FINANCE DEPARTMENT DRAFT ANNUAL PLAN 1980-81 TAMIL NADU lyo i- I t NARRATIVE NOTES ON PROGRAMMES © GOVERNMENT OF TAMIL NADU 1979 PRINTED BY THE OfRECTOR OP STATIONERY AND PRINTING. MADRAS ON BEHALF OF THE GOVERNMENT OF ‘rA^tlL NADU DRAFT ANNUAL PLAN 1980-81 TAMIL NADU NARRATIVE NOTES ON PROGRAMMES S d 3 . 1 Systems Unit, K 'v u:^ oT Fdacatio’i: D a t e . TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGES 1. Agriculture 1-21 2. Miuor Irrigation 22-2.5 3. Soil and W ater C onservation 26-28 4. Area D evelopm ent 29-40 5. Foo^ 41 6. An.imal H u sb an d ry 42-46 * 7. Dairy Development 47 8. Fisheries 4 s l5 6 9. Forest . 57-70 ' 10. Community Development 7 1 -7 4 11. Co-operation 75-82 12. Irrigation and Flood Control 83-90 1 5 . Power . * 91^98 14. Industries 99-118 15. Village and Small Industries 119-134 16. Mining and Metallurgical Industries 135 17. Ports, Light houses and Shipping 136 18. Roads and Bridges 137-146 19. R oad and Water Transport Services 147-150 20. Tourism 151-162 21. General Education 153-165 22. Art and Culture 166-168 23. Technical Education 169-174 24 M edical 175-183 23. Public Health and Sanitation 184-189 2R. ^■we3?age a n d W ater-S upply . 190-198 27. Housing 199-200 TABI^E OF CONTENTS— PAGES 28. Urban Development .. 201-202 29. Information and Publicity 203-204 30. Labour and Labour Welfare 205-207 31. Welfare of Scheduled Oastes Scheduled Tribes and other Backward Classes 208-225 32. Social Welfare .. 226-228 33. Nutrition 229 34. Other Social and Community Services 230-231 35. Special and Backward Areas 232 36. Other General Economic Services 233-235 37. Public Works . 236 G e n e r a l S t a t e m e n t s (i) Selected Programmes—Targets and Achievements .. .. .. 237-255 (ii) Minimum Needs Programme—Outlays, Targets and Achievements .. 256-2^0 1. AGRTCULTURE. Direction and Administration. Strengthening of Regional and District Staff. (r u pees in l a k h s ) Bu 'get Es imate for 1979-80 2-47 Revlsxl Es imate for 1979-80 2-51 BiiAset Es irna'e for 1980-81 5-32 To maintain better financial control and administration the offices of the Deputy D irectc of Agriculture and Dis'rict Agricultural Officer, one additional Sup;: intendent has been sanctioned to 13 offices during 1978-79 and 15 offices of the District Agricultural Officers and Deputy Directors of Agriculilire ti.uring 1979-80. Daring 1980-81 it is propos jd to position the additional Sup:.rin- ten .ents in another 15 offices, Th; provis on is mainly for the pay and allowances of the staff. iMULTiPLICATION AND DISTRIBUTION OF SeEDS. State Seed Farms. ( r u pe e s in l a k h s) Budget Es im ate f:>r 1979-1.0 ......................................... 19-89 Revised Eslimate for 1979-80 ......................................... 22-83 Bu ig ;! Estimate for 1980-81 ......................................... 13-74 Til.re arc 48 State S..:d Farms in th'> Siaie far the praiuction of foundal^ion an:! certified see(.s of paddy, milleis, cot^^on, oilseeds, etc. By phased programme, additional facilries are proviied to th:se farms, for items life ccclamatioi\, fencing, constracdon o f s:;ed go iowns, office baildings and s'aff quarters during this year. Provision ma .e is intended for the spill over works as well as cost of lands. P r o c u r e m e n t a n d D istribution o f P a d d y Seld s. (r u p e e s in la k h s ) Budget Es imate for 1979-80 2,30-33 Revised Estimate for 1979-80 2,19-26 Budget Es ima.e for 1980-81 2,09-26 The policy is to .ii^ribii'e pa dy s^^ds to cav.^r 7 p;r c.^n': of h". total area, hybrid millets 30 per cent of the area, variety milieus 7 per cent of the area excep' ragi which is covered by 15 per cent. The seeds intended for iistiibution will be procured from the S3cd centres orgaaised in the priva'e farm holding? and in ths GDVjrnoijnt State Seea Farms, Fouii ia ion seeds required for sjed centres are produced from the State Seed Farms. Provision under the scheme is mainly to meet the cost of seeds. P h y s ic a l Pfi< g ram m e (P r o c u r e m e n t a n d D jstribtjtton) 1979-80 Vrogrumm? for Target. Anticipated 1980-81. achievement. ( in to n n es) 9,500 9,500 9,500 Ragi ., 165 165 165 Variety Cholam 170 170 170 Hybrid Cholam 184 184 m Hybrid Cumbu 309 309 309 Hybrid Maize 177 177 177 M ultiplication a n d D is'ir ib u t io n o f P u lses S e e d s. ( r u p e e s in l a k h s ) Budget Estimate for 1979-80 .. .. .. .. 87-36 Revised Estim ate for 1979-80 ......................................... 81-67 Budget EsMmate for 1980-81 ......................................... 92-26 The following schemes will be operated during 1980-81 :— (i) Integrated scheme on pulses seeds centre and sctd mulliplication. (ii) Foundation pulses seed multiplication at Vamban. The main components are procurement and distribution of improved pulses seeds an<d tco conduct 1,000 numbers of one acre demonstrations in the farmer hoi ings and.popularis thie new pro ’-uction technique, with a subsidy of Rs. 65 per acre. It is propos:d to procure and difstri- bute 2,400 tonnes of improved pulses seeds. The provision is to meet the cost of seeds, subsidy ‘o the <!cmons5 rations, brsides worlkimg expenses to the pulses farm at Vamban. Seed farms will be arranged and procurement willl toe attended to in the following five seed centres, namely ;— (1) Tiruvannamalai. (2) Tirunelveli. (3) Pudukkottai. (4) Periakulam. (5) Pollachi. P h y s ic a l t a r g e t . 1979-80. 1980-81. Area coverage (in lakh hac(ares) .. 11-60 12-30 Quantity of seeds distributed (in tonnes) .. 2,400 2,400 Laying one acre demonstration (in Nos.^ .. 1,000 1,000 M ultiplication a n d D istribution o f P a d d y a n d oTifER S eed s. ( r upees in l a k h s) Budget Estimate for 1979-80 .. .. 0-08 Revised Estimate for 1979-80 ............................ 1-34 Budget Es'im ate for 1980-81 ............................ 0-02 Under Seed MuItipl;ca-ion Scheme, paddy speeds procured from he ryols for dis^ribmlion have to be stored for distribution. For storing the seeds, t lr >epar m at has coas'rucled. seed godowas. The above provision during 1980-81 is for carry ng ou'. the balance work of cons'^ruclion as detailed below:— (r upees in l a k h s) Sivaganga . .. .. .. .. .. .. 0-01 Palavamkottai .. ,, ,, ............................ O'Ol Toal .. 0-02 Seed P r o c e ssin g U n it s . (r u pees in l a k h s ) BiK'get EsLimate for 1979-80 ......................................... 11-88 Revised Estim a'e for 1979-80 .. ............................ 13-40 Buc.get Es imate for 1980-81 ......................................... 3-78 Mechaii'cal processing of seed is aectssary io ma'iVain h'glur standards in seeds. Tlicrcforc S'".ei proc' ssing units are establishcf' both in Ihe S:a e S. ed Farms an in the st'ed ct ntrts. Bcs'des tht sfcds pro .need by theDepar mcnsseeds producrd by the pr^-ate s^ed growers arc also b?iiig processed in these process ng cen'r s. Twenty S a'e Seed Farms and Seed Centres have alrcac.y been prov.'ded with proc, ssing facilities. The amoisnt prov'dcd is for ma n enancc of bull ings, equipments, cost of fu-:! and o;h.r ciargL s. P r o c u r e m e n t a n d D istribution of G reen M a n u r e S e e d s. (r upees [N l a k h s) Budget Es'imate for 1979-80 .. .. .. 14 00 Revised Es'ima^e for 1979-80 .. .. .. .. 14-00 Bu"-git Es'imale for 1980-81 .. .. .. 16 00 The provis’on is in'cn 'ed for procur^mLn* and dis'ribuiion of 1,000 tonnes of grt* n manure se«'.s of ('ilfcrt nt kinds to cov^r 60,000 li.c-arus annually to improve the organic matter conknt ofihe soil with a vitwlo improve flriil'ty. I n d e p e n d e n t S eed I nspectorate . ( r upees in l a k h s ) Budget Esfimate for 1979-80 .......................................................... 0-49 Revised Estim ate for 1979-80 .......................................................... 0-58 Budget Estim ate for 1980-81 .......................................................... 0-60 The object is to enforce the provis'on of the S ed Act, 1966 to ensure dislribu'ion of quality seeds and to prevent spurious ma'erials. One D'slrict Agriculiural Officer at Coimbatore is available under the sch-me having a jurisdiction all over Coimba'ore, Salem anil Madurai (.isiric's. He will take about 600 sampl s p:r annum in the .is.ribu'ion points by surprise. Thi provision isrowarv^.s cost of s'aff and con'ingcnc-es. S u g a r c a n e S eed M ultiplication S c h e m e .
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