Hodges Ruin: A Hohokam Community in the Tucson Basin Item Type Book; text Authors Kelly, William H. Publisher University of Arizona Press (Tucson, AZ) Rights Copyright © Arizona Board of Regents Download date 08/10/2021 06:31:49 Link to Item http://hdl.handle.net/10150/595468 ANTHROPOLOGICAL PAPERS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA NUMBER 30 THE HODGES RUIN a Hohokam Community in the Tucson Basin ISABEL T. KELLY with the collaboration of James E. Officer & Emil W. Haury edited by Gayle Harrison Hartmann lfl THE UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA PRESS TUCSON, ARIZONA 1978 Aboutthe Author . .. ISABEL T. KELLY has headed field expeditions in the southwestern United States, Mexico, Bolivia, and Pakistan during her nearly fifty-year career in archaeology and anthropology. After receiving a doctorate from the University of California at Berkeley in 1932, she began ethnographic research among the Southern Paiute and Coast Miwok Indians of California. Other fieldwork dur­ ing the 1930s included the Hodges Ruin excavation in Tucson, and applied anthropology projects in West Mexico. In 1940 Dr. Kelly moved to Mexico, where she has been involved in independent research since 1960. THE UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA PRESS Copyright© 1978 The Arizona Board of Regents All Rights Reserved Manufactured in the U.S.A. I.S.B.N.0-8165-0619-1 L. C. No. 78-4029 Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data Kelly, Isabel Truesdell, 1906-. The Hodges Ruin. (AnthropoJigical papers of the University of Arizona; no. 30) Bibliography: p. Includes index. 1. Hodges Ruin, Ariz. I. Officer, James E., joint author. II. Haury, Emil Walter, 1904- joint author. III. Hartmann, Gayle Harrison. IV. Title. V. Series: Arizona. University. Anthropo­ logical papers; no. 30. E99.H68K44 979.1'77 78-4029 ISBN 0-8165-0619-1 CONTENTS LIST OF FIGURES v 5. CERAMIC ARTIFACTS 78 PREFACE AND ACKNOWLEDGMENTS vii Human Figurines 78 1. INTRODUCTION General Characteristics 78 Site Location Dating of Specimens 82 Summary of Excavations 3 Animal Figurines 82 Relationship to the Gila Basin 3 Worked Sherds 83 Spindle Whorls 85 2. BALL COURT 5 Reel-shaped Objects 85 3. HOUSES 6 Ear Plug 85 Classification 7 Pot Rests 85 Superposition and Dating 7 Pot Covers 85 Tanque Verde Phase Houses 11 Rincon Phase Houses 12 6. STONE 86 Rillito Phase Houses 13 Introduction 86 Canada del Oro Phase Houses 15 Abrading Tools 86 Snaketown Phase Houses 15 Reamers 86 Summary of Stratigraphic Evidence Knives 86 from House Superposition 16 "Medicine Stones" 87 Awl 87 4. CERAMICS 18 Polishing Stones 87 Painted Pottery 18 Whetstones 87 Pioneer Period: Sweetwater Red-on-gray 18 Grooved Stone 87 Pioneer Period: Snaketown Red-on-buff 20 Saws (sickles or grass knives) 87 Colonial Period: Canada del Oro Hoe 88 Red-on-brown 22 Anvil 88 Colonial Period: Rillito Red-on-brown 29 Chipped Implements 89 Colonial Period: Picacho Red-on-brown 39 Drills 89 Sedentary Period: Rincon Red-on-brown 39 Projectiles 89 Classic Period: Tanque Verde Red-on-brown 48 Knives 91 Comparison with Hohokam and Scrapers 91 Mogollon Decorated Ceramics 59 Ground Implements 91 Redware 67 Axes and Hammerstones 91 Pioneer Period, Snaketown Phase 67 Metates 93 Colonial Period, Rillito Phase 67 Manos 93 Sedentary Period, Rincon Phase 67 Mortars 95 Classic Period, Tanque Verde Phase 67 Pestles 95 Unplaced Redware 69 Shaped Stones 95 Plainware 69 Stone Rings 96 Pioneer Period, Snaketown Phase 72 Discoidals 97 Colonial Period, Canada del Oro Phase 73 Bowls 97 Colonial Period, Rillito Phase 74 Undecorated 97 Sedentary Period, Rincon Phase 75 Incised 99 Classic Period, Tanque Verde Phase 75 Effigy 99 Remarks 76 Effigies 100 Intrusive Pottery 77 Snaketown Comparison 100 iv Contents 7. PALETTES AND STONE ORNAMENTS 101 9. BONE, TEXTILES, AND Palettes 101 VEGETAL REMAINS 121 Mosaic and Painted Plaques 107 Bone 121 Other Mosaic Work 108 Textiles 122 Ornaments 108 Vegetal Remains 122 Beads 108 Pendants 108 Miscellaneous Ornaments 108 10. DISPOSAL OF THE DEAD 123 Inhumations 123 8. SHELL 110 Cremations 123 Shell Trade IlO Sweetwater Phase 123 Unworked Shell III Snaketown Phase 123 Worked Shell Il2 Canada del Oro Phase 124 Utilitarian Il2 Rillito Phase 124 Ornamental Il2 Rincon Phase 124 Ceremonial 120 Tanque Verde Phase 124 Painted Shell 120 Unplaced 125 Etched Shell 120 Summary 125 II. CONCLUDING THOUGHTS 126 REFERENCES 129 INDEX 131 TABLES 1.1 Ceramic Sequences for the Hodges Site and 4.Il Phase Distribution or'Certain Decorated the Gila Basin 4 Vessel Forms in the Gila Basin and 3.1 House Types 8 at the Hodges Site 66 3.2 House Superposition 9 4.12 Redware: Incidence of Vessel Form 69 3.3 Phase Identification of Houses 10 4.13 Plainware: Incidence of Vessel Form 72 Pottery Types Found at the Hodges Site 4.1 18 4.14 Phase Distribution of Certain Plainware 4.2 Sweetwater Red-on-gray: Statistics of Vessel Vessel Forms in the Gila Basin and Form 19 at the Hodges Site 76 4.3 Snaketown Red-on-Buff: Statistics of Vessel 4.15 Intrusive Pottery 77 Form 21 4.4 Canada del Oro Red-on-Brown: Statistics of 5.1 Phase Distribution of Figurine Styles 81 Vessel Form 25 5.2 Phase Distribution of Worked Sherds, Spindle 4.5 Rillito Red-on-Brown: Statistics of Vessel Whorls, and Related Worked Ceramics 83 Form (bowls and scoops) 31 7.1 Phase Distribution of Stone Beads and 4.6 Rillito Red-on-Brown: Statistics of Vessel Ornaments 109 Form (jars, vases, and effigies) 32 8.1 Kinds and Frequencies of Whole Shell Beads Il2 4.7 Rincon Red-on-Brown: Statistics of Vessel 8.2 Kinds and Frequencies of Disc Beads 114 Form (bowls and scoops) 41 8.3 Kinds and Frequencies of Whole Shell Pendants 115 4.8 Rincon Red-on-Brown: Statistics of Vessel Form (jars) 43 8.4 Kinds and Frequencies of Cut Shell Pendants Il6 4.9 Tanque Verde Red-on-Brown: Statistics of 8.5 Kinds and Frequencies ofGlycymeris Shell Vessel Form (bowls) 48 Pendants Il7 4.10 Tanque Verde Red-on-Brown: Statistics of 8.6 Kinds and Frequencies of Plain Shell Vessel Form (jars and effigies) 51 Bracelets Il8 FIGURES 1.1 Location of the Hodges site x 4.13 Rillito Red-an-brown: Bowl and scoop forms 30 1.2 Site map 2 4.14 Rillito Red-an-brown: Jar, vase, and effigy forms 32 Rillito Red-on-brown: Design elements 33 2.1 Plan and section of ball court 5 4.15 4.16 Rillito Red-on-brown: Bowls and jars 34 4.17 Rillito Red-an-brown: Hatching 35 3.1 House withbumed posts still in place 6 4.18 Rillito Red-an-brown: Scrolls 36 3.2 House superposition: Houses 41,45,50, 4.19 Rillito Red-an-brown: Various design 51,and52 8 elements 37 3.3 House 60: Tanque Verde phase 11 4.20 Picacho Red-on-brown: Plate 39 3.4 House superposition: Houses 60, 61, 67, and 68 11 4.21 Rincon Red-on-brown: Bowl and scoop forms 40 3.5 House 23: Tanque Verde phase 12 4.22 Rincon Red-an-brown: Jar forms 42 3.6 House 33: Tanque Verde phase 12 4.23 Rincon Red-an-brown: Bowls, scoops, and 3.7 House 3 House sup7: Rincon phase 13 effigy 44 3.8 House 55: Rincon phase 13 4.24 Rincon Red-an-brown: Bowl, jar, and effigy 3.9 House 59: Rincon phase 13 sherds 45 3.10 House 65: Transitional between Rillito and 4.25 Rincon Red-on-brown: Bowls and jars 46 Rincon phases 14 4.26 "Cortaro Red-an-brown": Bowl interior 47 3.11 House 41: Rillito phase 14 4.27 Tanque Verde Red-an-brown: Bowl forms 49 3.12 House 47: Unplaced, three-step entry 14 4.28 Tanque Verde Red-on-brown: Jar and effigy 3.13 House 47: View of three-step entry 15 forms 50 3.14 House 40: Canada del Oro phase 15 4.29 Tanque Verde Red-on-brown: Jars 51 3.15 House 51: Canada del Oro phase 15 4.30 Tanque Verde Red-on-brown: Jars 52 3.16 House 52: Canada del Oro phase 16 4.31 Tanque Verde Red-on-brown: Effigy vessels 53 3.17 House 80: Canada del Oro phase 16 4.32 Human figurine fragment from floor of 3.18 House 50: Snaketown phase 16 Tanque Verde phase House 42 53 3.19 House 38: Snaketown phase or earlier 17 4.33 Tanque Verde Red-an-brown: Band designs 54 4.34 Tanque Verde Red-an-brown: Bowls 55 4.1 Sweetwater Red-an-gray: Vessel farms 19 4.35 Tanque Verde Red-an-brown: Bowls 56 4.2 Sweetwater Red-an-gray: Interior and exterior 4.36 Tanque Verde Red-an-brown: Bowls 56 decoration 20 4.37 Tanque Verde Red-an-brown: Bowls 56 4.3 Snaketown Red-an-buff: Vessel forms 21 4.38 Tanque Verde Red-an-brown: Interior bowl 4.4 Snaketown Red-on-buff: Vessel designs 22 borders 57 4.5 Snake town Red-an-buff: Design elements 23 4.39 Tanque Verde Red-on-brown: Exterior jar 4.6 Snaketown Red-an-buff and Canada del Oro necks 58 Red-on-brown: Vessels 24 4.40 Developmental chart of decorated vessel 4.7 Canada del Oro Red-an-brown: Vessel forms 25 forms 60 4.8 Canada del Oro Red-on-brown: Design 4.41 Developmental chart of motifs 63 elements 26 4.42 Redware shapes: Snaketown through Tanque 4.9 Canada del Oro Red-on-brown: Design Verde phases and unplaced 68 elements 27 4.43 Developmental chart of plain ware forms 70 4.10 Canada del Oro Red-on-brown: Life forms 28 4.44 Snaketown plainware: Jar rims 73 4.11 Canada del Oro Red-an-brown: Skewed 4.45 Canada del Oro and Rillito plainware: Jar rims 73 quartering design 28 4.46 Rillito plainware: Mortuary vessels 74 4.12 Canada del Oro Red-on-brown: Serration 29 4.47 Rincon plainware: Jar rims 75 [ v ] vi Figures 5.1 Figurines: Canada del Oro phase and 6.16 Stone bowls: Undecorated 98 unplaced 78 6.17 Stone bowls: Incised 98 5.2 Figurines: Various phases 78 6.18 Stone bowls and effigy 99 5.3 Figurines: U nplaced as to phase 79 6.19 Incidence of placed stone implements and bowls 5.4 Developmental chart of figurines 80 through time at Hodges and Snaketown 100 5.5 Representative unplaced figurines 81 5.6 Animal figurines 83 7.1 Palettes:
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