1920 . .. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-ROUSE. .Katie M. Spencer, New Milford. George N. Burckhalte:r, Butler. Clifford E. Chapman, Niantic. William A. Leroy, rQanonsburg. Frederick A.. Reiner, Sandy Hook. William E. Tobias, Clearlield. Edwa:rd :M. O'Brien, Waterbury. Peter Z. Kramer, Coplay:. William .I. Wood, Westport. Clarence L. Sadle1·, Elizabeth. John O'Rourke, 'Villimantic. ' 1\Iation ·C. Hemmig, Elverson. DELAWABE. Charles Brian, Falls Greek. Oharles H. 'Lapsley, Glassport. \Villiam C. Day, Edgemoor. John T. "Painter, Greensburg. V. Harry Tubbs, Selbyville. Elwood l\I. Ludwick, Roney .Brook. GEORGIA. John J. Gorman, Houtzdale. George E. Youmans, Adrian. ·George J. Tharp, Liverpool. 1\lazie Brett, Alamo. Casper C. Nickel., Loy~ville. Wesley ·S. Kickliter, Alma. · John S. Sheirich, Mill.ersville. Frances E. Chapman, Buena Yista. Fairlie l\I. De Lancey, Newport. John W. Moore, -Crawford. William J. Muir, Shamokin. ·walter B. Cheatham, Dawson. Horace L. Cobb, Ulysses. Louis S. Marlin, Doerun. Jacob T. Born, Wilmerding. William A. Adams, Fitzgerald. William D. Werkheiser, Windgap. John W. Lane, Franklin. Christian Henderson, Woodlawn. Aaron C. Aldridge, Glennville. .Harvey F. Sowers, Yatesboro. Augusta Glover, Monticello. Jacob L. Hershey, Youngwood. Robert L. Callan, Norman Park. PORTO RIOO. John T; Bird, Oxford. · Thomas E. Dixon, Pavo. Eugenio C. 1\1anautou, Caguas. .Henry W. McWhorter, Summerville. Juan Padovani, Guayama . l\Iarijo McMillan, ·Sycamore. .Arturo G. Molina, Juncos. .Alexander S. ;Boone, Toomsboro. Rogue Rodriguez, Ponce. Maude D. Thompson, Ty Ty. Ramon Alfonzo Rivera, San Juan. Juan Vissepo Hernandez, San Sebastian. IDAHO. J o e l\1. AIcover, Utuado. Clarence P. Smith, Eden. \Villiam P. Shinn, Filer. Herbert D. Cheney, Gooding. REJECTION. Hannah H. Bills, Kimberly. Executit:e nomination 1·ejected by the Be;n,a..te February .q, 1920 •. John C. De La Mare, Oakley. POSTMASTER. Amanda 0. Holmes, Plummer. KENTUCKY. Homer \V. Woodall, Soda Springs, Michael A. Stronk, Twin Falls. James M. Williams, Frankfort. Charlie A. 'Miller, Wendell. KENTUCKY. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. 'Villirun F. Am.is, Barbourville. Henry Wbelan, Beardstown. WEDNESDAY, Februa/l'Y 4, 19130. Iva K. Dowd, Berry. Charles W. Alexander, jr., Burkesville. The House met at 12 o'clock noon. Tiobert E. Wallace, Greenville. The Chaplain, Rev. Henry N. Couden, D. D., offered the fol- ' Jesse Olive, Marion. lowing prayer : · . 1\farie C. Hagan, Kew Raven. Father in heaven, come ·yery close to us as we thus seek Thy \ViUiam A. Ward, Paintsville. presence. By Thy wisdom guide us, by Thy power uphold us, Louis T. Cain, Taylorsville. by Thy love purify us, that with brave .and wanly hearts we ~ Nehemiah M. Webb, ·whitesburg. may meet the issues of life as they unfold themselves. MASSACHUSET'I:S. The weight -of a great Nation is resting upon the shoulders Fred C. Small, Buzz.ards Bay. of these Thy servants. More than a hundred millions of people Isbelle Crocker, Cotuit. are hanging breathless upon its fate. May the acts of the Harold F. Hanigan, Duxbury. Members of this House follow the lead of the great statesmen Chestina B. Robbins, East Templeton. of the past and inspire to happiness and prosperity fo our Re- · Frank W. Philbriclr, Lancaster. ,public and for all the world. In tbe spirit of the Master. _Amen. · Carroll L. Bessom, Mansfield. The Journal of the proceedings of yesterday was read and Walter L. Hickey, Randolph. approved. l\USSISSl.PP.l. MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES. William L. Atkins, Mathiston. A message from the President of the United States, b-y 1\lr. Thomas \V. Cooper, Purvis. Sharkey, one of his secretaries, announced that the President I WSSOUlU. had app1·oved a.nd signed bills of the following titles: Henry F. Kratzer, Festus. On January 17, 1920: . H. R. 484. An act to provide for the erection of a Federal ~EW Mn:ICO. office building on the site acquired for the Subtreasury in St. Clara J. Larsen, Capitan. J;ouis, Mo. ; John W. 'Veils, Carlsbad. H.lt. 3175. An act authorizing local drainage districts to drain .Annie P. Davis, Melrose. certain public lands in the State of Arkansas, counties of l\fis- . William G. Johnson, Roy. sissippi and Po-insett, and -subjecting said rands to taxation ; NEW YORK. H. R. 7752. An act relating to detached service of officers of the Regular Army; and Alfred H. ~Ford, Berkshire. Fred G. Griffin, Candor. H. R. 8084, An act granting to certain claimants the preferced Rudolph F. Chappuis, Dryden. right to purchase certain alleged public lands in the State .of James A. Moore, Hammondsport. Arkansas, and for other purposes. On January 23, 1920: Arthur C. !loyer, Pboeni~. John Cronin, Portville. H. R. 9089. An act releasing the claim of the United States Asa C. Rowland, Salamanea. Government to the block or square of land in the city of Fort A. RaymoJad Cornwall, Watertown. Smith, in the State of Arkansas, upon which is situated the old Federal jail, to the city of Fort Smith for a site fur a conven­ PENNSYLVANIA.. tion hall, eommunity building, or other public purposes·; and J:oseph R. Brown, A vella. H . .R. 9183. All act authorizillg the Secretary of the Treasury William H. Harper, Avondale. to adjust the terms of the contract for the sale of the old _post- . .Emilie D. Stoneback, Black Lick. _office property in New Haven, Conn. .. I r ;2448 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE. FEBRUARY .4, I . On .January 24, 1920: Now, Mr. Speaker, notice that these Americnn citizens belong­ H. R 2980. An act to increase the efficiency of the Military ing to this Bricklayers' Union No. 1, of Washington, D. C., were E~tnblishment of the United States; ~ not requested to voluntarily come but were ordered to be there H. R.10137. An act to amend an act entitled "An act to at the UniQn Station at L30 o'clock sharp, to do what? To march classify· the officers and members of the fire department of the in a " beer and wine " parade, protesting against national prohi­ District of Columbia, and for other purposes," approved June bition, in connection with the public threat made by Mr. Gompers 20, lDOG, and for other purposes · and that the members of organized labor would not stand for their H. R.10331. An act to amend an act entitled "An act malting beer and wine to be taken from them, when many of the members appropriations for the support of the .Army .. for ' the fiscal year of this union are likely sober prohibitionists who sincerely be­ ending June 30, 1919," appr,oved July-9, 1918. lieve in and approve the constitutional amendment providing for On J &.nuary 27, 1920 ~ national prohibition. And what was the penalty? ·, If any good H. R. 1216. An act to amend an act entitled "An act to pro­ prohibitionist· member· of this union refused to leave his ' work~ vtde aid to State or Territorial homes for the support of disabled and be at the Union Stationj)romptly at 1.30, to march in this soldiers and sailors of the United States," approved August· 27, "beer and wine" parade staged by Mr. Gompers against the Con­ 1888, as amended March 2, ~889. stitution of.his country, he was notified that he would be fined On February 3, 1920: ,. · according to article 24, section' 10, of said union. : Now,' which of H. R.1160G. A.n act to 1 authorize ~ the county of Fountain, in us told. the troth.,. •Mr. ' Gompers or myself? I said they either I the State of Indiana, to-construct a bridge across the Wabash had to ma.rch·or.be fined. Mr. Gompers snys I lied. I have pro­ ·River at the city of Attica, Fountain County; !nd. - duced the proof. QUESTION OE 'PEBSONAL PRIVILEGE. In the same issue of said Washington Star, under said hend, appears the following: The SPEAKER. The Chair will now recognize the gentleman Plasterers and cement finishers, members of Local 9G will assemble from Texas. at Fifth and F Streets NW., at 1.45, to participate in' the Flag Day 1\Ir. BLANTON. Mr. Speaker, I submitted the matter to the demonstrat~on of labor against prohibition. Speaker which shows a question of privilege, and I understand J. H. ELLIOTT, President. the Speaker holds it is a question of privilege. E. P. FINN, Secretary. The SPEAKER. The gentleman did submit it to the Speaker, And, 1\Ir. Speaker, such union-labor notices of like tenor ap­ but the Chair thinks the gentleman had better submit it to the peared in other 'Va.shington newspapers; for instance, in the House, so that it can be done with the knowledge of the House. 'Vashington Times (final) iss~e of June 13, 1919, column 5, Mr·. BLANTON. Mr. Speaker, on January 29, 1920, I made page 25, under special notices. As president of the American certain charges concerning tlie war record of 1\Ir. Samuel Federation of Labor, Mr. Gompers is thoroughly familiar with Gompers, president of the American Federation of Labor, most the provision of said article 24, section 10, cited by said Brick­ of which I had previously made on January 24, 1920, before layers' Union; and knows that under same, when such union the Committee on Rules. Concerning those charges in the daily orders its members to act, for any failure to respond they can be Washington Herald of February 2 appears this heading: fined from $5 up. I do not blame him for·wanting to keep knowl­ edge of such matters from the general public. Texas Member flayed by Gompers-Says Blanton "Knows not truth and would not tell it it he did." It is just such autocratic domineering of union members, at­ tempting to force sober prohibitionists to march in a " beer and The SPEAI\:ER.
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