Actual Delivery to TNA for period April 2016 to August 2016 Details listed on Individual Series Tabs Series April May Jun July August September Totals Notes ADM 2022 1934 1015 4971 Includes Ships' Logs AIR 55 143 198 AVIA 29 29 DEFE 465 713 72 1250 Includes UFO files. SUPP 1 1 WO 157 157 Total Files 0 0 465 2977 2149 1015 6606 Projected Delivery to TNA for period September 2016 to March 2017 Series October November December January February March Totals Notes The majority of these files will be ADM 53 records (Admiralty, and Ministry of Defence, Navy ADM 1143 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 6143 Department: Ships' Logs) The majority of these files will be AIR 81 records (Air Ministry: Casualty Branch P4(Cas): Enquiries AIR 1614 175 454 1417 1000 4660 into Missing Personnel, 1939-1945 War) DEFE 240 526 908 648 136 96 2554 Various series and files. A large portion of these files will be WO 364 records (War Office: Soldiers' Documents from Pension WO 43 202 1392 559 239 2435 Claims, First World War (Microfilm Copies)) Total Files 3040 1701 2110 3494 3112 2335 15792 Total Files Transferred 3986 Series Piece No File Title ADM 53 199074 HMS Cornwall ADM 53 199075 HMS Cornwall ADM 53 199076 HMS Cottesmore ADM 53 199077 HMS Cottesmore ADM 53 199078 HMS Cottesmore ADM 53 199079 HMS Cottesmore ADM 53 199080 HMS Cottesmore ADM 53 199081 HMS Cottesmore ADM 53 199082 HMS Cottesmore ADM 53 199083 HMS Cottesmore ADM 53 199084 HMS Cottesmore ADM 53 199085 HMS Cottesmore ADM 53 199086 HMS Cottesmore ADM 53 199087 HMS Cottesmore ADM 53 199088 HMS Exeter ADM 53 199089 HMS Exeter ADM 53 199090 HMS Exeter ADM 53 199091 HMS Exeter ADM 53 199092 HMS Exeter ADM 53 199093 HMS Exeter ADM 53 199094 HMS Exeter ADM 53 199095 HMS Exeter ADM 53 199096 HMS Exeter ADM 53 199097 HMS Exeter ADM 53 199098 HMS Exeter ADM 53 199099 HMS Exeter ADM 53 199100 HMS Exeter ADM 53 199101 HMS Kellington ADM 53 199102 HMS Kellington ADM 53 199103 HMS Kellington ADM 53 199104 HMS Kellington ADM 53 199105 HMS Kellington ADM 53 199106 HMS Kellington ADM 53 199107 HMS Kellington ADM 53 199108 HMS Kellington ADM 53 199109 HMS Kellington ADM 53 199110 HMS Kellington ADM 53 199111 HMS Kellington ADM 53 199112 HMS Kellington ADM 53 199113 HMS Kingfisher ADM 53 199114 HMS Kingfisher ADM 53 199115 HMS Kingfisher ADM 53 199116 HMS Kingfisher ADM 53 199117 HMS Kingfisher ADM 53 199118 HMS Kingfisher ADM 53 199119 HMS Kingfisher ADM 53 199120 HMS Kingfisher ADM 53 199121 HMS Kingfisher ADM 53 199122 HMS Kingfisher ADM 53 199123 HMS Kingfisher ADM 53 199124 HMS Kingfisher ADM 53 199125 HMS Ledbury ADM 53 199126 HMS Ledbury ADM 53 199127 HMS Ledbury ADM 53 199128 HMS Ledbury ADM 53 199129 HMS Ledbury ADM 53 199130 HMS Ledbury ADM 53 199131 HMS Ledbury ADM 53 199132 HMS Abdiel ADM 53 199133 HMS Abdiel ADM 53 199134 HMS Abdiel ADM 53 199135 HMS Abdiel ADM 53 199136 HMS Abdiel ADM 53 199137 HMS Achilles ADM 53 199138 HMS Achilles ADM 53 199139 HMS Achilles ADM 53 199140 HMS Achilles ADM 53 199141 HMS Achilles ADM 53 199142 HMS Achilles ADM 53 199143 HMS Achilles ADM 53 199144 HMS Achilles ADM 53 199145 HMS Achilles ADM 53 199146 HMS Achilles ADM 53 199147 HMS Achilles ADM 53 199148 HMS Achilles ADM 53 199149 HMS Active ADM 53 199150 HMS Active ADM 53 199151 HMS Active ADM 53 199152 HMS Active ADM 53 199153 HMS Active ADM 53 199154 HMS Active ADM 53 199155 HMS Active ADM 53 199156 HMS Active ADM 53 199157 HMS Active ADM 53 199158 HMS Active ADM 53 199159 HMS Active ADM 53 199160 HMS Active ADM 53 199161 HMS Alacrity ADM 53 199162 HMS Alacrity ADM 53 199163 HMS Alacrity ADM 53 199164 HMS Alacrity ADM 53 199165 HMS Alacrity ADM 53 199166 HMS Alacrity ADM 53 199167 HMS Alacrity ADM 53 199168 HMS Alacrity ADM 53 199169 HMS Alacrity ADM 53 199170 HMS Alacrity ADM 53 199171 HMS Alacrity ADM 53 199172 HMS Alacrity ADM 53 199173 HMS Alderney ADM 53 199174 HMS Alderney ADM 53 199175 HMS Alderney ADM 53 199176 HMS Alderney ADM 53 199177 HMS Alderney ADM 53 199178 HMS Alderney ADM 53 199179 HMS Alderney ADM 53 199180 HMS Alderney ADM 53 199181 HMS Alderney ADM 53 199182 HMS Alderney ADM 53 199183 HMS Alderney ADM 53 199184 HMS Alderney ADM 53 199185 HMS Amazon ADM 53 199186 HMS Amazon ADM 53 199187 HMS Amazon ADM 53 199188 HMS Amazon ADM 53 199189 HMS Amazon ADM 53 199190 HMS Amazon ADM 53 199191 HMS Amazon ADM 53 199192 HMS Amazon ADM 53 199193 HMS Amazon ADM 53 199194 HMS Amazon ADM 53 199195 HMS Amazon ADM 53 199196 HMS Amazon ADM 53 199197 HMS Ambuscade: letter confirming log books not received by MOD record office and possibly lost in post ADM 53 199198 HMS Andromeda ADM 53 199199 HMS Andromeda ADM 53 199200 HMS Andromeda ADM 53 199201 HMS Andromeda ADM 53 199202 HMS Andromeda ADM 53 199203 HMS Andromeda ADM 53 199204 HMS Andromeda ADM 53 199205 HMS Andromeda ADM 53 199206 HMS Andromeda ADM 53 199207 HMS Andromeda ADM 53 199208 HMS Andromeda ADM 53 199209 HMS Andromeda ADM 53 199210 HMS Andromeda: fishing vessel log ADM 53 199211 HMS Anglesey ADM 53 199212 HMS Anglesey ADM 53 199213 HMS Anglesey ADM 53 199214 HMS Anglesey ADM 53 199215 HMS Anglesey ADM 53 199216 HMS Anglesey ADM 53 199217 HMS Anglesey ADM 53 199218 HMS Anglesey ADM 53 199219 HMS Anglesey ADM 53 199220 HMS Anglesey ADM 53 199221 HMS Anglesey ADM 53 199222 HMS Anglesey ADM 53 199223 HMS Apollo ADM 53 199224 HMS Apollo ADM 53 199225 HMS Apollo ADM 53 199226 HMS Apollo ADM 53 199227 HMS Apollo ADM 53 199228 HMS Apollo ADM 53 199229 HMS Apollo ADM 53 199230 HMS Apollo ADM 53 199231 HMS Apollo ADM 53 199232 HMS Apollo ADM 53 199233 HMS Archer ADM 53 199234 HMS Archer ADM 53 199235 HMS Archer ADM 53 199236 HMS Archer ADM 53 199237 HMS Archer ADM 53 199238 HMS Archer ADM 53 199239 HMS Archer ADM 53 199240 HMS Archer ADM 53 199241 HMS Archer ADM 53 199242 HMS Archer ADM 53 199243 HMS Archer ADM 53 199244 HMS Archer ADM 53 199245 HMS Arethusa ADM 53 199246 HMS Arethusa ADM 53 199247 HMS Arethusa ADM 53 199248 HMS Arethusa ADM 53 199249 HMS Arethusa ADM 53 199250 HMS Arethusa ADM 53 199251 HMS Arethusa ADM 53 199252 HMS Arethusa ADM 53 199253 HMS Arethusa ADM 53 199254 HMS Arethusa: fishing vessel log ADM 53 199255 HMS Argonaut ADM 53 199256 HMS Argonaut ADM 53 199257 HMS Argonaut ADM 53 199258 HMS Argonaut ADM 53 199259 HMS Argonaut ADM 53 199260 HMS Argonaut ADM 53 199261 HMS Argonaut ADM 53 199262 HMS Argonaut ADM 53 199263 HMS Argonaut ADM 53 199264 HMS Argonaut ADM 53 199265 HMS Argonaut ADM 53 199266 HMS Argonaut ADM 53 199267 HMS Ark Royal ADM 53 199268 HMS Ark Royal ADM 53 199269 HMS Ark Royal ADM 53 199270 HMS Ark Royal ADM 53 199271 HMS Ark Royal ADM 53 199272 HMS Ark Royal ADM 53 199273 HMS Ark Royal ADM 53 199274 HMS Ark Royal ADM 53 199275 HMS Ark Royal ADM 53 199276 HMS Ark Royal: letter stating the October 1988 log book has been sent to another department ADM 53 199277 HMS Ark Royal ADM 53 199278 HMS Ark Royal ADM 53 199279 HMS Arrow ADM 53 199280 HMS Arun ADM 53 199281 HMS Arun ADM 53 199282 HMS Arun ADM 53 199283 HMS Arun ADM 53 199284 HMS Arun ADM 53 199285 HMS Arun ADM 53 199286 HMS Arun ADM 53 199287 HMS Arun ADM 53 199288 HMS Arun ADM 53 199289 HMS Arun ADM 53 199290 HMS Arun ADM 53 199291 HMS Arun ADM 53 199292 HMS Atherstone ADM 53 199293 HMS Atherstone ADM 53 199294 HMS Atherstone ADM 53 199295 HMS Atherstone ADM 53 199296 HMS Atherstone ADM 53 199297 HMS Atherstone ADM 53 199298 HMS Atherstone ADM 53 199299 HMS Atherstone ADM 53 199300 HMS Atherstone ADM 53 199301 HMS Atherstone ADM 53 199302 HMS Atherstone ADM 53 199303 HMS Atherstone ADM 53 199304 HMS Attacker ADM 53 199305 HMS Attacker ADM 53 199306 HMS Attacker ADM 53 199307 HMS Attacker ADM 53 199308 HMS Attacker ADM 53 199309 HMS Attacker ADM 53 199310 HMS Attacker ADM 53 199311 HMS Attacker ADM 53 199312 HMS Attacker ADM 53 199313 HMS Attacker ADM 53 199314 HMS Attacker ADM 53 199315 HMS Attacker ADM 53 199316 HMS Avenger ADM 53 199317 HMS Avenger ADM 53 199318 HMS Avenger ADM 53 199319 HMS Avenger ADM 53 199320 HMS Avenger ADM 53 199321 HMS Avenger ADM 53 199322 HMS Avenger ADM 53 199323 HMS Avenger ADM 53 199324 HMS Avenger ADM 53 199325 HMS Avenger ADM 53 199326 HMS Avenger ADM 53 199327 HMS Avenger ADM 53 199328 HMS Battleaxe ADM 53 199329 HMS Battleaxe ADM 53 199330 HMS Battleaxe ADM 53 199331 HMS Battleaxe ADM 53 199332 HMS Battleaxe ADM 53 199333 HMS Battleaxe ADM 53 199334 HMS Battleaxe ADM 53 199335 HMS Battleaxe ADM 53 199336 HMS Battleaxe ADM 53 199337 HMS Battleaxe ADM 53 199338 HMS Battleaxe ADM 53 199339 HMS Battleaxe ADM 53 199340 HMS Beagle ADM 53 199341 HMS Beagle ADM 53 199342 HMS Beagle ADM 53 199343 HMS Beagle ADM 53 199344 HMS Beagle ADM 53 199345 HMS Beagle ADM 53 199346 HMS Beagle ADM 53 199347 HMS Beagle ADM 53 199348 HMS Beagle ADM 53 199349 HMS Beagle ADM 53 199350 HMS Beagle ADM 53 199351 HMS Beagle ADM 53 199352 HMS Beaver ADM 53 199353 HMS Beaver ADM 53 199354 HMS Beaver ADM 53 199355 HMS Beaver ADM 53 199356 HMS Beaver ADM 53 199357 HMS Beaver ADM 53 199358 HMS Beaver ADM 53 199359 HMS Beaver ADM 53 199360 HMS Beaver ADM 53 199361 HMS Beaver ADM 53 199362 HMS Berkeley ADM 53 199363 HMS Berkeley ADM 53 199364 HMS Berkeley ADM 53 199365 HMS Berkeley ADM 53 199366 HMS Berkeley ADM 53 199367 HMS Berkeley ADM 53 199368 HMS Berkeley ADM 53 199369 HMS Berkeley ADM 53 199370 HMS Berkeley ADM 53 199371 HMS Berkeley ADM 53 199372 HMS Berkeley ADM 53 199373 HMS Berkeley ADM 53 199374 HMS Bicester ADM 53 199375 HMS Bicester ADM 53 199376 HMS Bicester ADM 53 199377 HMS Bicester ADM 53 199378 HMS Bicester ADM 53 199379 HMS Bicester ADM 53 199380 HMS Bicester ADM 53 199381 HMS Bicester ADM 53 199382 HMS Bicester ADM 53 199383 HMS Bicester ADM
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