issue 021 / May 2020 Making Positive Impacts 為未來創造改變 Contents 目 錄 03 NEWSROOM 06 GOLDIN FOCUS 16 CSR CORNER 18 AFTER HOURS Editors 編輯 Angel Ng 吳卓鈴 / Hilary Au-Yeung 歐陽碩寧 Designer 設計師 Kelvin Keung 姜家駒 Feedback and suggestions 反饋及建議 [email protected] Goldin Times is the quarterly newsletter of Goldin Group. Goldin Times為高銀集團的季度通訊。 © 2020 Goldin Group. All rights reserved. © 2020 高銀集團。保留一切權利。 Disclaimer (免責聲明只提供英文內容) The information and material contained in this newsletter is only for general information of the intended recipient and may not be used, published, reproduced or redistributed without the prior written consent of Goldin Group. Please note that the content belongs to and remains the intellectual property of Goldin Group and may only be distributed with the prior written consent of Goldin Group. The content of this newsletter is for general information only and Goldin Group makes no representations and gives no warranties of whatsoever nature in respect of this newsletter, including but not limited to the accuracy or completeness of any information, facts and/or opinions contained therein. No responsibility or liability is accepted by Goldin Group in connection with any matter or action taken following any use of or reference to the material in this newsletter, for any inaccuracies, omissions, mis-statements or errors in the material in this newsletter, or for any economic or other loss which may be directly or indirectly sustained by any reader to this newsletter or other person who obtains access to the material in this newsletter. Newsroom Editor’s Note 編者的話 LE PAN Honoured Again as Hong Kong’s 100 Best LE PAN連續第二年奪百強席位 Dear colleagues, LE PAN has been included in the South Rooted in Hong Kong, Goldin Group has always been striving to conduct our China Morning Post’s prestigious “100 businesses as a good corporate citizen. In this issue’s Goldin Focus, we highlight Top Tables 2020” fine-dining guide for the initiatives and activities conducted in different areas to demonstrate the the second consecutive year. Now in efforts in fulfilling our longstanding commitments. its eighth edition, the guide celebrates Ever wonder how the daily soups you buy from Dynasty Garden are made? We the 100 best culinary establishments in bring you to the restaurant’s kitchen to find out in our other feature story. Hong Kong and the 20 best in Macau as selected by the media organisation’s In After Hours, Joanne Leung from the Marketing Strategy and Sales Department food critics and lifestyle editors. LE PAN talks to us about her journey of becoming a new mom. is heralded in the prestigious French dining category. Corporate Communications Department LE PAN今年再度奪得「南華早報100強」 各位同事: 頂級餐廳指南的榮譽。此指南已連續八年 出版,綜合南華早報的食評家和編輯的評 高銀集團紮根香港,在經營業務同時一直致力履行良好企業公民責任。今期的Goldin 價,分別在香港挑選100間及在澳門挑選 Focus 專題故事帶大家認識一下集團在不同範疇所作出的貢獻。 20間頂級餐廳。指南以行政人員為對象, 我們在另一專題故事則帶大家走訪皇御園的廚房,看看大家日常在午飯時購買的外賣湯品 搜羅八類飲食門派:中菜、西餐、法國 之製作過程。 菜、意大利菜、日本菜、扒房、東西融合 市場策劃及銷售部的梁曉盈在今期的After Hours跟我們分享她首度成為媽媽的經歷。 及澳門菜中的最佳餐廳。LE PAN於法國菜 的類別中取得殊榮。 企業傳訊部 Sip Introduces Soothing Health Drink Collection 健康由飲食點滴開始 Since its establishment, Sip café has Sip咖啡店一向追求健康美食理念,提 been promoting the concept of healthy 供一系列營養均衡的食物及飲品選擇。 eating with a wide variety of wholesome 咖啡店從世界各地搜羅,於4月推出了 food and drink choices. From April, the Health@Sip健康飲品系列。系列有更多 café added a “Health@Sip” collection, sourcing health drinks from around 元化的健康選擇,照顧不同人士的生活需 the world. Catering to different needs, 要,包括鮮果奶昔、龍眼蜜洋甘菊花茶、 choices range from fresh fruit yoghurt 中式涼茶、沖繩黑糖薑汁燕麥奶和九州天 shake, longan honey chamomile tea, 然活性氫水。 Chinese herbal tea to Okinawa brown sugar ginger oat milk and active hydrogen water from Kyushu. 03 Newsroom Newsroom Ab Eden Launches Website Perfect Family Celebration for Mother’s Day Ab Eden葡萄酒推出專屬網站 母親節窩心天倫樂 To accompany the launch of Ab Eden, For the past Mother’s Day, GFGCdining the Group’s newest wine brand from curated some delectable and unique the Barossa in Australia, its website family dining experiences. At Dynasty debuted in April. Much like the wines, Garden, special lunch and dinner the website adopts an elegant and fresh menus that melded Chinese and look with a simple and easy navigation Western dining styles were served, design. Visitors can find information featuring signature dishes such as about the vineyard and the three roasted chicken in Himalayan salt wines—Chardonnay, Grenache and and sautéed prawns with garlic and Shiraz Cabernet. crispy rice. The Cantonese restaurant 集團於4月為早前面世的南澳洲芭蘿莎葡 also teamed up with a popular bakery to offer a spectacular 3D fondant 萄酒品牌Ab Eden推出了專屬網站。網站 cake to make the celebration the 採用優雅和清新的外觀,展現葡萄酒的特 sweetest ever. For Japanese cuisine 色,而導航設計則簡單易用。網站訪客能 loving families, Matsunichi crafted 認識到有關葡萄園的特點和Ab Eden出產 an unforgettable nine-course menu 的三款葡萄酒—霞多麗、歌海娜及西拉和 that featured sumptuous ingredients 在剛過去的母親節,GFGCdining為食客締 味。大松日則推出了九道菜母親節盛宴, 赤霞珠混釀。 including Hokkaido abalone, 造了難忘的溫馨時光。皇御園特別打造滙聚 選用新鮮食材包括北海道鮑魚、宮崎A5和 Miyazaki A5 Wagyu and local lobster. 中西文化的粵菜體驗,精選美饌如喜馬拉雅 牛及本地龍蝦。大松日並與陶藝工作室合 www.abeden.com.au Collaborating with a local ceramics 山鹽香燒雞、熱情果脆米炒蝦球等。餐廳更 作,讓食客以優惠價參加陶瓷班,親手創 studio, diners can even enjoy a pottery 與知名烘焙店合作,讓食客訂購為母親節特 造陶瓷禮物獻給摯愛的母親表達謝意。 session at a special price to make an artisanal gift for their mother. 別設計的立體翻糖蛋糕,與媽媽分享甜蜜滋 Hong Kong Brahma Shrine Opens for Public Worship Workplace Anti-Epidemic Measures 辦公室防疫措施 香港四面佛開放予公眾參拜 The Hong Kong Brahma Shrine, situated Since the novel coronavirus outbreak, 自新型冠狀病毒爆發,集團立即在辦公室 in the courtyard of Goldin Financial the Group has taken stringent 作出相應的防疫措施。除了在大堂為所有 Global Centre, is now open to the public measurements to prevent the spread 員工及訪客安排量度體溫,集團並購置口 for worship. A sacred monument for of the infectious virus in the workplace. 罩、消毒搓手液及塑膠手套於接待處供有 veneration and reflection, the shrine is Apart from mandatory temperature open daily from 10:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. 需要的員工索取。所有辦公室及共用空間 checks at the office lobby for all staff Visitors can also watch the ceremonial and visitors, supplies such as surgical 的清潔亦加以提升,保持高度衛生。有關 dance which is performed several times masks, hand sanitiser and plastic gloves 防疫知識的通告及海報亦張貼於辦公室內 each day by dedicated professionals are available for staff at the reception 以提高意識。每星期同事更獲發生果一個 from Thailand. The shrine has launched when needed. To maintain a high level 以增強身體抵抗力。 a website for visitors to learn more. of hygiene, cleaning of all office and communal areas have been enhanced. 位於高銀金融國際中心前院內的香港四面 Memos and posters with tips on how 佛現已正式開放給公眾參拜,開放時間為 to prevent the virus in our daily life 早上10時至晚上10時。香港四面佛是一 are shared around the office. All staff 座莊嚴的神壇,供善信參拜及省思。訪客 members also receive a fresh fruit once 並可欣賞到由泰籍表演人員進行舞蹈及音 a week as an immune system booster. 樂表演儀式,儀式每天進行數次。香港四 面佛的網站現已推出,讓訪客到訪前查詢 有關資訊。 www.brahmashrine.org.hk 04 05 Goldin Focus Goldin Focus Green Measures Wherever practicable, eco-friendly practices have been introduced in the Group’s businesses. For property developments, the Group puts great emphasis in incorporating sustainable designs to minimise the impact on the environment. Goldin Financial Global Centre, where the Group’s Hong Kong headquarters is located, is constructed with glass curtain wall precisely angled to allow natural light to penetrate the windows, low-E and double-pane glass windows, photovoltaic panels, as well as motion and daylight sensors. The green features of the super Grade-A office tower have been awarded accolades including LEED (Leadership 環境保護 in Energy & Environmental Design) Platinum level of certification by the 集團在各業務當中,在可行的情況下均採 U.S. Green Building Council, BEAM 取保護環境的措施。在物業發展方面,集 Plus Platinum rating by the Hong Kong 團引入可持續發展的理念,以減低項目對 Green Building Council and the Best 環境帶來的影響。 Innovative Green Building Silver Award by MIPIM Asia. 以集團香港總部所身處的高銀金融國際中 A Commitment to The Group also regularly partners 心為例,項目精心融入多個環保建築特 with different groups and supports 點,包括將玻璃幕牆精準地把窗戶角度調 their environmental programmes such 節至稍微朝向天空,增加室內光線,其 as WWF’s annual Earth Hour, Green Sustainable Development 他特點包括low-E雙層玻璃窗、天台光伏 Sense’s No Air Con Night and The 板、動作及日光感應器。這項綠色建築獲 Community Chest’s Green Day to raise 對可持續發展的承諾 funds and awareness. 多個本地及國際機構嘉許,榮膺美國綠色 建築協會LEED鉑金級認證、香港綠色建 築議會綠建環評新建建築鉑金級認證、亞 洲國際房地產最佳創新綠色建築銀獎。 Earlier this year, Goldin Financial Holdings Limited and Goldin Properties 除此以外,集團定期與不同環保組織合 Holdings Limited were awarded the Five Years Plus Caring Company Logo 作,參與他們所舉辦的活動籌募款項及提 by the Hong Kong Council of Social Service. Devoted to a high standard 高環保意識,其中包括世界自然基金會的 of corporate social responsibility in all aspects of its operations, 「地球一小時」、環保觸覺的「無冷 the Group’s sustainability efforts focus on three key areas— 氣夜」,以及香港公益金的「公益綠識 日」。 community involvement, environment, and workplace quality. 本年初,高銀金融(集團)有限公司及高銀地產控股有限公司分別獲 香港社會服務聯會嘉許「五年Plus商界展關懷」標誌。高銀致力在每個 營運範疇推動可持續發展,特別著眼於社區關懷、環境保護及 工作環境質素三個主要領域。 06 07 Goldin Focus Goldin Focus Community Involvement Goldin is passionate about making a positive impact in the community. Established in 2015, the Group’s corporate volunteer team Goldineers has been partnering with local NGOs such as the Tung Wah Group of Hospitals to organise volunteer services. 16 activities have been 社區關懷 held since 2015 with over 300 volunteer 高銀積極回饋社會,為社區作出貢獻。自 service hours delivered to those in need. 2015年成立企業義工隊「高銀義工隊」 Aiming to care for the underprivileged in the society, these activities included 以來,定期與本地慈善團體如東華三院合 festive celebrations with the elderly, 作,安排義工活動。自2015年至今,義 visits to care homes and arts and craft 工隊舉辦過16次活動,服務時數逾300小 workshops for children. 時。舉辦過的活動形式各有不同,以服務 At the workplace, fund-raising
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