80 - MANCHESTER HERALD. Friday. July 25. 1986 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISlNfi 643-2711 MANCHESTER SPORTS WEEKEND PI US Town panel backs Twins outslug Hot dog vendors CARS CARR KIT ‘N’ CARLYLE ®by Larry Wright FOR SALE FOR RALE plans for housing the Yankees make the grade^ BUSINESS & SERVICE DIRECTORY For Sale- Ford Fairmont 1973 Lincoln. Good run­ .a. pag* 3 -1980, 6 cylinder, 4 door, ning condition. Best offer. ... page 11 magazine Inside excellent condition. $1800. Coll after 5pm. 649-0801. f t ^fCMIiaiTRY/ PMUTHIB/ 643-9044.________________ I IT lIRKaUUIEOUt Chevy Monza-1980. Hatch­ MOTORCYCLES/ EJfRonoaiNs PAPERim back. Completely rust- MOPEDS proofed. Automatic ParrcHKi Remodellno — John Deere Palnftng Con­ Odd lobs, .Trucking. Need A Good Tenont? transmission. Power 1983 Suzuki DR-125. Low Coblntts, roofing, gut- tractor. Interlor/exte- steering, AM /FM stereo, o ff HER LAP. Home repairs. You name Zimmer monogement will mileage. Hardly used. tors, room additions, rlor. Qualify paint, new radlols,new muffler, It, we d o It. F re e esN- find o weli oualfled, good Asking $825 or best otter. docks, all types of romo- quality work. References, m ofes. Insured. 6434004. and brakes. Runs great, free estim ates. 649-3248. paying tenant tor your Coll 646-5912._________ dotlng and repairs. FREE rental property In East v t most see. $2500 or best ootimotos, Fully insured. Oeliverlng clean farm the River oreo, Mony offer. 647-9203, keep MISCELLANEOUS itophdno 643-0017, offer loam; Syords $75 plus tax. years of experience'. Very trying.____________ dpm,647-«SII9. Also sand, stone, and AUTOMOTIVE FUMMHB reasonable fees. Coll for 1978 Ford Folrmont-4 g ro vel. C o il 643-9504. p o rticu lo rs. 646-3771 o r speed. Under 46J100 miles. Manchester — A City ol Village Charm 872-4115. A sk fo r U M . For Sole -1982 Oldsmoble iUaurlirBti'r HrralJi Corjlentry and remodel- Floorsanding-Roors like Very good condition. Ask­ new. Specialising In older ing $1950. 646-6477, otter Toronodo. Excellent Con­ liW.gervtces — Complete Art’s Light Trucking 5pm.___________ dition.Complete luxury taffid repairs and remo- floors, nofurol and stained. No waxing any­ Ceilors, otttcs, gorgg cor. $10,000. 1984 Ford dMIPO. Q volltv w ork. Ref- O & D LandtcopInB. Vaca­ cieoned. Junk houied. 78 Buick Skyhowk. Power F1S0 E xp lo re r 4x4. Low licensed and in- more. John Verfollle. Coll tion cuttinos, hedge trim­ 25 Cents efenees, 646-5750. Furniture ondoppitances steering, brakes, V-6, mileage, excellent condi­ H ired. C o ll 6464165. ming, Prunings, flower & moved. Odd. fobs. VSify High miles but many new tion. M ust see. $10,000. shrub plantings. Free e lf I- honest, dfpehdobi* ports. Very reliable. $1700. 1976 Chevy Blazer. Excel­ J mates. Call 659-2436 offer worker. 25 years expe­ 646-6404._________________ lent running condition. ELECTRtCAL 5;30pm. rience In m oving; 6464669 Good solid truck. Rigged ClM>hyNEA.Inc Earlier anytim e. 1976 Chevette- Looks for plowing. $5,000. 1982 good, but needs work. independent Construc­ Dumas Electric— Having Bookkeeping fulichorge Ford E250 Von. Good 14 years experience for $100. 647-1954.___________ IMISCEUANEOUS Republicans tion Co. G eneral Contrac­ Electrical Problems? Your Neighborhobd condition with rocks. I MISCELLANEOUS tors, custom home build­ Need a large or a small small business. Write C & Handymen • Gcsroges, ot-; 1971 Volvo Wagon. Auto­ $5,000. 1972 A udi IDOLS. AUTOMOTIVE I AUTOMOTIVE tax cuts ing and remodeling, Repair? We Specialize In N Bookkeeping, 47 Teresa tics cletmsd, bosemenfs matic, runs well, many 1978 Audi Fox, 1978 Flat ____ sUHng, excavation, etc. Rd., Manchester, CT. cleaned or waterproofed; 128, All best otter. Good Residential Work. Joseph new ports. $350 or best 4-P235/75R 15 white Wall 4 U n lro yo l Tlres-GR78 15" C o ll 4564865 o r 4567315. Dumas. Fully Licensed. lawns mowed, general otter. 643-8143. terms on all vehicles. No tires on 6 lug GM truck A. Henry Personalized iombcopino, interim and Very good condition. Low Free Estim ates. 6465253. money down to qualified rlms,olso tits Ootsun 6 lug mileage on them. $40.00 boo Weicker, Lawn Care-Complete exterior toointtag, ony odd buyer. Private seller. Coll U rims. $200 or best otter. com plete. 643-9132.D pushed iHEATINe/ lawn core and tonducap- lob. No job toobig or too 643-1021. 742-8101. Ing. Free estimates, fully small. Honest fam ily men 1977 Cordoba - All the By Jim Luther PLUMBIII8 Insured, all work guoran- will work for youato toir toys, power brakes and CARS ' [CARS CARS The Associated Press teed, senior citizens dis­ price. Call John ond Mark steering, olr conditioning, FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE Fogarty Brothers -— Ba­ counts. 647-1349. at.643-4353. power seats, power win­ H H cheer Eddy Nome your own price — throom rem odellno; In­ dows, white leather Infe­ WASHINGTON - House nego­ father Mid son. Post, stallation water heaters, HELPING PEOPLE SO- iwh&i rior. Needs minor work tiators united Friday behind a dogendoble service. garbage disposals; faucet flsty their needs and This Is 0 good time to find $800 o r best otter 646-7M5 demand that individual tax rates B v George Lavng Patanng, Poperhanglng repairs. 649-4539. V lso /M - wonts... fhot's whof want o cosh buyer fo r Hidt be slashed next Jan. 1, six months Herald Reporter A Removal. Coll 6465761. osterCard accepted. ods ore oil about. ... typewriter no onn uses ahead of the schedule in the bills L 1974 Ford Mustang In "ladke aLooIT approved by the House and Senate. HARTFORD — With the comba­ good running condition. 4 tive nature that has come to speed. $650 or best otter. "There is a lot of concern about” C o ll 647-9106.____________ the fact the rate cuts would come characterize the party, Connecti­ after deductions are reduced or cut Republicans opened their state APARTMENTS M e r c u r y C o m et- 1976. b eliminated. Rep. Donald Pease, convention Friday night by booing FOR RENT Merchandise | 6 ] S * “," TAG SALES Good condition. Asking $950. 643-8646 otter 4pm. D-Ohio, told reporters. The con­ U.S. Sen. Lowell Weicker. the cern, he added, is about “ actual keynote speaker, and loudly cheer­ Manchester- first floor, 1 I ANTIQUES/ Three free kittens- 2 Pontiac 1983 Grand Prix. fairness, perceived fairness and ing senatorial candidate Roger bedroom apartment, COLLECTIBLES white, 1 orange. Coll 646 Toys, aluminum awning, V6, automatic, AM/FM from the viewpoint of the Eddy. available August 1. $4S0 3914. carpeting, miscellaneous. cassette, runs excellent. economy.” "Welcome to the biennial free- month. Appllonces, heat 66 White St., Manchester, W h ite , no ru st. $1000 for-all known as a Republican state Saturday, July 26, 9am to below book. Great deal, and hot water Included. Doll House collectlbles- MAZDA B2CKK) LX “The economy is a iittle fragile convention.” said Weicker, who Entlre collection os Is $600 [MISCELLANEOUS Ipm, m ust sell. 643-8692.______ No pets allowed. Security FOR SALE these days,” Pease said, and was booed by a number of deposit and references or will consider Individual' 1981 Ford T-BIrd. Loaded. delaying the individual tax reduc­ delegates as he entered the Hart­ required. 6464648. Items. C all 649-6130. 2 Family Tag Sole Satur­ tions "could adversely affect the day & Sunday 10-2, 78 Excellent condition. Ask­ MAZDA B2000 ford Civic Center and delivered his Harlan Street (Oft Henry ing $4495. Coll Jim be- economy.” 20-minute speech. Manchester North End- For Sole- Antloues-lorge tween 9om-5pm. 643-5543. One bedroom apartment FURNITURE orientals, dishes, glass­ Street). Senate and House conferees met “Connecticut Democrats agreed near bus line, utilities not ware, Hummels, desk, 1977 VW Rabbit, 2 door, separately in closed sessions Fri­ on everything. Republicans on choir, table and more. Garage Sale- Saturday good running condition, TRUCK SALE! nothing. Even I was here on a Included. S410.00 monthly. day and planned to meet at ;a Coll 228-3527 or 228-9772. J u ly 26, 137 E dgerto n C all 6462457. AM/FM, $750 or best conference meeting later in Ihe safe-conduct pass,” Weicker told SEN. WEICKER Street, Baby furniture, offer. Coll 647-1159; the crowd. Miami Corey Bathroom bikes, etc. Rain or shine. day. Five days into their work, the .. hostile crowd 2 bedroom , 1st floo r apart­ 20 Avallablel Including BASE. SE-5 & LUXURYI In his remarks upon accepting King - Sized bed. Firm Cabinet with light. 1984 BUKK REGAL negotiators have yet to make the ment. Conveniently lo­ Saturday 9-2. Furniture, the nomination. Eddy criticized cated near hospital and mattress. Two twin box 27"x20". Never used. $60. Excallant condition, one CAB PLUS available on all modelal first decision about what will go individual voting for the first 643-1938.D toys, yard goods, house­ owner, 47,000 mile*, T-roo(. into the final tax-overhaul plan. both Weicker and his opponent this ballot. shopping. $490 month. 228- springs. Frame. Excellent hold and miscellaneous. air conditioning, powdr 4863 o r 228-0036. condition. Will be sold November. U.S. Sen. Christopher Earlier in the evening. Weicker ‘112 North Elm Street. brakat, power steering, Rep. Dan Rostenkowski, D-Ill., with 2 complete sets of Jogging trampoline - AM/FM ceteette radio, well ALSO Dodd. D-Conn. had praised all three gu^matorial maintained, color: tandil- chairman of the conference, pre­ 2 But Friday’s cheers and Jeers East Horttord/Monches- sheets, 1 bedspread. All G reat tor Indoor exercise. og Sale- Saturday, Sun­ candidates. But he told party $75 value tor $40. Coll wood and brown velour. dicted one of the first decisions by ter line - 4 room apart­ tor $220, or best otter.
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