COATSCOATS S and Materials Of: This Which

COATSCOATS S and Materials Of: This Which

FIRST?IRST [SECTIOlECTIONN 22 PAGES IVEKAGK l> \ 1 l,Y CTBCC* 1-Ation T,A*T dVKKK PRICE TWO CHITS ARCHITECTS FILE OFFENSIVE OR PRINCIPALSPRINCIPALS FOFORR SAYS PRUSSIAN “LANiLAPitfb &FF MYSTERY”MYSTERY A PROTEST Judge Newcorn Requests Talented i Arti»t« Chosenrr for fSTEM MUST BE ABOLISHED S,y Adoption of Anti-ShingU MUs Jar*? E. Richards, ol Them to Hear Rabbi Wise LeadinsiParts in Opera to Ordinance Will Retard atat ColumbusColumbus ClubClub tier, in TtiU Vicinity* Fron :rdam, March 30.—For the first time since the AAnn InvitationInvitation hashas be«nbeen extendedextended toto n « . • no'e of doubt about Germany's future has crept Building Date of Land Purcria,* An nou net waa made today thebe minminister later*s ofof allall religiousreligious denornl-derimnl - Tor the 'fin illms- of the naiiH-a of., intintoo ReiclReicrlta tagg speeches,speeches, 'according according toto dispatchesdispatches todaytoday fromfrorr i nationsatlons Inin tbla(tils . NorthNorth Plainfield.Plalnfleld , the prlnolpi ► of the new rpmic op- DunelleDun-Henn andand surroundingsurrounding towna,towns, to to at- at- era, 'The Mirt or Myateryj," to be tendtend thethe JewishJewish WarWar ReliefRelief meetingmeeting — Ma Plainfield ! Theatre. M T Sp8"" was quoted as saying in debate afte'r MUST USE SHINGLESSHINGLES IN THE SCHOOSCHOOLL ln Colamibu hues auditoriumaudi on i TuaedayTuesday FROMFROM 16S4 TO! 1784 |»nd If. under’the tin- night.(Rht. w»b«t . Itabhlliali!)] JVlaeWise willwil l bob e thetb eJ ! R Plainfield» Lodge^d ofij HoUweg'«fepeech yesterday, that he "hoped Germany was principalprlnclpa H»'»krr. >ho Willl take th* lead- re in Tbe ministers o ' all denom JTW •" '"iii*'»i" ".'^-,P P ™ i> fight a new and powerful foe." The Socialist The mlnlatera of all denomlnatlona Ing parts : $ all well known and. Without Them Colonial 1>M1KD Can- LdtoraM Sallcaiil re also requesteatedd toto extendextend 'theI Invl-invi- ;Th|a Art) " ™«» finish'doniiiea performancep,r!ormu,c .| | member, Joske, bitterly censured Foreign Secretary Zim- ation to the mem'ember*l eri ofof theirtheti con*re- • Art ,1c. Written by O.jn. Leon- ;•»«( insure; aM b* Carried Oot in ,Uie C gallon. Pa!. castc^jt of o i400 loo peoplepnpK In<« j mermann j Mexican-Japanese scheme against the United U o* Thli CM,, <;lv^ |Q. m opera Btrnrtlon of Ho hU, or IVta ItahblRabb Wisei Wis 1.e Iones OI ofo othef th moate mo prom- resting! Delalh ol . The cai B* principal rrindpai rharacteraebaiiacters lajla States an#declared the "Prussian system of government rho«t Jnent Jectorera In the country and bla I fnllowi ,nus presencprrsrnes1 18e lallna aoughtsoughnUdpt toTforfor ,hwhereverwhereve0,U r an,an V&iiiierochs. Amen ran.; mus*t D*be * i 'Rort Is befrig made,for the political, Tallamy, » A torn muaicat ton signed by Jfiss J: Itiehard.Richardsmcnaroa., ofotof Wash»mdWash - *®" ****4*1* well being of* Pthe »«peo-• i'Tollobly. MoShoombh dvlf>civic , oror social well-being of the peo- hla 1 the ug#nty-«l*th Ot Madura, B. E. Tal- E umber of architects, build* ind • lugjo re's thethe tenthtenth ofof herher pie early nettle** la Plalnfi I-of Moduro. B. F. Tol- events" In tbe High ten |p-y.m-Yora." iirYatn. HinduHindu fo- nm f it bas been filed with - "talk • vent* ’ In the High JudgeJudge NeweomNfwcom thlathi s morningmorning ,an an - j_-t>byy ( liver B. Leonard. real eataU agent* ha* been Bled with yesterday aftern.xm a Marlin.tin: Kllll.Willie Slcclc.Btc HillUWb, I Un the Common Council protecting schflo nounced the following list of con t rib- It give* aomo mtatc the Common Council proleatlng ,nd ytsterdayrepresentativ afternoone aud- nounced ,hthe followlni llat of contrlb- brU. «hoHc.ChaMes KrocKcr;Krueg V HOLLft' vG CLINCHES WAR QUESTION FOR D.S. against the adoption of a shingle berfre a la; ,rr » of Lain* family a •gainst the adoption of a shingle I *frto.nUtl..•s-he was delighte oudd ""™ ’° * **' **"'» it of the . Von OhU a jatcclFo notch coupon- r«of ordinance. The communication '«««• [unity•> c,h.f speakin .11 .l.liuhi.,g in the ' o«iltt*d from tho in Dodfoll; Nooh. Hnn.. By lulled I mind*minds ofof InternationalInternatltjnal expert*.experts , -ThatJha t roof ordinance. The communication K k Folcl. Horry Cj Hllmm. Woohlnsl. President Wilson will make a forceful if is follows: ; au<u: public school fo«r shMe “« ■’"blt.brdEyck, Elizal >~t.rt.* 7 Alrsb W. March 30.—rftaly. active President Wilson will make a forceful l» aa follows: ii.'d Hie use ot ouch trne!Br"c -"•"-«"" - rEMmbrih> r • "- '™ Br "For....,. " Eo- Ip ward nennrtt; Kara- 1 here generally today. demanddemand onon CongressCongress forfor AmericaAmerica tvto '••Understandin'••Understandingg thatthat aa resolutionresolution , D^ 1-d' tho UH of .urh T M F. W. Irrdrll. Bnneon W. bptch girl, HIM Juliette pl*yplay na fullfull partpart InIn thethe war. war .That That HolPHoll - Is about to be introduced to j rontrro mod thto ... Tbom«ylor. Mrn.L W. H. Faber. A. B. Johoo. p laba l-anl. temple ^alng ‘•’“nnan t Wegweg budhad mademade aa poorpoor rase case forfor hlmaetfhimself I* about to be Introduced to your ' A fall! list Ip. Hollweg in hononble body recommending 8 » Beaale Gunrelraan: Ip- Hollweg In e Reichstag yesterday andind hi*his nationnation waawas thetbe viewvlsw onon everyevery honorable body recommend log the Icil oho hod oood hor “ H. A. Vroom, WBllam ^alDg Mlae Grace i clinched Ihe fh, .. ,o h.7Tb~n '•*">*» "'•rdnor. H ^ Nauteh. Him Grace clinched th« hand., passing of an ordinance problbii M CmBe FrMk R newly-made; President fcatA..' passing of an ordinance prohibiting It'-d to iriike useioJ",f .a publi„ ,c „schoo,l WUUM" Cmoo.' Front.H 8." Mortln. M"-rti». A.A .J. J. Oorott.Q»wtl . | Jokn Lal|iK, Sr., 1670-1898ri» not inHairdlng; «&S7y Swift, a newly-made President tlson and his cabinet Wilson today passed up the use of shingles on the roofi P MI hoo Lee. Aphro-' booked for President Wilson today passed up the pui^ose ot living one of herr,rcywnlla Hm 8 H Bbot^Ur< . Morris Israel, jposwmlol of the writer. TWllllam'i helrpfts M3)«|| Sadie F. Lee; Aphro- hooked for late afternoon Session inn morning golf game and thedwelling sm of! hereafteshinglesr onerecte the droofn In of f on. of her — *°"1’ »™U. „ hi* usual morning golf game and dwelling* hereafter erected in the rot rvrn.n nrPerc Mwy H.rt "**Stewart 8 - Ch.rlo.. Charle H.s SSmtncO,. Smlnek 'old.r, folde hr<*h»r,r brdtner Job., Jo'b Labi,n Lalng It, fjr.. 16TS-, 1675-dlt dll e a fhetl^cfrala product. Mia*Maa EdnsBdnnlwer e expec t to shape the last de- workedI allall thethe morningmorning InIn hishie . rltr of Plalnfield.- we, the urn 1rrl«! iie.fe.rl horher oudlrncraudience !to< 8 H B *rn,rdard S .Krono, DKran> .Not Na tI^*» L*» y • Co.,I7SS,, 1T38 holt, ha dby bfory fathor th lortirre large followr follow Ml- Mants: TOTML a blafji chemicalemiical prod-prod-tail s for en • of . th» United States It Is understoodunderstood hebe IsI s puttingputting Intoint o c ri ifd. O, F: Dugan, Dr. Ra-. ing. cityelgne ofd Plainfield,architects , the under-, rea l i H^ 'jrstand thai she was n< rriai g J W* 'into tbe wo d-Confllct In Eome form re form a rather complete draft d thol oh- woo no phaeh l VooaVood* , Kallma F. nHuton. Rotbberg I>r. Ho-Hon iol.. ' chlldr Thhe morrloeo] of fWIHUm's ur F Hadley. tentative form a rather complete draft signed«8tste operatorarchitects i and builder*.property holreald war, put her altliudi I production willi he In ifl by Congress. message he will deUver to Con- tml hor .1111 ‘’Joh*''n H. -Capstlck . R-MhO-rs.Louis Rosenthal Hod. .moni of the message he will deliver to Con- estate operators and property hold- r address was 'tbat shi John H. r.p.licit Ural. isldered defiant, wtak. text Monday. He excluded hlm- ers, firmly believing that.-such ai Mrs. Titsworth. Solomon Sfcinn. J. J. * author*. Mr. and Mra srssp next Monday, lie excluded him- prep«iratlon against al killing The in bis argument, yes- all callers today. (Other d«r ers.ordinanc firmlye woulbelievingd be detrimentathat, such l ant ^rollon ..olo«. oil “Freed™ Tllrwocth,. BBen]. MSolomon, Bernstein Mono.* IrtlngJ J. ! (Contl: seir to all callers today. (Other da- wiihlil and from with (Contfnu d terday. .side all doubt in tbe i another page.) . • ordinancetbe growt hwould snd beautbe detrimentaly of our civto wuH- *"' “A BcmolCn.rt Irvins p*e *lt nation* Ullg on another page.) lot begevX“e forfor .“omen.a morncn K,r,Und*“Knnunan M,<r . Mrs. Alber‘*- t Zcrega, Mrs. J.; k and n^i ahui woulthe growthd respectfull and ybeauty ask oftbat our. i t cityyou Hhat.l ,lley• liti atof thl*.thls-Gover Governn Kirtland Myers* . ' » would respectfully ask that. If yon nt deedeemm suchsuch anan ordinanceordinance necessary,necessary . : W Pt to Europe to en which we do not. It shall at least be - *V tepte allies aBalnsl FOOD AGAGEE ISIS THETHE CRYCRY ININ CHICAGOCHICAGO MARKETS MARKETS which we do not. It ahall at least be ..*The ententes bad rrstrlcleditricted toto covercover 1only only thatthat portionportion W Central-c*ntrnl; of the town lying within a reason- : iflcallyi|al d tb4 they did not de VtRUIL| I" Ul\ $U«£lO past two , * record foi able distance of the railroad and If 30.—The food »" ti necessary extend tha fire zdfce for wiuld be ago, { in danijer waa (theS^rA^TSriff following reasons: ^ aeietfc|E,;fHrCHi' tolheffc GIVEGIVENN JAS.

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