(Translation) Minutes of the 3rd Meeting of Sham Shui Po District Council (5th Term) under the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Date: 12 April 2016 (Tuesday) Time: 9:30 a.m. Venue: Conference Room, Sham Shui Po District Council Present Chairman Mr CHEUNG Wing-sum, Ambrose, MH, JP Members Mr CHAN Kwok-wai Mr CHAN Wai-ming, MH Ms CHAN Wing-yan, Joephy (Arrived at 10:10 a.m.) Mr CHENG Wing-shun, Vincent Ms CHOW Wing-heng, Zoé (Left at 6:55 p.m.) Mr CHUM Tak-shing (Arrived at 12:50 p.m.) Mr HO Kai-ming, Kalvin Mr KONG Kwai-sang (Left at 1:15 p.m.) Mr LAM Ka-fai, Aaron, JP (Arrived at 10 a.m.) Ms LAU Pui-yuk Mr LEE Tsz-king, Dominic Mr LEE Wing-man Mr LEUNG Man-kwong Mr LEUNG Yau-fong (Left at 3:45 p.m.) Ms NG Mei, Carman (Left at 8 p.m.) Ms NG Yuet-lan (Left at 8:45 p.m.) Mr TAM Kwok-kiu, MH, JP Mr WAI Woon-nam Mr WONG Tat-tung, Dennis, MH, JP (Left at 6:30 p.m.) Mr YAN Kai-wing Mr YUEN Hoi-man - 2 - Action by In Attendance Mr MOK Kwan-yu, Benjamin, JP District Officer (Sham Shui Po) Miss CHAN Pui-ki, Kiki Assistant District Officer (Sham Shui Po) 1 Mr WAI Chun-yin, Mickey Assistant District Officer (Sham Shui Po) 2 Ms CHAN Tsz-yee, Emily Senior Liaison Officer 1, Sham Shui Po District Office Mr WONG Leung-ping, Ben Senior Liaison Officer 2, Sham Shui Po District Office Ms NG Suk-min, Min Senior Liaison Officer 3, Sham Shui Po District Office Mrs MAK LAU Wai-mun, Acting District Commander (Sham Shui Po), Hong Kong Josephine Police Force Mr KO Chun-pong, Bon Police Community Relations Officer (Sham Shui Po District), Hong Kong Police Force Ms CHIU Hei Engineer/Kowloon 5, Civil Engineering and Development Department Mrs KWOK LI Mung-yee, Helen District Social Welfare Officer (Sham Shui Po), Social Welfare Department Mr LIU Wai-shing, Simon Chief Leisure Manager (Hong Kong East), Leisure and Cultural Services Department Ms LEE Kar-mei, Camay District Leisure Manager (Sham Shui Po), Leisure and Cultural Services Department Mr LAI Kah-kit District Environmental Hygiene Superintendent (Sham Shui Po), Food and Environmental Hygiene Department Mr WONG Yuet-chung Acting Chief Manager/Management (Kowloon West and Hong Kong), Housing Department Mr CHOY Chik-sang, Mario Chief Transport Officer/Kowloon, Transport Department Mr LAU Kin-hei, Louis Senior Transport Officer/Sham Shui Po, Transport Department Mr SUI Wai-keung, Stephen, JP Under Secretary for Labour and Welfare, Labour and Welfare Bureau Ms YIM Hau-wan, Evalina Regional Officer/Kowloon West, Community Relations Department, Independent Commission Against Corruption Ms FUNG Ho-yin Youth & Education Officer/Kowloon West, Community Relations Department, Independent Commission Against Corruption Ms TAM Wai-yee, Portia Deputy District Leisure Manager (Sham Shui Po), Leisure and Cultural Services Department Mr CHUM Yan-leung, Philip Senior Town Planner/Sham Shui Po, Planning Department Ms LI Kit-sum, Sumie Senior Estate Surveyor/Sham Shui Po (District Lands Office, Kowloon West), Lands Department Ms LO Shuet-yee, Zoe Engineer/Special Duty 2, Transport Department - 3 - Action by Mr TAI Hoi-yau, Marco Engineer /Sham Shui Po, Transport Department Mr LEE Chi-yin Senior Housing Manager/KWH1, Housing Department Mr YIP Chi-ki Maintenance Surveyor/Sham Shui Po, Housing Department Mr LEUNG Chan-man Buildings and Building Works Manager, MTR Corporation Limited Mr LEE Hin-kwan Operations Services Manager (Kwun Tong Line and Tsuen Wan Line), MTR Corporation Limited Ms Lilian YEUNG Public Relations Manager – External Affairs, MTR Corporations Limited Miss CHEN King-sun Assistant Principal Immigration Officer (Removal Assessment and Litigation), Immigration Department Mr SHAM Nelson Chief Immigration Officer (Removal Assessment), Immigration Department Mr CHAU Yat-cheung, Lawrence District Planning Officer/Tsuen Wan and West Kowloon, Planning Department Mr WONG Hau-king, James Town Planner/Sham Shui Po 3, Planning Department Mr YAN Siu-hang Air Ventilation Assessment Advisor, Planning Department Mr LEE Chung-yam, Paul Engineer/Planning 1, Transport Department Mr CHAN Hon-kwong Senior Superintendent (Operations) 2, Food and Environmental Hygiene Department Ms CHOY Wai-chu Deputy District Leisure Manager (Sham Shui Po), Leisure and Cultural Services Department Secretary Ms CHEUNG Ching, Jenny Senior Executive Officer (District Council), Sham Shui Po District Office Absent Mr YEUNG Yuk - 4 - Action by Opening Remarks The Chairman welcomed Members and representatives from government departments to the third meeting of the Sham Shui Po District Council (“SSPDC”) (5th Term). He then welcomed Ms Josephine LAU, Acting District Commander (Sham Shui Po) of the Hong Kong Police Force (“HKPF”), who attended this meeting in place of Mr HUI Chun-tak, Steve, Ms CHIU Hei, Engineer/Kowloon 5 of the Civil Engineering and Development Department (“CEDD”) who attended this meeting in place of Mr WONG Chi-sing, Janson, and Mr WONG Yuet-chung, Acting Chief Manager/Management (Kowloon West and Hong Kong) of the Housing Department (“HD”) who attended this meeting in place of Mr TSE Chick-lam. Item 1: Confirmation of minutes of the 1st and 2nd meetings held on 5 January 2016 and 2 February 2016 respectively 2. The Chairman said that the Secretariat issued a letter to Members on 25 February this year, inviting them to give opinions on the minutes of the first meeting before 11 March. As at 11 March, the Secretariat did not receive any amendment proposed by Members and the minutes of the first meeting were therefore confirmed. Since the Secretariat did not receive any proposed amendment to the minutes of the second meeting, the Chairman asked whether Members would like to propose any amendment on the spot. 3. Mr TAM Kwok-kiu said that regarding paragraph 316 of the minutes of the second meeting, he clarified that the reason for their walking out was to protest against the unjust vote-by-proxy arrangement as well as the casting vote given by the Chairman when there had been an equality of votes, resulting that the voting result was different from the main shades of opinion of Members who had attended the meeting. They walked out in protest was not because they were not satisfied that the Chairman’s proposal was endorsed. 4. The minutes of the second meeting were confirmed without amendment. 5. The Chairman said that the Secretariat received a notice from Mr Dennis WONG before the meeting that he would like to make an oral statement regarding the minutes of the second meeting according to Order 29 of the Sham Shui Po District Council Standing Orders (“Standing Orders”). He asked Mr Dennis WONG to make an oral statement of not more than five minutes. - 5 - Action by 6. Mr Dennis WONG said that he had left the second District Council (“DC”) meeting held on 2 February this year because of family issues and during his absence some Members made speculations which were not based on any objective grounds. In this connection, he made a statement as follows: (i) according to the Standing Orders and the usual practice, Members only had to inform the Secretariat of their leaving and no reason was required; (ii) his leaving had nothing to do with the session of declaration of interests. He had declared interests in accordance with the Standing Orders and had nothing to add; (iii) he had, in accordance with the Standing Orders, authorised in writing a Member to whom he trusted to vote for him before he left the meeting. He believed that the authorised person share the same will with him. In view of that, he expressed regret over the incident happened during the meeting held on 2 February this year. 7. The meeting noted Mr Dennis WONG’s oral statement. Item 2: Matters for discussion (a) Public Engagement Exercise on Retirement Protection (SSPDC Paper 45/16) (b) Motion: Requesting the current administration to provide universal retirement protection immediately and honour its election pledges (SSPDC Paper 46/16) 8. The Chairman welcomed Mr Stephen SUI, the Under Secretary for Labour and Welfare, to the meeting. He said that as Papers 45/16 and 46/16 were similar in nature, he suggested the two papers be discussed together. There was no objection. 9. Mr Stephen SUI thanked SSPDC for allowing the Government to listen to views on the portentous issue of retirement protection; he then introduced Paper 45/16. 10. Mr Kalvin HO introduced Paper 46/16. 11. Mr TAM Kwok-kiu remarked that many observers were stakeholders of the retirement protection issue and he hoped that the Chairman would allow them to play a video about universal retirement protection (“URP”) so that the meeting could have a comprehensive understanding of the views of different stakeholders. 12. The Chairman said that DC welcomed members of the public to observe DC meetings and would arrange other venues for them to express opinions if there were special needs. He understood their aspirations and thus allowed them to submit petition letter and express their views before the meeting. He hoped that the meeting could proceed to discuss the agenda item now. - 6 - Action by 13. Mr WAI Woon-nam raised the following views: (i) as indicated by the Labour and Welfare Bureau (“LWB”), the birth rate of Hong Kong was constantly declining and he believed that this was the result of the quota policy which allowed 150 Mainland residents to apply for one-way permit and settle in Hong Kong every day. This policy increased the working population of Hong Kong while blunting people’s incentive to have children; (ii) before Hong Kong was returned to the motherland, civic groups had proposed an URP system involving contributions from the Government, the business sector and the public.
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