DOCUMENT RESUME ED 097 480 CE 002 247 TITLE Environmental Housing and Life Styles: Curriculum Guidelines. INSTITUTION Arizona State Dept. of Vocational Education, Phoenix. PUB DATE 72 NOTE 266p. EARS PRICE MF-$0.75 BC-$12.60 PLUS POSTAGE DESCRIPTORS Career Choice; Career Opportunities; Color Planning; Consumer Education; Creativity; *Curriculum Guides; Decision Making; Design Needs; Elementary Grades; *Environmental Influences; Furniture Arrangement; *Home Economics Education; *Housing; Interior Design; *Life Style; Physical Environment; Post Secondary Education; Resource Materials; Secondary Grades; Vocational Education IDENTIFIERS Arizona ABSTRACT The Arizona Department of Education designed this curriculum guideline to aid teachers in planning programs that provide opportunities for students of all ages to comprehend, identify, apply, and analyze housing and life styles. The topics concentrated on are: nature and housing of man, housing as a modification of environment, effects of hot:zing on people, expression and creativity through design of housing and furnishings, consumer decisions related to housing, exploration of professional and supportive careers related to furnishing and housing, and general appendixes for teacher reference. Each topical outline contains educational objectives, conceptual statements, and grade levels (K-6, beginning, intermediate, advanced, and post secondary). In addition each outline is provided with a bibliography and curriculum materials list. (BP) CE-GORAy? BEST COPYAVAILABLE E VIROHENTAL ':SING Ly S......s.r.onALEuu..-...:1r,0%ek.A.ELF4RE DE PARTVE.N.TEDUCZ.TIO OFTuTE t4EZ.L OF and LIFE STYLES ARIZOMDIVISION DEPARVENT OF VOCATIONAL OF EDUCATIONTION .. HOME ECONOMICS EDUCATION zet,-44PS9wsiesi; E ENVIRONMENTAL HOUSING CURRICULUMLIFE ANDSTYLES GUIDELINES Rome EconomicsPreparedby Section Division1333Department ofPhoenix, WestVocational 85013Camelback of Arizona Education Education Road Fr'is' r STATE OF ARIZONA1972 BOARD OF EDUCATION 4 tf - . ..7!A21 MemberVicePresident President Dr.Mr.Mr DwightRichardO.B.David Joy WeisenbornG. Harris Hudson Member Dr.Mrs.Mr. StephenW.P. PaulJ.Merle Lawrence ShofstallP. PlattS.Kennedy Jenkins, Walkup Jr. 1333STATE W. DivisionCamelbackOF ARIZONA of Rd., VocationalDEPARTMENT Phoenix, EducationOF Arizona EDUCATION85013 Mr.Dr. G.W.JamesW.P. Harrell, Shofstall,Hartgraves, Deputy SuperintendentExecutive Deputy Superintendent Superintendent Officer, of Public Stateof Public of InstructionBoard Public Instruction for Instruction Vocational Education and Mrs.Mr. WilliamEugeneJ.R.Shirley Cullison, L. Anderson,Mannion, Dorr, AssistantofAssociate Deputy Vocational Associate toSuperintendent the Education Superintendent Superintendent for Career of forPublic Education Vocational Instruction and Education Director Mrs.Mr. PaulLettieBarbaraClio Bennewitz,S. B. Border,Reinwald, Cale, DeputyAssistantState State AssociateAdvisor, Supervisor, State HomeSupervisor,Superintend- EconomicsHome Economics Home tRelated for Economics EducationCareer Occupations EducationEducation Club and State Advisor, Future Homemakers of America1-4 1 BEST COPYAVAILABLE ENVIRONMENTALSTATE CURRICULUMHOUSING1968-69for AND COMMITTEE LIFE STYLES Mrs. WillieHazelPatricia Coatsworth,Mae Crandall, Coombs, CoordinatorRoundMesa HighValley Schoolof High Home School, Economics Springerville Programs, Tucson Mrs. LettieDoloresEvelynMary Alice Noe Lewis,Thompson, Cale,Davis, Home Assistant Apache FlowingEconomics Junction WellsSupervisor, Education, High High School, DepartmentSchool Northern Tucson ArizonaofEducation, University, DivisionFlagstaff of Vocational Dr. MaleDorisAmyConsultant,Education JeanNygren, Manning, Knorr, StateProfessor, Professor, Professor, Division Department Home Homeof VocationalEconomics Economics of Home Education, Education) Education,Economics, University UniversitySanFranciscoofof Arizona, Arizona State CollegeTucson(then Curriculum STATE CURRICULUMfor COMMITTEE Miss Kathryn Chesness, MaranaENVIRONMENTAL High School HOUSING1971 AND LIFE STYLES Mrs. ZonaLoisPatriciaGrace Lorig,Hawker, Daniels, Dixon,Matthews, Cortez Saguaro GraceCoolidge CarlHigh HighCourt HaydenSchool, HighSchool, School, SchoolHigh Glendale Scottsdale PhoenixSchool,Phoenix Mrs. LettieBarbaraJeanof VocationalRiggs, Noe Border, Cale, Willcox Education Chairman,Assistant High School AssistantSupervisor, StateDepartmentSupervisor, of Education, Department Division of Education, ofVocational Division Mks. ChristineEducation Salmon, Head, Design Sectioniiof Home Economics, Oklahoma State University TABLE OF CONTENTS page no. TopicalMatrixSuggestedIntroductionForeward ofOutline SequenceHousing and Statement - Evaluation of Curriculum Device Philosophy vixiiv 1. BibliographyTopicalNature andOutline Housing of Man 1 2..BibliographyHousingTopicalCurriculum AsOutline AMaterials Modification of Envirbnment 12 3. TopicalEffectsAppendixCurriculum Outlineof HousingMaterials on People 68 AppendixBibliographyCurriculum Materials of Housing and Furnishings 86 4. AppendixTopicalExpressionCurriculumBibliography Outline andMaterials Creativity Through Design 5. CurriculumBibliographyTopicalConsumer Outline Decisions Materials Related to Housing 121 6. AppendixTopicalExplorationHousing Outline and of Furnishings Professional and SupportiveCareers Related to 160 7. BibliographyCurriculumGeneral Appendices Materials for Teacher Referenceiii 175 "What is gained if a man's house and garden are splendid,FOREWORD buttraffic,cmq jets,tigtPABLE and Whatsmog-laden is gained, air assaultmoreover, his makeshealthyfromifenjbvment a theman'sa house environmentdiscourse of house them?more and goodthan Noto garden fencesupportgovernmentmere areshelter."is it highremote and,requires? enough hopefully,fromSo saystohisNo protect work,thehouse, to March, enhancedistant ahowever house 1968 it. from fromfine,House Itfine those iscanand schools,the standGarden.intruders. physical alone. far fromand It socialgood requires theatre,environment a whole removed andthat EnvironmentaltunitylivingThe forestablishes Shelter students Housing, an theindividualof and.alllife Lifeages style -.7.r Stylesto: or family mode are ofselectsdesigned living and to unique theaid mannerteachersto that in whichpersonin planning theor group.environment programsThese thatis curriculummodified provide by theguidelines, day oppor- to day Comprehend - the presenteffortsbasic housing andof manfuture needsto modifytrends of people, hisin urbanenvironment, and ruralhousing,quality of living assumed by each individual, theevolving technologyneedeffectsrole forof life ofhousingcreativity ofhousingstyle present in of onrelation inan and people surroundingsindividual future toand cultural designthe or as resultingfamily, a materials heritage,satisfying andstage means methodsinof the self offamily constructingexpression, life cycle, housing, al..d the Identify - - theof levelscareerneed quality for ofopportunities maintenancetoquality the living in housing,relatedand style repair, tooffurnishings housing anand individual andand furnishings. equipmentorfamily. for the home, and the relationship Apply - - knowledgeprinciplesdesigna satisfying principles and of skilldecisionlife creatively style,to createmaking by beautyto relating selection as wellhis of values,as housing utilityheritageandin furnishings, the andhome. resources and toward providing Analyze - - housingtheArizona, effectallocation problems of various of in human relation cultural and materialto patternsthe needs resources on and the desires todevelopmentprovidingof people, of the housing componentsand and furnishings of housing. in forresources.futuristic thatThe partHome approachBy ofEconomics adapting Arizona to people Staffthesewhere throughmaterials,learninghe finds the ashimself. the publishingto teacherhowbestof throughmeet these their in-servicecurriculum housing educationguidelinesneeds in relationdesigns establishes histo theircustom arealistic desirescurriculum and iv EducationE. L. Dorr, and Associate Director Superintendentof Vocational EducationforCareer Housing is a reflection of man's modificationINTRODUCTION of his environment.To the extent.4r that man has avidual.housedesiredshelter. style atop whichtoHe Mana live mayhigh alludeschooses temporarilymore rise comfortably tohisbuilding. nature housing select only away fromMana lifein fromhas alternativesthe style never thedistant elementswhichbefore rangingclouds communes enjoyedof hisonfrom thewithsurroundings,such the horizon nature atent privilege forbeyondand hecamping thehas forthe following beingselected tallto thebuildingsso hisweekpent-indi- migrantandofchoose the an cement environmentthefarmer inner and may citysteel wishwhich rather offor are the morethansimple city. modificationthe and countrySome with individuals littleinof whichnature show to havethan ofabide. materialism.electedis availableMany to Indiansadopt toOn him;thefamily continue other butcontinue living he handtocould prefertopatternsthe live muchretirementtosurroundings,the another. simplelike their community,life as forefathers. ofwould the or bewide be expected forcedopenThe reservation seniortoas livethe citizen individualwith lama children may to choosemovesthe inconfines fromato setting live one of inphase thequite a condominium,cityof differentthe and family fromeven life previousa cycle alternativescreativelylivingculturalThe around individual'sbackgrounds adapt have them. tobeen the Thiswhich ormade environment. family's is notavailable not only toheritage sayinfluence originallyThe
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