, Anno'unce .Kinnick The Weather Today Increasing cloudiness and a little warmer Scholastic Awards with occasional showers. High Sunday, SeVeri Iowans were honored here yesterday when SUI Presi~nt middle 70s. Yesterdays high, 73 degrH$. Vlrlil M. Hancher announced the tive winners and two alternates for the Nile C. Klnnick'Memorial Scholarships. r..tablahed 1868-Vol. 80, No. 226-AP News and Wirephoto Iowa City, Iowa, Sunday, JWl8 20, l~8-Five Cents Those named to receive the scholarships were Wayne Ricbard Jef­ treY. 17. Marion; John H . Towner. 17. Des Moines; Duane Brandt. 18. W.verl¥; Maurice Dean Schnell. 18. Garroll. and Dean Deuel, 18. Cherokee. The two alternates named were Richard C. Gibson. 18. Del Moines, first alternate. and Robert Clitton, 17, Boone. second alternate. was named on the all-state foot­ Foreign Aid Bills. Approveq b~ Draft, Winners aDIIOUDCed Presl­ ball team lor two years. He holds 'eD~ Huebel' were .lee~d the second fastest tbne In the .pIIIl HOOIlUDea4atton 01 ~ nation tor the high school 200 ulvenlb SClholanbip eommJl­ yard low hurdles by coverin, the -Si-gl-e-r'-o-ss-eS---T-a-II -Co-rn- D-eleg- a-te-s -at -Ph-ila-del~ph-ia-I-ow-a's-R-ep-ub-lic-an-s Farm Price Measure Fails; ~ aDd iIIe education cOlDm1t~e distance In Z2 .7 In. 1948. He also " the julor cbaDlber 01 com­ holds the SUI lieldhouse record .-.ce or Iowa. Cor this event. He plans to atudy A new system for selection was either pharmacy 01' medicine. lnauaurated thls year. Twelve Blehard C. Giblon. first alter­ Vandenbergrs In 2~:~:!~~ ~:: ~~~~j~~ !h~~ ~~~!~!.. '"" candidates were chosen from nate, studied music at Roosevelt I Command. Strategic more early today to auee on new tann price support le-eWation. aboUt. 25 applicants and Invited Nih school In Des Moines. He to the university campus. They was named on the aU-city toot­ al n.1o Inl Place at Convention nO~ssi~:a!:n~~ ~!~~e:~d.Rep .• Hope (R-Kan) said they saw wetle interviewed by President H I R ball team there, and received Hancher and the scholastic com­ 8J' .. BaUCE UUGRES .~_.. honorable mention on the all­ PHlLADELPmA (JP) - Gover­ pedal to 'ne Dally lowu WASn~GTON {A'?-Congreu dared the lut big hurdle in the mittee, and given a series of state football team. nor Kim Siller of Michl,.n skim­ PHlLADELPHIA UP) -To~'s way of adjournment early toda.y with passag 01 a 8,03{),71O,228 for- scholarship tests. From these 12, Boberi Clifton. second alternate, med Senator ArthUr H. Vanden­ delept to th GOP national elan Id spendlna blllaUowinl all the money to be used in 12 months. the fln.l five winners were was In the upper third of his berl's hat Into the ring of Repu­ convention were In a bargalnin, Senate paJAge came ju.at before chosen. class at Boone high school where blican presidential candidates rnood as they arrived h re for to- 12:30 a. m. eastern Standard time mliht be considered. According to F.L. Hamborg, he played football and basketball. lsst night-but held onto it with nlght·s caucus betore th bl, show on a voice vote. 'nIe house had Wherry conceded that the aen­ university treasurer. who Is a CreUed In 1944 u a mem>orial a strln,. be&,1ns tomorrow. approved the t'OJIlpromlse a few ate wu marldna: tb:ne waitina on member a! the scholarship com­ the efforts to ork out lOIn!! kind to the la~ all-AmerieaD Nile As chairman of the Michigan Left unlnstructed by the state minutes earlier on • roll ~a1l, 319 mittee. the selections )Vere made C. KinnIck and to other former dele,ation to the GOP convention, of a !ann bilL on the basis of lIeholarshlp, athle­ convention, Iowa hopes to play 5 Hawkeye .tudenta who dW In Sigler said, he know. Vandenberg big a 1) rt III the scrambl& for del- to 82. tic ability. leadership and charac­ tbe lervlce. the sehol&nbJ,. are is "available as a candJdate" It the egates a5 th I.r 23 votes will allow. The foreIgn aid appropriation ter. renewable it the seholar maIn­ people demand It. And he said Tn low headquart n on the wu shoved through fut after Frederick Knight WaJne &lcbard Jfllre~ ranked tam. standanh whJch elllulate he expects this convention to "de­ fourth Door of the Ben Franklin PIISSIlIt! of the nallon's second third scholastically in hiB ,raduat­ the Idea.la or Klnnlek. monstrate that dema.nd." hotel. tonl~t·. caucus will be only ~acetlme draft measure. That iI'I, class at Marlon high school, Dies 01 Infection, A Phi Beta Kappa and a star that tepoi'Wr the bellnnln, of the Berlou busl- blU, revivlna conscription :tor two and was a member of the Nation­ "Does meatl." a football player. Kinnick was an asked. "~hat ~ou are putdna' the ness of d Idin, wher tho vot s yean a.nd provldin, 2l-month. al Honor Society. Hi-Y. captained will go. lervlce for men .ged 19 through ensign in the naval air corps. He .bator·. ba~ into ibe rlU'" Former Professor the football team, and was named died in June, 1943, when his plane Siller thought a minute and re­ Harold E. Stassen Is reported to 2!i. had snarled the senate in an on the "All WClMac" conference engine failed over the Caribbean plied carefully: hold the most strength In the del- overniaM filibuster of more than Fred rick B. Knitht, former team. He ,plans to study engineer­ e&,alion with Robert Taft and 17 houn Friday nllht. The len- sea. He could not land on his car­ "To the em. tha~ there la a ate. brealdng a talkathon of Sen- prof lor In th university depart­ In•. rier because oiher planes were deman4 ror hJ. IIOmlnaOoa. I'd Thomas Dewey tral t Ing with a aton Taylor (D-lda) and Lan&,er ment ot ducstlon, died yesterday John H. TowneI' was In the spotted on deck fo r take-oUs. uy, yes." half dozen votes each. (R-ND), put the draft through mornln, in Lafayette. Ind. upper third of his class ot 276 at Sl,ler wouldn't say whether his Stassen .trength In the Hawk- Saturday morning on a volce vote. He dJed as a result of an Infec­ Roosevelt hi,h school in Des statement to a news conference on eye contlng nl 1.1 regarded as slr- Nearly 12 hour. later th house lion In the l)ancreaa, litter beln' Moines. president of the student 'New Money' Borde,. Vandenberg's availability follow­ nitlcant in case a rumored Tart- approved It 259 to 136 on a roll til for several month., accordll\l congress. president of the boys' Sta n d al tak s place. call. to Prot. E. F. Llndqullt at the ed­ club, and aU-state in football in ed a consultation of any kind with Guarded by Russians the Michigan senator. But he re­ Then the caucus aftermath wlU With the two b~ quarrell out ucation dep rtm nt. 1947. He plans to study law. FOUR EARLY arrivat. frorn Iowa for the Ilepubllca.n naUonai be the decilioll holding Ute gra- of the way. the lawmaken were Duane Brandt ranked fourth BERLIN (JP)-Sovlet tanks. ar­ peated over and over: Knight w.u born July 2. ISIn. in mored cars and trenches last night "r know what I'm talking eOllv nUon In Philadelphi poaed wIth the tai.e banDer in P:hil ~­ vest test of strength. Should all but ready to put illto trect a Sprln,!leld. Mass. HI. parent. Icholastically In a class of 77 at delphia y t rd y. Left to rllht: Gen, Hanford MacNlder. Muon St. n pull out on the lupposedly plan worked out by the Repub­ Waverly. graduating with an. "AU guarded the "new money" borders about." were Fr derlck H. and Marlon K. between Soviet and western, Ger­ Uy; hade. HI kman. C ntervlll ; R.I. WhJ~. OUumwa. rival third ballot. Iowa would be lIcan leadenhlp to adjourn l ub­ Kni,ht. average. He was a member ot the And his words were expected to and Jude T dlon! fU , orydon. (AP W1&EPBOTO) many and the road to Berlin. be all that Vandenber. backers one state which would Indicate to Ject to recall by the GOP chlet• . He WI s professor ot education stUdent councll, and named aU­ whom hi. midwest strength would Housing len/alation was given atate In iootball and basketball. T.he RU ssians said they were need to start beaUng the drums b thrown. .. and psycho!ol)" at the Unlverslty He plans to take physical educa­ protecting their :tme against a for the .senator. They underscor­ Among Iowa delegates to the up for dead but c!lorta were .tm at Iowa from 11120 to 1037. Since tion and go ipto coaching. !lood of German Relchsmarks ed, too, the significance of a con­ Five Injured in Auto Accident Near Here convention I. Attorney William under way to do lomethln, about 1937, Knlsht has 'be n Ute director Ma.urlce Dean Schnell was an which soon will be worthless In vention-eve caucus at Pennsyl­ Morrison, Iowa City. a farm price .upport program. of the dlvlslon of education .nd "A" honor student at Carroll hleh the western zones when the new vania's 73-vote delegatlon tonl,ht. Five persons were injured In an Even with the mOlt controver­ psychology at Purdue Unlvenlty. school where he eo-captained both Deutsche mark becomes fully ef­ The chairman of the Keystone accld nL liv mil es ea st of IowD H Ights, Jll., Mr.
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