ACC TOURNAMENT PREVIEW INSIDE THE CHRONICLE THURSDAY, MARCH 8, 1990 © DUKE UNIVERSITY DURHAM, NORTH CAROLINA CIRCULATION: 15,000 VOL. 85, NO. 115 Student raped by man who offered to walk her home From staff reports say why the information was not cious ofthe man's motives at that and jeans, Dean said. under the doors of all students on A female student was raped on being released. point, Dean said. Public Safety currently has no campus describing the rape. campus on a recent morning at The student was walking from Once in the room, the assailant suspects. "We encourage Duke students 1:30 a.m., according to Duke her dorm to another dorm, when closed the door, then over­ to exercise precautions all the Public Safety. she was approached by a young, powered and raped the student. In response to the incident, time in our attempts to combat Public Safety learned about white male who looked like a Her roommate was out at the President Keith Brodie and Pub­ this problem," Brodie said. "We the rape from an anonymous student. The assailant, however, time, Dean said. lic Safety Director Paul Dumas especially want to remind them source, said Public Safety Capt. told her he was not a student. The assailant was described as have urged students, particu­ that the coming week is a time Robert Dean.. The man offered to escort her to a white male, 19-20 years old, larly those remaining on campus when many students will be The location or the date on her dorm and when they reached 5'10", average build, with over spring break, to continue to away from campus, things will be which the rape occurred was not the dorm followed her into her "longish" brown hair and wear­ be cautious. quiet, and caution is even more disclosed and Dean would not room. The student was not suspi­ ing a white button-down shirt Public Safety is putting flyers vital." Soviets ask Martin requests Florida Lithuania for return Cortez to Durham secession fee By CHRIS O'BRIEN before recommeding that Mar­ Mauro Cortez could be tinez sign the warrant. By BILL KELLER returned to North Carolina If Martinez signs the warrant, N.Y. Times News Service within the next three weeks, ac­ North Carolina officials could MOSCOW — President cording to the Florida governor's pick up Cortez within 10 days af­ Mikhail Gorbachev has pres­ legal staff. ter, Smith said. ented Lithuania with compen­ Florida Governor Bob Mar­ The extradition process could sation claims equivalent to tinez received a warrant from be slowed if Cortez decides to re­ $33 billion to be paid if the re­ North Carolina Governor Jim quest a habeus corpus hearing. public persists in its course of Martin on March 5 requesting In such a hearing, Cortez would secession from the Soviet extradition of Cortez, according ask a judge to determine whether Union, Lithuanian officials to Susan Smith, a legal assistant the request for extradition is said Wednesday. in Martinez's office. valid. Smith could not estimate Gorbachev also challenged For over three years, Cortez how long the hearing would take. Lithuania's boundaries for the masqueraded at the University Cortez became a fugitive in first time, suggesting that the as the baron Maurice de November when he was indicted republic must surrender the Rothschild. Last September, Cor­ by a North Carolina grand jury major Baltic port city of tez fled Durham after it was on 11 counts of embezzlement. Klaipeda and other territory revealed he was really a 37-year- The charges stemmed from his before going its own way. old son of Mexican-American involvement with a charity he Lithuanians rejected the parents from El Paso, Texas. helped create as a member of the demands, but said Gor­ The request for extradition Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity bachev's readiness to begin F PHOTO/THE CHRONICLE could take about two weeks to while he was a continuing educa­ negotiating the terms of sepa­ process, Smith said. The govern­ tion student at the University. ration was a clear sign that or's legal staff must determine Cortez has been in prison since the Kremlin had accepted in Those crazy folks at Dartmouth are enjoying the thrill of vic­ that the documents presented by he was apprehended in Broward principle the republic's right tory in the ancient sport of keg jumping Martin are "legally sufficient" See CORTEZ on page 10 • to leave the union. The Lithuanian Parliament has scheduled a meeting Sun­ day at which it is expected to University may increase enrollment by 300 declare the restoration of the independent state that existed ByTOMCURLEY there is some room for a few ex­ ble to have every undergraduate committee is comprised of ad­ before the Baltic republics Undergraduate enrollment tra students, and by a few I don't who wants to live on West live ministrators, faculty and stu­ were forcibly annexed by may increase by as many as 300 mean five or ten," Evans said. there," he said. "The housing dents. Committee members were Stalin in 1940. if a University committee has its "As far as we can see there guarantee doesn't guarantee appointed by President Keith In an interview Wednesday way. would be negligible costs," he West Campus." Brodie and charged with study- night on Lithuanian televi­ The committee, formed in added The nine-member enrollment See ENROLL on page 10 • sion, Algirdas Brazauskas, November to examine under­ ASDU Vice President for Aca­ the Lithuanian president and graduate enrollment, is expected demic Affairs Jeff Taliaferro, an­ Communist leader, said Gor­ to recommend next month that other enrollment committee bachev had told him Moscow's the existing ceiling of 5,700 un­ member, said undergraduates See LITHUANIA on page 4 • dergraduates be raised to 6,000 need not worry that the proposed within five years. enrollment increase will ad­ The only effect on next year's versely affect their under­ Inside undergraduate population would graduate experience. be a possible addition of 20 to 30 "We've had 6,000 people on Hot ticket: Thrills, chills transfer students, said Lawrence campus before," he said. "We're and spills promised at this Evans, faculty chair ofthe enroll­ not going to recommend an in­ weekend's ACC tournament ment committee. crease in undergraduate enroll­ in Charlotte. Read our tourna­ Campus leaders are quick to ment without taking a look at the ment preview in today's paper add that the extra students will effect on the quality of under­ for all the inside dope. not hurt the quality of life at the graduate life." University. But if enrollment is raised, Weather The additional undergraduates more students will have to fill va­ could be accommodated easily by cant bed spaces on East and Cen­ Goodbye Sunshine: exisiting dormitory spaces, tral campuses — even if those are not the housing locations Back to lame weather. Let's dining facilities, academic resources and faculty at the Uni­ they most prefer, Taliaferro ad­ hope break improves things. GEORGE IVEY/THE CHRONICLE versity. ded. BOB KAPLAN /THE CHRONICLE High 60s, cloudy days ahead. "It's clear enough to us that "It's just not physically possi­ Lawrence Evans Victor Strandberg PAGE 2 THE CHRONICLE THURSDAY, MARCH 8; 1990 World & National Newsfile Associated Press Bush Administration revamps food labels House drops inquiry: The House ethics committee decided Wednesday By PHILIP HILTS N.Y. Times News Service Scarbrough, acting director of the FDA's The earlier proposal would limit health to drop its investigation of Republican office of nutrition. claims to the few the were scientifically Whip Newt Gingrich, but criticize his WASHINGTON — The Bush adminis­ Government and industry officials said supported. This proposal has been pub­ failure to disclose purchase of a home. tration announced plans Wednesday for mandatory nutritional labeling on almost that the agency, which regulates food lished in the federal register for public all packaged foods. labeling, has the authority to carry out comment. MGM-UA bought out: MGM-UA In a speech before a food policy confer­ the proposal without action by Congress. Communications said Wednesday it ence, the secretary of Health and Human But officials for the Center for Science in The foods that already have mandatory had accepted a $1.2 billion buyout offer Services, Dr. Louis Sullivan, said: "The the Public Interest, an advocacy group, labels are those that have vitamins or from Italian financier Giancarlo Par- grocery store has become a Tower of said legal challenges were possible. other nutrients added to them, as well as retti's Pathe Communications Corp. Babel, and consumers need to be lin­ The plan came only weeks after Sul­ products that make some nutritional guists, scientists and mind readers to un­ livan proposed changes in the rule gov­ claims, like a tomato juice cocktail that Subway kills three: A subway derstand the many labels they see. Vital erning health claims made on packages. claims to be high in vitamins. train derailed and smashed into a sup­ information is missing, and frankly some port beam during Wednesday morn­ unfounded health claims are being made." ing's rush hour, shearing one car "like He outlined what he called "a com­ a sardine can." The crash killed three prehensive reform of the nation's food Soviet press rebukes Castro people and injured 162. labeling," the first substantial change in nutritional labeling in 17 years. By BILL KELLER Late children okay: Contrary to The plan, which would take effect next N.Y. Times News Service popular wisdom, women who put off year after a period of public comment, MOSCOW — After more than a year of starting their families until late in would require labels with nutritional in­ quietly tolerating gibes from Fidel Castro their child-bearing years face little ex­ formation on nearly all foods that are about the folly of the changes under way tra risk of having premature or un­ meaningful sources of nutrition.
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