Your Want Ad The Zip Code Is Easy To Place- for Mountainside is Jusr Phone 686-7700 07092 An Official Newspaper For The Borough Of Mountainside VOL, 13 NO, 27 , S«cond Clati Paifaga N J THURSDAY JUNE 17 1971 ' PutiiUh.d Inch Thuudoy hy Tramnr Publiihlng Corp. Suhjerlpilion Role 20 Cents Per Copy Paid M Mounlaln.ld., N.J. , N.J, I HUK3UMI , JUINC I/,, iy/I 2 N.w Pio» Rood, Moynnlm.d., N.J. 07092 $5 Y«Orly State Highway Department kiSIs controversial cf overleaf Calls plan excessive,- to try again Possible location shift will also be explored By JANICE" ADLER Tie original plan for a major eloverleaf at the Intersection of Rt 22 and New Providence road has been ruled as excessive ,by me State Highway Department which will develop an alternate plan, according to Councilman Louis Parent, Parent announcedthedecisIonatTues- day's Borough Council meeting at the Beech- wood School, He, along witii Mayor Thomas Rledardi and other borough officials, met with, the assistant commissioner of highways, Tom DefnilipB, last week to discuss the problem, Psr«nt also said that tiie highway department THi WINNfRS"-Th« Slockbirds, champions of thi. Earle, Cera Hoy} rear, coach Mrs. Alice Sury," flalne will try to solve th« problem at ttie inter section Mountainside Girls'"Softball League, received trophies from Laustsen, Karen Sury, Karen Callahan, Robin" Sury,' Laurel with a minimura of disruption to tiie borough, . the Recreation Commission at the closing picnic en Norse, Laura Laustsen and coach Mrs. Jane Laustsen, Not The dtparnnent wiU also attempt to determine Saturday. Shown, from left, are, front, Joan Ragno, Judy" shown are Oinny and Marianne Allenson, if a more suitable place for an Intersection is Seldel, Laura Welner, Laura Wasko, Carol Petitti, ietsy" (Photo by Bob taxter) feasible, in other business. Mayor JUcclardi com- plained of the lack of greater community par- ticipation at tiie public meetings. Only two persons, the wife and daughter of Councilman Outstanding students are honored William Van Blarcom, attended Tuesday's session. Councilman John Heehtle said that more than 300 persons have signed up for the summer rec- reation program sponsoredbyfte borough, The at Regional's Recognition Assembly program has expanded and gained in popularity The 11th annual reeopiltion assembly was Sandl received th« Booster Club Award-for and the Rotary Club scholarship to Valerie since last year, he added. held at Gev,'Livinpton Regional High School knowledge in',music, the National Orchestra Buchwaid. He reported on fce programs and the number on June 10 to honor students for outstandiai Association Award, and ttie Mounminslde Mu- The Mountainside Teacheri* Associaaon of persons who have so far-signed up for each, achievement during the schoolyear in both aea- sic Association scholarship along with Scth gave two awards, to Nancy Gabriel and Bruce In tennis they are first session, 78 children demic and Mca-a-eurrtcular activities, accord- Brown, MuUin. The Mountainside Woman's Club and 24 adults, which Is the, maximum; second Ing to Frederick Aho, principal. nurse's scholarship went to Pamela StLlwell, session, 23 children and 14 adults, and tiie PACHYDiR/vM5T5-.When Bighth graders at the DB»rfi«i!d School held their Other students who recieved PTA Booster with the^home economics award going to Nancy third session, 16 children and two adults. A number of important honors were awarded Club lor Knowledge awards include Joseph graduation party yesterday at the-Mountainside Community Pool, the featured _ to Kathi Madison, Erie Kushnlck and Sandy White, The Mountainside Kiwanis Club scholar- Additional registration for die second and third dscoration was this |umbo papier mocha elephont mode for them by local high Painter, art; Mary Ann Pagano, business edu- ship in memory of Waiter Young went to Curs. sessions will be accepted, he said/ , Rubertl, as well as approximately 300 individ- cation; Barbara Hoffert, English and social school students, Shown with the Highlander behemoth are, from left, JimSchon, ual students, Ratal received theMln«rva Medal„ tip Games, The Atlele Lynch nursing scholae'i;,- •>s father activities are golf, nine adults and six studies; Deanna Borehers, foreign language; ships were awarded to faff ee Tallamy, Susan • •'. cWldreni Softball;" seven teams have registered Mark Keppler, Amy Hunt and Don Wagner. (Photo by Bob laxter) (or excellence In French, the PTA Booster Richard Kaczka, industrial arts; Masako • Conrad, Pamela Cash, Sandra GJerpen, Cathy with,xlS persons on each team, and creative Club for Knowledge award in foreign languages, Hayashi, music, and Stuart Brown, science, r the Reader's Digest valedictorian award and the Simonton and Helen Thorp, dancing, 13 persons, Anyone Interested in Westfield Pan-Hellenic Award, as well as a Scholarships were awarded by the Berkeley The awards made by school organizations ' • ••", (Continued on page 4) previously announced National Merit Scholar- Heights-New Providence Lions Club, to Chuck were the Varsity Club scholarships, to Stuart 426 will get diplomas ship. ^_^______ Price; the Berkeley Heights Chapter. Amerf-^ JB_rown,. Alan^EmsllB,-Phillp-Sieverini~ana~ Eric received the Booster Club for Know- can Aisodation oTUn^efiirFWomen, to Ellen Robert Zetterstrom- the Student Council ledge Award In mathematics, the Baugch and Hegertyr the Woman's Club of Berkeley scholarships to David Ruch and Linda Evans; Applications flood Lamb Award in science, a first place award Heights, to Wane Celetta, with their nursing the Class of 1971 scholarships toDanaSoniers at GLRHS Wednesday from the Mathematical AsseeiaHofl of Amtrt- scholarflhip going to Ellen Gehri; Berkeley and Wendy SayUIe; the National Honor Society Community Pool as ca, and a second place In tlie State Science Day, Heights Teachers' Association, to jeffHeek«r, scholarship to Gordon Shulman, theOAA Lead- The llth annual commencement exercises The members of the class of 19,71 are as ers* Club scholarships to Betty Semmerwerek at Oov. Livingston Regional High School to follows: i ' |i(ii!iuiii!uiiuiiit(iiuiiii(uiiHiiiiiuui(iuiituiii!U!!iiui!iiiu iiiiHitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiifiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiii] and Maria Cepietti; High School ETA sehoiar- graduate 426 members of the class of 1971, Elisabeth S, Alford, William E, Ammon, ships to Bill Francisco, Raymond Rodgers, Ro- swimmers sign up will be held •wedn«sday at 7 p.m., according to Peter c, Andersen, Debbie M. Anderson, Phil bin ShaUeross and Suzanne SneUrMedical Ca- Frederick Aho, principal. • Anderson, Diane H. Armstrong, John Askew, I PROFILE"John Brown reers Club scholarships, to Bruce Huber, and A record number of swimmers have regls-' tered for tills year's swim -earn s.t the Moun- The program will be preceded by selections Clifford D. Auchter, Deborah I, Anne Aulisio, the Teachers' Association memorial scholar- tainside Community Pool. More than 180 swim- played by the high school band, which will also lUpsta MiryChambers.andKarenKielblock, mers have registered to date. This is an in- play the processional for die graduating class. (Continued on page 4) John Brown, coordinator of health and Nascy Parent was honored for her achieve* crease of 23 percent from last year. Coach The invocation wiU be delivered by the Rev. physical education for the RegionalHlghSchool ment( in tiie performing arts with the Stony Howard Dimond has. attributed this increased Moreil Ruhey of the Diamond HIU Methodist District, believes in revoluating and updating HiU Players award, The Cornell Club of Union interest to "publieiiy. describing tills ytfar's Church, followed by the flag salute led by David the contents of the courses under his jurisdic- County plaque was awarded to Robert Honecker. exciting new programs and sxtra efforts at Ruch, class president, who will also make die Regional board tion to keep pace with the changing dmes. He , presentation of the class memorial, at that time. also is in charge of driver education and inter- The Thomas J* Rosamilia Mathematics recruiting in order to minimize attrition from scholastic sports, . Award to a senior for excellence in math and last year's warn," The commencement messages wlllbe de- Brown described how tiie health GUrrieuium quality of character and service to the school Dimond said that many swimmiirs who had liver»d by William Lovett and Ruth Anne Out- sets back date has changed over the years. He said, "Health was given to Bob Oelatour.Tha Stephen Pollack not intended to join have now done, after ob- man, members of the senior class who Were education used to be one day a week and little Memorial Award for the outstanding student in serving the technique chmcr. Through these selected in a competition open to all class mem- Importance Was paid to It. It then went to two social studies went to Marti Sage. Both of these clinics Dimond has been able to give person- bers. days a week and finally moved into the block awards are memorials to faculty members who alized instruction to the swimmers.. Following the presentation of the class to of June meeting wore teaching at Gov. Livingston at the time of The teacher-student ratio at these clinics members of the Board of Education by Aho, the system where It is taught daily for nine weeks. their deaths. diplomas will be presented to the graduates by The regularly scheduled business meeting "It has developed into a strong department has been maintained at about one to eight. In recognition of outstanding achievements This year';, program place;, additionil em- Dr. Fred B. Hagedorn, Dr. Minor C. K. Jones this Tuesday of the Union County Regional! iigh — I think one of the best in the state. It now phasis on "cooperative competition." Dimond and Edwin Little, board members. School District Board of Education, has been is factual teaching and how the curriculum ap- in business education, the Underwood Corpora- postponed to Tuesday, June .29.
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