, when when Ron & MargeMarge TessmerTessmer ................................................... 744-0653 he movedmoved near near the the airport airport on on Logan Logan Avenue. Avenue. The The house house was was Carl BaehrBaehr ......................................................................... 483-4202 bought inin 19701970 byby JerryJerry Kasprzyk, Kasprzyk, who who operates operates and and owns owns Joanne RichardsRichards .............................................................. 744-3167 the MaytagMaytag storestore in in frontfront ofof thethe house.house. The The store store once once serv- serv- Diane Johnston ................................................................ 483-5883 ed asas the the boiler boiler room room for for the the greenhouses, greenhouses, according according to ato a Chris Barney .................................................................... 461-5869 1986 articlearticle byby MaryMary Becker.Becker. Millie Schimelfenyg Schimelfenyg ....................................................... 769-6575 An avid motorcyclist, Andy also was a licensed, private Margaret Symkowski ..................................................... 483-0455 An avid motorcyclist, Andy also was a licensed, private airplane pilotpilot who,who, forfor many years,years, owned owned a aIight light plane plane and and COMMITTEES kept it hangared onon Layton Layton Avenue.Avenue. Cataloging .............................................. Laura StaatsStaats - -481-9849481-9849 In addition to hishis involvementinvolvement with with ourour society, society, Andy Andy also also Displays ............................................ Marge TessmerTessmer - -744-0653 744-0653 worked as aa securitysecurity guard guard in in his his later later years. years. Harking Harking back back HistorieHistoric Preservation Preservation ............................. Carl Baehr -- 483-4202483-4202 to his childhoodchildhood days,days, Andy Andy onceonce related related to to a afamily family friend friend Fewsletter .............................................. Chris Barney -- 461-5869461-5869 about seeing citycity founderfounder andand meatpackermeatpacker Patrick Patrick Cudahy Cudahy Arts andand CraftsCrafts ............................. Joanne Richards Richards - -744-3167 744-3167 'hikingliiking down K.K.K.K. AvenueAvenue on his wayway toto work'work' oneone Membership ..................................... Bob Schwingle - -744-0873 744-0873 morning. (Cudahy dieddied in in 1919.)1919.) Programs .......................................... Diane JohnstonJohnston - -483-5883 483-5883 Andy, who never married,married, is is survived survived by by nieces, nieces, nephews, nephews, other relatives andand friends friends all all over over Bay Bay View, View, St. St. Francis, Francis, Cudahy andand southeast southeast Milwaukee. Milwaukee. He He will will be be long long remembered forfor hishis caringcaring andand concern concern for for his his family family and and ST. FRANCISFRANCIS HISTORICAL SOCIETY: SOCIETY: his community. WE ARE (See elsewhereelsewhere in in this this issue issue an an interview interview with with Andy Andy Koenig Koenig -- Ed.)Ed.) "SERIOUS ABOUTABOUT NOJOSHING"NOJOSHING" KATHRYN SCHWINGLE SCHWINGLE — — 1933-1990 1933-1990 ANDREWANDREW KOENIG:KOENIG: 1911-1990 1911-1990 (Courtesy oj Kalks. South) TheThe SFHS Family was saddenedsaddened to to learn learn of of the the sudden sudden passingFassing of charter membermember Andrew Andrew J. J. Koenig, Koenig, descendant descendant KathyKathy Schwingle,Schwingle, President ofof thethe St. St. Francis Francis Historical Historical ofof aa pioneer St.St. FrancisFrancis family, family, on on November November 13, 13, 1990. 1990. SocietySociety in 1979, 19871987 and and again again in in 1988, 1988, died died December December 18th 18th atat the age of of 57. 57. AndyAndy grewgrew upup onon thethe family farmfarm onon PackardPackard and Howard,Howard, andand later bought the homehome andand greenhouses greenhouses of of his his KathyKathy waswas aa staunch supportersupporter of of the the St. St. Francis Francis —— 11 —— HistoricalHistorical Society,Society, and and was was involved involved and and very very instrumental instrumental COMMITTEECOMMITTEE REPORTSREPORTS inin itsits originaloriginal formationformation inin 1976.1976. SheShe was was an an elected elected Director Director •• ARTSARTS ANDAND CRAFTSCRAFTS —— JOANNEJOANNE RICHARDSRICHARDS currentlycurrently serving inin herher fifth consecutiveconsecutive three-year three-year term.term. TheThe ArtsArts andand Crafts Fair, held November 18th, was aa SheShe maintainedmaintained a strong guiding voice withinwithin thethe SocietySociety hugehuge success.success. TheThe SocietySociety netted netted $935.30$935.30 from from thethe event.event. and was a very active Fund raiser for the Society. and was a very active fund raiser for the Society. ThanksThanks areare extended toto allall whowho attendedattended andand participatedparticipatecl MostMost recently,recently, Kathy Kathy was was chairman chairman of of the the trips trips and and tours tours inin thethe event.event. committeecommittee andand setset upup severalseveral veryvery interestinginteresting andand well at-at- •• TOURSTOURS ANDAND TRIPS tendedtended tours.tours. The most recent of whichwhich waswas aa tourtour ofof RonRon TessmerTessmer reported reported thethe tourtour ofof the the Pabst Pabst Mansion Mansion in in Manitowoc's Maritime Museum and Christmas at the Pabst Manitowoc's Maritime Museum and Christmas at the Pabst DecemberDecember waswas well well attended attended and and worthwhile. worthwhile. Twenty- Twenty- Mansion.Mansion. SheShe waswas someonesomeone whowho could could always always be be depended depended fivefive adultsadults andand sixsix childrenchildren inin attendanceattendance allall enjoyedenjoyed the the uponupon to bebe availableavailable whenwhen helphelp waswas neededneeded regardlessregardless ofof the the event.event. naturenature of thatthat help. Her avid interest and knowledge inin regardsregards to collectibles and antiques was invaluable to the Society andand she readilyreadily sharedshared this knowledge withwith thethe Society.Society. Kathy was currentlycurrently servingserving asas thethe MetropolitanMetropolitan RegionRegion Representative on the Administrative Committee of thethe THE STREETS OF ST. FRANCIS By Carl Baehr Wisconsin CouncilCouncil forfor Local History,History, an office toto whichwhich sheshe By Carl Baehr was electedelected duringduring thethe MetropolitanMetropolitan RegionalRegional ConventionConvention (Second(Second ofof aa series)series) hosted by the Wisconsin SlovakSlovak HistoricalHistorical SocietySociety onon Portions of whatwhat is nownow St.St. Francis Francis werewere originally originally meant meant September 15, 1990. to be partpart ofof the Village ofof Cudahy.Cudahy. InIn 1892,1892, PatrickPatrick Kathy was bornborn in southern Illinois in 1933 andand hashas beenbeen aa Cudahy announced his plans for the founding of an in- resident of St. FrancisFrancis since 1953.1953. SheShe married married RobertRobert "Pee- dustrial town with his meatpackingmeatpacking plantplant as itsits base.base. TheThe Wee" Schwingle, aa life-longlife-long resident resident ofof St. St. Francis, Francis, andand itsits prosperity of the times was in evidence throughoutthroughout the county. fire chiefchief untiluntil hishis retirementretirement lastlast JanuaryJanuary 4th. Huge buildings likelike thethe CityCity HallHall and and thethe PabstPabst buildingbuilding were being builtbuilt in downtown Milwaukee.Milwaukee. SouthSouth MilwaukeeMilwaukee In addition to her husband, Robert,Robert, KathyKathy isis survivedsurvived byby was being developed by inventors. Bay View was expanding sons: RaymondRaymond D.D. (Shelly)(Shelly) and and Robert Robert Jr.; Jr.; grandchildren:grandchildren: southward and parts ofof St. Francis were being subdivided.subdivided. Nola, Mary,Mary, KathrynKathryn andand Andrew;Andrew; sisters: sisters: Audrie Audrie Greaning_ Greaning of Danville, IL,IL, andand Edythe Jergens of Michigan City, IN; Land speculators and real estate developers,
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