ST. PATRICK CATHOLIC CHURCH 508 W. ANGUS STREET GRETNA, NE 68028 DECEMBER 6, 2020 REFLECT AND RESPOND 2nd Sunday of Advent FIRST READING (IS 40:1-5, 9-11) Five hundred years before the birth of Christ, Isaiah prophesied these words of comfort and hope to the Israelites capve in Babylon. What would bring comfort and hope to you in ST. PATRICK CATHOLIC CHURCH this season of Advent? Gretna, Nebraska SECOND READING (2 PT 3:8-14) Today we hear how Peter challenged those in his day who denied that Christ would return. Peter argued that our human meline is not God’s meline. How do you reason with Welcome people today who deny the fundamentals of our faith? We invite you to become involved GOSPEL (MK 1:1-8) in our parish community! Mark opens his Gospel by presenng the words and acvies of John the Bapst in the There are many opportunies for context of fulfilling Isaiah’s prophecy heard in our first reading. Why do you think experiencing the peace and joy connecng Isaiah to John the Bapst was important to Mark and his community? of our loving God in liturgy, educaon, prayer and service. GOSPEL MEDITATION If you would like to join our parish family, please visit our website or People knew over a year in advance that the Pope was the Parish Office for a registraon form. coming for a visit to America and the preparaons began. Security, space limitaons and requirements, PARISH OFFICE Office Hours……………..….MRF 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM protocols, crowd management, ineraries, invitaons, Phone………………………….…..…….…….402R332R4444 regulaons, and so much more was necessary to pull Fax…………………………….……..….……...402R332R5107 this event off effecvely. It’s not every day that we get Website…………...………..…....stpatricksgretna.org a visit from such a prominent dignitary. Thought, effort, Facebook……………………..…………..@stpatgretnane meculous aenon to detail and vision all are ERmail……………[email protected] necessary to make this thing work. A er all, he can’t just show up in the ordinary and MASS AND HOLY EUCHARIST normal daily rounes of life and catch people unprepared! Tickets have to be purchased, Saturday……….………………………………….…..5:00 PM buses rented, hotel rooms reserved, and travel arrangements made early because it will be Sunday……………..…...8:00 AM, 10:00 AM, & Noon impossible to see him if we wait too long! Monday…………...No Mass or Communion Service Tuesday and Thursday…….……….…….…....6:00 PM We do this kind of preparing not only for prominent religious figures but for polical Wednesday and Friday………………….....….7:30 AM dignitaries, notable sports figures, people of fame, and even actors. If an individual Holy Days…………………….….....7:30 AM & 6:00 PM intrigues us, we are going to want to do all we have to do to get a “good seat” in the house. Holidays (on weekdays) ..……..………...…..9:00 AM Does Jesus Christ capvate this much of our aenon? We are asked to prepare the way of SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION the Lord and to do so not with franc frenzy but paent enthusiasm. We do not have to Saturday…………………….……..….4:00 PM R 4:40 PM stand on a street corner making profound announcements about God’s coming or become Or call the parish office for an appointment. overly zealous in our embrace of the Good News. Our task is quieter, more interior, SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE capvang, and consuming. We are asked to change. We have to conduct our lives with Parishioners registered for a minimum of one holy devoon. year are eligible to marry here. Six months of marriage preparaon prior to your wedding is Is the cost of that cket too much for you? Don’t you want the “best seat” in the house? required by the Archdiocese. Contact the Parish You don’t want to miss Our Lord’s arrival when he comes, do you? A er all, if he comes Office to schedule a wedding date and marriage while you are going about your daily rounes without you even knowing, he may catch you preparaon instrucon. off guard. Or, he may come in disguise looking like a beggar, a prisoner, migrant, refugee, SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM or someone who is lost. Would you be ready to recognize him then? Preparing for the Classes are held at 7:00 PM on the second coming of Christ requires a change of mind, heart, and behavior. It is not adequate to Monday of each month in the Fr. Hitch Room. simply do the things we always do. We want our lives to speak of the excing news of Please call the Parish Office if you will be Christ’s coming and the joy that the Gospel brings. It has to do with our demeanor, values, aending a specific class. A bapsmal date will priories, choices, and how we structure daily rounes. Of course, it involves sacrifice. All not be set unl you become a registered ancipaons do! Are you excited, capvated, enthusiasc, and sing on the edge of your parishioner and both the parents and Godparents aend the bapsmal class for their first child. seat eager to celebrate his coming among us at Christmas, and waing for him to come Bapsms take place a er the Sunday Noon Mass. again? If not, why not? MINISTRY TO THE SICK CATHOLIC LIFE EXPLAINED If you, a relave or friend are hospitalized or shut in, short or long term, and would like a visit from QUESTION: the Pastor, Deacon or Pastoral Minister, please Can a divorced Catholic receive holy Communion? call the Parish Office. For emergencies or if facing danger or death, call 402R332R4428. ANSWER: EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Unfortunately, too many people today V Catholics and nonR The second Thursday of each month, exposion Catholics alike V mistakenly believe that divorce separates one begins at 7:30 AM and concludes before the start from the Communion of the Church and that divorced persons of the same day Mass (reposion at 5:45 PM). may not receive Communion. However, as the Church has For more informaon, contact Jean Hlavacek at communicated in a number of places, the issue at hand is not the 402R504R4222. reality of divorce, but is more o en the reality of reRmarriage outside of the Church (such as in the case of a Catholic who Connued on next pageV> 2 | December 6, 2020 2nd Sunday of Advent CATHOLIC LIFE EXPLAINED Continued from Page 2 was previously married within the Church, divorced, and remarried without receiving an annulment). Divorced persons are called to live chastely as single people and to observe the same call to ST. PATRICK CATHOLIC CHURCH avoid sin as anyone else who desires to receive the Eucharist. Beyond this, however, Pope Gretna, Nebraska Francis has reminded us that the healing power of the Eucharist can be especially significant for those who have “endured separaon, divorce, or abandonment … divorced READINGS THIS WEEK people who have not remarried, and o en bear witness to marital fidelity, ought to be encouraged to find in the Eucharist the nourishment they need to sustain them in their MONDAY: Is 35:1R10/Ps 85:9ab and 10, 11R12, 13R present state of life.” (Amoris Laea, no. 242) Moreover, he connues, “The local 14 [Is 35:4f]/Lk 5:17R26 community and pastors should accompany these people with solicitude, parcularly when TUESDAY: Gn 3:9R15, 20/Ps 98:1, 2R3ab, 3cdR4 [1]/ children are involved or when they are in serious financial difficulty.” (AL, no 242) Eph 1:3R6, 11R12/Lk 1:26R38 As Pope Francis has also reminded us, the Eucharist is “not a prize for the perfect,” but “a WEDNESDAY: Is 40:25R31/Ps 103:1R2, 3R4, 8 and 10 powerful medicine and nourishment” (Evangelii Gaudium, no. 47). Because we all stand in [1]/Mt 11:28R30 need of healing and wholeness, the Church invites all who seek to live their faith in THURSDAY: Is 41:13R20/Ps 145:1 and 9, 10R11, 12R integrity and devoon to come and receive the grace offered in the Eucharist. 13ab [8]/Mt 11:11R15 FRIDAY: Is 48:17R19/Ps 1:1R2, 3, 4 and 6 [cf. Jn SAINT AMBROSE 8:12]/Mt 11:16R19 Bishop and Doctor of the Church SATURDAY: Zec 2:14R17 or Rv 11:19a; 12:1R6a, 10ab/Jdt 13:18bcde, 19 [15:9d]/Lk 1:26R38 or Lk Saint Ambrose is one of the four original doctors of the 1:39R47 Church. He was the Bishop of Milan and became one of NEXT SUNDAY: Is 61:1R2a, 10R11/Lk 1:46R48, 49R the most important theological figure of the 4th 50, 51R54 [Is 61:10b]/1 Thes 5:16R24/Jn 1:6R8, 19R28 century. It is believed by many that when Ambrose was just an infant, a swarm of bees landed on his face and le behind a drop of honey. To his father, this was a sign that Ambrose would become someone great with a wonderful sense for speaking. A er Ambrose's father passed away, he was educated in Rome, where he studied law, literature and rhetoric. Ambrose received a place on the council, like his father, and was made consular prefect, or the Governor, of Liguria and Emilia around 372. Ambrose’s headquarters were in Milan, the then second capital of Italy. Ambrose remained Governor unl 374 when he became the Bishop of Milan. A er the former Bishop of Milan died, Ambrose aended the elecon to prevent any uproars between the Nicene Church and the Arians. While giving an address, the assembly began calling for him to become the next bishop. Ambrose was known for his Nicene beliefs, but Arians also favored him because he had previously shown charity in theological maers.
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