THE METAL MARKET " lag IBo.e T.W Uve! I a Ulnii.aerl. of w frv leaei. Ibev ran u 37TH YEAR EL PASO. TEXAS. TUESDAY. DECEMBER 19. 1916. ENGLISH SECTION FOURTEEN PAGES PRICE 5 CENTS CARRANZA NEGLECTS TO RATIFY ATLANTIC CITY PROTOCOL MOBILU OFJFIRST PENN. CALVARY, 4TH BRITISH PREMIER MUTINY IN JUAREZ PROTESTS POLICY AND TWO WILL SEAL FATE S ON MATTER OF AND I6TH INFANTRY RESULTS IN RETREAT TO ON BORDER MICH. REGIMENTS TO GO HOME OF PEACE PACT EL PASO OF MADURAN PURSUIT OF IN COMMONS FAILURE? General Fun a ton Orden 16,000 Troop Now Along Border General Gonzalez Declines to Surrender Command to New to Proceed to Home Stations and Be Mustered Out; Jefe Appointed by General Francisco Murgia; Car- Lloyd George Sufficiently Re- Generals Scott and Wood Testify Major General Clement and General Kirk Included. ranza Army in North Once More Divided. First Chief Indicates VVHlImgrteee Before Senate covered From Recent Illness to to Resume Conference and Mili- Sixteenth old wsr 'OS, Be a Appear in This Considering Chamberlain Four Infantry rertmenta, 0e sonr of "Thers'll Hot Parliament yz trouble ihrestened lor s short cowsrd. utterly Inripablr or any reelings of Indefenitely Discus- and from Pennsylvania, and Thlr- - Time In the Old Town predomt Continue Fourth, Tonight," Posi- time in Jusrex at nine o'clock last night. loyalty. The or more than loo men tary Training Bill, That Coun- Thirty Michigan, nated. "Michigan, My Michigan" was Afternoon and Declare guard and second from also when, following the night of Oeneral Luis which accompanied Trevlno in Juarei from sion of Differences Between were yesterday ordered to leave El Paso as played, which the soldiers paraded with Comadursn, recently appointed commander try Is Defenseless. - tion of Entente on Proposal. chihuahua city has bean placed in the rus soon as the railroads can provide the nee- considerable vim. In the Pennsylvania or the litares garrison, lo FI Paso. Oen- - Two Countries. camp or totnt service st Juarei. essary equipment, and proceed to their the soldiers the Fourth and kral Francisco oonxalet, who refuted to Passengers on which tn of the train arrived stations to be mustered out the teenth Infantry and the First cavalry the give up Ida post to Comaduran. order an the special U. S. NEEDS TRAINED M. Clem- - variations, EXPECTANT WORLD Juaret hour before train service. Major General Charles asme scenes were enacted with ed all the latter" men disarmed. The which guard re- AMERICAN MEDIATORS the Seventh dispatch placed brought Trevlno and his ent and the division staff of The from San Antonio the AWAITS UTTERANCE! entire Carrsnsa gsrrlaon. loyal to port that Murgia hsd announced that Ire FORCE OF 1,600,000 the brigade c In the HOPEFUL division, and Oeneral Kirk and Michigan Infantry wss turned out to disarm vlnn would be permitted to to the OF AGREEMENT or the Michigan brigade, sre tn- - Indiana troop and ror mine start classification, this men, and marched through border with hla troops, numbering 1,000 the to return to their reason, the of the Thirty second Balfourlj all If Guards Had Met Good Troops eluded in border soldiers Noteworthy That Mr. the treeu shouting. "Viva Trevlno!" men, but that at the last moment lis re- respective states for master out. The Flrit aia not know they ware o return home "Ahajo Murglf" illurish for Trevlno!" fused Details of Mexican Reply With- was sent. to permit aba two trains following It Would Been Scene Pennsylvania ctvalry also inciuaea in until last night, when a correction New Secretary it Foreign Af4j "Down with Miirgla!") Comaduran's 170 special tn Many Have of news camp, Trevlno's leave the city held From Public, Mexican . inc oruwr. When the resabed the there men, taken hy surprise, made no rs- - woman came to upon the which but not any or Ole El Paso was spontaneous fairs. Is Given Leave ofl Jiiarts train Carnage and Boys Would It la likely Inst s celebration. sliUnre. snd were disarmed without the preceded Trevlno's, now In to leave inside and are Juares Commissioners Are Urged by organisations will be able of s thok rood or ahelter. Never Have Known What a Oeneral Funston, commander or Absence. Putting Into Premier's!!' without of week. colonel mosF.ley ORDERED le IMcllnes lo Obey Morels Order. Hip VUla Reported In Mexico. Their Government to Avoid the southern detriment, who Issued the TO Hit Them. - REPORT WASHINGTON Hands Disposition ot Matter. Early yesterdsy morning Comaduran. who The customs. guards in Juaret have been Tor the return or the troops tn com- Break With United States. order H. was appointed commander of the divided into rour groups, one group will pllance with instructions rrom Washington. Colonel Oeorge V. Moseley, ehier of Juarez Starr to Major M. dialrlrt two weeks Sgo by Oeneral Fran- - ba sent to Ouadalupe, one to San iguaria, yesterday estimated some or them would oeneral charlea clement By Associated Press. By Associated Prest. or the Seventh provisional division, was yst- - cisco Murgia. demanded that Oonxalet turn one to San Felice, all hi search or cattle, By Associated !.;, (h hnrrier until January .'7 London. Dec. IS The speech of over Pratt. oruereu uy vo Premier bis command to him Oonttlas and Ihe rourth group will be retained In departure depends entirely upon the irraay wire rejjort ueiuix Lloyd Oeorge In the house of commons to Philadelphia. Dec: is. OenarsUCarrsnxs't of the national (ruara for border service Thlr - and caused bit would bs to guard the customs ability of the to provide the nec- the senate committee tn military anaire in lueeeisor Juarei house. representatives on th: Mexican American vas described as a military rallure, em- railroads morrow la looked forward by the press and to bn ejected from the ro mm andancia. Co A In essary transportation. At passenger Oaf- - wasningion on rnuay. wjiouci m Mexican who arrived Juarea Saturday joint commlatiuu adinitted to the Amerlraa phasizing 'the urgent necessity or abandon- aan public as the most important utterance of maduran fled to EI Psto. A raw momnnU night reported ha had seen Hipólito fie Is always unusually ncavy uurmg me .. - " " that members today that tbe protocol signed ing the volunteer system as the nation's 7"" - the kind since the memoradle speeches In arter he had crossed the bridge Oeneral hniiH.v. it thourht the roaches and gress providing for universal military terv- Villa, Franclaco Villa's brother, in VlUa three weeks sgo Atlantic City hsd not Tor derense, In today i. - which Viscount Gray whether limítales requeue, i tt reliance statements troop Ice and national training. Yesterday after- dlscutaed the mlllUry authorities Ahumada Hipólito villa, he said, was on bean by They by Major Oeneral Hugh L. Scott, chief or sleeoers' will not be available for Oreat Britain would come Into war In Kl Paso to raiirird Carrsnsa. supple- holiday noon Colonel Moseley wired Senator Cham- the arrest 'him and return him ma way to convey runas to ms brother. admission, or army, Leon- movement until arter the trarric Mr. Lloyd Oeorge to No mented thst however, with a Starr the and Jajor Oeneral of Oregon, of the commit- has recovered from his fuaret at a deserter. action wat tak- The report is not In Kl Paso. rush subsides. berlain chairman Indisposition was at work today. en by credited declaration of the attitude of tbe Carteóte ard Wood, commanding the eastern depart- tee, requesting more time to arrange his and military authorities here. government ment, before the senate Administration's Plan Revealed. will rise to address Ihe commons tomorrow sod inured the Americans thst affairs with the Seventh division. He ex Factional Fight Comea to crisis. tbe delay In did not signify considering the Chamberlain universal mili- The latest order relative to the with at about 4 o'clock and probably will apeak grows Emperor ratification reveals pects to rejoin General Clement In Pennsyl The affair out of the Jealousy be- William Speaks iht rejection of the agreement wblcb they tary training bill. drawal or troops from the border ... uaroa mftmr tSa atafr has ror an hour, and a hair. tween the Trevlno and Murgia In or and it it - "KT hianiiirtiin c. rartlont hid ilgned altor almost three montos of the plans the administration '" Ti"- Outline New Government's Policy. Chihuahua. to Troops En- Country Utterly Defenseless. ttmt thA ..v,., AfUr Trevlno had been driven of Brace consideration. rinalnlnf The prime minister' speech not only will out of Cnlnuahua city by Villa bandits. Both or the general; advocated universal In a tute troops wUl be sent home be s. reply to the Herman peace note, but and Murgia had tailed his position after durance and Victories SmscIImi ef Protocol Probable. training. General Wood declared the i new and ex- - that niess something 1 6,000 Guardsmen to Be alto will outline the whole policy of the the Villa Murgia appointed The exact character of th communica- country now was ntterly defenseless the Mexican evacuation. hla tremeiy critical develops In new national government, the trend or own to replace lead- tion rrom tbe Mexicans was made pub- against a well organised roe; the mob followert the Trevlno By Astoclaud Press. not that situation, the state troops wui an ire which may bs roughly anticipated from the ers. Comadursn, then s colonel, was pro lic, but It wat evident st tbe (loss of th luxation was a tragedy and that If tl or spring. Sent Home From Border Amsterdam, via London, Dec. IS. A out berore the opening fact that the new ministry It avowedly in moted to the or general, and conference Hint both Americans and Mexi- guardsmen had met good troops the, depart-.....- .
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