FEBRUARY, 1966 t:h& PlAU~ iRUi~ Wfat-our READERS SAY a maga;ille Q f Uflder standi ng February, 1966 Rhodesia Crisis ape III the world. This is obvious to VOL. XXXI NO.2 anyone who would care to look at the Circulation 740,000 Copies " I have been recently promoted from Publ ished monthly at Pasadena. Californ!a; facts." London, England; and North Sydney, Australia, Assistant Magistrate to Magistrate. 1 by Ambassador College. German and French Li stener, Clovis, New Mexico editions published monthlr at London, England. find your PLAIN TRUTH most interesting @ 1966 Ambassador Co lege, All Rights Re· served. and accurate in reporting on world af­ S(I), • IIVHAT itlcls? YOII yo/( h(lI/ell't EDITOR fairs. Your article on 'The Rhodesian read ,be Bible/ ),el claim 10 know ills HERBERT W . ARMSTRONG Crisis' in the D ecember issue is at least wrong, (met JIly ),OH "know withoM (i EXECUTIVE ED[TOR unbiased and substantially reflects the dOl(bt'1 mall comes from the apes; some­ Garner Ted Armstrong true position. I feel the article shou ld Ihing ellen evoll(tionists disclaim. Do MANAGING EDITOR be more generally published because it ),011 alw(l),s form IIIch absol1lte opinions Herman L. Hoeh is apparent that most people not living abo"t things you 't'e never sludied? SENIOR ED[TOR in Africa have but a twisted id ea of Roderick C. Meredith what reall y the position is. They don't True Womanhood-Lost Cause? Auociale Editors seem to ca re about the future of western "I have received my November issue Albert J. Portune David Jon Hill CO!ltribwing Editors civi lization in Africa. They also seem of The PLAIN T RUTH Rnd I'm now to be reluctant to inform themselves Robert C. Boraker C. Paul Meredith reading the article 'True Womanhood­ William F. Dankenbring L Leroy Neff properl y of the true position. People Is It a "Lost Cause"?' I tell you, sir, in Charles V. Dorothy Richard H. Sedliacik have become scared of the truth in Jack R. Elliott Lynn E. Torrance view of the kind of husband that I Robert E. Gentet Eugene M. Walter their own lives; scared of the truth as have, that 'yes, sir; business seems hard, Ernest L Martin Basil Wolverton Gerhard O. :Marx Clint C. Zimmerman regards world affairs and scared of the but if that's the way God wants it then Bible tru ths lest it would become plain here I go. Really though, I'm just half­ James W. Robinson, Copy Editor that they must repent of their sins [n way through the article and I have been Paul Kroll, Art Editor order to have real peace." helped immensely. Thank you." News 8l1"eafl Magistrate, South Africa Gene H . Hogberg, Director Patricia 1. G., Nassau N.P., Donald 0 Schroeder Keith A. Hoyt Blackout Bahamas SJaff Photograph.., " We who li ve here in New York Crime Lyle Christopherson have now had a water shortage, a black­ "Being a Los Angeles poJice officer, Regional Editors out, and a transportation strike, which I can ce rtainly vouch in agreement with United Kingdom: Raymond F. McNair Australia: C. Wayne Co le finally ended yesterday. I was not per­ you. Crime is certainly on the upsurge. South Africa: Ernest Williams sonall y affected. I li ve in easy [n my opinion, it is high time we as Germany: Frank Schnee walking distance of work. Many others Philippines: Ge~ald Water~ou.se a nation turn to God before it is too Switzerland: Cohn J. A. WilkinS were not so little affected. That is, late. K eep up the good work. I'm SLlfe Business Manager little by compari son; for some lost jobs, that your fine magazi ne is a blessing Albert J. Portune and businesses. What will be our next to many CirculaJion Managers city-w id e disaster ?-a food shortage, or United States: Hugh Mauck Thomas M ., Los A ngeles, Calif. will the weather cripple us next?" United Kingdom: Charles F. Hunting Canada: Dean Wilson W illiam J., Brooklyn, New York Australia: Gene R. Hughes God Speaks Out . , , Philippines: Arthur Docken " I was very thankful at the receipt South Africa: Michael Bousfield From an Ape? of a copy of 'GOD SPEAKS O UT on "Th e YOUR SUBSCRIPTION has been p~id by others. Bulk copies for distribution not RIven or "After hearing several of your New Mo/,(i/;ty.'" My wife and I enjoyed sold. broadcasts, it is necessary for me to te ll ADDR.I!SS COM MMUNIClr.TIONS to the Editor at the every page and chapter of this book, nearest address belo ..... : you how wrong YOll are. Although J United States: Box 111, Pasadena, California and my wife indeed was overjoyed at 91109. have not read the Bible, I know it is the truths and new experiences we Canada: Post Office Box 44. Station A, Van­ couver 1, B.C. wrong, and if it is wrong, so are you. leamt for this wonderful book. It has United Kingdom and Europe: SCM Ambassador, Anyone can see that the Bibl ica l princi­ London. w.e. t , England. taught us many things of vital impo[­ South Africa: P.O. Box 1060. Johannesburg. ples of kindness and understanding tance, some of which we neglected. We Transvaal, R.S.A. Austr:l1ia and Southeast Asia: Box 345, Nonh ~ cannot hold true in any form of human underlined aU the interesting passages Sydney, N.S.W., Australia. The Philippines: Post Office Box 2603. Manih. society. 1 know without a doubt that so that we don't forget. This book has SECOND CLASS POSTAGE paid at Pasadena, Cali· man is descended f rom the apes of the become a kind of my instructor because fornia. 8E SUlIIl TO NOTIFY US IMMEDIATELY of ~n)' jungles, and that if there is a superi or I have started instructi ng my young SIS- change in your address. Please inclose both old and new address. IMPORTANT I being, he is descended from the greatest (Contin1led on page 47) February, 1966 The PLAIN TRUTH Page 1 In This Issue: What Our Readers Say . ...... , Inside Front Cover Personal From the Editor ERE IS our 32nd anniversary gift largest-circulating magazines In the NOW AT LAST­ H to you-a PLAIN T RUTH for the world. The PLAIN TRUTH first time dressed up in full We have still more improvements 10 ;n FULL COLOR . ........ 3 color throughout-from cover to cover! store for our readers. That does not mean full color on every FAMINE STALKS THE EARTHI 7 page, but all fu ll color pictures are * * * * * ENGLISH-Speaking peoples are THE Rad;o Log ............... 14 printed in fuB color. supposed to be Christian. Most For thirty-two years, our readers have church denominations count their mem­ enjoyed continuous improvement in The bership loosely, including many- prob­ ST. VALENTINE'S DAY, PLAIN TRUTH. ]t started February, ably a large majority- who seldom if Christian Custom?-or 1934, as a crude, home-made, mimeo­ ever darken the church doors, Yet Pagan Superstition? .. __ . .. '7 graphed "magazine." approximately 67 million Americans ]n this issue you wi ll find an article make no profession of religion, are Ull­ Short Questions portraying, in full color, pictures of our claimed on member roll s of any church, From Our Readers ..... , ., J 8 own expanded ultra-modern printing according to the 1966 Yearbook of p lants that now print the full-co lor American Churches. INSIDE LATIN AMERICA 19 PLAIN TR UT H- in Pasadena, Ca lifornia, WHY? in Watford, England, and in Sydney, WHY are so many either disinterested THE INSIDE STORY OF Australia. or disgusted with religion? COLLEGE EDUCATION 27 ]n a later number I hope to write an Three years ago I answered that ques­ article covering the exciting history of tion in this column. It evoked an The B;ble Story . • . .. 33 The PLAIN TRUT H, showing its amazing unusual interest and brought a large mail growth step by step. And once again, as response. in the Ju ne, 1961 number, I hope to How LOYAL Are You So I reprint it here: to Jesus Christ? ... , _ . _ . 43 take our readers behind the scenes of HOW MANY times have you heard our enlarged editorial and mechanical non-Christians, judging one who Prophecy COMES ALIVE staff-introduce you to each with full professes Christ, say in disgust: "Well ;n Today's World News . ... 4B color pictures, show you their offices if that's Christianity, I don't wa nt and workrooms_ In fact, all this prob­ any of it!" ably wi ll reguire from two to four ar­ How many judge GOD by th e way ticles appearing in successive months. professing Christians live? How many The entire organization has expanded assume that one must live a perfect greatly since June, 1961. The circulation li fe, before he can become a Christian? of that number was 2.54,422 copies. How many say: "If I could give up This present number you arc holding smoking, I'd become a Christian," in your hands is 740,000 copies-at­ How many think a Christian is sup­ most three times the circulation of June, posed to be perfect, never doing any­ 1961. thing wrong? Suppose you do see or The PLAIN TRUTH is now skyrocket· hear about a Christian doing something ing upward toward one million copies WRONG. Does that mean he is a hypo­ every issue. All reports indicate that be­ crite-that he is not really a Christian} © Ambo.l$Odor Colle98 tween two and three million people read after all ? OUR COVER every issue.
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