MUSHROOMS LIVING AMONG US: MUSHROOMS – WORLD OF BÁTORLIGET István, LENTI College of Nyíregyháza REZUMAT. La graniţa de est a Ungariei, în Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg, se află Bátorliget, sat transformat in nume internaţional datorită mlaștinii glaciale și pășunii, arii ultraprotejate. La celălalt capăt al satului este pădurea Fényi - la frontiera judeţeană. Rezervele naturale ultraprotejate sunt formate din mlaștina glacială Bátorligeti sau ierburile Nyomási și padurea Fényi, care constituie laolaltă rezervația naturală Bátorligeti Cuvinte cheie: glacial, mlaștină, rezervație naturală ABSTRACT: On the east border of Hungary in Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg County has been found Bátorliget which has made an international name for itself in the scientific world due to its highly protected glacial swamp and pasture. At the far end of the village reaches the Fényi-forest as far as the county-frontier. These three, with all their historical pasts and improvements carry the formation and the structural changes of the Hungarian-plain. The highly protected nature-reserve consist of the glacial Bátorligeti virgin-bog the Bátorligeti or Nyomási herbage and the Fényi-forest that we name altogether the Bátorligeti Nature Reserve. Key words: glacial, swamp, natural reserve 1. LITERARY REVIEW species and 56 microscopic size fungi (UBRIZSY 1953) in this area. ÖTVÖS (1971) carried out The academician JANOS TUZSON called the mycology survey researches in the Fényi–forest attention of the scientific world especially to the listing 122 big-fungus species presented the reservation in 1914. The exploring botanical and scientific field whilst I with my colleagues surveyed zoological researches began in 1928. The results late the Bátorligeti „Nyomási” herbage recording 139 served as a basis of the three territory to become a big-fungus species describing this biotop (LENTI et nature reserve by law. al. 2004). This number have been increased to 512 The remarkable richness in species diversity of species due to the mycology studies of RIMÓCZI the glacial swamp (BOROS 1932, SOÓ 1934, SIMON (2002) and his colleagues on the big-fungus species 1956, 1991) remained mainly from the swamp- living in reservation ( LENTI - MÁTÉ 1995, 1996, plain peroid of the Plain, the beech-age though its LENTI -RIMÓCZI - MÁTÉ 1997, 1998, LENTI - MÁTÉ - birch swamps certainly come from the birch-pine- RIMÓCZI 2000). age. Some of its species (eg. the Trollius There is a comprehensive monograph written by europaeus, the Angelica palustris etc.) are glacial MAHUNKA (1991) about the Bátorligeti virgin-bog origin (SOÓ 1953, STANDOVÁR 1991 SIMON et al. and its surroundings concering the flora, fauna and 1991, PAPP et al. 1986). vegetation in which data have been processed and The zoological research results in the Bátorliget summarized but it never refers to fungi or lichen. area also prove that this is a land which preserved Our work-plan object for the future or even the original biological aspects of the Plain (SOÓS decades to come is to outline the world of big-fungi 1928, VARGA 1953, ANDRÁSSY 1953, VÁGVÖLGYI with all their existing species in the Bátorligeti 1953, SZÉKESSY 1953, LOKSA 1953, KOVÁCS 1953, Nature Reserve, the later enlarged territory or may HALÁSZFI 1953, ÁDÁM 1987, CSINÁDY 1953, be on the overreaching borderline parts and to find STILLER 1960, JENSER 1991, MAHUNKA 1991). relation in quantity and quality among them. We BARTHA (1993) outlined the brief history of also want to know the correlation in between the mushroom studies in the Nyirség area, listing some vegetation so far only seperatly observed parts internationally recognized scientists like Frigyes (STANDOVAR et al. 1991). We belive that the Hazslinszky (1818-1896), László Hollós (1859- processed data gained from the fungus researches 1940) and Raymund Rapaics involved in the work will provide us with useful information not just on though in their studies they never referred to this the Bátorligeti region but also on the Nyirség and the area. The first mycology-related facts are found in Felső-Tisza region furthermore hopefully we will the work of BOROS (1923). Academist GÁBOR obtain some information about the past the present UBRIZSY started a significant work on mycology stage and the outstanding nature value of this land. studies around that time from 1937 which he Without these informations we cannot have a extended over the whole Nyirség area (UBRIZSY complete, whole picture of this economicly and 1941, 1942, 1943, 1947). He recorded 86 big-fungus socially forgotten, neglected area. 2. SOURCE MATERIAL AND field. This will be the task for the years to come METHOD which as a result could be a significant addition to the list. There are 478 so called „szaprobonita” species Our data were gained during occasional field among the fungi. After years of study the fungi this visits. We started our survey at the Bátorligeti may will be appropriate to break the habitat-category virgin bog (1995-2000) followed by the mycology into more 7-6 sub-category or even divide them up opening researches of the Bátorligeti herbage into eco-groups for defining and evaluating like (2000-2005) while simultaneously we began to WINTERHOFF (1993) did after long years of studying record the fungi species in the Fényi-forest (1998- the world of the big-fungus in green woods along the 2001 and 2003-2006). Rajna river-side. In this work we separated the so We did not have regular sample areas set, we called „saprobonita” fungi by the work of plan to do this later during our planned myco- KRIEGLSTEINER (1993) into decayed and/or sociological field work. For identifying the big- mouldering bottom living species in where we fungus species and to deal with the classifying recorded 272 species. The other group is the questions, we used the national, international association of the deeply moulded bottom living literature and a so called identifier-key available species of fungi counting 232 fungus species. (ARNOLDS et al. 1995, BON, 1992, CAPELLI 1984, Various species (eg. the Coprinus disseminatus, CETTO, 1970-1993, EINHELLINGER 1985, GALLI Marasmius rotula, etc.) have been found in both 1996, 1999, KREIGLSTEINER 1991-1993, KUYPER groups. It is very common that the same species 1986, MOSER – JÜLICH 1985-1996, NOORDELOOS (Marasminellus ramealis or the Tubaria furfuracea, 1992, RIMÓCZI – VETTER 1990, IGMÁNDY 1991, etc.) can be found on leaves just as much as on ZEROVA et al. 1972-1979). bigger-smaller branches or twigs. We found that the Species were identified either in the field or in fungi we explored, bonited and described are laboratory and then they were preserved. Location, „szaprobonita” in large proportion. This comes from conditons and microhizza partners were reguralry the type of the land. The mulch production is huge in noted. Pictures were taken of the species bonited on green- woods as well as in the sandy oak-forest the spot. habitat. The fallen tree-trunks are decaying Data is stored, processed and evaluated on untouched here. The broken, fallen twigs, branches computer by the German Mycological Society and leaves offer a rich safe heaven for the „Pilzkartierung 2000” PC programme (SEILT 1991, „saprobonita” and”xilofag” fungus species. RIMÓCZI 1994). Classification is based on the In these leafy woods beside the regular species categories set by FRADE–ALFONSO (2005). (eg. the Hirneola mesenterica, the Cerrena unicolor, the Clitocybe inornata, etc.) we can 3. RESULTS found fungi which are charachteristic of the hardwood-groves among the „saprobonita” like the We have bonited 712 big-fungus species from Ramicola haustellaris, the Pluteus phlebophorus, the Bátorligeti virgin bog so far out of which 692 the rarely occuring Squamanita schreieri, etc. have been precisely determined. The clarification of These species were also recorded by ARNOLDS et the rest of the 20 is in progress. This species list is al. (1995) and KREISEL (1987) as Alno-Padion rather diverse concerning that 34 species belong to species. This maybe was not a coincidence because the 12 genus of the Phragmobasidiomycetidae, 28 to the hardwood-groves show same characteristic the 8 genus of the Gasteromycetes, 110 species to feature as the willow-groves (Salicetalia) or rather the 53 genus of the Aphyllophorales, and the most as the vegetation of the oak-hornbeam (Fagetalia) 520 to the Boletales-Agaricales-Russulales order. mixed groves. This mentioned above have been Our data shows diverse taxon-richness of big- classified into like one of the association of the fungus species in this area in a way that of all the Ulmion Simon 1954 or rather recently called genus rich in species several (eg. the Entoloma, Alnion (BORHIDI–KEVEY 1996). Cortinarius, Coprinus, Clitocybe, Lepiota, etc.) are The listed fungi are character of hardwood not on our list. groves at the Bátorligeti virgin bog and they indeed Species of the Melanoleuca, Cystolepiota, describe these leafy forest here. Not surprisingly we Gymnopilus and the Lyophyllum are very few in the can find big-fungus species as a characteristic aspect reservation. It is certain that these genuses and the of oak-groves like the Marasmius cohaerens, the damp Naucoria genus have been found in large Antrodiella hoehnerri, the Microphale foetidum and numbers in the Bátorligeti virgin bog. the M. brassicalens species. According to KREISEL We were not able to study the big-fungus (1987) these are also the character species of the famillies of the Ascomycotina genus like the Carici-Fagetum. Both of these Micromphale species Helvellace, Humariaceae, Pezizaceae, Geoglossaceae, were present in large numbers in reservation almost Helotiaceae or the Sphaeriaceae on the whole forming an aspect not just in green-woods but in the though their species were seen quite often on the bleak oak-forest as well. Similarly to these species the Macrotyphula filiformis presented record- According to EINHELLINGER (1985) the Russula production in the mid semptember of 1996. faginea which refers to the oakwood in its name is Interestingly that because of the cold climat of typically a Carici-Fagetum species.
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